So Hogwash, do you think it looks good enough to do justice to what Rare would had done if they had released this little guy on the DKC series? If you can give me some feedback I can fix it if not then I will put the DKC ATLAS seal of approval and move to the next without having to worry about him again.
I don't know if anyone noticed from the video I updated his eyes with a shiny material, it looks a lot better, the update made it to the video but not to the pictures.
Here is one with his updated eyes

Qyzbud That would be amazing stuff, I can't wait for that day to come, I have been going insane with work from all angles lately but I think I can get most of my projects done really soon, at least the modeling and painting part.

Then I can start helping some guys on the board with their projects and more of my own.
Leo thanks! I wish all these models somehow end up in your game, so I guess soon there will be good news and you will be able to use them if you please.
Geno the animation part should be easy with the right program, the sprites should be even easier, all you have to do is take a screen picture of the model and scale it down or something like that until it looses the quality, I'm sure that's kind of how Rare did it back then.