I had quite a few DKC dreams in the past.
One dream, during the month of tropical freeze's release, I was in a factory-like place, and I heard someone yelping for help. I go into another room to see Diddy Kong

on a conveyor belt, and so I grab his hand and get him off, and we go to find DK, Dixie, and Cranky

who are chained in another room, when we got them off, all 4 of the kongs made a run for it, and I tried to follow them and next thing I know, I was in my grandmother's old neighborhood, and then the kongs went into the forest and I lost them, I then see gir from invader zim and ask if he's seen the kongs, he said yes, but didn't see where they headed, Then I woke up..
And then there was another DK dream with Diddy Kong.

I found him in my house, and the second he spotted me, he ran to me and started cuddling me. The dream started to get more adorable when he started making cute little monkey noises while cuddling me, and that's all I could remember.
There was another dream I had with bluster from the CGI series. -_- all I could remember is him flexing while giving me a smug look, and I was trying to get out of the barrel factory as far away from him as possible and that's it.
And then there was this other dream I had where I was in the beautiful springs- like place with so many pools, and hot tubs, and water falls, and such. It was empty though, but then I heard a shower turn on, and so I went to where the noise was at, and it was funky Kong in the shower while still having his clothes on. He wanted me to bathe with him, and I didn't wanna be rude, so just as I was about to step in, I woke up.
And then I had this vague dream where I think I shrunk and held onto Tiny Kong (dk64 version) by her neck real tightly, (I was smaller than her neck, so she couldn't choke to death) and that's all I could rem from that.
Finally, I think I had a dream with Chunky Kong and Lanky Kong... Not sure what happened, but I think I do rem having a dream with them in it. I hope in the near future I could have more dreams with the kongs. Starting to wonder what kinds of dreams I would have with kiddy Kong or Swanky Kong...