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Re: DKC Atlas Mapping Project — The DKC2 Countdown is COMPLE

So what's the deal with the silent updates?
by Crammalamma
February 5th, 2017, 10:23 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Atlas Mapping Project
Replies: 678
Views: 3361448

Re: DKC Trilogy Sound Effects

I hope you're going to include the "level select" sound from DKC3... it's so quiet you might think it's part of the music, but it's actually a sound effect. Just a heads up.
Also, I can't find the sound effect for touching the scroll in the first level of DKC2.
by Crammalamma
September 12th, 2016, 6:36 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Trilogy Sound Effects
Replies: 103
Views: 554167

Re: DKC Atlas Mapping Project — The DKC2 Countdown is COMPLE

I'll assume he'll start in September or October so the final update would coincide with the game's late November release.
by Crammalamma
August 25th, 2016, 9:30 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Atlas Mapping Project
Replies: 678
Views: 3361448

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

A few months have gone since the last post here. Any chance of a status update?
by Crammalamma
August 12th, 2016, 11:57 am
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2329680

Re: DKCRE General Discussion Topic

I think this should be able to support all SNES emulators in the autolaunch feature, since right now it only works with the worst SNES emulator.
by Crammalamma
August 11th, 2016, 12:25 pm
Forum: DKC Resource Editor
Topic: DKCRE General Discussion Topic
Replies: 737
Views: 4697889

Re: DKC Atlas Mapping Project — The DKC2 Countdown is COMPLE

I think the animation in Ice Age Alley's second bonus room is incorrect - in the third frame, the green and red balloons just swap places, which would make it impossible to get a 1- or 2-up from it if that were the case. (This also goes for Trick Track Trek's last bonus.)
by Crammalamma
August 9th, 2016, 11:38 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Atlas Mapping Project
Replies: 678
Views: 3361448

Re: DKC Atlas Mapping Project — The DKC2 Countdown is COMPLE

I love how the designs for Animal Antics he showed actually include the unused space to the left of Squawks' and Rattly's sections.
by Crammalamma
November 29th, 2015, 4:37 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Atlas Mapping Project
Replies: 678
Views: 3361448

Re: DKC Atlas Mapping Project — The DKC2 Countdown is comple

Wow, I never knew there were bats flying around K. Rool's Keep.
by Crammalamma
November 23rd, 2015, 10:06 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Atlas Mapping Project
Replies: 678
Views: 3361448

Re: DKC Atlas Mapping Project — The DKC2 Countdown has begun

Wow, I like that "big layout" you have there. Any chance you could show us one for each level archetype in each game?
by Crammalamma
November 10th, 2015, 11:49 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Atlas Mapping Project
Replies: 678
Views: 3361448

Re: DKC Atlas Mapping Project — The DKC2 Countdown has begun

I'll also point out that the link to the enhanced version of Squawks's Shaft is broken.
by Crammalamma
October 21st, 2015, 8:11 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Atlas Mapping Project
Replies: 678
Views: 3361448

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

by Crammalamma
December 28th, 2014, 8:04 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10271174

Re: Sentence Finishers

...midichlorians. And she might fulfill that prophecy! But she doesn't know what prophecy. To try and find out, she checked out GameXplain's video on DKC3's cheat codes, which accomplished...
by Crammalamma
December 24th, 2014, 10:25 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Sentence Finishers
Replies: 211
Views: 532589

Re: You know that you are addicted to DKC when...

275. When you think that other 2D video game maps need to reach the level of awesomeness that the DKC Atlas has. (That is also something that needs to be done.)
by Crammalamma
December 24th, 2014, 10:21 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: You know that you are addicted to DKC when...
Replies: 258
Views: 766303

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

I feel like getting on Geno's weirdo side: Yoshi's House Yoshi's Island 1 Yellow Switch Palace Yoshi's Island 2 Yoshi's Island 3 Yoshi's Island 4 Iggy's Castle (the # doesn't work properly in this font) Donut Plains 1 Donut Plains 2 Donut Ghost House Donut Plains ...
by Crammalamma
December 23rd, 2014, 9:31 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10271174

Re: You know that you are addicted to DKC when...

246: When you cross the road, you look left, right and then up for falling monkeys.
by Crammalamma
July 4th, 2014, 7:30 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: You know that you are addicted to DKC when...
Replies: 258
Views: 766303

Re: Custom/Edited Sprites

Now you need to add Super Kong palettes as well. (And maybe all of DK and Diddy's palettes from the SSB series, but that would be too much work.)
by Crammalamma
June 15th, 2014, 1:13 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Custom/Edited Sprites
Replies: 343
Views: 6045936

Re: DKC-Related Custom Animations

Sorry to mention it now, but Kiddy's torso in his crawling animation is a bit dark compared to his feet.
by Crammalamma
April 30th, 2014, 8:56 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC-Related Custom Animations
Replies: 804
Views: 5283834

Re: Custom/Edited Sprites

There should be sprites of the Tikis and the Snowmads. The Tikis are confirmed to appear alongside Kremings in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS's Smash Run, and I'd like to see them in the DKCLB too.
by Crammalamma
April 30th, 2014, 8:53 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Custom/Edited Sprites
Replies: 343
Views: 6045936

Re: Who would win....

Tropical because it's not Freeze.

DKC2's Bramble Scramble or DKCTF's Bramble Scramble?
by Crammalamma
March 1st, 2014, 11:13 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Who would win....
Replies: 108
Views: 306296

Re: DKCLB General Discussion Topic

Also, have you thought about how the 3D effect in the ship hold BG is achieved?
by Crammalamma
January 28th, 2014, 7:33 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB General Discussion Topic
Replies: 541
Views: 2285893

Re: DKCLB General Discussion Topic

Make sure you make the Barrel Bayou barrels act like they do in SNES9x. Because that's how they're supposed to act.
by Crammalamma
January 27th, 2014, 12:53 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB General Discussion Topic
Replies: 541
Views: 2285893

Re: DELTA General Discussion Topic

How's development going now?
by Crammalamma
January 14th, 2014, 7:41 am
Forum: Delta Suite
Topic: DELTA General Discussion Topic
Replies: 449
Views: 2329680

Re: DKC-Related Custom Animations

Phyreburnz, Mattrizzle fixed the palette of the unused breaking barrel. Any change you will fix the Kandid Kritter animation with those sprites? Heck, make one for the continue barrel as well. That'd be really mean.
by Crammalamma
January 11th, 2014, 8:32 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC-Related Custom Animations
Replies: 804
Views: 5283834

Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Geno, you forgot Crosshair Cranky.

by Crammalamma
January 11th, 2014, 7:42 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: The Random Thoughts Topic
Replies: 3497
Views: 10271174

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "Game fonts" DKC font generator!

Why not add some DKC2/3 styled KONG letters/bars as well?
by Crammalamma
January 6th, 2014, 8:43 am
Forum: Forum Features
Topic: Forum BBCodes added: "Game fonts" DKC font generator!
Replies: 16
Views: 43681

Re: DKCRE General Discussion Topic

Why not extend the tooltips of the used sprites like you did with the unused ones?
by Crammalamma
December 31st, 2013, 11:42 am
Forum: DKC Resource Editor
Topic: DKCRE General Discussion Topic
Replies: 737
Views: 4697889

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

If you're modeling the Gangplank Galleon, you may as well do DKC2 (and maybe 3) as well. :banana:
by Crammalamma
August 31st, 2013, 2:31 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project PHASE ONE COMPLETE
Replies: 1108
Views: 3719212

Re: Who would win....


Xerneas or Yvetal?
by Crammalamma
July 11th, 2013, 11:17 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Who would win....
Replies: 108
Views: 306296

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

5, for very large amounts of 2.

WHERE YOU AT?!?!!?!?!?!?
by Crammalamma
June 15th, 2013, 1:06 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Somewhere over the rainbow...?

What do you think is the hardestestestestestestestestestestestestestest game ever?
by Crammalamma
June 10th, 2013, 1:42 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: DKCLB Ideas, Concepts, and Gimmicks Topic.

7cY4oJEuPM4 Dk0BLwtAX5A jCkrJOKCMXY While watching these videos, I had the idea of a variation of the standard two-Kongs-you-can-switch-between gameplay, only one or both of them are an Animal Buddy. This could be used in a lot of ways, such as a level with both high jumps and long pits played with...
by Crammalamma
May 13th, 2013, 4:11 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB Ideas, Concepts, and Gimmicks Topic.
Replies: 55
Views: 165743

Re: DKC-related animations

I made a mechanical Necky. You'll need to reverse the animation because for some stupid reason, Tonberry2k put those sprites in the wrong order. Same deal with the swimming Rambi. Also, the Enguarde-and-Kong turning sprites look cool, they make me anticipate my upcoming field trip to the Baltimore ...
by Crammalamma
May 11th, 2013, 11:25 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC-Related Custom Animations
Replies: 804
Views: 5283834

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Because clouds are solid for some reason.

Katastrophe Kong, why do you not respect modern Japanese pop-culture?
by Crammalamma
May 2nd, 2013, 11:25 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: What can you spot in the DKC trilogy's scenery?

I don't think you last three guys get the joke...
by Crammalamma
November 26th, 2012, 9:51 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: What can you spot in the DKC trilogy's scenery?
Replies: 153
Views: 624422

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Qyzbud wrote:Oh, and about the 'speaker' — it looks like you've given the top of it a dark texture, but I think it's only meant to be in shadow. Just thought I'd give my thoughts. ;)

I was about to say this! :thumbs:
by Crammalamma
November 21st, 2012, 10:50 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project PHASE ONE COMPLETE
Replies: 1108
Views: 3719212

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

This way. A doob-a-doob-adooba.

by Crammalamma
September 27th, 2012, 3:29 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

This the heck.

Can you read Japanese?
by Crammalamma
September 26th, 2012, 7:38 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Donkey Kong.

Is this :target: the new *shot* emoticon?
by Crammalamma
August 30th, 2012, 10:01 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Because that's the only way.

This question is a translation of a blind fool, why?
by Crammalamma
August 16th, 2012, 9:10 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: 99 yellow bananas in my hoard...

70 giant bananas in my hoard,
70 giant bananas,
Geno made me laugh
a bit, less than half,
69 giant bananas in my hoard.
by Crammalamma
August 2nd, 2012, 9:42 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: 99 yellow bananas in my hoard...
Replies: 270
Views: 774776

Re: Who would win....

The sumo wrestler.

Stunfisk or Gliscor?
by Crammalamma
July 10th, 2012, 12:09 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Who would win....
Replies: 108
Views: 306296

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

An alien virus fell to Earth and then - oh wait, that's Deoxys.

Why do I like boots?
by Crammalamma
June 19th, 2012, 9:24 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: Who would win....

Better 2.

Reshiram or Zekrom?
by Crammalamma
June 19th, 2012, 9:20 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Who would win....
Replies: 108
Views: 306296

Re: Who would win....

Green. It, known as Blue here, has neater version exclusive Pokemon.

Lunatone or Solrock?
by Crammalamma
June 19th, 2012, 8:33 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Who would win....
Replies: 108
Views: 306296

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

He wants a pretzel.

Will you give him one?
by Crammalamma
May 27th, 2012, 9:33 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Beats (0) me.

Why is Sky Highway L like Rainbow Road, but not rainbowy?
by Crammalamma
May 26th, 2012, 2:31 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Well of course.

Why does ThinkGeek sell the best stuff I've ever seen?
by Crammalamma
May 13th, 2012, 10:14 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: (Fake) Endless Cheat to unlock Donkey Kong in DKC2.

...Diddy steals K. Rool's musket by distracting him with a laptop on They then defeat K. Rool, which leads to the Flying Crock exploding. The Kongs then land in a kart on N64 Rainbow Road. You now have to beat 1 lap in 1 minute, which is not possible until you find a 600cc engine...
by Crammalamma
April 26th, 2012, 9:39 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: (Fake) Endless Cheat to unlock Donkey Kong in DKC2.
Replies: 715
Views: 1791039

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Yeah, that's right.

Are you glad I broke the c-c-c-combo?
by Crammalamma
April 12th, 2012, 10:20 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

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