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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

wow awsome the idea to have more than one partner which is following you. But when I was watching your new video it gave me an idea. Maybe your game should be playable like new super marion game. I mean 2 players at the same time. It could be an option that you choose when we make a new game. For Ex...
by slym
September 2nd, 2013, 4:45 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

today I read the story line of those 3 Donkey Kong Country release on GBA and I discovered that Wrinkly, Kong the old lady, had passed away :dixiecry: between Donkey Kong Country 3 and Donkey Kong 64, maybe there is something to do with this in the story of Donkey Kong Country 4 Kong return. What do...
by slym
May 16th, 2013, 11:07 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

just for being sure you know this major lag that i notice: 1. you can press start when your kong do the winning song so that just bug the game and the next level doesn't unlock 2. you can press the button to put a kong on your shoulder when you are in minecart 3. i not sure about this one but it hap...
by slym
December 17th, 2012, 5:48 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

First impression, fuc"$*% Hard :P secondly, there is a lot bug that make the game a bit unplayable there is some screenshot about it: 1.PNG 2.png 4.png 5.png i find a lot more bug, most of them was in minecart level, and barrel blast level to conclude, the beta was awesome i really liked play i...
by slym
December 16th, 2012, 3:31 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Yeah!!! release !!!!

but you link is death so in can't download it =(
by slym
December 16th, 2012, 8:10 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

BAMM!!!! 0 day...

Where is the game of the years :( :cry:
by slym
December 16th, 2012, 5:52 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

5 days :thumbs: :funky: B/ :!:
by slym
December 11th, 2012, 3:51 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

as promise there is my new list (i add some suggestion :) ) all the test i did, are with the original game DKC1 on Snes some of these following lag/glitch or thing to fixed was already there before the fixed updated 1. When kongs rolls and jump after the ''boost'' is to high they are...
by slym
December 1st, 2012, 6:15 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

I think you guys should make the first post where you can find all the downloads easily. Have them like version 1 and then the first download, then version 2 and the second download, and so on. Here is the new list of things that need fixed, some are repeats other lists: 1) When using a heavy K...
by slym
November 30th, 2012, 9:41 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

wow fast fix :P nice job there still have some glitch but mostly have disappear
by slym
November 29th, 2012, 4:58 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

First of all, Awsoooome!! :thumbs: Secondly i know you said in the game there is a lot of bug but i just made a list for being sure I'm not crazy :P 1. camera don't really work perfectly as all DKC games 2. When you don't run and you just roll and jump i think the jump go really to far or the moveme...
by slym
November 28th, 2012, 9:02 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

7 days later ... the earth still waiting for this video :rant:
maybe they became zombie during this week? :scratch:

well i'm just kidding but i would like to know what you met by we will SOOON post a video

stop torture us please :kiddysad:
by slym
November 26th, 2012, 2:49 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country Revisited (Fangame)

i'm agree with phyreburnz , making a new combo like Diddy-Kiddy, Dixie-DK, DK-Kiddy could be cool :swanky:
by slym
November 12th, 2012, 8:45 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Revisited (Fangame)
Replies: 94
Views: 212311

Re: Donkey Kong Country Revisted (Fangame)

wow awsome work you should tell some advice for the water to leo core because your water is really amazing
by slym
November 4th, 2012, 5:24 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Revisited (Fangame)
Replies: 94
Views: 212311

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

personaly i can deal with or without this new skill. i don't like it because it's new but i like it because it is new so i can't help you on it. But it is really a good idea and i can't wait for the demo its seems too amazing
by slym
October 27th, 2012, 6:30 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

cool i'm happy to learn that all is right ^^ thanks you for answer that fast
by slym
October 3rd, 2012, 8:47 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

5 days without any news :kiddysad: :( ... what happen now with the project? :scratch:
by slym
October 3rd, 2012, 3:02 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

ha ok i didn't know that (the color changing)

and thanks you ^^ i'm happy to help you in this project haha if i can call it a help
by slym
September 17th, 2012, 6:19 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

that all :( i tought there will be more that not enough i need more haha . whatever that really a great job continue like that i can't wait for the real beta ^^ :thumbs: EDIT1:i saw something weird on that beta test i don't know if it is normal that why i will ask. Diddy and dixies have their sprite...
by slym
September 16th, 2012, 3:29 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

hi aryelshark,

yes we all like your level and I'm happy to learn you will make more of them but just one thing i hope you will stay as possible, in DKC theme like your last level we saw on youtube if you continue this way all gonna be awesome :P

seriously great job
by slym
June 2nd, 2012, 2:21 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

wow nice work phyreburnz these sprite are just perfect :P
by slym
May 31st, 2012, 4:06 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

first react about this new video =D first the comment i will say is just a good critic for helping you guys making a perfect game :P. so, first look all seems awesome new stage, new original song who stay in DKC theme. the teaming system is perfect but one thing could be questionable, when dixie has...
by slym
May 30th, 2012, 3:47 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

ok ok i see thank you
by slym
May 29th, 2012, 3:31 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

hi, i was checking some of your video about DCK4 and i tought something.I don't know if it is a good idea, you guys could add a map editor in the game it could be fun and it will increase the playing time of your game. Maybe not work on its right now for the beta but maybe later at the end of the pr...
by slym
May 28th, 2012, 9:04 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

9 days without news =(
by slym
May 21st, 2012, 6:31 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

lol you got the same idea as me i bought a USB snes controler just for play at this game haha :lol:
by slym
May 12th, 2012, 9:54 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

wow really nice job but i saw that the buddies don't grab the swinging rope like in DKC1, I think you should fixed that and all will be perfect :)

Continue your great job guys!
by slym
May 9th, 2012, 10:04 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

well if you planned to add tiny kong you should add lanky and chunky kong but i don't think it's a good idea there 3 kong isn't in original dkc
by slym
April 29th, 2012, 8:04 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

hi 2 thing, first, I'm new there so i just want to put a little word to say AWESOME your project is really awesome i already thought to make a similar game but I'm too lazy ... :P continue your great job second, will you make a new release soon it will be appreciate a lot I'm too upset to play at th...
by slym
April 25th, 2012, 2:29 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return
Replies: 1687
Views: 8197862

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