Dreaming about DKC

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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » March 11th, 2012, 8:55 am

The dream is crazy, or my searching for it?
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Gaz » March 11th, 2012, 2:36 pm

Super Luigi! wrote:The dream is crazy, or my searching for it?

The dream :shock:
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Ribbedebie » March 27th, 2012, 8:41 pm

I had two DKC-related dreams recently.

One was like that a new DKC came out, with K. Rool and the gang, and a new Banjo-Kazooie that looked exactly like the first two, and I promptly looked up the DKVine (in my dream) to see if it wasn't a dream. Dreamception. xD It still ended up being 'real'... and then I woke up. Baww.

Another was... ahem. It was awkward. Not going into detail. You know I like Captain Skurvy, right? Yeah. It didn't become... perverted, but it was... odd.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 31st, 2012, 12:18 pm

Had a dream the other night where the DKC characters were quoting lines from the Sailor Moon, InuYasha, and Dragonball Z Abridged Series. What's weird is that each line seemed to fit perfectly in the conversation. Then I had one where DKC characters were Sailor Sensui(Cranky and Wrinkly were (the abridged versions of) Artemis and Luna)...
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 18th, 2012, 3:02 pm

I had a dream concerning a story I wrote. The string of rents in the dream are DEFINITELY going into it.

Scenario 1: During the funeral, Wrinkly gets extremely pissed because no one but she, DK, and their family didn't seem to care Cranky was dead. For some reason, she starts screaming lines by Cicero and even some from Mark Antony's "Friends, Romans, countrymen" speech, complete with the breaking-down-crying at the end(of course it worked, her being the manipulative b...*bleep*...ch she is in about half my stories). It somehow also allows her to gain the respect of some people who never respected her before(i.e., Cranky's father's older half-brother Van).

Scenario 2: Some punk decides to pick a fight with her. He pulls out a gun, she pulls out a gun. Hers is knocked out of her hands, his is in hers and dismembered within five seconds.

Scenario 3: After the discovery of the assassins' boss's identity and their subsequentiant defeat, DK is dragged outside by Karate to a waiting group of people gathered around the building they were in. Karate takes his arm by the wrist and thrusts it up into the air shouting, "Filius ultionem patris!" which is Latin for "The son has avenged the father!".

Scenario 4: Cranky, in spirit form, and Karate are in a field, talking about the events of the story(but at the same time not breaking the fourth wall). When asked what he will do now that his murder's been solved and he can finally rest, as well as what will happen to Wrinkly and DK, Cranky replies with, "I'll be around for a little longer. As for my wife and son, if you harm so much as a hair on either of their heads I WILL FINISH YOU."

Scenario 5: DK's first encounter with Cranky's ghost. When finally showing how much he's revealing he knows about certain rare topics between the two, DK stuns Cranky adding insult to injury with a flat, "After all these years, you're still surprised I can do even the simplest of tasks?"

Scenario 6: "Are you KIDDING me? Ever since my husband died I've turned into him, the only difference being I can pick up after myself a lot better! I'M A CLEANER FEMALE ORGY-LESS CALIGULA!!!!!!!!!!"

Scenario 7: "I am NOT getting ou of this bed until I've KISSED someone!" "Fine. Let me call a friend."

Apparently a lot of TV was involved.

One other dream I had was particularly strange. Everybody was just running around doing weird stuff---Cranky and Funky were doing "mutual interests", Lanky was doing jumping jacks, Tiny was seeing what the smallest hole she could fit in was, DK was raiding Candy's underwear drawer, Wrinky was unsurprisingly trying to keep everything from getting too chaotic, and Diddy was having a jumping contest with my dog...
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » May 28th, 2012, 3:25 pm

I had a short dream about DKC2. All the dream was about, was Diddy and Dixie traveling through a jungle and a swamp while changing into their different color clothes.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Phyreburnz » June 9th, 2012, 6:45 am

Last night, I had a dream about finding Winky swimming sprites. I think I was looking through sprite sheets on TSR and found them in like the GBA DKC. I remember taking them and animating them. There were different coloured ones (I specifically remember a blue one and a red one). They were different, though, in that the swimming sprites were also mixed with water sprites. Like, you could see Winky swimming, but there were water ripples mixed into his sprites. I think it was supposed to be a background character, like a bunch of little Winkys swimming in a DKC2 swamp or something, similar to the way they have them in the GBA version, but bigger and closer to SNES size. I seem to have a lot of dreams about finding sprites... I might have an addiction to animating editing them...
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » June 9th, 2012, 11:06 am

Well, that sort of thing tends to happen when you work with sprites all your life. Maybe you should take a break from the animating, unless you don't mind doing it. The Atlas doesn't need any more dead heroines, Phyreburnz!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Phyreburnz » June 10th, 2012, 1:23 am

Ha! Hardly all my life! I've only been doing it for about 7/8 months! I hate doing it on occasion, but that's when frustration kicks in. I think I had that dream because I haven't done much editing lately... maybe I should find some other amazingly huge project to keep myself busy!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » June 10th, 2012, 12:55 pm

Oh, I suppose we should think of some more ideas then.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Stanley » June 13th, 2012, 3:29 am

Funny, my first post is about a dream I had last night!

Anyway, last night I dreamt I was browsing the interwebz when I was emailed a link to a website that claimed to sell bananas. Upon arrival, i found that they were not selling bananas, but tickets to see Dream Theater and Opeth (metal bands) performing the DKC games' soundtrack! Too bad it was just a dream :(
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » June 13th, 2012, 1:56 pm

Official metal bands performing DKC? Count me in! Welcome to the forums, by the way, Stanley!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Glimmer » June 15th, 2012, 5:28 am

Stanley wrote:Funny, my first post is about a dream I had last night!

Anyway, last night I dreamt I was browsing the interwebz when I was emailed a link to a website that claimed to sell bananas. Upon arrival, i found that they were not selling bananas, but tickets to see Dream Theater and Opeth (metal bands) performing the DKC games' soundtrack! Too bad it was just a dream :(

Please, please, please make this dream come true! Although i would prefer Metallica :D
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Phyreburnz » June 15th, 2012, 10:58 pm

Oh my god, I wish I could take you guys in my head for this. I seriously had the coolest DKC dream, ever. Somebody on the forum that I know in real life (which does not really exist) was showing me his newest project. He was working on completely updating the DKC games with today's graphics. The backgrounds were done, but DK and all the buddies were still very polygonal. I only saw one video, and it was an underwater level. It was similar to a DKC3 style, like tidal trouble, in that you could jump in and out, but underneath the water was like the reefs of DKC. There were sunken pirate ships behind you that you could swim sort of in/in front of. There was one area where the ship was much bigger (the other ships were pretty small), and when you got to the bigger ship, the camera made a 90° turn, so instead of just going in front of the ship, you could go in it. I remember seeing a Kannon that was in the very back of the ship shooting forward. He jumped from one ship to the other as you moved in the background. It looked really cool and it was an awesome idea.

So, within this one level that I saw, there were elements of all three DKC games, and it had completely updated graphics. The depth in the game was stunning, even though it was still a side-scroller, and a side-scroller with some quirky details, like the 90° camera turn. I wish I remembered if it had music. Seriously, I wish you guys could have seen that dream. I know everyone would have freaked out!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » June 16th, 2012, 3:17 pm

I can imagine what you're saying, so I don't need to be, quite literally, on your mind. Still, others you don't have as much IMAGINAAAAATION need to see your dream.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Phyreburnz » June 17th, 2012, 3:27 am

Okay... this is definitely getting to the point of obsession.... I had another DKC dream last night!

This time, it was the first DKC in Jungle Hijinx. There was a different enemy right where the first Kremling of the game walks. This enemy was in some kind of barrel (either a steel keg or oil barrel... I'm thinking it was more likely to be an oil barrel). It had a silver, metal Kremling similar to Klaptrap inside. When you jumped near it, he stuck out his head and bit, and went back in. The Kongs had a move (like the slam in DK64 to turn the switches) they used to break the barrel. Once broken, the Kongs would pick up the Kremling head and have it over their own. They were crawling (like they do in cave levels) with the metal Kremling head over their own, and you hit a button to make the head bite.

I keep having these dreams, I think, because I'm so excited about all of these projects going on! I'm super excited and I'm getting impatient! I really want to see more updates from leocore! :lol:

But seriously, the one that I had the other day, I wish you guys could have seen the way it looked. I mean... I really, really wish you could have seen how amazing it was, especially that 90° camera turn... that was so beautiful!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » June 17th, 2012, 2:20 pm

I'll bet it was beautiful, Phyreburnz, just like many people and things I know. As for your dream last night, it sounds like a very creative idea that, I think, we should try to re-create once Simion32 beats up his bugs.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » July 11th, 2012, 3:01 pm

I had another DK dream last night. So, my dad, my brother, and I were picking up wood for some reason in my front lawn, and there were these green circular bugs moving around. Suddenly, Donkey jumped down from a nearby tree, apparently to help us. He started throwing sharp pieces at me. but they became stuck in the tree and I walked away from there. Why Donkey was in my dream seems really strange. I mean, why would he come to pick up wood? Maybe, Donkey thought the tree that he jumped down from was a jungle tree and he wanted to take some samples back to the island!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Cody » July 18th, 2012, 9:49 am

Had this back in February, time to post it in the right spot:

I dreamed I was playing the DKC Kremling's Revenge hack (it's in a thread on this forum), and when I was in the middle of fighting K. Rool I saw a DK Coin floating above. I got the DK Coin and beat K. Rool... then it shifted to a scene in Cranky Kong's hut. Cranky said something along the lines of "Congrats, now that you've beaten all the levels, you may collect DK Coins throughout the game. There are exactly as many DK Coins in this game as the amount of bushes in the jungle stages in Kongo Jungle."

Next thing I remember, I was able to ride Rambi on the world map and I crashed into a cabin on the map that you normally can't access. This led me to a DKC3-ish Crystal Chasm mini-game which I played to get the DK Coin! Epic!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Katastrophe Kong » July 31st, 2012, 1:37 pm

I don't know why I never posted these here before but here they go. Keep in mind I whipped up these reinaction pictures real quick just to convey the basic ideas of the dreams. Also try to keep in mind that I had these dreams quite a while ago (like, YEARS ago).

The first one was a dream about Donkey Kong Country. At one point during the dream Donkey Kong entered a purple cave level where he was facing a large, purple, gorilla boss.

In the next part he was in a level where the archetype looked a lot like the Monkey Mines map screen and these brown Gnawtys with overalls were new enemies.
The next one involves Donkey Kong Country 2. There was a part where in the dream Diddy and Dixie entered a stage where a Kannon without his Cannon was poking at DK on a plank with a wooden sword. It was like Monkey Museum or Kong Kollege in that it was a stage that could be entered and exited at will.

Then, directly below level-wise, was another similar stage. It was a GBA-colored pirate cabin and Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy were tied up together. The pictures for these dreams don't do them justice, the first scene took place at the edge of a clean pirate ship (kinda like an extension of the Gangplank Galleon boss level from the first game). I also forgot to add Kannon's wooden sword.
This last dream was sort of a mish-mash of all three Donkey Kong Country games. It was an actual game concept where Diddy and Dixie were having relationship issues and a new Gorilla-girl at their school (Kong Kollege) was trying to sway Diddy away from Dixie. The game would star Dixie in some levels and Kiddy in others (Dixie's storyline involving her trying to fix her and Diddy's relationship and Kiddy's storyline involving him trying to break out of preschool). I can only remember a few parts of this dream which really bugs me because I really believe it would've made an excellent game. Anyways, the first scene is the final level of the main story-line. It takes place in Krazy Kremland where Diddy is thinking about both girls (the Gorilla-girl and Dixie) and he's trying to make up his mind of which girl he would give his other ticket to. It's some form of mini-game where you have to make Dixie's icon appear more often than the Gorilla-girl's. Maybe a shoot-em-up game or something.

The next scene is sort of an epilogue level or secret boss battle. Dixie breaks into King K. Rool's prison cell and decides to have one last battle with him. He fight's using the ball chained to his ankle.

The last scene is something completely different. I had a dream which involved Dixie fighting this oriental looking Dragon head attatched to the wall of either a Dojo or a very fancy Chinese restaurant. I used Arich's head in the reinactment because he bared a slight resemblance to him. He would attack by spitting fire much like Squirt would spit water and in the same pattern too.
Here are the quickly and messily edited sprites I used to create these scenes. You can use them if you like.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Ribbedebie » August 4th, 2012, 11:02 pm

Those dreams sound pretty nifty! I also like the pics you made for 'em. :3
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Geno » August 5th, 2012, 2:07 am

I don't normally have DKC dreams, but I started having them recently.
One of my favourites, was when I was having TOOTH SURGERY, they put me to sleep, using this needle thing, and even though I WAS NOT supposed to be dreaming, I actually did. I was dreaming about an amazing DKC game that had DK, Diddy, Dixie, and Kiddy playable. And the DK64 Kongs were unlockable characters. And Cranky Kong. XD.
I guess sleeping drugs have weird effects on me.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Gaz » August 13th, 2012, 6:51 am

Katastrophe Kong wrote:... (moderator removed large spoiler'd quote)

Was the Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy part coming from Ernest Borgnine (voie of Mermaid Man) passing away on July 8, 2012?
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Katastrophe Kong » August 13th, 2012, 8:14 am

Conker's Bad Fur Day wrote:Was the Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy part coming from Ernest Borgnine (voie of Mermaid Man) passing away on July 8, 2012?

No, I had this dream waaaay before he passed.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » August 13th, 2012, 11:43 am

Oh my god the dude who voiced mermaind man passed away?!
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Katastrophe Kong » August 13th, 2012, 1:20 pm

Unfortunately, yes :(

Now Spongebob is completely screwed.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Gaz » August 14th, 2012, 1:56 am

I know, especially since in October, there's going to be a new episode with Plankton and Man Ray teaming up... And, isn't Mermaid Man a minor character?
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » December 18th, 2012, 4:00 pm

I thought up a new dream while sleeping. OK, so Dixie and Kiddy are in Barrel Bust-Up and are climbing to the top. When they get to where the last bonus is supposed to be, it isn't there. Instead, there more level. The two of them climb the tree parts for some time and then encounter another flagpole. The only difference is, this flag is already colored red and yellow.

No, I haven't been playing NSMB DS, Wii, Mii, or Wii U. Also, funnily enough, I remember seeing the level through Qyzbud's Level Map Viewer.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Chibisai Kong » December 21st, 2012, 2:17 pm

Super Luigi! wrote:I thought up a new dream while sleeping.

...Picture if you will...
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » December 21st, 2012, 3:50 pm

I specifically worded the sentence in that fashion and are delighted to see that you've noticed the peculiarity of the statement.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » April 30th, 2013, 8:32 am

Seems as though I haven't had any DKC dreams lately. Well I had one last night anyway...

It wasn't much, but after sailing with Medli and Aryll past a ring of light somewhere in the Great Sea from an HD version of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (*INHALE*) :rant: , I was suddenly playing DKC2. I was in the Lost World's Jungle Jinx and was trying to capture a picture of Dixie Kong. So naturally, Diddy threw Dixie to the ground, she started crying :dixiecry: , and then disappeared. I went into the first bonus that I saw, Dixie was back with Diddy, and they had to repeatedly jump on some kind of white S :mario: B3 Dry Bones, which sort of looked like the bones that you avoid in the level. Once I had bashed the baddy :headache: , I collected my 54th Kremkoin. Immediately, I wondered why I would have that many Kremkoins at that point in the game, and also why it was a Kremkoin and not a DK coin. Then, I woke up. I still don't know if I ever captured that photograph of Dixie Kong. :scratch:
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Ribbedebie » May 25th, 2013, 6:52 am

The last DKC dream I remember having was that I saw a fatter K. Rool (no, really, even fatter than he already is) at some amusement park or something and I hugged him.

It was pretty cool, but also weird. :o
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » July 4th, 2013, 1:15 am

Five words: Kiddy was giving me nightmares.

As I was trying to sleep last night, I kept dreaming of DKCR: TF (There Qyzbud, I spelled it right!) and about whether Kiddy Kong was the fourth character or not. My mind hurts just trying to recollect the events. :headache: OK, so I saw Kiddy in some old newspaper that said he was in. :kiddywin: Then I woke up. After going back to sleep, I was on the Atlas, and Tiptup Jr. was going to start killing people again. :rant: Then I woke up. Soon afterwards, I fell asleep and dreamed that Kiddy was targeted by a murderer. :kiddywave: Then I woke up. Later, I saw a scientist speaking to another man about how he had accidentally created all of the Kong family, and how he put them on an island so that the government couldn't get to them. :thumbs: Then I woke up. After that, it was five in the morning, so I just lied there and tried to remember everything that happened so that I could put the story on here. So, what do you think?
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Qyzbud » July 4th, 2013, 9:21 am

Super Luigi! wrote:DKCR: TF (There Qyzbud, I spelled it right!)



Where'd you get the 'R' from? :P
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » July 10th, 2013, 4:59 am

It was right next to the "T" on my keyboard. Plus, everywhere else that I've seen the game mentioned it's called Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze. I'm sorry that I'm not as insightful as you, and I'm also sorry for disgracing your wonderful Atlas with my foul misspellings. Please have mercy on my online soul.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Qyzbud » August 2nd, 2013, 5:10 pm

I have never heard it referred to as Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze... although it certainly seems like a direct sequel to DKCR, moreso than 'the fifth Donkey Kong Country game'.

Still, bow your head in shame. :evil:
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » August 7th, 2013, 8:02 am

I have a better idea. Let's drop the subject. Since you corrected me a month ago, I have never referred to it as Returns: Tropical Freeze. So enough of this Grammar Kremling nonsense, let's get this topic back on track!
Of course, that will mean falling asleep and dreaming, which can be very hard to do, especially for insomniacs, such as myself, but since it is for the Atlas' sake... Zzzzzzzzzzz.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » September 5th, 2013, 3:24 am

Two minor DKC dreams have ocurred!

The first was about some sort of DKC2 remake. There was a light blue slide in Jungle Jinx that Diddy was sliding up and down on, and all the graphics seemed... airier, as if there was more air in the environment. The second dream I had was about Cranky Kong. I was in a college class, trying to take notes. The whole time I was there, Cranky kept berating my notes. He said something along the lines of, "You call these notes? Back in my day, we made sure our notes made sense! None of this Cornell and MLA rubbish!"

Also, remember when I had that HD Zelda: The Wind Waker dream? Well, apparently I was on to something, because a new HD remake of Wind Waker is coming out for the Wii U.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » December 7th, 2013, 3:06 pm

This entry is a little vague, but I'll do my best to remember.

It was dark out, and I had stayed up too long. I changed into my girlish nightgown and prepared myself for my dear bed. Once I was nestled comfortably underneath the powerful comforters, I began to drift off into Dreamville. It was then that Kiddy Kong appeared. :kiddywin: He came out of a cloudy Golden Temple-like structure and spoke to me in such a lovely voice. As he looked down on my fragile, slender being, :banana: he announced that Cranky had pulled a joke on us all. :nicework: Needless to say, even though I expected it, I was astonished to hear such news. Kiddy continued, :kiddycool: stating that he was indeed the legendary fabled fourth Kong. My hopes were renewed and I rejoiced, :dixiehappy: but as I did, I was sent back to my own world, and woke up.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » May 9th, 2014, 7:39 am

I've had a few dreams since then, and as usual, don't remember everything. Here are some details:

After something, Diddy and Dixie apparently lost all their lives. Instead of the usual DKC 2 Game Over screen, I saw a different scene. The camera was inside the back of a train in a subway. As the train pulled off, I saw the words "Game Over" on the screen in that DKC3 GBA yellow and purple font. Fittingly, I believe I woke up at that point.

Last week in another dream, I was playing DK 64, in the level Jungle Japes, as Tiny Kong. You know, the original one, who was actually tiny. Anyhow, I walked along the grass over towards the 3 Bananaport Pad by Chunky's rock. There, I saw the middle cave was gone (where the first 4 Pad is) and noticed a new cave to the left of it. I told Tiny to investigate, and she agreed. Inside, we saw a downhill, underwater gate. I immediately thought Simion32 could open it, but knew I couldn't call him yet. Tiny and I looked around the corner towards the 4 Pad, and noticed it wasn't there. At that point, I wondered where Cranky's 4 Pad lead to, but couldn't explore the notion, since I'm sure that's when I either switched dreams, or just flat out woke up.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Kimi Kong » November 20th, 2014, 7:05 pm

Okay, i just had this dream last night and i had to post it here. I actually had this dream twice last night, but the second time it was told somewhat differently but is basically the same dream.

Okay, the dream starts off showing Dixie(not the one from the game, from the cartoon) was being followed by an unidentified and unnamed Kong who turned out to be a bigger douche bag than Bluster(and anyone whose seen the show know how big that is). The Unnamed Kong kept following her and asking her to marry him. She kept refusing him over and over and eventually he just put the ring on Dixie's finger, much to her dismay. She couldn't take the ring off or anything and soon her smirks and disappears. She arrives back to her house to see that a random group had started raiding her house, taking her pet and valuables, saying that she can no loner possess them because she's engaged to*insert forgotten name here*. Soon after they leave, her house is ambushed. She tries her best to hide but she keeps on hearing "You can't hide from me! You're a target now!". The dream fades away after showing a panicking Dixie on the verge of screaming.(I was woken up at this point)

The second time i have the dream, its basically the same thing but told a little differently and also ends differently. Instead of fading to black, it ends with Dixie screaming and finding herself sitting up in a bed. She looks around to find out that she was in her room. Another unidentified Kong(whom i strongly believe was Diddy) was sitting beside her asking if she was okay. She looked at him and asked what happened. The Kong tells her she was having an awful nightmare, more than likely brought on by the high fever she had. She almost didn't believe it until she looked at her hand and saw that there was no ring and her pets were also by her side.

So basically i had a DKC related dream inside of a DKC related dream. Its strange but as much as i love strange stuff like this, i never imagined i would have a DKC related dream quite like this.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » December 17th, 2014, 2:32 pm

I had a somewhat DKC related dream last night. Here's a short summary.

First, I (and possibly some friends) were at a café. I don't know what we were doing, but I do remember Dixie and Diddy there.

Second, my friends and I were out in the wilderness. And by wilderness, I mean out in the countryside of my hometown. As we were walking along, I spotted a realistic looking Tiny Kong, who acted like Donkey. She was going to attack us! However, a realistic Diddy soon appeared. The two Kongs began discussing something, when Diddy suddenly pushed on Tiny's stomach. Out popped some thing, and I think Tiny had just given birth somehow. Then, I woke up.

Another dream from last night included a small fire in my bedroom that kept popping up in different places, but that's not DKC related. Unless, of course, the fire was supposed to be the oil can from DKC 1 that never depletes...
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby MatiZ » December 19th, 2014, 7:55 am

When I was 3-4, I dreamed about I rode on the Winky in my kindergarden. It was a strange experience and I remember how I lost that frog and I had to go back on its feet.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » December 22nd, 2014, 11:59 am

I had more dreams. The first is hazy. All I remember is DK visiting my school. However, bad sentence structure aside, my second dream has more to it.

So, I'm playing DK 64 as Dixie instead of the other five Kongs. By the looks of things, I must have been at Gloomy Galleon, even though the level itself wasn't the same. Anyway, Dixie must have been underwater for too long, because she suddenly passed out. The game did its screen transition thing, and I thought I'd go back to controlling Tiny.

I was only half right. Now I was controlling Tiny while carrying Dixie. We had to hide close to land underwater to avoid spotlights and people finding us. And these people would not stop watching the water. It was almost as if they knew. Anyway, one light came over us, so Tiny hid under Dixie. This seemed to work, as the light moved on. After that, the dream ended.

I'm not quite sure why I had this dream, or if it even means anything. My only guess for now is that I'm one of those people watching. I've abused the two female Kongs for too long now. Or, perhaps the spotlight could be a symbol of attention, since they've recently starred in my daily Super Smash Bros. posts.

Or it could even be both. Or none, for that matter. What do you think?
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby MatiZ » November 25th, 2015, 10:35 pm

I had a dream that somebody in forum made all models of planes found in DKC:TF's levels. Planes were restored from rust, leaves, voids and cracks.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » September 23rd, 2016, 12:08 am

I had another dream last night. In it, Dixie was in some underground place that looked like it was from a Gamecube game, like Spyro: A Hero's Tail for example. When she bumped into a wall, she shook her head slowly while small stars appeared, just like that game. Anyway, Dixie almost fainted from losing her energy, but she managed to avoid the group of birds attacking her and reach a checkpoint. There was also a mini-boss that could be walked away from.

That's about all I have. I wish I had a more DKC related dream, like Dixie swinging through the trees with Diddy and Tiny to visit Kiddy and Chunky while Donkey ate bananas like a true family man. That would be wonderful.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby DoubleD99 » October 16th, 2016, 5:51 am

I had quite a few DKC dreams in the past.
One dream, during the month of tropical freeze's release, I was in a factory-like place, and I heard someone yelping for help. I go into another room to see Diddy Kong :diddy-r: on a conveyor belt, and so I grab his hand and get him off, and we go to find DK, Dixie, and Cranky :thumbs: :dixiehappy: :nicework: who are chained in another room, when we got them off, all 4 of the kongs made a run for it, and I tried to follow them and next thing I know, I was in my grandmother's old neighborhood, and then the kongs went into the forest and I lost them, I then see gir from invader zim and ask if he's seen the kongs, he said yes, but didn't see where they headed, Then I woke up..

And then there was another DK dream with Diddy Kong. :diddywink: I found him in my house, and the second he spotted me, he ran to me and started cuddling me. The dream started to get more adorable when he started making cute little monkey noises while cuddling me, and that's all I could remember.

There was another dream I had with bluster from the CGI series. -_- all I could remember is him flexing while giving me a smug look, and I was trying to get out of the barrel factory as far away from him as possible and that's it.

And then there was this other dream I had where I was in the beautiful springs- like place with so many pools, and hot tubs, and water falls, and such. It was empty though, but then I heard a shower turn on, and so I went to where the noise was at, and it was funky Kong in the shower while still having his clothes on. He wanted me to bathe with him, and I didn't wanna be rude, so just as I was about to step in, I woke up.

And then I had this vague dream where I think I shrunk and held onto Tiny Kong (dk64 version) by her neck real tightly, (I was smaller than her neck, so she couldn't choke to death) and that's all I could rem from that.

Finally, I think I had a dream with Chunky Kong and Lanky Kong... Not sure what happened, but I think I do rem having a dream with them in it. I hope in the near future I could have more dreams with the kongs. Starting to wonder what kinds of dreams I would have with kiddy Kong or Swanky Kong...
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Super Luigi! » October 20th, 2016, 5:19 am

Just last night, I had a dream about DK 64. Fungi Forest was the last place to go, as told by the manual. The level's lobby was very dark and unsettling. As for the actual stage, it was as if Kremotoa had erupted. Everything was red and lava was everywhere. Donkey and Tiny both touched it and went into their defeat animations (Donkey passed out, while Tiny crossed her legs, rubbed her head, and nodded.) I believe I had made it to Chunky's well, before my dream changed into something else.
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby DoubleD99 » October 21st, 2016, 9:40 pm

I remembered another DKC dream I had. All I could remember is seeing DK :thumbs: and Cranky :nicework: in my local arcade... I think they were playing the classic DK arcade game while people were chanting for DK to beat cranky at the DK arcade game... Not sure who won at the end though... CRI :dixiecry:
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Re: Dreaming about DKC

Postby Jungle » October 21st, 2016, 9:44 pm

I have yet to have a DKC related dream, maybe tonight is the night. Here's hoping!
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