Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby slym » November 28th, 2012, 9:02 am

First of all, Awsoooome!! :thumbs:

Secondly i know you said in the game there is a lot of bug but i just made a list for being sure I'm not crazy :P

1. camera don't really work perfectly as all DKC games
2. When you don't run and you just roll and jump i think the jump go really to far or the movement is to point x to y is too fast, if i compare to the other DKC games
3. i know guys you said diddy is the fastest kong but the 3 others kong are really too slow well maybe not really but it really look like(maybe I'm really crazy here)
4. When we end the game with the pole the camera don't always follow the kong properly and we just see half of kong's solo (the animation isn't cut i mean the camera isn't place properly)
5. I don't know if it is a bug but when we press 'Q' key our kong die
6. When the music finish it take too much time to restart(there is like 3 to 5 seconds before it restart(i didn't count))(maybe that was you want but i make this list just for being sure)
7.Just after we take rambi there is a platform who is not properly make as the platform is (well it is not really specific but you probably know what i mean there)
8. When you are in a barrel and you press shot and jump at same time the barell will shot but the kong will stay in it
9. when you collect all the kong letter and the word appear at top of the screen the :o: letter is missing
10.During the demo each DK game every DK coins you take will be add to the overall DK letter from other game you made
11. i'm not sure about this one but i think the kong jump too hight if we compare to the other DKC games
12. When you roll and you kill an enemy at the same time the roll ''Push'' isn't there (test in other DKC games you will see)
13. When you fall the ''dead music'' start too soon and you lost a life too fast at this point it can always be possible to come back with a roll jump (if you don't really know what i mean try roll jump after the save barrel but wait at the really bottom(before you stop to see your kong)
14. You die when you lost the life 1 but in all other game it is after life 0 (0 is a life as 1)
15. Sometime when i try to close the game the program stop working

maybe there are more but i already play 10 times this preview so I'm a bit tired haha

Well this is all weird think i found in the preview i hope it can help you

But at all, the game is sooo amazing continue your great job guys. You will make a lot of fan happy with this game :thumbs:

at last, sorry for my English as you notice I'm not anglophone :scratch:

i notice the download link that leocore post doesn't work anymore so there is the link: ... p.exe.html

EDIT: i find a lot more bug here the list:

16. When you have any kong on a heavy kong and you use the new skill(rolls on kong) and your first charater(who is under the heavy one) hit a monster the heavy kong take the place of the light kong but he fly until dead happen
17. When you press 'Q' a lot you will fly and you will see item not use in map in air
18.heavy kong can use the new skill ''roll on heavy kong" i don't think they are supposed to do that
19.When you try the new skill ''roll on heavy kong" with heavy kong in lead and light kong second, kongs will go fly in the sky
20. When you want change Dk to dixie, dk give his hand to dixie and she blast his and with her gum (is it normal?)
21. When you finish a second time the stage with a new kong the kong face at the world map will change
22. if you want make slow walk press left and right at same time : p
23. when you jump and press left and right at same time the movement stop
24. When you have barrel in your and you switch partner the barrel disappear
25. There is a lag too when you have someone on kong shoulder and he his hit at the same time
26. When your kong partner is on the ground and your main kong die, the kong on ground will come back and he will take the place of the main kong
27. The ''hit box'' don't work perfectly when enemy it you in vertical way
28.when you try to control light kong throw in the air it don't work perfectly too

P.S. If you need sreenshot for more help just ask me ^^
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Cosmicman » November 28th, 2012, 12:22 pm

This was so epic, I enjoyed it so much, it really feels just like a DKC game, the press start screen song was amazing, I could pause the game and just listen to the music just like I did 17 years ago with the original series, keep it going guys!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Qyzbud » November 28th, 2012, 1:52 pm

I'm keen to give the demo a try. I only have a Mac to use for the next few days (bad timing, huh?), but I'll check it out once I get back to my development PC. :geek:

I've listed The Kongs Return as a work-in-progress in the DKC Atlas projects section. That whole part of the site has been improved, so take a look. :)


Tonberry2000 wrote:I just want to point out early that the title of the game, in English, should probably be "The Kongs Return."

I took a moment to alter your blog's banner so that it matches the correct title — feel free to use this:


Current version:

I'm sure you'll come up with a better header anyway, but I thought it couldn't hurt to use this one in the meantime. ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » November 28th, 2012, 1:56 pm

FINALLY!!!!!!! Thanks so much for the demo!!!!! It's been torture waiting!

I'll list what glitches I've found. I'm not going to duplicate what Slym has.

1) I set the buddy barrel down with Dixie and it fell through the floor.
2) Not sure if my machine it just slow, but it seems like black screens before going into a level, or while waiting to go to a bonus are long.
3) When using Dixie and floating, she dies when she hits Klump, rather than bouncing off his helmet like I would think should happen. DK also was unable to jump on Klump. I think you have it set at a weird angle for them to have to jump. If it's just slightly off, they die. It's not just Klump. You have to jump very specifically to kill enemies that are just slightly elevated, such as the Gnawties that are on higher platforms.
4) Sometimes after switching characters, you can't move left or right, you can only roll. Once you jump, though, you can move normally.
5) After you collect the KONG letters and you go into a bonus, you have to re collect them once you come out of the bonus.
6) When using Diddy and trying to team with Dixie, she was caught in a perpetual roll in the air not near Diddy. Being unable to throw Dixie, I jumped on an enemy, and now Diddy is stuck rolling.
7) It seems like it takes a long time to blast out of the bonus barrel
8) With Diddy's special ability being able to roll instantly on Kiddy or DK, you can just keep hitting jump and you can't get off of Kiddy and he just keeps floating. When I got hit with Diddy riding DK, DK was stuck in the "riding on a steel keg" animation.
9) Another DK barrel glitch. I was unable to set the barrel down without it breaking.
10) Diddy ran through the bonus exit backwards when I got the coin and he wasn't facing the exit.
11) The speed seems much more normal during the bonus than the actual level, where the characters move very slowly.
12) The jump reaction time seems off during the bonus, at least.
13) When you throw a heavy Kong, they don't kill enemies.
14) The KONG letters don't stay collected after you hit the midpoint and die; you have to go back and re collect them.
15) The whole screen shakes when you're coming back from the bonus level.
16) The second DK barrel automatically breaks when you hit it with Rambi.
17) When I threw Dixie above the trees at the end of the level, she came back through and made me land on the end of the level target, rather than go up on top of the trees.
18) After the blasting barrel part, there's the higher piece of ground with the Gnawty where the actual floor of where he walks is lower than the terrain.
19) When you jump on the end of the level target, there is a lull before the animation and music is played.

Not glitches, but should be considered:
1) No banana when you hand-slap baddies with DK
2) Shouldn't switching between characters be the 'A' button, rather than select?
3) Why to select a level do you use the 'A' button, rather than start?
4) When you use DK and team up with Diddy, Diddy uses his duck animation from the DKC2 skull cart levels, rather than his teaming up animation.
5) You used Krusha's death noise, rather than Klumps when you kill Klump.
6) After you beat a level for the second time with a different Kong, the face on the map changes to the last Kong to beat the level.
6) The noises in the game, like killing baddies in the bonus level, seem too quiet compared to the music volume.
7) Maybe for the Kiddy-Diddy switch you could use a noise for Kiddy?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » November 28th, 2012, 3:30 pm

Wow, what a commendable effort! I was right about it being a workable demo!

I'm not going to reiterate the bugs that others have already listed - but you have done a very good job.

Some engine comments:
--The installer is still 100MB even though you have all of the levels past level 1 disabled. I'll bet that the content is still actually in the game exe... ;)
--The movement isn't as tight as I would expect, or maybe it's just me.
--You seriously need to consider a Frames-Per-Second meter. Debugging something like this is difficult if we cannot tell whether the engine is playing at full speed. I have Core 2 Duo, and if it's slow on that, well... I have no idea what will happen on old machines.
--100MB for just one world is way too much (I'm assuming the other content is still hidden but included). Please consider trying to reduce the game's size somehow. Perhaps you can get away with UPX Packing your exe (I just tried that, but didn't do much to the exe size, so the MMF2 data must already be compressed very well).
--Why are you using a Install Creator Pro installer? That's just extra bloat. Unless you are trying to use the registry, it's not strictly needed. I reccomend 7-Zip instead. ;)

EDIT: Going by popular opinion, I have edited slym's download link into the first post so that users visiting the Atlas projects page can download it. Please don't remove that until you have the real demo ready, leo_core. ;)
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Cosmicman » November 28th, 2012, 4:42 pm

I don't know if it was mentioned before but the kongs flip 2 or 3 times after killing someone instead of just one flip, unless it was done in purpose.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Qyzbud » November 28th, 2012, 4:58 pm

I haven't played the demo yet Cosmic, so I may be misunderstanding you... but Kongs have always flipped/tumbled through the air continuously until they land, once they've bounced off baddies after a jump attack.

Or are you referring to roll/cartwheel/spin attacks? If so, my apologies.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 28th, 2012, 7:37 pm

How many comments!
I really did not expect such deep analysis! Thanks!! :D

Guys, I'm going here soon to post an updated version with "more coarse" bugs fixed.
Urgent I need to sleep, I'm really very sleepy. Later I'm come back here and answer all questions.

Please, I ask you to uninstall the game and install this:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » November 29th, 2012, 2:27 am

I think you guys should make the first post where you can find all the downloads easily. Have them like version 1 and then the first download, then version 2 and the second download, and so on.

Here is the new list of things that need fixed, some are repeats other lists:
1) When using a heavy Kong to team with a light Kong, it's very difficult to throw them upward. When you do, it seems like they have a big arc and it's hard to go directly up.
2) Weird things still happen sometimes when you team up. Right now, I have DK and I teamed up with Dixie and she was caught in a perpetual roll.
3) Screen still shakes after completing a bonus
4) speed for the Kongs is still very slow, but it seems to pick up and go normal about halfway through the level.
5) beating the level is still glitchy, the animation stops oddly right before you're about to hit the target.
6) It's still really weird to hit an enemy, like Klaptrap or Klump. It should be easier to hit them correctly.
7) After throwing a Kong and walking past them, sometimes you have to walk past twice to let them finish out their hit animation before they follow you again.
8) Switching between Kongs, you have to be on the right terrain, so you have to move around sometimes to switch; you also can't switch on single trees.
9) The Kongs seem to go really far when you throw them straight.
10) After switching Kongs, you have to jump before you can move left or right.
11) in the bonus, the sound effects need to be louder
12) When floating down with Dixie at the end of the level, she should hit the target, but she doesn't.

Other considerations:
1) I understand that you wanted it to look like sunlight passing through the clouds, but the characters look too contrasty, not really like the sun is passing over them.
2) For the bonus level, when falling, the camera doesn't follow you quickly enough. If you try to jump down to the bottom, it often ends up with you dying because you just barely missed the enemy.
3) I did make turning animations for all the Kongs riding on animal buddies, if you'd like to use them.
4) When Diddy is being carried by a heavy Kong, it's awkward because you've used the duck animation from the skull cart in DKC2.
5) On the map screen, the head of the Kong changes to the Kong that last beat the level.

I was wondering if you'd mind if I made some bonus images for you. DK doesn't look like he fits and I think I can make him fit in better.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby slym » November 29th, 2012, 4:58 am

wow fast fix :P nice job there still have some glitch but mostly have disappear
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 29th, 2012, 5:52 am

slym wrote:First of all, Awsoooome!! :thumbs:

Secondly i know you said in the game there is a lot of bug but i just made a list for being sure I'm not crazy :P

1. camera don't really work perfectly as all DKC games...

P.S. If you need sreenshot for more help just ask me ^^

Ahahaha, great list! Great list! Many of these bugs have been fixed in 2nd version, we will study your report carefully, thanks!

Cosmicman wrote:This was so epic, I enjoyed it so much, it really feels just like a DKC game, the press start screen song was amazing, I could pause the game and just listen to the music just like I did 17 years ago with the original series, keep it going guys!

Thanks! Your contribution (Kiddy's head) helped enrich the project!

Qyzbud wrote:...

Thank you for adding our game in the project section and fix the banner, I will go to the person who cares for the blog!

Phyreburnz wrote:FINALLY!!!!!!! Thanks so much for the demo!!!!! It's been torture waiting!

I'll list what glitches I've found. I'm not going to duplicate what Slym has.

1) I set the buddy barrel down with Dixie and it fell through the floor...

This list is huge Phyre! We will study and discuss a lot about your list, thank you for beta testing, really lot to fix!

Simion32 wrote:Wow, what a commendable effort! I was right about it being a workable demo!

I'm not going to reiterate the bugs that others have already listed - but you have done a very good job.


Simion32 wrote:Some engine comments:
--The installer is still 100MB even though you have all of the levels past level 1 disabled. I'll bet that the content is still actually in the game exe... ;)

There are some stages ready and many other ongoing that same executable.
This beta is the "raw" state of project, there are many things not used in this first level and many things are quadrupled, everything in the executable.
To make cleaning and full optimization would take a long time, we will do this when we have the demo ready.

Simion32 wrote:--The movement isn't as tight as I would expect, or maybe it's just me.
--You seriously need to consider a Frames-Per-Second meter. Debugging something like this is difficult if we cannot tell whether the engine is playing at full speed. I have Core 2 Duo, and if it's slow on that, well... I have no idea what will happen on old machines.
--100MB for just one world is way too much (I'm assuming the other content is still hidden but included). Please consider trying to reduce the game's size somehow. Perhaps you can get away with UPX Packing your exe (I just tried that, but didn't do much to the exe size, so the MMF2 data must already be compressed very well).
--Why are you using a Install Creator Pro installer? That's just extra bloat. Unless you are trying to use the registry, it's not strictly needed. I reccomend 7-Zip instead. ;)

Hmmmmmmmmm... we will study about it, ok? thanks!

Simion32 wrote:EDIT: Going by popular opinion, I have edited slym's download link into the first post so that users visiting the Atlas projects page can download it. Please don't remove that until you have the real demo ready, leo_core. ;)

Thanks for the fix!

A moment to breathe...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 29th, 2012, 6:01 am

Cosmicman wrote:I don't know if it was mentioned before but the kongs flip 2 or 3 times after killing someone instead of just one flip, unless it was done in purpose.

Qyzbud wrote:I haven't played the demo yet Cosmic, so I may be misunderstanding you... but Kongs have always flipped/tumbled through the air continuously until they land, once they've bounced off baddies after a jump attack.

Or are you referring to roll/cartwheel/spin attacks? If so, my apologies.

I also did not understand that you referred Cosmic... can you clarify?

Phyreburnz wrote:I think you guys should make the first post where you can find all the downloads easily. Have them like version 1 and then the first download, then version 2 and the second download, and so on.

Here is the new list of things that need fixed, some are repeats other lists:
1) When using a heavy Kong to team with a light Kong, it's very difficult to throw them upward. When you do, it seems like they have a big arc and it's hard to go directly up.


I was wondering if you'd mind if I made some bonus images for you. DK doesn't look like he fits and I think I can make him fit in better.

Phyreburnz is a machine for making beta test! 'll study your report carefully.

slym wrote:wow fast fix :P nice job there still have some glitch but mostly have disappear


Guys, thanks for the feedback! We'll take it all calmly, if you guys see others beyond those errors, please do not forget to report!
We rely on the help of you to do a demo with minimal errors possible.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby djsubtronic » November 29th, 2012, 9:43 am

That was awesome! Not a lot that I can add to the other bugs, and to be honest I didn't really encounter many. I did notice that the jumping and movement is a bit floaty. They seem to cover too much distance when moving while jumping too.

Other than that, it was awesome. I will play some more and let you know of any bugs. Can't wait for the full demo!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » November 29th, 2012, 11:25 am

Perfect (DKC1-based) Camera Movement Algorithm:

Somebody mentioned that the camera isn't moving correctly. Well, here's the solution to that problem. ;)

This might be a little difficult for you to digest, but this is the algorithm used in DELTA to do the exact-replica DKC1 smooth camera scrolling.

The s value mentioned in the code here, is by default set to s = 16.
The higher the number, the longer it takes the camera to complete its adjustment towards the player Kong:

void CCamera::Proc()
signedInt32 xdiff = (donkeykong_x - (camera_left_x + half_of_camera_width));
signedInt32 ydiff = (donkeykong_y - (camera_top_y + half_of_camera_height));
signedInt32 xDiv = (xdiff / s); //integer divide operation
signedInt32 yDiv = (ydiff / s); //integer divide operation
signedInt32 xMod = (xdiff % s); //integer modulus operation
signedInt32 yMod = (ydiff % s); //integer modulus operation

// divide rounding towards negative infinity if input is negative

x += (xDiv + (((signed)(((unsigned)-xMod) >> 31)) | (xMod >> 31)));
y += (yDiv + (((signed)(((unsigned)-yMod) >> 31)) | (yMod >> 31)));
(EDIT: Made the code a bit more clear by renaming some stuff)
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Cyclone » November 29th, 2012, 12:20 pm

Love the demo. Being a 3d fan I like the world maps and the water animations. And finally all kongs playable. Didn't notice any bugs but I wasn't looking for any. ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Cosmicman » November 29th, 2012, 1:05 pm

Qyzbud, it is hard to explain but I just played all 3 original games to compare them. On the original games once you jump on top of an enemy on the same ground level all the kongs do a full front flip, sometimes one and a half before landing on the ground, with the exception of Kiddy, for some reason he does more flips, at least two per enemy, now on the demo this seems to be amplified, all kongs do a lot more flips even on the same ground level.

Leo, I was amazed the game started on the Kiddy head, the maps look beautiful :D If you need the Kiddy head with the mouth open, his updated head, or if you need any more models let me know, I will be happy to contribute more with this project.

Edit: Is this game going to have a screen stretch option or something similar? I have my computer connected to a 52" lcd hd tv and the non hd lines take up a lot of screen, on the snes9x emulator I can get away with stretching it and it looks great.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby NecroToad » November 30th, 2012, 6:23 am

Hey guys, first of all, thank you very much for playing this!
I'm Leo's partner in this project, and i'm very glad to see that you like our work.

I'm not going to reply every feedback post, but thrust me, i'm making a big list with all the feebacks that I see. We are going to try to fix this things, but i'm not sure about which will be repaired in the demo. The fact is that we will need to make a big change in the engine to be able to fix some of this problems, so, we are going to release this demo just for you guys give us some feedback and do the beta testing. Keep in mind that we are going to fix ALL the problems and bugs, but not in this demo!

Plus, i would like to encourage all of you to tell us every feedback that you have in mind! Not just the glichs and the bugs, but things related to level Desing, enemies movements, kongs movements, scrolling, map, animations, EVERYTHING. We are not a company and we are not going to earn any money with that, so, we would like to make this game with all of you to be sure that it's going to capture the essence od the original DKCs.

Thank you all again for all the beta testing and for follow this project. It really makes us very happy! :thumbs:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby NecroToad » November 30th, 2012, 6:27 am

Simion32 wrote:Perfect (DKC1-based) Camera Movement Algorithm:
Somebody mentioned that the camera isn't moving correctly. Well, here's the solution to that problem. ;)

This might be a little difficult for you to digest, but this is the algorithm used in DELTA to do the exact-replica DKC1 smooth camera scrolling.

The s value mentioned in the code here, is by default set to s = 16.
The higher the number, the longer it takes the camera to complete its adjustment towards the player Kong:

void CCamera::Proc()
signedInt32 xdiff = (donkeykong_x - (camera_left_x + half_of_camera_width));
signedInt32 ydiff = (donkeykong_y - (camera_top_y + half_of_camera_height));
signedInt32 xDiv = (xdiff / s); //integer divide operation
signedInt32 yDiv = (ydiff / s); //integer divide operation
signedInt32 xMod = (xdiff % s); //integer modulus operation
signedInt32 yMod = (ydiff % s); //integer modulus operation

// divide rounding towards negative infinity if input is negative

x += (xDiv + (((signed)(((unsigned)-xMod) >> 31)) | (xMod >> 31)));
y += (yDiv + (((signed)(((unsigned)-yMod) >> 31)) | (yMod >> 31)));
(EDIT: Made the code a bit more clear by renaming some stuff)

Thank you very much, i get it! I lost a lot of time playing and thinking about how they made the camera's smooth algorithm. by the way, is this used only on DKC1 or in all the three DKCs?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby NecroToad » November 30th, 2012, 6:32 am

slym wrote:
First of all, Awsoooome!! :thumbs:

Secondly i know you said in the game there is a lot of bug but i just made a list for being sure I'm not crazy :P

1. camera don't really work perfectly as all DKC games
2. When you don't run and you just roll and jump i think the jump go really to far or the movement is to point x to y is too fast, if i compare to the other DKC games
3. i know guys you said diddy is the fastest kong but the 3 others kong are really too slow well maybe not really but it really look like(maybe I'm really crazy here)
4. When we end the game with the pole the camera don't always follow the kong properly and we just see half of kong's solo (the animation isn't cut i mean the camera isn't place properly)
5. I don't know if it is a bug but when we press 'Q' key our kong die
6. When the music finish it take too much time to restart(there is like 3 to 5 seconds before it restart(i didn't count))(maybe that was you want but i make this list just for being sure)
7.Just after we take rambi there is a platform who is not properly make as the platform is (well it is not really specific but you probably know what i mean there)
8. When you are in a barrel and you press shot and jump at same time the barell will shot but the kong will stay in it
9. when you collect all the kong letter and the word appear at top of the screen the :o: letter is missing
10.During the demo each DK game every DK coins you take will be add to the overall DK letter from other game you made
11. i'm not sure about this one but i think the kong jump too hight if we compare to the other DKC games
12. When you roll and you kill an enemy at the same time the roll ''Push'' isn't there (test in other DKC games you will see)
13. When you fall the ''dead music'' start too soon and you lost a life too fast at this point it can always be possible to come back with a roll jump (if you don't really know what i mean try roll jump after the save barrel but wait at the really bottom(before you stop to see your kong)
14. You die when you lost the life 1 but in all other game it is after life 0 (0 is a life as 1)
15. Sometime when i try to close the game the program stop working

maybe there are more but i already play 10 times this preview so I'm a bit tired haha

Well this is all weird think i found in the preview i hope it can help you

But at all, the game is sooo amazing continue your great job guys. You will make a lot of fan happy with this game :thumbs:

at last, sorry for my English as you notice I'm not anglophone :scratch:

i notice the download link that leocore post doesn't work anymore so there is the link: ... p.exe.html

EDIT: i find a lot more bug here the list:

16. When you have any kong on a heavy kong and you use the new skill(rolls on kong) and your first charater(who is under the heavy one) hit a monster the heavy kong take the place of the light kong but he fly until dead happen
17. When you press 'Q' a lot you will fly and you will see item not use in map in air
18.heavy kong can use the new skill ''roll on heavy kong" i don't think they are supposed to do that
19.When you try the new skill ''roll on heavy kong" with heavy kong in lead and light kong second, kongs will go fly in the sky
20. When you want change Dk to dixie, dk give his hand to dixie and she blast his and with her gum (is it normal?)
21. When you finish a second time the stage with a new kong the kong face at the world map will change
22. if you want make slow walk press left and right at same time : p
23. when you jump and press left and right at same time the movement stop
24. When you have barrel in your and you switch partner the barrel disappear
25. There is a lag too when you have someone on kong shoulder and he his hit at the same time
26. When your kong partner is on the ground and your main kong die, the kong on ground will come back and he will take the place of the main kong
27. The ''hit box'' don't work perfectly when enemy it you in vertical way
28.when you try to control light kong throw in the air it don't work perfectly too

P.S. If you need sreenshot for more help just ask me ^^

thank you very much slym, It's a lot of bugs! lol
can you please make a new list for the version 2 fo the preview?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby NecroToad » November 30th, 2012, 6:36 am

Phyreburnz wrote:
I think you guys should make the first post where you can find all the downloads easily. Have them like version 1 and then the first download, then version 2 and the second download, and so on.

Here is the new list of things that need fixed, some are repeats other lists:
1) When using a heavy Kong to team with a light Kong, it's very difficult to throw them upward. When you do, it seems like they have a big arc and it's hard to go directly up.
2) Weird things still happen sometimes when you team up. Right now, I have DK and I teamed up with Dixie and she was caught in a perpetual roll.
3) Screen still shakes after completing a bonus
4) speed for the Kongs is still very slow, but it seems to pick up and go normal about halfway through the level.
5) beating the level is still glitchy, the animation stops oddly right before you're about to hit the target.
6) It's still really weird to hit an enemy, like Klaptrap or Klump. It should be easier to hit them correctly.
7) After throwing a Kong and walking past them, sometimes you have to walk past twice to let them finish out their hit animation before they follow you again.
8) Switching between Kongs, you have to be on the right terrain, so you have to move around sometimes to switch; you also can't switch on single trees.
9) The Kongs seem to go really far when you throw them straight.
10) After switching Kongs, you have to jump before you can move left or right.
11) in the bonus, the sound effects need to be louder
12) When floating down with Dixie at the end of the level, she should hit the target, but she doesn't.

Other considerations:
1) I understand that you wanted it to look like sunlight passing through the clouds, but the characters look too contrasty, not really like the sun is passing over them.
2) For the bonus level, when falling, the camera doesn't follow you quickly enough. If you try to jump down to the bottom, it often ends up with you dying because you just barely missed the enemy.
3) I did make turning animations for all the Kongs riding on animal buddies, if you'd like to use them.
4) When Diddy is being carried by a heavy Kong, it's awkward because you've used the duck animation from the skull cart in DKC2.
5) On the map screen, the head of the Kong changes to the Kong that last beat the level.

I was wondering if you'd mind if I made some bonus images for you. DK doesn't look like he fits and I think I can make him fit in better.

Thank you Phyre, that is a good list! I will appreciate if you make new bonus images for us. We are using the same resolution of the snes.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby slym » November 30th, 2012, 9:41 am

NecroToad wrote:
Phyreburnz wrote:I think you guys should make the first post where you can find all the downloads easily. Have them like version 1 and then the first download, then version 2 and the second download, and so on.

Here is the new list of things that need fixed, some are repeats other lists:
1) When using a heavy Kong to team with a light Kong, it's very difficult to throw them upward. When you do, it seems like they have a big arc and it's hard to go directly up.
2) Weird things still happen sometimes when you team up. Right now, I have DK and I teamed up with Dixie and she was caught in a perpetual roll.
3) Screen still shakes after completing a bonus
4) speed for the Kongs is still very slow, but it seems to pick up and go normal about halfway through the level.
5) beating the level is still glitchy, the animation stops oddly right before you're about to hit the target.
6) It's still really weird to hit an enemy, like Klaptrap or Klump. It should be easier to hit them correctly.
7) After throwing a Kong and walking past them, sometimes you have to walk past twice to let them finish out their hit animation before they follow you again.
8) Switching between Kongs, you have to be on the right terrain, so you have to move around sometimes to switch; you also can't switch on single trees.
9) The Kongs seem to go really far when you throw them straight.
10) After switching Kongs, you have to jump before you can move left or right.
11) in the bonus, the sound effects need to be louder
12) When floating down with Dixie at the end of the level, she should hit the target, but she doesn't.

Other considerations:
1) I understand that you wanted it to look like sunlight passing through the clouds, but the characters look too contrasty, not really like the sun is passing over them.
2) For the bonus level, when falling, the camera doesn't follow you quickly enough. If you try to jump down to the bottom, it often ends up with you dying because you just barely missed the enemy.
3) I did make turning animations for all the Kongs riding on animal buddies, if you'd like to use them.
4) When Diddy is being carried by a heavy Kong, it's awkward because you've used the duck animation from the skull cart in DKC2.
5) On the map screen, the head of the Kong changes to the Kong that last beat the level.

I was wondering if you'd mind if I made some bonus images for you. DK doesn't look like he fits and I think I can make him fit in better.

Thank you Phyre, that is a good list! I will appreciate if you make new bonus images for us. We are using the same resolution of the snes.

^^ right i will make an other one sooner as i can i'm a bit busy with school but i'll do my best for doing it
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » November 30th, 2012, 11:10 am

slym and NecroToad, Please stop quoting whole posts. You're clogging up the topic! :ugeek:

NecroToad wrote:Thank you very much, i get it! I lost a lot of time playing and thinking about how they made the camera's smooth algorithm. by the way, is this used only on DKC1 or in all the three DKCs?

I have not actually researched DKC2's or DKC3 camera system, but rest assured that the algorithm is pretty much going to be the same because Rare was limited by the SNES hardware (this is the reason why it only works with integer math - you need to use bit shifting!!).

Please note that the minus signs in the special divide like this: -xMod are not a typo!! It's just part of the bit manipulation. If you have trouble, look up C++ syntax.

One other thing I should mention. The code I gave you here is designed to work with a variable s value (smoothing factor) whereas DKC itself only has two different values (default being 16). The smoothing factor must be at least of value 1 or greater, and can not be zero or negative (the code would crash). Using a value of 1 means that the camera is locked to the focus point (Donkey Kong), and more smoothing is applied as you make s bigger.

I'm not sure what the other value was, but it's probably 8 since the SNES is being limited to bits here. The other value is triggered when inside a fast camera zone (check DKCRE and look for the red/orange/yellow camera zones for some examples of where this happens).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby djsubtronic » November 30th, 2012, 8:15 pm

By the way I forgot to mention, I love the cloud shadow effect, it was the first thing I noticed when I started the game. However, it doesn't make sense in this demo level because the sun is setting, and those shadows would only appear if the sun was high in the sky. Perhaps use it in a daytime level instead.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby slym » December 1st, 2012, 6:15 am

as promise there is my new list (i add some suggestion :) )
all the test i did, are with the original game DKC1 on Snes

some of these following lag/glitch or thing to fixed was already there before the fixed updated

1. When kongs rolls and jump after the ''boost'' is to high they are going too far. This jump should be fast as running (if you don't understand just test it ^^)
2.When we change partner there's not supposed to have a minimum distance between kongs for switch partner in the original game we can switch at any distance from the other kongs the only restriction is the kongs must be on the ground
3.The ''hitting'' box around kongs don't really work properly when you are fighting an enemy, i think its happen mostly when we attack in vertical way
4.When you want to throw a light kong it is almost impossible to throw him/her by the top(above the kongs who throw the other)
5.The camera have always some problem but I notice that you receive an algorithm for that
6.When the second kongs take back his place behind he slide on the ground he should just walk normally and stop after(if you need more explanation for this one ask for it)
7.if we go modified the save file we can change the face from who past the stage with an other number(1 = DK, 2 = Diddy, 3 = Dixie ,and 4 = Kiddy)
8.When you re-do the same stage and you won it with an other kong the face will change, in original game its stay the same whatever will happen after the first time
9.each time we finish a stage to the number of life you had at the save barrel so every next life you will get doesn't count
10.each time we finish the stage the banana come back to the number you had the last time you did this stage or you took a save barrel
11.each time you die you life will restart to the number of life you had at the last save barrel or stage done there too( i think it is the same problem as the banana it take the save after you do the stage the first time)
12. Same with coin can switch partner when you have barrel in your hand, so the barrel disappear
14.After a bonus you have to take back Kong's letter from the last save(example there the save barrel)
15.all other kongs except for diddy should go a bit faster than they are
16.each time you come back to your last game the kong combo you had will change for only DK only can save on the first slot
18.when you comeback from a bonus
19.When you jump on an enemy kongs make too many turn they should make half turn from what your game do
20.when kiddy kong walk I'm not really sure but he really walk too slow
21.DK coins isn't reset when you make an other game you have all DK from all other game( slot save)

Suggestion :swanky: :
1. You should put a funny intro like in 3 others games.
2.You should put a preview after X time at the title screen like in others games do.
3. The victory song of DK look just a bit too long(this one you do what you want :P this is just personal)
4.At the very first start we should start with Kiddy( he have never been the main character poor him :kiddysad: )

well i think that enough there are probably more but i tired :P

but by the ways as i always said continue your awesome great job
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » December 1st, 2012, 8:25 am

Have you guys given much thought to themeing the worlds? For example, in the first game, the world themes were:

Jungle, Caves, Forest, Ice, Caves

In 2, it was clearer:

Pirate ship, Volcano, Swamp, Theme Park, Haunted, Castle

This doesn't mean you can't mix it up by throwing in other themed levels. For example, DKC2 used Hornet, Ice, and Bramble themed levels with no worlds that used this overall theme. It seems from your map so far though that there's no overall them for the first world. You have Scarlet Crystal Crossing and the frozen ship stage in the same world, for instance.

Can I suggest you keep the first world jungle themed as an intro to the game? It can be a familiar environment to reintroduce people to the games. You can have stuff like:

-Jungle Stage
-Barrel-Heavy Jungle Stage
-Water Stage
-Hornet Stage
-Scarlet Crystal Crossing

Then world two could be mountain themed or something and the peak could have an ice level. I'm just trying to think of something what will keep each world "cohesive." Let me know what you think.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby EvangeliKong » December 1st, 2012, 5:46 pm

Well, you could use this:
Basically write the level gimmicks into word lists and then add 1, 1, 1 something to the Sentence Pattern part below and you would get the levels.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CountryFan » December 2nd, 2012, 12:26 pm

Tonberry2000 wrote:Have you guys given much thought to themeing the worlds? For example, in the first game, the world themes were:

Jungle, Caves, Forest, Ice, Caves

Remainder of quote removed by Qyzbud (please don't quote more than is needed!)

You listed Caves twice. Didn't you mean Factory? :rant:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Qyzbud » December 2nd, 2012, 2:47 pm

Well really it's more like:
  • Jungle
  • Mines
  • Forest
  • Snow
  • Factory
  • Mine/Walkway
At least that's how I would generalise the worlds, if I were so inclined. :roll:

It's interesting; there are more 'cave' levels than any other type, but they are never the most common archetype in a world... :geek:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » December 7th, 2012, 8:55 am

Sorry for the long wait, but I finally finished the bonus images. Let me know what you think.

Bash the baddies:
bash the baddies 3 copy.png
bash the baddies 3 copy.png (18.73 KiB) Viewed 233272 times

Grab 15 bananas:
grab 15 bananas copy.png
grab 15 bananas copy.png (19.48 KiB) Viewed 233272 times

Collect the stars:
collect the stars bonus image copy.png
collect the stars bonus image copy.png (17.88 KiB) Viewed 233272 times

Find the coin:
find the coin copy.png
find the coin copy.png (19.68 KiB) Viewed 233272 times

I did my best to make DK look like he belonged. Everything is in PNG form, so you can still mess with colours, because I'm pretty sure that all the layers are all there.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » December 7th, 2012, 9:08 am

The bottom two look pretty good, but the top two aren't quite there yet. They look like a stretched sprite and a sprite that used to be 8-bit. Is there any other art you can adapt to it?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » December 7th, 2012, 9:39 am

I was very limited on what I could use for DK. I wanted to use the series renders from the first DKC. The others look different (like in 64 and jungle beat and such) and wouldn't match the two that are good looking.

I should look and see if I can find any better series renders. I *almost* used some of the sprites from the GBA version of DKC (the bonus images like stop the barrel and stuff), but those look... awful...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Cyclone » December 7th, 2012, 1:19 pm

I agree with Tonberry the last 2 are the best. The second image it looks like DK is swimming.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » December 8th, 2012, 2:21 am

I found much better images. I went to the DKU and found better quality images and ones that worked much better!

Bash the baddies:
bash the baddies 4 copy.png
bash the baddies 4 copy.png (24.83 KiB) Viewed 233233 times

Grab 15 bananas:
grab 15 bananas 2 copy.png
grab 15 bananas 2 copy.png (19.54 KiB) Viewed 233233 times

I also adjusted the contrast to make DK a little darker in find the coin:
find the coin copy.png
find the coin copy.png (19.62 KiB) Viewed 233233 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby EvangeliKong » December 8th, 2012, 3:54 am

Nice, but in the first one DK doesn't seem to have pupils.
So I decided to give my helping hand and now it looks better.

You Welcome. :3
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » December 8th, 2012, 4:47 am

I didn't even notice that he barely had pupils! Thanks!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 8th, 2012, 4:54 am

We are working on all those reported bugs and suggestions.
Yesterday I finally completes the "roller coaster" engine and sent to the Necro Toad finish the job.
Phyre, these sprites are great! Some are better than we did, thanks for the input!

Thanks for the comments everyone, we are working hard on the project.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Qyzbud » December 8th, 2012, 6:50 am

Excellent job on those latest bonus screens, Phyre (and EK)! I agreed with the previous comments, so it's great that you managed such a significant improvement. :swanky:

Before too long I hope to have a proper gallery set up here at the Atlas (we've been planning it for years...), which ought to make it easy to find the renders you're looking for without having to scour the 'net. :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 9th, 2012, 7:34 am

EvangeliKong also made a bonus screen? Where is it? The bonus screen he posted is identical to that "Bash the baddies" posted by Phyre. Or am I mistaken? :scratch:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » December 9th, 2012, 8:35 am

He just edited Phyre's so that DK has pupils.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 9th, 2012, 10:19 am

oh... true... forget what I said ehehe :oops:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby EvangeliKong » December 9th, 2012, 7:24 pm

Simion32 wrote:He just edited Phyre's so that DK has pupils.


Just kidding. :dixiehappy:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Super Luigi! » December 10th, 2012, 3:06 pm

*Super Luigi! used a Max Revive*

Alright so, yes, your bonus screens look amazing and natural. You've also fixed all the problems that I saw in them, so once again, I have nothing else to tell you but, "Wonderful Ability!"
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 11th, 2012, 7:57 am

5 days!

We're not posting anything because we are working at full steam in the demo for the 15th. Take this opportunity to confirm that we have a Roller Coaster level for demo!

While the demo is not available yet, I have a challenge for you... someone do this?

There are two ways to get this.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby slym » December 16th, 2012, 5:52 am

BAMM!!!! 0 day...

Where is the game of the years :( :cry:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby EvangeliKong » December 16th, 2012, 6:45 am

Hey, i got an idea!

Why not giving Kongs unlockable skins in future releases?

You know, they can be palette swaps or entire attires.

Like, DK would have Super Kong, Classic Donkey Kong, DKL Donkey Kong, Mecha DK and Atari 2600 Donkey Kong (Giant red ape thing that looks like Gossamer)
Diddy would have DK Jr, Yellow Diddy etc.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » December 16th, 2012, 6:57 am

Copy paste from blog:


After so much wait, finally we can show you what we've been doing in last months
Please, pay attention to the instructions below:

1- Our support to Joystick is not the best, but we intend to update this through some patches. If the game is not recognizing you control or the game becomes very slow, try to run the game with the JOYSTICK DISCONNECT FROM THE COMPUTER!
2- If you are using a joysitck, you will have to configure it in a diferente executable called "Joystick Settings.exe". It's inside the game's folder.
3- Although we are calling it a demo, actually it would be a Beta. The game is still full of bugs, so please have patience and try to describe in detail the problem you have encountered.
4- The first level of the game (which was released a few weeks ago) will be temporarily without shaders. This is due to a restriction in the way MMF2 works with shaders. We are trying to fix this.

That's all folks, thanks everyone who accompanied us throughout this time and have been patient with all the unforeseen. You guys gave us the strength to continue with all this work that seems to have no end.
Thanks also to Nintendo and Rare for having created the original games. Remember that these companies need to sell so they can continue doing high- quality games.
I would like thank Leo, Fernando and Marvin too! It has been an amazing experience working with you guys! Only you understand how it has been suffocating, the sleepless nights, the last minute bugs ... Which reminds me to thanks the existence of coffee and pizzas in the world, without you I'd be asleep!
Well, time to play! The link is in the end of the post!

Hugs to all and thanks to everyone who helped directly and indirectly with this demo.

Download: ... cabou.html

I am going here soon, I'll be back tomorrow.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby VideoViking » December 16th, 2012, 7:56 am

Your link's not working. I get this error:

"The resource you are trying to access belongs to an account that has not yet been validated"

By the way, here's the link for those who are able to get it:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby slym » December 16th, 2012, 8:10 am

Yeah!!! release !!!!

but you link is death so in can't download it =(
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » December 16th, 2012, 10:21 am

The link VideoViking put works for me... :?
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