That's absolutely nothing. My project is well over 60,000 lines already just for the game engine alone. And I haven't even gotten to the actual gameplay code yet (that's a long way off though, compared to my current progress). I've been trying to build the "perfect DKC engine" since 2005, and I finally am on a version I can stick with (no crappy user interface and no sluggishness). *EDITED5000 lines of code
Simion32 wrote:It seems there are a lot of us trying to do exactly this.
Very, very nice for a first trial demo!
Of course my efforts are much longer and drawn out, and I basically took it to the top of all possible expectations.That's absolutely nothing. My project is well over 60,000 lines already just for the game engine alone. And I haven't even gotten to the actual gameplay code yet (that's a long way off though, compared to my current progress). I've been trying to build the "perfect DKC engine" since 2005, and I finally am on a version I can stick with (no crappy user interface and no sluggishness). *EDITED5000 lines of code
leo_core wrote:I liked what I saw, also liked seeing his determination.
I hope you go ahead with your DKC Construct project, make a fan of DKC game is really tough. You want to put what kongs playable on your project?
Well a lot of the code in both DELTA and DKCRE undergoes renovations every so often due to some spurious codebase enhancement that I pulled out of the blue. Then there's the NitroGUI code which probably is over half of those 60K lines, and I'm not finished with that (have a long ways to go before I have anything as close to as easy as the .NET form builder - but I think it's possible to some degree).djsubtronic wrote:Thanks. Yeah, 5000 isn't a lot but it was mostly unreusable code, very inefficient, and kinda poor to be honest. That was only with the limited functionality it had. It would have ended up a complete mess if I tried to complete it. I am very impressed by what I've seen of your projects. Do you plan to release your engine?
Simion32 wrote:(...) quote removed by moderator
leo_core wrote:I'm enjoying seeing the evolution of your project! If I may make a suggestion, use the same font banana counter from Snes DKC, is much better visually.
djsubtronic wrote:As for the DKC font, I actually did try it but Construct hasn't got the feature to use images as a number counter like MMF2. I might see if there is a plugin or something. Or do you know if there is a font available?
Phyreburnz wrote:It seems like the barrels in the water should bob up and down more when you jump on them.
I noticed that you mentioned using two Kongs for your game; what other Kong were you going to use?
I absolutely love this project so far! I love watching your updates!
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