The Random Thoughts Topic

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gaz » November 5th, 2014, 2:53 am

Even though I was a child from the mid-2000s, the Rareware buyout of 2002 specifically affected people like me: the late Millennials. I remember when I still had all four DK titles for the GBA: the DKC trilogy and DK King of Swing (I still do, but back then I did too). The fact that Donkey Kong Coconut Crackers, Donkey Kong Racing & Diddy Kong Pilot (and possibly even the GCN DK platformer, although probably never developed) were cancelled had affected my golden childhood years (2004-2007). I see the quality games today and I believe that I would have LOVED them just as much at 8 or 9 years old. DKP was converted to Banjo-Pilot, but THQ failed to market the game properly... Besides, Banjo isn't as recognizable as Diddy/DK, which is why he unfortunately did not get much game sales for his two GBA titles... This just goes to show that if Diddy Kong Pilot were put on the market, the game would get more sales, especially from promotion from the recognizable Big N.

According to DK Vine, Diddy Kong Pilot was cancelled by Nintendo, who found no point in a Diddy Kong game where the Kongs and Kremlings would "fly in a flat landscape". Rareware employees believed that the Big N was being prejudiced against them, as it was around the Microsoft buyout. Even though M$ did not cancel it, the game was 85% likely to have been scrapped because of Nintendo's feelings toward Rare & the buyout. The only game they oddly worked on was Star Fox Adventures. This means the buyout likely affected me from not playing that game in my childhood. If only my parents knew about Banjo back then... :shakehead:

As for Donkey Kong Coconut Crackers, its planned release date before cancellation was November 2001. Was Nintendo starting to dislike them by late 2001? It might take ages for an answer.

I remember getting a GameCube some time after a GBA and a good amount of titles for it, including DK Jungle Beat (I REALLY liked DK back then, and still now :)). Oddly, my parents got it for me a year before a GameCube. They didn't let me play it for its E10+ rating :? But on topic: there is no exception that I would have not had Donkey Kong Racing, had it not been cancelled. At least DK Barrel Blast compensated for it, but it just isn't quite the same... (and I never got the game, even now; it can change)

Oh, and there was a high chance for a DK platformer on the GameCube. Spoiler:
In the 101 percent ending for DK64, Cranky was directing another DK title. There was a wooden board that said "AUDITIONS" over a picture of a Dolphin. At the time, the GameCube was codenamed the Dolphin. This suggests that they were trying to make a Dolphin/GameCube title. The game never came to be because Cranky had a disaster directing it. :P If it came be, I would be 97 percent likely to have had it in my childhood.

Oddly enough, Microsoft only wanted Rareware for the widely charismatic and successful Donkey Kong: Because they didn't receive the rights to Donkey Kong, they had no point in having Rare, because they didn't care about their original games (e.g. Banjo-Kazooie or Perfect Dark). Why didn't Rare or Nintendo explain to them that DK's IP belonged to Nintendo... :x


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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gaz » November 8th, 2014, 5:13 am

So you know that Twelve Tales was cancelled in favor of Conker's Bad Fur Day, right?:

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » November 8th, 2014, 10:20 am

Man, it would have been cool to have both of them released simultaneously; the sweet and innocent Twelve Tales, and the twisted and irreverent Bad Fur Day... Parents could get the former for their kids, and play the latter themselves (as well as Twelve Tales, of course!) when impressionable young minds are engaged elsewhere.

If Rareware had had the budget and approval to do this, it would've been awesome. B/
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gaz » November 8th, 2014, 10:26 am

Too bad it's a win - win win situation. Their kids can only play one of the games but the parents can play both. :kiddysad: I praise CBFD for its originality and Twelve Tales for its gameplay & cute characters. The latter also had more Rareware magic in it.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » November 8th, 2014, 2:17 pm

I'm really not happy... either my SNES is dead, or the power supply is... and I can't check until I get back home around the end of November...

I do have a spare SNES in my closet at my mum's house... but it's one of those later model ones that used the dodgy plastic, so it's all yellowed and gross looking. Also, I'm not certain that it works... Hopefully it does... I haven't touched that one in years...

Also, in case any of you ever need an RF adapter and have to buy a 3rd party one, be wary and keep your receipts. I have a Retro-bit universal RF unit. It claims to work on the SNES, 64, and Genesis 1&2 (on the box... on the adapter itself, it omits Genesis 1 and just says Genesis 2). The ONLY system it will work on is the SNES. The "Genesis adapter" part is way, way too small to fit for Genesis 1 (maybe Genesis 2 has a smaller port than 1?). It won't work on the 64 because the 64 itself doesn't have a channel 3-4 switch on the back. I don't know, maybe if you feel like searching through a couple of hundred television channels, you might find one that works... which I might be doing in a few minutes because I'm desperate...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » December 2nd, 2014, 4:36 pm

^ so is your SNES dead? :huh:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » December 2nd, 2014, 4:49 pm

Thankfully no. I checked it out when I went home for Thanksgiving. It was just the wire... unfortunately, though, I had to get a 3rd party wire which is crazy short. It is the length of my full arm span. I would like to take the old wire apart and try to fix it.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » December 5th, 2014, 11:17 am

That's good! I'm glad it's not!

I've been hanging out with a lot of awesome people recently and last night we were all sharing funny high school stories. This one in particular was incredibly funny to pretty much everyone:

When I was a sophomore in high school the drug detection dogs came to my 1st block English, which was the first class of the day. Everyone was instructed to exit the premises and leave their bags/sweaters behind. No problem. After the classroom search, which took about 5 minutes, everyone was allowed back in, but they singled me out with claims of having some kind of substance on me. I wasn't worried in the slightest, as I had 0 affiliation with drugs, so already I knew I was in for a treat. I was escorted to the principal's office to meet with the assistant principal and the officer who escorted me. The officer informed me my sweater reeked of marijuana (which in hindsight is probably accurate given my brother was most positively using the substance secretly), which confused me, as I didn't even know what marijuana smelled like at the time. The officer merely interviewed me and seemed to be a bit more sincere, whereas the assistant principal was really rude about the whole thing ("the dog loved your backpack, Cody!") - he kept making false accusations ("you reek of guilt, who did you give the weed to?") and every time, I would retaliate with some kind of comeback, to which the principal himself snickered.

Anyways, after an interview and a thorough backpack/sweater search, they allowed me to head back to class. When I entered the room everyone stared right at me in silence, including my teacher, and I was like, "they thought I was some kind of pothead!" Everyone laughed pretty hard.

Fast-forward to my 2nd class of the day, 3rd block Math. We're in the middle of doing a problem when the drug detection dogs once again come to the class. Unsurprisingly, I'm once again "busted," and even the officer thinks something is up this time. "So twice in one day, huh? Maybe you won't get so lucky this time." Cue the same situation that occurred earlier on in the day, complete with more comebacks and more snickering from the principal (who at this point actually halted his deskwork and analyzed the situation amusingly). I was eventually searched once again, this time a bit more thorough: they checked my cell phone contacts (I had just gotten my first cell phone and pretty much had "Mom" and "House" as my only contacts) and nothing. They were grasping for straws by checking my notebooks and such for any drug-related drawings/writings! When nothing came up whatsoever, I was then physically escorted back to class, which wasn't fun.

So it's my final class of the day, Physical Education. I had some of the football players in my class, and they were all pretty open about their pot-smoking habits and such. In the locker room one of them was trying to find a good place to hide a jar. "Hey Cody, can we hide something in your backpack?" Another guy retaliated with "Nah, the dogs already busted him twice in his other classes, he'll get caught!" Not even 5 seconds later the drug dogs come into the locker room, ordered all of the students get out. The guy with the jar was really nervous, talking to his buds like his whole world was about to crash down, but had slight optimism that the dogs would somehow miss his backpack.

He was singled out, and funny enough, they completely disregarded me. When the kid with the jar was being escorted away he looked back and was like, "f---! We should have had Cody hold onto it!" The officer stopped, turned away physically, and looked at me very sternly. I shrugged my shoulders with the most confused look ever and the whole entire locker room burst with laughter. Needless to say I was once again brought back to the office and the other kid had to explain that I'm innocent and don't even associate with him and his friends. Otherwise I'd have gotten expelled just like he did (despite the evidence). They made it very clear they were serious about the whole thing, but what's interesting is that they didn't search my backpack again regardless. I could have very well held onto something and I would've gotten away scott-free.

It was a pretty funny day. In retrospect it's funny how they were so gung-ho about something as harmless as marijuana, though I totally understand why.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby spaceman2028 » December 5th, 2014, 11:51 am

Drugs. You must of had them before bed.
That is all I have to say about your story.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » December 6th, 2014, 6:58 am

Really spaceman2028? Is that all you can say? At least congratulate the man on a job well done! :rant:
Well done, Cody. I've never been in that situation, and the story wasn't funny, but thank you for sharing the tale with us. :thumbs:

As for myself, I might as well not say anything, since avoiding others seems to be the generally accepted, unwritten rule for this topic. However, I do have something to share.
We all know Dixie Kong :dixiehappy: , correct? Well, I think I may have caused her some trouble. I haven't done anything illegal, mind you, but perhaps it would be best to stay away from her, lest Diddy get the wrong idea. :scratch:

By the way, whatever happened to Kimi Kong? Is she alive? *o*
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Kimi Kong » December 7th, 2014, 6:17 am

Yes i am. I was gonna ask the same thing about you.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » December 10th, 2014, 10:17 am

I can't stop thinking about sushi... I just had some on Saturday and two days later, I was ready for some more!

Seriously, if any of you guys get the chance, you should try eel (unagi). It is freaking delicious. My boyfriend who DOES NOT like fish tried it and liked it. That stuff is fantastic. I really want to try to make some myself sometime. By the way, eel is always cooked and is not eaten raw. It is light and flaky if cooked properly.

Does anybody else here like sushi and have any suggestions for things to try? I've tried salmon, which I thought was bland and I didn't like the texture, and I've tried squid... which was horrible, I thought! :?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » December 15th, 2014, 2:34 pm

My computer decided to throw a fit. I lost a bunch of files, most of which are backed up on my external hard drive. My step dad is helping me restore my computer to an earlier time, so hopefully I won't lose much.

This also makes me glad for my deviantart account, since I can save most everything there that's done. Photoshop recovered my zombie kremling, so I still have him!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » December 17th, 2014, 2:19 pm

Here's a thought: Is it possible to actually love your sister? I think so.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gaz » December 18th, 2014, 5:58 am

I just had this thought. It might be good or it might be bad...

:kiddysad: :twisted: The PIRATED DKC3 CARTRIDGE CREEPY PASTA!!! :twisted: :kiddysad:

It sounds like something for Oct 31st, but I just happened to come up with this idea today. Here's the synopsis (with one detail to give viewers an idea of the label look).

"Some bootlegger buys a pirate copy of DKC3 at an occult shop with a demented cartridge label. Little does the man know about the consequences the cartridge will give him..."

I want to include certain themes, but this is a family-friendly community. But I definitely do not want to go over the top like most horror stories do... :shakehead: Its main focus should be on the game itself and not macabre junk.

I really hope this fanfic doesn't suck. I always think that I never do good at anything, so I refrain from making them... (Yeah, my self-esteem is not very good...)

Oh yeah, and the main motif should obviously be the DKC3 error screen.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MatiZ » December 20th, 2014, 2:13 am

Has anyone seen this video? From 0:15
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Crammalamma » December 23rd, 2014, 9:31 am

I feel like getting on Geno's weirdo side:

(the # doesn't work properly in this font)

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gaz » December 26th, 2014, 2:00 am

Merry XMAS. Time to break out our favorite Xmas song "Jangle Bells"! :kiddywin:

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » December 28th, 2014, 2:22 pm

I just wanted everyone to know I'm still alive :P

I've been very busy lately since my brother had a baby and my sister came home for Christmas. I'll be going out to Chicago for a couple of days and I won't be on regularly for a little while.

Trust me, those Zombie Kremling sprites will be here! I promise!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Geno » January 3rd, 2015, 8:38 am

wow, I was just browsing the Music section when I saw a custom version of Water World from DKC3 GBA
It was "sampled", so I expected it to not use normal SMW sounds, but, to my surprise, it used SNES DKC sounds in it! (I think it uses only DKC SNES samples)
here's a link in case any of you want to listen (you'll need an audio player for SPC files)

I really hope the other GBA tracks eventually get redone in this way, as it sounds super cool!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 7th, 2015, 6:40 am

I just got the scores of my last Praxis test (a series of tests you have to take if you're becoming a teacher)! I scored 190 and I only needed 150 to pass!!!!

I'm so glad!!!! No more state-required standardized tests for me! :D :D :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 11th, 2015, 3:23 pm

Donkey Kong is amazing. His strength knows no bounds, and he is a true family man. :thumbs:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby spaceman2028 » January 12th, 2015, 5:37 am

Indeed, Super luigi. He's among some of the greatest all-time stars!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » January 13th, 2015, 3:19 pm

Donkey Kong, a family man? I don't know... I've always seen him as more of a...


...and honestly, can a non-human being be a man? :scratch:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 14th, 2015, 2:39 pm

He can to me, Qyzbud. He can to me. For you see, Donkey has lived for the required amount of years, is male, and protects the world's families and bananas. Therefore, he is more than qualified for the title of Family Man.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Chibisai Kong » January 14th, 2015, 8:06 pm

Phyre: congratulations! That's great to hear :3

Space: that's... That's really creepy. FNAF3 confirmed? I wonder how its going to go.

HALLO FRIENDS also Qyz love the pun

I've been playing a crap load if Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Baten Kaitos! But I'm still alive.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby spaceman2028 » January 15th, 2015, 7:50 am

Chibisai Kong: FIVE NIGHTS 3 CONFIRMED(mostly, we don't have enough evidence to prove it)

Super Luigi: Donkey Kong III is always a grand family man in my terms. The konga is a manly.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gaz » January 15th, 2015, 8:18 am

So back when I was 14, I I nagged on a Rareware forum board as an immature 14-year old (and I probably shouldn't have been so wild and close-minded to others' comments). You guys all know that, right?

Well you all remember how Torrentstorm sold a ROM of DKP 2001 to retrogamesuk in January 2013, right? We all know that. retrogamesuk then leaked the ROM to the general public in the evening of Jan 13, 2013 (I remember the date by heart).

It's been exactly 2 years since the ROM's release (yay!). By coincidence, I asked retrogamesuk yesterday if my nagging and deep desire for DKP 2001 was the reason he shared the ROM with everyone. He said, "Yeah pretty much, was cool to see someone wanted it so much." See below:


So I guess the ROM might have not been leaked were it not for me. :?

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby spaceman2028 » January 17th, 2015, 3:51 pm

Has anyone else ever heard of the game system "17 games vs Maxx"? It's this system that gives you 7 or so games to play. and some of them are pretty cool. My personal favorite is Lonely Island, a game where a blue and pink penguin have an adventure that involves several minigames. Some of these minigames involve dangerous bear enemies that will stop the penguins upon contact, so be careful.

Lonely island itself seems to be similar in design to SMW's first world, Yoshi's Island. And as a bonus, one of the first levels you can go to is an autoscrolling platformer segment! I love that part, and would like if somebody remade that stage(either for DKC4 or SMBX) as a level known as Lonely Island Springs.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gaz » January 18th, 2015, 2:47 pm

I, I think I know what you're talking about! It's an electronic game system with built in games which you can hook up to your TV. I remember getting something similar a long time back with a game about those two penguins... Lonely Island! Finally! Finally I figured out the game name! Thanks so much spaceman2028. I remember playing it all of the time as a kid! (The game lacks a lot of coverage to, so it was also the reason it was hard to find.) Ahh... memories...:

Thanks a bundle spaceman. Thank you so much for helping me remember a childhood classic of mine. Somebody like you deserves a banana!
:banana: :banana: :banana:

(and one of the areas reminds me of Wario Woods...)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 18th, 2015, 4:27 pm

So today, I created quite an extensive amount for a certain SMBX level I started back in November. I'm going to finish it, and it will be great. Of course, most of you won't see it, since you have more important matters to attend to.

Also, how would you feel if part of a new DK game involved feeding and petting the Kongs in order to give them bonuses during the levels?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby spaceman2028 » January 19th, 2015, 4:45 am

The game system did not look like that at all, meaning your system is likely more primitive than mine, Gaz. But thanks for letting me know that i'm not the only one who remembers!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » January 23rd, 2015, 12:10 pm

I've started my student teaching this week. This was my second day in the classroom. I'm a little bit unused to waking up at 6 in the morning. I get very tired after I get back from teaching and want to take a nap. I've been struggling not to so I can get to bed on time. Hopefully I will get back into the swing of things soon!

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cody » January 25th, 2015, 9:42 am

PhyreBurnz, I'm impressed with the Dixie swinging animation, it super looks like it fits in with the game! Good job.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby spaceman2028 » January 25th, 2015, 2:22 pm

Trizzle, what exactly happened during that DKC corruption?

Phyre, your rope swinging sprites are lovely!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » January 25th, 2015, 2:45 pm

Phyreburnz, you have my support. I know you shall prevail. Then you shall become a heroine to children everywhere!

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby spaceman2028 » January 28th, 2015, 2:40 pm

FNAF 3 has been confirmed 100%! Watch the trailer here:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Soniccuz » February 1st, 2015, 7:21 pm

Anyone got their eye on Retro rumor mills? Just got a 3DS and I'm hoping they release a Tropical Freeze port like they did with Returns. Don't know how well that worked out for them... *blind optimism* :pointy-tuck:

and I just realized 3DSs are region locked so my system is kind of severely handicapped since this is a French system.... Seriously Nintendo the DS line before it wasn't locked!
:ck-tf: Well apparently there's a small subset of DSi exclusive titles that are, but prominently the line is region free... :ck-tf:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MatiZ » February 18th, 2015, 4:31 am

spaceman2028 wrote:Trizzle, what exactly happened during that DKC corruption?

I changed the number of bytes (or something like that) in vinesauce corruptor. There was a moving platform in the first level and I could stand on it.

For some time, I became interested in Softimage XSI. I created a model of Diddy Kong based on image of front and side view of original model. He needs more polygons, a tail and rendering and I need more experience.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » February 18th, 2015, 9:11 am

Nice Diddy you've got there, MatiZ; you've certainly captured his essence. With a little extra smoothing, detail, texturing, etc. he'll be a perfect facsimile. :D

Soniccuz wrote:Anyone got their eye on Retro rumor mills? Just got a 3DS and I'm hoping they release a Tropical Freeze port like they did with Returns. Don't know how well that worked out for them...

I don't have any solid insight into Retro's current/future 3DS plans, but the 'Returns port sold over a million and a half copies, and Tropical Freeze has met with plenty of positive feedback. I'm sure TF would've sold a lot more copies if Wii U hardware sales were higher, so I think it would be silly of Nintendo/Retro/Monster not to release the game on 3DS.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Kimi Kong » February 25th, 2015, 5:03 am

So....having a job has made me lazy :dixiecry:

I'm never gonna get anything done!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Blaziken257 » February 27th, 2015, 2:49 am

Nintendo of America has FINALLY used their head and released all six DKC/DKL games on the Virtual Console. It only took them over three months after everybody else. Here's a link:

I have no idea why it took them so long, but at least it's better late than never. Also, we have the monochrome version of DKL3, which isn't too surprising given that only Japan ever officially got the GBC version. Seeing an official English GBC version would have amazed me, but I guess I'm asking for too much.

Now I wonder if NOA will ever release the small New 3DS here...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gaz » February 27th, 2015, 8:57 am

I'm proud for you, Blaziken257, because I know them having a VC release is important to you. :D Plus, I've got a little surprise for everybody today... ;)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Soniccuz » February 27th, 2015, 8:19 pm

Qyzbud wrote:I don't have any solid insight into Retro's current/future 3DS plans, but the 'Returns port sold over a million and a half copies, and Tropical Freeze has met with plenty of positive feedback. I'm sure TF would've sold a lot more copies if Wii U hardware sales were higher, so I think it would be silly of Nintendo/Retro/Monster not to release the game on 3DS.

Thanks Qzy! I certainly hope it happens.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MatiZ » March 6th, 2015, 5:43 pm

Here goes rendering. I don't know why all the elements are rendered. I pointed out only one element! :ck0:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 6th, 2015, 8:41 pm

Hey guyuuuuuuuys. What's up? I've been sidetracked by other things like Pokemon and FNAF. And speaking of FNAF, number 3 dropped Monday! And surprisingly, through all of Markiplier's playthrough a that have been uploaded at this point, I've only actually been frightened by jumpscare three times, which is fairly decent considering that's the big reason I won't play the games!

It also kind of brought on a DKC AU that I really wish it hadn't.

Also! Also! They're gonna release a DKC season one DVD!
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