My 3D DK Characters

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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Raccoon Sam » August 21st, 2012, 8:06 pm

Blender is free, open source and has pretty much everything a professional 3D modeling/rigging/texturing/whatever software has.
The only downside it has is the interface.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » August 23rd, 2012, 2:42 pm

I have to try Blender too, I have seen a few videos and it doesn't look bad.

Lately I have been practicing my coloring and textures.

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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 5th, 2012, 3:45 am

Painting hogwash, not done but getting there. Need to take care of some weird glitchy paint spots when i try to fill up the whole model.


Video ...
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Phyreburnz » October 6th, 2012, 8:08 am

This is fantastic, Cosmicman! How are your other models coming?
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 6th, 2012, 9:53 am

I would say all of my models are about 95% done.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Qyzbud » October 6th, 2012, 12:07 pm

Brilliant work, my friend! Very true to the original designs. :)

I can't wait for a time when we can marvel at seeing your (re)creations brought to life, animated in a fully rendered DKC/L-esque environment... :D
Keep up the good work! :nicework:
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby leo_core » October 6th, 2012, 12:31 pm

Impressive! Keep up Cosmic! :thumbs:
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Geno » October 9th, 2012, 2:30 am

Wow! With all these models, If one were to animate said models, all they would need, would be a program to convert the animations to SNES sprites!
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Geno » October 9th, 2012, 8:26 pm

leo_core wrote:Image

cool avatar! :mrgreen:

Why thank you!
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 10th, 2012, 2:03 pm

So Hogwash, do you think it looks good enough to do justice to what Rare would had done if they had released this little guy on the DKC series? If you can give me some feedback I can fix it if not then I will put the DKC ATLAS seal of approval and move to the next without having to worry about him again.

I don't know if anyone noticed from the video I updated his eyes with a shiny material, it looks a lot better, the update made it to the video but not to the pictures.
Here is one with his updated eyes


Qyzbud That would be amazing stuff, I can't wait for that day to come, I have been going insane with work from all angles lately but I think I can get most of my projects done really soon, at least the modeling and painting part. :funky: Then I can start helping some guys on the board with their projects and more of my own.

Leo thanks! I wish all these models somehow end up in your game, so I guess soon there will be good news and you will be able to use them if you please.

Geno the animation part should be easy with the right program, the sprites should be even easier, all you have to do is take a screen picture of the model and scale it down or something like that until it looses the quality, I'm sure that's kind of how Rare did it back then.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Phyreburnz » October 10th, 2012, 2:17 pm

I think he needs a curly tail! Does he have one in the render or in the sprites of DKL?
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 10th, 2012, 2:45 pm

I tried adding a tail but I didn't like it and scrapped it, if anyone finds a render with a tail it will help, if not I will try to add one again.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby leo_core » October 12th, 2012, 6:52 am

Absolutely amazing! I hope to use your 3D models in my Donkey Kong Country - Tiny's Safari project =O)
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 19th, 2012, 12:45 am

Sure Leo :thumbs:

I decided to create a body for Kiddy since there is not 3d model for Kiddy anywhere.






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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby leo_core » October 19th, 2012, 3:24 am

Amazing! There is no Kiddy commercial 3d model, it's very nice to know that you're doing it. Your work is very, very good!
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Phyreburnz » October 19th, 2012, 5:09 am

Kiddy is probably the best model of an existing character to make, since he has so few frames of animation. This will be so much better to use than my attempts at editing his sprites.

I love watching these all come together!

By the way, is anybody on here going to be able to animate these and make sprites?
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Simion32 » October 19th, 2012, 6:52 am

There's a remote chance that I might be able to animate and render them, but don't get your hopes up. :scratch:
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 19th, 2012, 11:27 am

I'm getting familiar with Zbrush rig system, looks to be the easiest so far and Kiddy will be the first model I want to fully animate so I'm putting more effort to finish him.

His buttons done

more progress
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Qyzbud » October 19th, 2012, 6:20 pm

Great modelling work, Cosmic! It looks just like him. :D

Having a well constructed model of Kiddy would be wonderful, as you've all expressed; he was the only 'Country Kong not to get another appearance, and given how many opportunities the various development teams (Nintendo, Rare, PAON, Namco, Retro...) had to bring him back, it's high time we saw more of the little fella!

I meant to say sooner — those Hogwash and Mr. X renders are looking fantastic, too. Magnificent work. :thumbs:

Perhaps Hogwash would look even better with a bit of a pinker shade? The shiny eyes look good, but I'm not sure which way I prefer them, to be honest. I think the plain white eyes have a more 'classic' Rareware look, which I must admit I quite like... nostalgic charm I suppose. ;)

Mr. X looks completely badass — excellent job on the darker lighting... very cool. B/
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 19th, 2012, 10:50 pm

Thanks Qyzbud. I have to agree with you about the eyes but I wouldn't worry too much about the coloring, most of the details like shiny eyes will get lost during the sprite making process due to the massive quality loss of the model. The colors can also be easily modified even after the sprite sheet has been made with a simple photoshop color adjustment, I'm just worried about the riging process, I'm trying my best testing various programs and they are so fustrating to use, blender is a nightmare, I spent half and hour just to learn how to rotate the camera around the model, I tried Poser and Daz studio, both didn't work for me before I went back to Zbrush, but this one is a mess too.

I finally found a program that I can understand, it's called Cinema 4d and is very easy to use. Here is some progress on Kiddy, he should be able to move later today.

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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Simion32 » October 20th, 2012, 2:50 pm

^is the program I have. shcweet. B/
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 20th, 2012, 3:07 pm

What an amazing job! It looks just like him! Do you plan to texture him?

I feel like I have to plug here. This is just quite fantastic.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Simion32 » October 20th, 2012, 3:10 pm

I have to agree with Tonberry on this one. The models look as if Rareware themselves did the modeling!

Absolutely 105% quality. ;)
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 20th, 2012, 3:25 pm

After messing with the program for a few hours I finally got him to move and walk but it didn't work how I wanted to due to his arms touching his body and fingers touching other fingers, I finally learned why models are made with the arms extended so I had to go back to the model and extend his arms, I have to do this to Mr.X too.


This program is so amazing I think I can also add fur, hair and paint the model right there, I just need to practice.

Edit: That is a huge compliment Simion and Thornberry... :mrgreen:
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Qyzbud » October 20th, 2012, 3:36 pm

Cosmicman wrote:Thanks Qyzbud. I have to agree with you about the eyes but I wouldn't worry too much about the coloring, most of the details like shiny eyes will get lost during the sprite making process due to the massive quality loss of the model.

I realise this, but I certainly don't see 16-bit sprites as the only thing (or even the main thing) these models will be used for. ;)

I finally found a program that I can understand [...] Here is some progress on Kiddy, he should be able to move later today.

That's one small step for Kiddy... one giant leap for this project!
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Simion32 » October 20th, 2012, 3:48 pm

Remember that I'm building support for Hi-Res Mode in DELTA, which means we could very well be seeing extra-large sprite renders with 32bit color.

And DELTA is already 32bit to begin with, so don't limit your coloring. ;)
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Qyzbud » October 20th, 2012, 4:32 pm

That's right — just because our projects are based on a 16-bit game series doesn't mean we're bound to the limitations of that era. :swanky:
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 20th, 2012, 4:33 pm

You guys are right, I figured these could make some awesome wallpapers too.

Here is where he is sitting so far. I know I will have to redo everything once the model is painted and fur is added, unless I figure how to detach the bones.


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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Qyzbud » October 20th, 2012, 4:48 pm

Looks like great progress!

Why would you have to redo everything once the model is painted and fur is added?

Also, it seems like the model is constructed from a HUGE number of polygons... how does your computer go working with all of that? I wonder if you'd benefit from... I think it's called NURBS modelling, which uses FAR less data to represent smooth (rounded) shapes. Might be worth checking out. :)
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 20th, 2012, 4:52 pm

Well, I meant by the time the model is done I would had probably learned so much more about this program that I'm going to want to create a brand new bone structure, better and more detailed. The computer is working perfectly, not even a hiccup, I think this model has around 200k polygons.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 20th, 2012, 4:56 pm

This is not me plugging this time, but we have a great modeler at TSR named Peardian. He did these "Brawl Style" characters; Image Image

Which you can download here; ... index.html
You should show him your work and maybe he can help you out? Or if you'd like, I could ask him? If you want to do it yourself, that's totally fine/understandable too. :)
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 20th, 2012, 5:03 pm

Those are from Mario Rpg right? Awesome work :thumbs: I learn visually so I have to watch a lot of youtube tutorial videos, its the only way I can learn so I don't really want to bug anyone, thanks for the help but I have to go at my own pace. :funky:
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 20th, 2012, 5:05 pm

Totally respectable. :) I'll be watching your progress. It's amazing so far!
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Qyzbud » October 20th, 2012, 5:08 pm

Yeah, visual learning works best for me, too.

Glad to hear your hardware's humming along like a charm, Cosmic. What is your setup? :)

Tonberry2000 wrote:[...]we have a great modeler at TSR named Peardian[...]

Interesting... I just mentioned TSR and Peardian — both for the first time, about (slightly) different things, in this post regarding VGMapper. Now there's a coincidence; I didn't even realise he was a TSR member! :shock:
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 20th, 2012, 6:05 pm

Thanks Thorberry.

Qyzbud I have an old HP with 3gb of ram, it handles everything so far with no issues.

Here is a quick render of Kiddy walking, it looks like crap now but I expect to get better at this with more practice B/

He looks like a ballerina :lol:
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Qyzbud » October 20th, 2012, 6:53 pm

Very impressive! These are some promising first steps. :D
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby leo_core » October 21st, 2012, 12:49 am

Great!! Is very promissing! Do you try make the model rig using 3d max?
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 21st, 2012, 3:09 am

I'm using Cinema4d, and now I'm messing with the hair, its simple so I just tried some random parts, I even put hair on his back by mistake but I'm getting there.


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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby VideoViking » October 21st, 2012, 3:13 am

Rare actually had to put in hair for the Kongs?

EDIT: Just saw the video of Kiddy walking. I wonder if you can do a Hunter walking test as well. Give them a little sneak peak.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 22nd, 2012, 3:03 pm

Kiddy was hairy, at least in the renders, I know I can get away with just painting the model but hair will make it more like the renders if I can get it right. I will try the Hunter model I have and see how he does...

Anyways I haven't done much except watch a bunch of tutorials, hopefully I make some big progress next weekend.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 25th, 2012, 2:32 pm

I'm really trying to get better at painting because I was having a hard time at it but I found a really easy way to paint using the real colors that Rare used.



This is a 30 minute paint job, the method I found is so easy to use that I couldn't believe it, I just have to try different material and light angles. In this picture I just colored his arms and head, in the final model that will be hair. He still needs a lot more details I just wanted to show how cool he looks semi colored with different materials.

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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby VideoViking » October 25th, 2012, 4:23 pm

I second that notion.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 25th, 2012, 4:39 pm

This is coming along incredibly well! My only suggestion (though it may be too late now...) would be to make his socks longer. His feet are the right size, but if you look at his sprites, the "sock" part goes on for a bit. He even plays with it in his idle.
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Cosmicman » October 25th, 2012, 11:51 pm

The model is not done, I was just practicing my painting, his socks needs to be extended, his belly needs to be moved a little, his head too, his clothing around his arms need to be adjusted and his fingers too, i want to detail his face a little more and is missing a piece around his neck. I need to scale some parts of his body, by the end I'm confident it will look exactly how the game if i can master the hair part. I'm working on all that right now. :nicework:
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Geno » October 29th, 2012, 5:38 am

*head implodes from sheer awesomeness*

WOW! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

I can't wait for them to be finished!
AND I can't wait for the sprites to come too!
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Re: My 3D DK Characters

Postby Raccoon Sam » October 30th, 2012, 6:16 am

These are amazing. I'm honestly speechless.
If you wish to redistribute your work, the go-to video game model page is
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