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Re: DKC2 hack: Donkey Kong Edition

Sadly I don't have much to contribute (besides opinions and bananas, of course), but let me just say how absolutely brilliant this idea is! It seems like all possible problems each have their own solution if you look hard enough. Not to mention everyones hard work and determination. Even with such a...
by Master clyde super
August 18th, 2014, 5:55 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC2 hack: Donkey Kong Edition
Replies: 82
Views: 502895

Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Amazing! Love it, and glad for the anniversary too.
by Master clyde super
February 15th, 2014, 10:54 am
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!
Replies: 44
Views: 180342

Re: Donkey Kong Country Revisted (Fangame)

Great progress so far :nicework:
I'd give you some tips on coding, but I have no idea how to do anything related to coding, so I'm not the best person for that :scratch:
by Master clyde super
November 4th, 2012, 7:32 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Revisited (Fangame)
Replies: 94
Views: 212283

DKC: Apoclyptic?

So, for quite some time, I've had a crazy theory: DKC is after the apoclypse. Of course, I look for traces of after-the-end possibilities in everything, so it's not crazy I did so in one of my favorite series. Here are some of my ideas: People have always said that monkeys evolved into humans. I alw...
by Master clyde super
November 4th, 2012, 7:20 am
Forum: Storyline/Continuity
Topic: DKC: Apoclyptic?
Replies: 1
Views: 10000

Re: My 3D DK Characters

Perhaps you could do something more with these? The shop idea seems cool, but wouldn't that be illegal?
by Master clyde super
August 9th, 2012, 12:49 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: My 3D DK Characters
Replies: 189
Views: 531239

Re: DKL: Should we consider this series canon?

I don't think any of the Mario games are canon. Maybe a few, but, eh.
by Master clyde super
August 9th, 2012, 12:32 pm
Forum: Storyline/Continuity
Topic: DKL: Should we consider this series canon?
Replies: 19
Views: 62670

Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Well, I just meant that most DKC lovers don't really like DK64 too well.
by Master clyde super
August 9th, 2012, 10:51 am
Forum: Donkey Kong 64
Topic: Am I the only one that likes DK64?
Replies: 10
Views: 28442

Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Title says it all. I LOVE DK64, and I love the DKC series. Infact, the later is my favorite 2D platformer series, and DK64 is one of my fav 3D platformers (behind SM64 and the Banjo-Kazooie series). So, I'm wondering :scratch:, am I the only one here that likes DK634?
- The MCS :funky:
by Master clyde super
August 9th, 2012, 10:31 am
Forum: Donkey Kong 64
Topic: Am I the only one that likes DK64?
Replies: 10
Views: 28442

Re: You know that you are addicted to DKC when...

179. You buy DKC from eBay just because you broke your old one from playing it too much. :oops:
by Master clyde super
January 29th, 2012, 2:01 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: You know that you are addicted to DKC when...
Replies: 258
Views: 765787

Re: My 3D DK Characters

I like these!!!
Maybe you can do K. Rool, Diddy, Kiddy, Dixie, a banana, Cranky Kong or anything else!!! These talentedness should not got to waste.
by Master clyde super
January 28th, 2012, 10:11 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: My 3D DK Characters
Replies: 189
Views: 531239

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

OK, um, well, I had a dream one time...
I was 10 again, and I was on a playground. Then some worms came around and threw up goop. Anyone that touched it would get SUPAHPOWERS!!! But I didn't have enough time before I had to go bac- :geek:
MEMERY BANKS CANNO- k in the schiik,
by Master clyde super
January 27th, 2012, 2:18 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10265594

Re: What can you spot in the DKC trilogy's scenery?

LOL, random Zinger at the top. Doesn't look natural, does it?
Also, some person from another country posted earlier, why is it that no one replied?
by Master clyde super
January 27th, 2012, 1:57 pm
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: What can you spot in the DKC trilogy's scenery?
Replies: 153
Views: 624157

Re: DKC Atlas Forum Rules - read before posting!

These are good rules, and I respect them. (oops, now I sound like a newb/noob. :oops: )
Also, is it possible to make it so that you must read the rules before posting? If so, you should :oops: make it do that.
by Master clyde super
January 27th, 2012, 1:22 pm
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: DKC Atlas Forum Rules - read before posting!
Replies: 45
Views: 920855

Re: My 3D DK Characters

These would be good for Nintendo to use (you working for Nintendo), since they should make another 3D DK Game.
by Master clyde super
January 20th, 2012, 12:07 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: My 3D DK Characters
Replies: 189
Views: 531239

Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

I was just saying that you might help a bit, maybe get more people active again.
by Master clyde super
October 31st, 2011, 12:50 pm
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas
Replies: 375
Views: 1102878

Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Ooh, 2 Month bump... OK, we should, like, organize. I was going to actualy DO the wiki and stuff. We might also need other forum's help, as, I'm sorry to say this, DK Atlas is kind of lonely. Not many posts seem to go around, probaly because you don't close old threads, making people more urgent. OK...
by Master clyde super
October 31st, 2011, 10:38 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas
Replies: 375
Views: 1102878

Re: Least Favorite Boss?

Ouch, it hurt my feelings...
(Execpt the saving-wherever-you-want part, keep that. :D )
by Master clyde super
October 31st, 2011, 5:42 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 2
Topic: Least Favorite Boss?
Replies: 25
Views: 79733

Re: Favorite Boss?

Dumb Drum for the looks. EPIC!!!! Way to easy, though.
K. Rool is the best for Gameplay. I was reading the credits and thought "These are fake. Maybe its an- OH MY GOSH!!!". Yes... :cry:
by Master clyde super
October 31st, 2011, 4:56 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Favorite Boss?
Replies: 43
Views: 97575

Re: Most hated level

Platform Perils: I LOVE IT!!! Hard, but, hey, what would you expect from the lastish level?
THe level with lights flicking on and off: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: -That about explains it.
Second level: Just annoying because of the rain. Mostly the sound.
by Master clyde super
October 31st, 2011, 4:40 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Most hated level
Replies: 50
Views: 137379


On other forums, they close topics that go on FOREVER without posts. If there aren't any posts since 2008 on a thread they would close it (You can't post there any more (This train don't stop here any more (Sorry random Elton John reference))) . This solves the bumping issue. And all closed one's go...
by Master clyde super
October 31st, 2011, 1:59 am
Forum: DKC Atlas Forum Discussion
Topic: Forum suggestions: layout, features, settings etc.
Replies: 250
Views: 944720

Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Um... To bad this project will never be completed. No offence, but no one is posting.
by Master clyde super
July 24th, 2011, 12:26 pm
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas
Replies: 375
Views: 1102878

Re: 500 things in DKC that aren't possible in real life

88: There are no bramble bunches that are big anough for monkeys to transferce .
89: In said bramble bunches, there are no giant bees or floating barrels.
90: If a Krocadile were to pick up metal barrel , they would not shoot barrels that would float continuity in a stait line.
by Master clyde super
January 11th, 2011, 11:19 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: 500 things in DKC that aren't possible in real life
Replies: 500
Views: 1060257

Re: (Fake) Endless Cheat to unlock Donkey Kong in DKC2.

See a hole. Stiff Cranky's mask in it and then go to Banjo-tooie using your magic Ferret. Then, go to Witchy-world and turn into the van. Now go back and ram into A Krash, then put the other 8 banana coins in the back of you. Now, you will get the last cog and you will turn into Mr.x. Use him to...
by Master clyde super
January 11th, 2011, 11:08 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: (Fake) Endless Cheat to unlock Donkey Kong in DKC2.
Replies: 715
Views: 1790053

Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Apoligy exepted.
by Master clyde super
January 10th, 2011, 11:45 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas
Replies: 375
Views: 1102878

Re: Shall we make a DKC 4?

Sorry for bump...
But I'm cooking up a horrid screenshot...
by Master clyde super
January 10th, 2011, 9:47 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Shall we make a DKC 4?
Replies: 49
Views: 115869

Re: DK643DS??

Sorry for bump.

How do you know they weren't going to have a VC DK64 game, but lost it or something?
And, also, Cranky could just totally skip the game and just give you it.
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 4:01 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong 64
Topic: DK643DS??
Replies: 36
Views: 102908

Re: Has Anyone Thought Of Making A Parody Of A TV Show?

Dk has to be Micheal.
Diddys Jm, and Dixies Pam.
Crankey kong Dwight, and ...other.
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 2:31 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Has Anyone Thought Of Making A Parody Of A TV Show?
Replies: 4
Views: 11122

Re: Introduce yourself!

l live in TX to ya.
I am new and my keyboard sucks.
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 2:07 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Introduce yourself!
Replies: 697
Views: 3045891

Re: The Donkey Kong Country Level Builder

I wish could do this, but ROMs always stink. Like my keyboard.
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 2:04 pm
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB General Discussion Topic
Replies: 541
Views: 2284430

Re: (Fake) Endless Cheat to unlock Donkey Kong in DKC2.

...You defeat the mini-ratasaurus, and a tie gea comes out of him. To find the last one, you must eat...
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 2:02 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: (Fake) Endless Cheat to unlock Donkey Kong in DKC2.
Replies: 715
Views: 1790053

Re: Donkey Kong Country Game Maker (With Download)

Somtimes DK would get stuck in ground.
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 1:59 pm
Forum: Post Mortuary
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Game Maker (With Download)
Replies: 15
Views: 38428

Re: What's The True Realtionship Between Cranky And DK?

Okay, he's his son AND Grandson.
Canky had a son who cloned himself. The son (DK junio) called him son, so now he's Crankys Son AND Grandson. ase discussed, topic closed.
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 1:54 pm
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: What's The True Realtionship Between Cranky And DK?
Replies: 49
Views: 127651

Re: Have you ever had your heart broken?

If you knew my age andI said Iad a heartbreak, you would pull my head off andkick it to England.
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 1:44 pm
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Have you ever had your heart broken?
Replies: 16
Views: 32435

Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

:shock: Thats what happened to me on my Birthday. I played it, and... wow. It was horridly bad. Who's idea is it to take out the Kremlings? Retro Studios? I'm going to...just... You know, realy hate that white pallate of super kong... I had to use him on every non-world 1 level. Some of the DKC tril...
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 1:41 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Topic: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion
Replies: 493
Views: 1631442

Re: Custom/Edited Sprites

Its not mine, but I if you can, you can make a pallete swap to darker colors and call him "Ykniw" (Eyee New).
by Master clyde super
December 29th, 2010, 12:18 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Custom/Edited Sprites
Replies: 343
Views: 6045083

Re: Sprite Comics!

The biggest BUMP in history of gorrilla kind.

Sorry... I just liked the comics...
by Master clyde super
December 28th, 2010, 5:22 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Sprite Comics!
Replies: 250
Views: 497206

Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Sorry for the month long *B*U*M*P*, but I like your ideas! AANNYY way, heres one: NAME:Lava bop hop race MUSIC: THEME: DKC2 lava and ice DESC.: You start up next to a giant wall with the lava rock things, and you must hop on Sqitter and ...
by Master clyde super
December 28th, 2010, 1:37 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas
Replies: 419
Views: 1303392

Re: The Reverse Thread

(Sorry for this "bump")

I wonder whats happaning this month...
by Master clyde super
December 26th, 2010, 9:51 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: The Reverse Topic
Replies: 27
Views: 92743

Re: (Fake) Endless Cheat to unlock Donkey Kong in DKC2.

...ELMO! To defeat him and to get the hamma of goldness, you must...
by Master clyde super
December 25th, 2010, 4:55 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: (Fake) Endless Cheat to unlock Donkey Kong in DKC2.
Replies: 715
Views: 1790053

Re: On The 1st Day Exploring

more massag bumping, Brock syle!

On the 7th day exploring, my two eyes could see,
7 barrel blasters
6 Slippas slithering,
5 Zinger wings,
4 Gnawtys smeared,
3 Rockrocs running,
2 Klumps above,
and a Necky in a small tree.
by Master clyde super
December 24th, 2010, 4:24 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: On The 1st Day Exploring
Replies: 6
Views: 23742

Re: 500 fun things to do while playing DKC

32. Wear a tie when playing with DK (Donkey Kong! [ say it like te rap!])!
by Master clyde super
December 24th, 2010, 4:20 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: 500 fun things to do while playing DKC
Replies: 36
Views: 108038

Re: 500 things in DKC that aren't possible in real life

82.There are no toy factories ran by crocs that have a giant jack-in-the-box that you need to feed banannas to a giant pig by having them magicly float into his/her mouth to get to and elecute then getting a giant key to unlockc a giant croc that ends up trippin o a rock and landon a giant crocs air...
by Master clyde super
December 24th, 2010, 4:07 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: 500 things in DKC that aren't possible in real life
Replies: 500
Views: 1060257

Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

:idea: Idea for ... castle! Verticle Platorm parels (in trouble?) A level that has a moving platform that goes up. Along the way, there are dangers to avoid. Halfway up, it stops and there is long, horizontel pathway that has lava you must jump over and a half way barrel at the end. When you touch t...
by Master clyde super
December 24th, 2010, 3:48 pm
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas
Replies: 375
Views: 1102878

Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Sorry for the RELLY long bump, but this was a really great project, and it just... forgotten.

>Srry, forgot about "Pages"! Een with glasses one, I can't see...well.
Anyway, does this have a logo ready? I would like to join/ make logo.
by Master clyde super
December 24th, 2010, 12:51 pm
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas
Replies: 375
Views: 1102878

Re: Where did the Kongs and Krems get all that stuff?

Worth a revive?
If Stanly was the last person there, why was he?
Theres really no reason to have a greenhouse in the middle of a jungle/forest.
by Master clyde super
December 16th, 2010, 2:46 pm
Forum: Storyline/Continuity
Topic: Where did the Kongs and Krems get all that stuff?
Replies: 27
Views: 77644

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

No, cause they don't exist.

Why doesn't Diddys donut appear in this game withh his awesome-powerness? :shock: :?:
by Master clyde super
December 14th, 2010, 1:51 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3885759

Re: The Donkey Kong Country Level Builder

Hows it going?
It's been 13 days!
:mrgreen: :arrow: :evil:
by Master clyde super
December 14th, 2010, 1:48 pm
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB General Discussion Topic
Replies: 541
Views: 2284430

NEXT DKC world?

Here, I want you to post ideas for the next game (if there is one...).

    *Krazy Krumb land:
    A land of half-eaten food.
    *See later
    *Big Banana
    Worth 10 banannas.
by Master clyde super
December 14th, 2010, 9:09 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: NEXT DKC world?
Replies: 4
Views: 12037

Re: DKC Glitch Videos

Part 5...
by Master clyde super
December 13th, 2010, 11:59 pm
Forum: DKC Glitches
Topic: DKC Glitch Videos
Replies: 10
Views: 33287

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