DKCRE General Discussion Topic

Comparable to Lunar Magic of Super Mario World lore, and a more hacker-oriented tool, this program will give ROM hackers an advanced and powerful visual interface to hacking DKC.

Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Qyzbud » May 1st, 2008, 10:39 am

Simion32 wrote:...this tool will be able to extract physics data...

Holy crap, now I've heard everything! :D

So this platform structure which I've been referring to as 'tangible surfaces' is called a physmap, eh? Cool. It's nice to learn a new term. When I was working on my ancient DKC fangame (Dixie Kong's Dream), I remember aiming to simulate a physmap by slicing the terrain graphics into two pieces; one which served as the tangible surface, one which was purely graphical. These would join together to look and (somewhat) act just like DKC's terrain, but I knew there had to be far better methods for achieving the same result.

I assume Rare would have created these physmaps visually... I wonder what they would look like. Physmaps would probably be laid out before the graphical terrain tiles were added; do you suppose Rare had a system in place to automatically generate terrain graphics over a physmap? They could then just touch it up to make it look more interesting, and fix any areas with clashing aesthetics.

I can't wait 'til you're on summer break... We'll be in for some more great discoveries, I'm sure. :D
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » May 1st, 2008, 11:04 am

Qyzbud wrote:Holy crap, now I've heard everything! :D
Well, it is indeed the only way to get accurate physical tile properties (Ex. what pixels are solid and which ones aren't). I don't think I will be able to have it extract complicated math equations, though! ;)

Qyzbud wrote:do you suppose Rare had a system in place to automatically generate terrain graphics over a physmap?
Actually, it's the reverse. Each 32x32 tile is assigned a certain "physical tile", and then whenever any tile is touched by some object (such as DK, a Gnawty, or an item), the game checks to see if the object is colliding with the tile and thus decides whether to take action. Physics calculations are kept to a minimum because the game doesn't have to go through an entire map of surfaces just to check for collisions; only objects which touch a physically tangible tile will trigger a collision check. I will try to implement something similar in my engine.

Oh, and with the exception of bananas that come from baddies when hand slapped, most of the bananas in the game are not counted as being regular objects. Meaning, most bananas don't have any collision detection at all.
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Cosmicman » May 11th, 2008, 4:36 am

This tool is a perfect example of what you can do and a taste of the future level builder. I suppose finishing this tool will speed up the process for the DKCLB, but I was wondering if this tool will work with DKC2 and DKC3 with little modifications or will you have to recreate the tool from scratch again for both games.
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » May 11th, 2008, 7:08 am

Cosmicman wrote:I was wondering if this tool will work with DKC2 and DKC3 with little modifications or will you have to recreate the tool from scratch again for both games.

Unless the other games use different code to compress their graphics, I can use mostly the same code. I will probably join them all into one program, to make everything simpler. Yeah, that's right, this means that in the future there will be a mini-editor for all 3 games.

On the next update (regardless of included features), the name will be changed to "DKC Resource Editor". I have already designed a spiffy application icon to reflect the name change. The next update won't be done for quite a while, but it will introduce a Windows-GUI driven interface, instead of the MS-DOS box it currently uses.

Some progress on hacking the physics data:
(this may not be accurate)
-There are 2 bytes per tile in the physmap.
-Every 4 bits of the value represents a 16x16 block of terrain:
$23 $45
which equates to...
$2 $4
$3 $5 that the 32x32 squares are made up of 4 16x16 physical blocks. There are $F different types of 16x16 terrain blocks.
This also apparently means that since the solid tile I mentioned earlier uses the values $45 $45, that means that $5 is some type of solid surface. The value $0 is obviously nothing. That's about all I've figured out so far.
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Qyzbud » May 12th, 2008, 1:40 pm

DKC Resource Editor? Ooh, I really like the sound of that. A big conceptual leap for an already impressive tool.

I've been looking over the terrain extractions, and it looks to me as though the Coral Capers rip this tool produces is missing a 960 x 64 px block of tiles at the bottom-left. Specifically, I think the PNG file itself should be 64 pixels greater in height, and should have the below tile block in the far-left of the resulting space:

ResExt_missing-coral.png (11.66 KiB) Viewed 261515 times

If I'm in error, excuse me... the underwater archetypes are constructed confusingly. :|

Also, maybe it would be good to refer to the terrain PNGs your program extracts as 'Level Terrains' or something of that nature, as opposed to 'Level Maps'. Seems more fitting to me, because a 'map' should include more information than just a reconstruction of the terrain itself.
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » May 12th, 2008, 2:02 pm

Qyzbud wrote:(...) Coral Capers rip this tool produces is missing a 960 x 64 px block of tiles (...)

I'm sure that the block you say is missing is actually the top two tile-rows of the Enguarde Bonus Level, since that area is stored directly after coral capers.

The coral levels and slipslide ride are constructed a bit differently: Instead of having a column of 16 tiles for every 32 bytes, these levels are sequenced in rows, with 64 tiles per row (128 bytes per row).
Qyzbud wrote:Also, maybe it would be good to refer to the terrain PNGs your program extracts as 'Level Terrains' or something of that nature

Hmm, seems logical, because I'll need to differentiate the actual Level Tilemap data and the PNG's of them. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Qyzbud » May 12th, 2008, 2:58 pm

Ah... I thought it was Clam City stored beneath Coral Capers; are you sure this isn't the case? I checked this using my camera shifting PAR codes, and it looks to be true. The tiles I attached above match up logically and seamlessly with the Coral Capers layout, but look very awkward and out-of-place when considered as part of Clam City.

Animated illustration:
ResExt_missing-coral.gif (175.75 KiB) Viewed 261516 times
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » May 12th, 2008, 11:08 pm

Ah well, never mind. I didn't realize that I was confusing Coral Capers with Croctopus Chase. :roll:
From the docs:
290000 - 29307F Poison Pond
293080 - 29757F Croctopus Chase
297580 - 298C7F Enguarde Bonus
298C80 - 29A8FF Coral Capers
29AA08 - 29C37F Clam City

I'll fix this I the next release, I just thought those tiles looked out of place and so I removed them.
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Qyzbud » May 13th, 2008, 6:15 am

I'm glad I was right about this; if my codes had failed me, I'd have had to change to a more mainstream faith... :P

Any ETA for the next release?
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » June 2nd, 2008, 3:40 am

[I posted this here because the tool also involves the other two games in the trilogy. Feel free to split this post to another topic if it doesn't quite fit.]
Well, I've gone off on a complete tangent now - I have ventured into the depths of DKC3 and dug up an object modifier for Lakeside Limbo! I am now documenting the object bytes, which may take a while unless I use a more 'automated' method. Here's all the objects I've hacked out by hand that I currently know:
0000 - Ellie the Elephant
0002 - Engaurde the Swordfish
0004 - Squwaks the Parrot, Green
0006 - Squitter the Spider
0008 - Parry the Parallel Bird
0059 - Green Life Balloon
005A - Red Buzz
005B - Minkey, Left Side
005C - Red Buzz (Moves Left/Right)
005D - Kopter (Moves Up/Down)
005E - Rocket Ship
005F - Karbine
0062 - Ignition Barrel
0064 - Fuel Barrel
0066 - Fuel Barrel
0068 - Fuel Barrel
006A - Fuel Barrel
006C - Mill Platform
006D - Bazuka (Shoots Explosion Effects... ?)
00F2 - Banana Bunch
00FE - Invisible Red Life Balloon
010C - Letter K
010E - Letter O
0110 - Letter N
0112 - Letter G
0140 - Warp Barrel #1 - Lakeside Limbo
0148 - Lakeside Limbo Bonus Barrel #1
0152 - Lakeside Limbo Exit From Bonus #1
045C - Throwable Barrel *Regenerates If Not Broken*
0376 - Sneek
0580 - Kobble
0022 - Breakable Ground Object, Lakeside Limbo
05A4 - Koin: Lakeside Limbo
0260 - DK Barrel, Floating
Also, here's a sample screen shot just to show what's possible:
KONG Letters All-In-One
editexample.PNG (16.39 KiB) Viewed 261441 times
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 2nd, 2008, 9:11 am

Looks awesome..! Think you could post an offset or something, for even one object word? I'd LOVE to document all the sprites.
EDIT: Oh, you're doing it already :X
Can't wait! Does DKC3 have the same 'all sprites work in all levels' -system?
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » June 2nd, 2008, 9:40 am

Raccoon Sam wrote:Does DKC3 have the same 'all sprites work in all levels' -system?
I suppose it does, I can't really tell just yet. All those objects I listed worked in Lakeside Limbo, so I think everything should work in any level...

What I'm going to do, is take all the object maps out of the game, and run them through a program, to extract a list of all the values rare used. I may have a bit of trouble with figuring out invisible stuff, such as exit triggers and the like. It may be difficult to find Knockaboom in the game since his object byte is likely not used anywhere, even if he exists.
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Kiddy14 » June 2nd, 2008, 10:13 am

Simion32 wrote:It may be difficult to find Knockaboom in the game since his object byte is likely not used anywhere, even if he exists.

Will you be able to put water in the game?. Umm... I really don't know if it's a physics modifier or something like that, but it sounds kinda like that; or maybe an object. Anyway, maybe the Knockaboom is still in-game, but kinda un-finished. As it may have been dropped in beta-stages; Knocka and Klobber's physics are different.

Kinda off-topic, (that's why it's in a spoiler tag), do you know how the DKC3-two-kongs-engine works? It has TNSKCB, and it would be cool to hack it so that the companion Kong starts doing the idle animation =P
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 2nd, 2008, 10:36 am

Forgot to ask, you wouldn't know anything about sprite properties? Are there separate sprites for Moving Buzzes and Static Buzzes or are they the same sprite but with some, I dunno, property byte?
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » June 2nd, 2008, 1:00 pm

Raccoon Sam wrote:....sprite properties?....
I really don't know what the properties do or what exactly you are talking about, but the object data format is essentially the same as DKC's, except that Rare has the data locations a bit more organized, I think. See below (I'm not going to give away the object data addresses just yet, I'm going to wait until I have documented every level's data offset in a list along with a list of all normal object bytes).

1st Word: Property Data? $0000 = End object Map
2nd Word: X Co-ordinate
3rd Word: Y Co-ordinate, Y increases as you go down the screen (DKC's is the opposite)
4th Word: Object Number
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 2nd, 2008, 8:37 pm

Simion32 wrote:
Raccoon Sam wrote:....sprite properties?....
I really don't know what the properties do or what exactly you are talking about

Well, ever notice how there are several Re-Koils in the game? Some don't jump at all, some jump high, some jump low, some jump far and some jump near.
Are they the same sprite with some extra property byte set to a certain value or are they all individual sprites?
Never mind, just checked. They ARE individual sprites.
Either way, thanks for the format, I'll try to find a use for it :)

EDIT; Yahoo, found the start of the array of Lakeside Limbo too. :D
This is so fun :'D
If anyone wants to try it out, read Simion's post below :P
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » June 3rd, 2008, 2:49 am

Great job, you found it on your own. How'd you find it, random ROM editing/corrupting?

See here for the object map locations:
FE0000 - FE0141 Object Map Location Pointers, 2 bytes per pointer.
FE05B2 - FE072B Lakeside Limbo

To play stampede Sprint via a Toboggan, here's an IPS patch: DKC3_StampedeSprint_Toboggan.ips
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 3rd, 2008, 4:51 am

Simion32 wrote:Great job, you found it on your own. How'd you find it, random ROM editing/corrupting?

Using your object format explanation as a reference. I searched for the values you gave for Sneeks and found a few results; tried them all and eventually nailed the right array.

And sorry about that misinformation, I'll edit my post right away.
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » June 3rd, 2008, 5:12 am

For those who are too lazy to use the IPS, here's a video on YouTube of the Stampede Sprint mod:
It is actually quite difficult to play, but is quite fun! :D

I'm currently compiling a list of all the level offsets, I'll post it here in a while. (or edit this post if no one else posts...)
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 3rd, 2008, 5:35 am

Haha, good job on that video. Makes me want to try Swoopy Salvo with a Ripsaw or something as crazy as that :3
Can't wait for the list.
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Qyzbud » June 3rd, 2008, 10:17 am

Simion32 stampede Sprint via a Toboggan...

Hey, I dig the red sled! (link)

Any chance of custom paintjobs down the track? :P
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » June 3rd, 2008, 11:33 am

Qyzbud wrote:Any chance of custom paintjobs down the track? :P
Seems possible... a neon-ish blue paintjob would look cool. I can add that kind of feature to the DKCLB engine too, so you can select custom "paints" (really just different graphics that you can recolor yourself, along with some default schemes).

List of Object Map offsets for DKC3:
## Offset Name
?? FE0000 Object Map Location Pointers
00 FE0400 Test Level?
01 FE040A
02 FE040C
03 FE040E
04 FE0410
05 FE0412
06 FE0414
07 FE0416 Credits underwater scene
08 FE0418 Credits mill scene 1
09 FE041A Credits winter scene 1
0A FE041C Credits mountain scene
0B FE041E Credits winter scene 2
0C FE0420 Credits mill scene 2
0D FE0422
0E FE0424
0F FE0426 Credits Bear photos
10 FE0428 Credits Sideshow scene
11 FE042A Credits Boss photos
12 FE042C
13 FE042E Credits K. Rool scene
14 FE0430
15 FE0482 Credits Kiddy Scene
16 FE0484 Credits Dixie Scene
17 FE04DE
18 FE04E0
19 FE04E2
1A FE04E4 Bazza's Blockade cave
1B FE04FE Fish Food Frenzy cave
1C FE0520 Floodlit Fish cave
1D FE0542 Belcha's Barn
1E FE0554 Arich's Ambush
1F FE0566 Squirt's Showdown
20 FE0578 KAOS Karnage
21 FE058A Bleak's House
22 FE0594 Barbos's Barrier
23 FE05AE Kastle KAOS
24 FE05B0 Knautilus
25 FE05B2 Lakeside Limbo
26 FE072C Kreeping Klasps
27 FE0926 Tidal Trouble
28 FE0B10 Doorstop Dash
29 FE0EC2 Squeals on Wheels
2A FE1334 Murky Mill
2B FE15B6 Skidda's Row
2C FE1728 Lemguin Lunge
2D FE1912 Tearaway Toboggan
2E FE1B6C Ripsaw Rage
2F FE1CDE Springin' Spiders
30 FE20D0 Barrel Shield Bust-up
31 FE246A Swoopy Salvo
32 FE2754 Riverside Race
33 FE296E Lightning Lookout
34 FE2C30 Bobbing Barrel Brawl
35 FE2F6A Bazza's Blockade
36 FE326C Fish Food Frenzy
37 FE34B6 Floodlit Fish
38 FE3818 Rocket Barrel Ride
39 FE3B4A Tracker Barrel Trek
3A FE3DC4 Barrel Drop Bounce
3B FE3F46 Fire Ball Frenzy
3C FE4280 Blazing Bazukas
3D FE461A Krack-Shot Krock
3E FE48F4 Low-G Labyrinth
3F FE4CEE Poisonous Pipeline
40 FE5058 Demolition Drain-Pipe
41 FE534A Krevice Kreepers
42 FE55CC Kong-Fused Cliffs
43 FE5866 Ropey Rumpus
44 FE5C38 Buzzer Barrage
45 FE6032 Pot Hole Panic
46 FE62C4 Creepy Caverns
47 FE666E Koindozer Klamber
48 FE6878 Konveyor Rope Klash
49 FE6B0A Stampede Sprint
4A FE6CF4 Criss Kross Cliffs
4B FE6F7E Tyrant Twin Tussle
4C FE7298 Rocket Rush
4D FE7442 Swanky's Sideshow
4E FE744C
4F FE7456
50 FE7458 Lakeside Limbo bonus 1
51 FE746A Lakeside Limbo bonus 2
52 FE7484 Doorstop Dash bonus 1
53 FE74B6 Doorstop Dash bonus 2
54 FE7508 Tidal Trouble bonus 1
55 FE7522 Tidal Trouble bonus 2
56 FE755C Skidda's Row bonus 1
57 FE7596 Skidda's Row bonus 2
58 FE75D8 Squeals on Wheels bonus 1
59 FE75FA Squeals on Wheels bonus 2
5A FE7624 Barrel Shield Bust-up bonus 1
5B FE7666 Barrel Shield Bust-up bonus 2
5C FE7698 Riverside Race bonus 1
5D FE76BA Riverside Race bonus 2
5E FE76EC Murky Mill Bonus 1
5F FE772E Murky Mill Bonus 2
60 FE7760 Springin' Spiders bonus 1
61 FE7792 Springin' Spiders bonus 2
62 FE77AC Lightning Lookout bonus 1
63 FE77F6 Lightning Lookout bonus 2
64 FE7810 Bazza's Blockade bonus 1
65 FE785A Bazza's Blockade bonus 2
66 FE78C4 Rocket Barrel Ride bonus 1
67 FE78EE Rocket Barrel Ride bonus 2
68 FE7920 Kreeping Klasps bonus 1
69 FE7942 Kreeping Klasps bonus 2
6A FE7984 Tracker Barrel Trek bonus 1
6B FE79A6 Tracker Barrel Trek bonus 2
6C FE7A00 Fish Food Frenzy bonus 1
6D FE7A1A Fish Food Frenzy bonus 2
6E FE7A84 Fire Ball Frenzy bonus 1
6F FE7AEE Fire Ball Frenzy bonus 2
70 FE7B18 Demolition Drain-Pipe bonus 1
71 FE7B62 Demolition Drain-Pipe bonus 2
72 FE7B94 Ripsaw Rage bonus 1
73 FE7BA6 Ripsaw Rage bonus 2
74 FE7BC8 Blazing Bazukas bonus 1
75 FE7C02 Blazing Bazukas bonus 2
76 FE7C2C Low-G Labyrinth bonus 1
77 FE7C3E Low-G Labyrinth bonus 2
78 FE7CA8 Krevice Kreepers bonus 1
79 FE7CCA Krevice Kreepers bonus 2
7A FE7CEC Tearaway Toboggan bonus 1
7B FE7D1E Tearaway Toboggan bonus 2
7C FE7D38 Barrel Drop Bounce bonus 1
7D FE7D52 Barrel Drop Bounce bonus 2
7E FE7D64 Krack-Shot Kroc bonus 1
7F FE7D7E Krack-Shot Kroc bonus 2
80 FE7DE8 Lemguin Lunge bonus 1
81 FE7E1A Lemguin Lunge bonus 2
82 FE7E4C Buzzer Barrage bonus 1
83 FE7EAE Buzzer Barrage bonus 2
84 FE7EC8 Kong-Fused Cliffs bonus 1
85 FE7F2A Kong-Fused Cliffs bonus 2
86 FE7F74 Floodlit Fish bonus 1
87 FE7F86 Floodlit Fish bonus 2
88 FE7F98 Pot Hole Panic bonus 1
89 FE7FB2 Pot Hole Panic bonus 2
8A FE7FD4 Ropey Rumpus bonus 1
8B FE8016 Ropey Rumpus bonus 2
8C FE8040 Koindozer Klamber bonus 1
8D FE806A Koindozer Klamber bonus 2
8E FE8094 Creepy Caverns bonus 1
8F FE80AE Creepy Caverns bonus 2
90 FE80F8 Bobbing Barrel Brawl bonus 1
91 FE811A Bobbing Barrel Brawl bonus 2
92 FE814C Konveyor Rope Klash bonus 1
93 FE815E Konveyor Rope Klash bonus 2
94 FE8178 Poisonous Pipeline bonus 1
95 FE818A Poisonous Pipeline bonus 2
96 FE81EC Swoopy Salvo bonus 1
97 FE8206 Swoopy Salvo bonus 2
98 FE8240 Swoopy Salvo bonus 3
99 FE8272 Criss Kross Cliffs bonus 1
9A FE8294 Criss Kross Cliffs bonus 2
9B FE82D6 Tyrant Twin Tussle bonus 1
9C FE8300 Tyrant Twin Tussle bonus 2
9D FE832A Tyrant Twin Tussle bonus 3
9E FE837C Stampede Sprint bonus 1
9F FE83AE Stampede Sprint bonus 2
A0 FE83D8 Stampede Sprint bonus 3
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Qyzbud » June 4th, 2008, 3:39 am

Great job on that object map offset list for DKC3; I'm going to have to hurry up and launch the DKC2 and DKC3 atlases soon so I can start putting all these handy pieces of info up in each game's Studies & Docs section. You are indeed accomplishing some valuable groundwork here, keep it up!

I'm sure you're having too much fun with DKC3 at the moment, but I just thought I'd better share a quick observation of mine regarding your DKC terrain layout rips; the Clam City layout appears to be missing its lowermost tile row (32-pixels in height). Even during regular play (in fact, right upon entering the level) you can see terrain that is currently cropped off/ignored by the extractor.

Hope this helps you hone in the accuracy of this phenomenal tool.

By the way; when I use the camera codes to look beneath the level's lowermost tile row, there appear to be 'garbage' tiles; presumably because Clam City is at the bottom of the underwater 'archetype stack'. Do you know if these tiles serve a purpose, or why they exist at all? Just curious, as always...
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » June 4th, 2008, 5:50 am

Qyzbud wrote:By the way; when I use the camera codes to look beneath the level's lowermost tile row, there appear to be 'garbage' tiles; presumably because Clam City is at the bottom of the underwater 'archetype stack'. Do you know if these tiles serve a purpose, or why they exist at all? Just curious, as always...
The "junk" tiles you are seeing are actually the start of the Water Corals Physmap, and they appear as garbage tiles due to the game interpreting the data as part of Clam City's Tilemap. So yes, the data does have a purpose.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 4th, 2008, 6:59 am

Whoa, gotta love that list..! I already took advantage of it and made a video, looks like you commented to it too :O

On another important note, DKC2 follows the EXACT same format..! Take a look at 0x3E0400. Exactly the same structure, it follows the level order as well..! Observe below:

We hit the jackpot, eh?
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » June 4th, 2008, 9:22 am

Raccoon Sam wrote:On another important note, DKC2 follows the EXACT same format..! Take a look at 0x3E0400. Exactly the same structure, it follows the level order as well..! We hit the jackpot, eh?
We sure did! I'll go ahead and compile a DKC2 list then.

Go ahead and help out with documenting objects, it would take forever to find out what's what... I still need to make that automated object digits extractor thing, so knock yourself out until then! ;)

Essentially that tool is simple to make, but I haven't had enough time to put it together. Plus, it should be able to retrieve the digits of DKC2 as well, since they use the same format...
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Raccoon Sam » June 4th, 2008, 10:04 am

Doing it as we speak. Seems like bosses are the very first few values. I just fought K. Rool in Pirate Panic..!
EDIT: Whoopie doo doo, I've got the first bank done.
0000 -
0001 - Black Klobber
0002 - K. Rool
0003 -
0004 - Kudgel
0005 - !
0006 -
0007 - !
0008 - Kleever
0009 - !
000A - Klomp, walks back and forth 1
000B -
000C - Klomp, walks back and forth 2
000D - !
000E - Klomp, walks back and forth 3
000F - !
0010 - Klomp, walks back and forth 4
0011 -
0012 - Klomp, walks back and forth 5
0013 - !
0014 - Klomp, walks back and forth 6
0015 - !
0016 - Klomp, walks back and forth 7
0017 - !
0018 - Klomp, walks back and forth 8
0019 -
001A - Klomp, walks back and forth 9
001B - !
001C - Klomp, walks back and forth 10
001D - !
001E - Klomp, walks back and forth 11
001F - !
0020 - Klomp, endless journey
0021 -
0022 - Klomp, walks back and forth 12
0023 -
0024 - Klomp, walks back and forth 13
0025 - !
0026 - Klomp, walks back and forth 14
0027 -
0028 - Klomp, walks back and forth 15
0029 -
002A - Klomp, walks back and forth 16
002B -
002C - Klomp, walks back and forth 17
002D -
002E - Klomp, walks back and forth 18
002F - !
0030 - Klomp, walks back and forth 19
0031 - Arrow barrel cannon, South
0032 - Klomp, walks back and forth 20
0033 -
0034 - Klomp, walks back and forth 21
0035 - Yellow Zinger, flies back and forth
0036 - Klomp, walks back and forth 22
0037 -
0038 - Klomp, walks back and forth 23
0039 - !
003A - Klomp, walks back and forth 24
003B - !
003C - Klomp, walks back and forth 25
003D - !
003E - Klomp, walks back and forth 26
003F -
0040 - Klomp, walks back and forth 27
0041 - !
0042 - Klomp, walks back and forth 28
0043 - !
0044 - Klomp, walks back and forth 29
0045 - !
0046 - Klomp, walks back and forth 30
0047 - !
0048 - Klomp, walks back and forth 31
0049 - !
004A - Klomp, walks back and forth 32
004B -
004C - Klomp, walks back and forth 33
004D - !
004E - Klomp, walks back and forth 34
004F -
0050 - Klomp, walks back and forth 35
0051 - Ordinary barrel cannon, South-east > South-west
0052 - Click-clack, walks left 1
0053 - Yellow Kutlass
0054 - Click-clack, walks right 1
0055 - !
0056 - Click-clack, walks left 2
0057 - !
0058 - Click-clack, walks right 2
0059 - !
005A - Click-clack, walks back and forth 1
005B -
005C - Click-clack, walks back and forth 2
005D - Barrel
005E - Click-clack, walks back and forth 3
005F - Steering barrel, North-east, 1 second
0060 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 4
0061 - Automatic barrel cannon, South > North-north-east
0062 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 5 (very short area)
0063 - Rotating ordinary barrel cannon, initial position South-west
0064 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 6
0065 -
0066 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 7
0067 - Yellow Zinger, facing left, flies up and down
0068 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 8
0069 - !
006A - Click-clack, walks back and forth 9
006B - Kruncha, walks back and forth 1
006C - Click-clack, walks back and forth 10
006D -
006E - Click-clack, walks back and forth 11
006F - Krook
0070 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 12
0071 - !
0072 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 13 (slow)
0073 -
0074 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 14 (slow)
0075 -
0076 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 15 (slow)
0077 -
0078 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 16
0079 - Some flat yellow thing
007A - Click-clack, walks back and forth 17
007B - !
007C - Click-clack, walks back and forth 18
007D - !
007E - Click-clack, walks back and forth 19
007F - !
0080 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 20
0081 - !
0082 - Click-clack, endless journey
0083 - !
0084 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 21
0085 - !
0086 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 22
0087 -
0088 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 23
0089 - !
008A - Click-clack, walks back and forth 24
008B - !
008C - Click-clack, walks back and forth 25
008D - !
008E - Click-clack, walks back and forth 26
008F - !
0090 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 27
0091 - !
0092 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 28
0093 -
0094 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 29
0095 - Arrow barrel cannon, North
0096 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 30
0097 - !
0098 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 31
0099 -
009A - Click-clack, walks back and forth 32
009B - Some gray thing
009C - Click-clack, walks back and forth 33
009D - Squitter Barrel
009E - Click-clack, walks back and forth 34
009F - Rotatable barrel, West, 5 seconds
00A0 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 35
00A1 - Rotating ordinary barrel cannon, initial position South-west
00A2 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 36
00A3 - !
00A4 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 37
00A5 - Yellow Zinger, facing right, flies up and down
00A6 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 38
00A7 -
00A8 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 39
00A9 -
00AA - Click-clack, walks back and forth 40
00AB - !
00AC - Click-clack, walks left 3 (slow)
00AD -
00AE - Click-clack, walks right 3 (slow)
00AF -
00B0 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 41
00B1 - !
00B2 - Click-clack, walks back and forth 42
00B3 -
00B4 - Neek, walks back and forth 1
00B5 - !
00B6 - Neek, walks left (normal)
00B7 - !
00B8 - Neek, walks left (fast)
00B9 -
00BA - Neek, walks right (normal)
00BB - !
00BC - Neek, walks right (fast)
00BD -
00BE - Neek, walks back and forth 2 (very short area)
00BF - !
00C0 - Neek, walks left (slow)
00C1 - !
00C2 - Neek, walks back and forth 3
00C3 - !
00C4 - Neek, walks back and forth 4
00C5 - !
00C6 - Neek, walks back and forth 5
00C7 - !
00C8 - Neek, walks back and forth 6
00C9 -
00CA - Neek, walks back and forth 7
00CB -
00CC - Neek, walks right (slow)
00CD -
00CE - Green Klobber, left, type 1
00CF -
00D0 - Green Klobber, right, type 1
00D1 -
00D2 - Green Klobber, left, type 2
00D3 -
00D4 - Green Klobber, right, type 2
00D5 -
00D6 - Green Klobber, left, type 3
00D7 -
00D8 - Green Klobber, left, type 4
00D9 - !
00DA - Green Klobber, left, type 5
00DB - Green Krockhead, sinks and floats
00DC - Green Klobber, right, type 3
00DD - (possibly a Krockhead)
00DE - Green Klobber, left, type 6
00DF - (possibly a Krockhead)
00E0 - Green Klobber, left, type 7
00E1 - !
00E2 - Kaboom, left, type 1
00E3 - !
00E4 - Kaboom, left, type 2
00E5 - !
00E6 - Kaboom, left, type 3
00E7 - !
00E8 - Kaboom, left, type 4
00E9 - !
00EA - Kaboom, left, type 5
00EB - !
00EC - Yellow Klobber, left, type 1
00ED - !
00EE - Yellow Klobber, left, type 2
00EF - !
00F0 - Yellow Klobber, right, type 1
00F1 - !
00F2 - Yellow Klobber, left, type 3
00F3 -
00F4 - Yellow Klobber, left, type 4
00F5 - !
00F6 - Yellow Klobber, right, type 2
00F7 -
00F8 - Yellow Klobber, left, type 5
00F9 - !
00FA - Yellow Klobber, left, type 6
00FB - !
00FC - Yellow Klobber, left, type 7
00FD - !
00FE - Yellow Klobber, left, type 8
00FF - !
0100 - Yellow Klobber, right, type 3

Empty means that it has no effect, and an exclamation mark means it crashes.
Bananas received 35
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Re: DKC Resource Extraction Tool

Postby Simion32 » June 4th, 2008, 11:59 am

Great so far. As for the offset list, I used Game Maker to automate some text formatting, which made compiling the list faster. Something doesn't look quite right, it looks like a lot of values were "removed" by Rare.
List of Object Map offsets for DKC2:
## Offset Name
?? FE0000 Object Map Location Pointers
00 FE0400 Web Woods (Different object map)
01 FE041A Glimmer's Galleon
02 FE0734 Rambi Rumble
03 FE0A1E Pirate Panic
04 FE0BD8 Gangplank Galley
05 FE0E7A Rattle Battle
06 FE10F4 Rattle Battle end
07 FE111E Hot-Head Hop
08 FE13B8 Red-Hot Ride
09 FE1632 Krow's Nest
0A FE1654 Slime Climb
0B FE19CE Topsail Trouble
0C FE1BF8 Mainbrace Mayhem
0D FE1DD2 Kreepy Krow
0E FE1E0C Target Terror
0F FE2076 Rickety Race
10 FE20C8 Haunted Hall
11 FE2352 Hornet Hole
12 FE2664 Rambi Rumble Rambi Room
13 FE2676 Parrot Chute Panic
14 FE2A90 Lava Lagoon
15 FE2DE2 Lockjaw's Locker
16 FE3024 Fiery Furnace
17 FE3416 Web Woods
18 FE3780 Gusty Glade
19 FE39CA Ghostly Grove
1A FE3CAC Topsail Trouble Warp
1B FE3CBE K. Rool's Cabin
1C FE3CE8 Hot-Head Hop bonus 2
1D FE3D02 Pirate Panic/Gangplank Galley Warp
1E FE3D0C Target Terror end
1F FE3D2E ~ ~ ~ Forest area with some bananas
20 FE3D38 Mainbrace Mayhem Warp
21 FE3D4A Kleever's Kiln
22 FE3DE4 Rattle Battle Cabin
23 FE3DF6 Windy Well
24 FE41E8 Squawks's Shaft
25 FE4502 Kannon's Klaim
26 FE486C ~ ~ ~ Beehive area with Rareware banana formation
27 FE4876 Kannon's Klaim Warp
28 FE4888 Barrel Bayou
29 FE4B3A Krockhead Klamber
2A FE4EFC Web Woods Squitter room
2B FE4F16 ~ ~ ~ Empty Swamp area
2C FE4F20 Mudhole Marsh
2D FE5322 Bramble Blast
2E FE5954 Bramble Scramble
2F FE5D56 Screech's Sprint
30 FE6060 -
31 FE6062 -
32 FE6064 -
33 FE6066 -
34 FE6068 -
35 FE606A -
36 FE606C -
37 FE606E -
38 FE6070 -
39 FE6072 -
3A FE6074 -
3B FE6076 -
3C FE6078 -
3D FE607A -
3E FE607C -
3F FE607E -
40 FE6080 -
41 FE6082 -
42 FE6084 -
43 FE6086 -
44 FE6088 -
45 FE608A -
46 FE608C -
47 FE608E -
48 FE6090 -
49 FE6092 -
4A FE6094 -
4B FE6096 -
4C FE6098 -
4D FE609A -
4E FE609C -
4F FE609E -
50 FE60A0 -
51 FE60A2 -
52 FE60A4 -
53 FE60A6 -
54 FE60A8 -
55 FE60AA -
56 FE60AC -
57 FE60AE -
58 FE60B0 -
59 FE60B2 -
5A FE60B4 -
5B FE60B6 -
5C FE60B8 -
5D FE60BA -
5E FE60BC -
5F FE60BE -
60 FE60C0 King Zing Sting
61 FE60EA K. Rool Duel
62 FE60FC Castle Crush
63 FE6416 Kudgel's Kontest
64 FE6428 -
65 FE642A -
66 FE642C -
67 FE642E -
68 FE6430 Lockjaw's Locker Warp
69 FE644A Lava Lagoon Warp
6A FE6454 Squawk's Shaft Warp
6B FE6466 Krocodile Kore
6C FE6478 Arctic Abyss
6D FE6792 Chain Link Chamber
6E FE6B54 Toxic Tower
6F FE6ED6 Pirate Panic bonus 1
70 FE6EF0 Pirate Panic bonus 2
71 FE6F42 Gangplank galley bonus 2
72 FE6F94 Rattle Battle bonus 1
73 FE6FA6 Rattle Battle bonus 3
74 FE6FC0 Hot-Head Hop bonus 3
75 FE6FDA Hot-Head Hop bonus 1
76 FE700C Red-Hot Ride Bonus 1
77 FE7066 Red-Hot Ride bonus 2
78 FE7080 Mainbrace Mayhem bonus 1
79 FE7092 Mainbrace Mayhem bonus 2
7A FE70EC Slime Climb bonus 1
7B FE7116 Topsail Trouble bonus 1
7C FE7160 ************************** Unlisted
7D FE7192 Mainbrace Mayhem bonus 3
7E FE71A4 Slime Climb bonus 2
7F FE720E Rattle Battle bonus 2
80 FE7260 Klobber Karnage
81 FE7682 Lockjaw's Locker bonus 1
82 FE769C Glimmer's Galleon bonus 1
83 FE76BE Lockjaw's Locker bonus 2
84 FE7730 Glimmer's Galleon bonus 2
85 FE774A Ghostly Grove bonus 1
86 FE7764 Gusty Glade bonus 1
87 FE77A6 Gusty Glade bonus 2
88 FE77D0 Ghostly Grove bonus 2
89 FE7802 Barrel Bayou bonus 1
8A FE7834 Barrel Bayou bonus 2
8B FE787E Krockhead Klamber bonus 1
8C FE78B8 Mudhole Marsh bonus 1
8D FE78D2 Mudhole Marsh bonus 2
8E FE791C Hot-Head Hop/Red Hot Ride Warp
8F FE7926 Clapper's Cavern
90 FE7CA8 Animal Antics - Enguarde Part
91 FE7D92 Clapper's Cavern bonus 1
92 FE7DA4 Clapper's Cavern bonus 2
93 FE7DD6 Arctic Abyss bonus 1
94 FE7DF0 Black Ice Battle bonus 1
95 FE7E32 Arctic Abyss Bonus 2
96 FE7E74 Black Ice Battle
97 FE81AE Jungle Jinx bonus 1
98 FE8230 Klobber Karnage bonus 1
99 FE8282 Jungle Jinx
9A FE856C Animal Antics - Rambi Part
9B FE860E Animal Antics - Squitter Part
9C FE8730 Animal Antics - Rattly Part
9D FE87AA Animal Antics bonus 1
9E FE8814 Fiery Furnace bonus 1
9F FE8886 Animal Antics - Squawks Part
A0 FE89F8 Bramble Blast bonus 1
A1 FE8A1A Target Terror bonus 1
A2 FE8A84 Bramble Scramble bonus 1
A3 FE8AF6 ~ ~ ~ A Bonus level with Brambles
A4 FE8B10 ~ ~ ~ A Bonus level with Brambles
A5 FE8B42 Toxic Tower bonus 2
A6 FE8B5C Bramble Scramble bonus 2
A7 FE8C36 Screech's Sprint bonus 1
A8 FE8C50 Gangplank Galley bonus 1
A9 FE8C6A Squawk's Shaft bonus 3
AA FE8CC4 Kannon's Klaim bonus 3
AB FE8D06 Kannon's Klaim bonus 1
AC FE8D68 Squawks's Shaft bonus 1
AD FE8DB2 Kannon's Klaim bonus 2
AE FE8E14 Hornet Hole bonus 1
AF FE8E66 Parrot Chute Panic bonus 2
B0 FE8EC8 Hornet Hole bonus 3
B1 FE8EE2 Parrot Chute Panic bonus 1
B2 FE8EFC Rambi Rumble bonus 2
B3 FE8F56 Hornet Hole bonus 2
B4 FE8F68 Rambi Rumble bonus 1
B5 FE8F7A Chain Link Chamber bonus 1
B6 FE9004 Chain Link Chamber bonus 2
B7 FE904E Castle Crush bonus 1
B8 FE90A0 Castle Crush bonus 2
B9 FE90CA Stronghold Showdown
BA FE90F4 Squawks's Shaft bonus 2
BB FE914E Windy Well bonus 1
BC FE91B0 Web Woods bonus 1
BD FE91CA Haunted Hall bonus 1
BE FE91EC Rickety Race end
BF FE920E Haunted Hall end
C0 FE9238 Haunted Hall bonus 2
C1 FE9252 Target Terror bonus 2
C2 FE92BC Haunted Hall bonus 3
C3 FE92DE Rickety Race bonus 1
C4 FE9350
C5 FE9352
C6 FE9354
C7 FE9356
C8 FE9358
C9 FE935A
CC FE9360
CD FE9362
CE FE9364
CF FE9366
D0 FE9368
D1 FE936A
D2 FE936C
D3 FE936E
D4 FE9370
D5 FE9372
D6 FE9374
D7 FE9376
D8 FE9378
D9 FE937A
DC FE9380
DD FE9382
DE FE9384
DF FE9386
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » June 16th, 2008, 5:02 am

Simultaneous Update for the DELTA Game Engine and the DKC Resource Editor
This download contains both the Engine and Resource Editor for your convince. DOWNLOAD: *please check the releases sub-forums*
If you would like to see details for the DELTA Game Engine, click HERE

New features for the Resource Editor:
-Header detection. All ROMs verified to be "Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!].smc" should work regardless of whether the ROM has a 512 bytes header.
-All previously mentioned Level Terrain extraction errors have been fixed (Coral Capers and Clam City were missing rows of tiles).
-Bouncy Bonanza has been corrected; it uses a RED Caves Pallet which Gaingurgolo did not document.
-Now extracts almost every level, including bonuses in every possible pallet, and some backgrounds and foregrounds too!
-Now runs under a Windows GUI, with a much nicer message display system. You get fancy progress percentage meters, as well.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Stone » June 16th, 2008, 8:40 am

Just got a bluescreen after starting the DELTA Game Engine with priority number 3.
Maybe I should have been extracting the DKC Rom data first before using DELTA? ;)

But I'm afraid of getting a bluescreen again, so I will wait for an answer.
I'm sure that this is an awesome programm nonetheless! :)

Edit: Oh, I see the answer in the other topic. Thanks!
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » June 16th, 2008, 8:46 am

Stone wrote:Maybe I should have been extracting the DKC Rom data first before using DELTA? ;)
That's the only thing I can think of that would cause such a crash. It may happen because the engine tries to read an area (picture) in memory which doesn't exist, thus causing a crash.

Failing to extract ROM data before playing WILL cause the engine to crash. (It now displays a user-friendly error)
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Stone » June 16th, 2008, 8:54 am

That was really dumb of me trying to start DELTA without giving him some data.
I know this might have been a hasty release because cfh cannot upload any new things the next weeks, but for idiots like me it would be nice if there was some routine that checks for the data instead of giving a bluescreen. :D
Treasure Hunter
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » June 16th, 2008, 9:12 am

Stone wrote:That was really dumb of me trying to start DELTA without giving him some data.
I know this might have been a hasty release because cfh cannot upload any new things the next weeks, but for idiots like me it would be nice if there was some routine that checks for the data instead of giving a bluescreen. :D

I'm adding some error checking as we speak, CFH is going to re-upload it.

EDIT: Should be fixed.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby BlueTronic » June 16th, 2008, 9:45 am

I can't install WinRar (which needs to be installed to extract it). Can anyone get me a ZIP of the extracted files?
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » June 16th, 2008, 9:59 am

Kong-Fu wrote:I can't install WinRar (which needs to be installed to extract it). Can anyone get me a ZIP of the extracted files?

I have added ZIP's to the links on the update posts.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby BlueTronic » June 16th, 2008, 10:49 am

I put everything in the ZSNES folder and tried to run the Engine, but it says
DKC Engine wrote:You must extract data from the ROM first! DELTA will now close.
Previously "Kong-Fu"
Bananas received 109
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » June 16th, 2008, 11:03 am

Kong-Fu wrote:I put everything in the ZSNES folder and tried to run the Engine, but it says
DKC Engine wrote:You must extract data from the ROM first! DELTA will now close.
You must extract graphics from a verified DKC version 1 ROM first, as it says. Absolutely nowhere did I say to put it in the ZSNES folder. Try running the "Resource Editor.exe". :roll:
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Qyzbud » June 16th, 2008, 9:17 pm

I'm very eager to check out this new release (well, both releases in fact!), but I'll have to wait until I get back to my own computer.

Simion, I'd be happy to set up an FTP account for you at DKC Atlas, so you can host and update your projects here if you like. :)

I'll talk to you about this via PM.
Atlas Author
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » June 17th, 2008, 6:53 am

I'd say that this Resource Editor made the biggest leap. It went from a clunky DOS-Box where you couldn't see what was being extracted (scrolls too much) to a nice Windows GUI that extracts much more. I worked really hard to get this done before Sunday afternoon, and I managed to meet that goal. If only the next few things I have to do were so straightforward!

As for my next plan of action, I want to get this to extract the rest of the 256x224 backgrounds which are missing. Although, I should hack DKC's physics now, as it is the next logical step for the engine. Once hack them, I can add physics data extraction to the Resource Editor. Yet another thing I need to add is priority maps. The amount of things that need to be done is so diverse, that it's difficult for me to decide what's best to do next! :P
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Qyzbud » June 18th, 2008, 3:36 am

Oh. My god... Simion, you have uncovered something truly incredible here.

I can hardly believe it; an unused forest foreground graphic... and a beautiful one at that.


I'm amazed that nobody has made a fuss about this yet. What else might we discover through the development and use of this tool? :D

Well besides this outstanding 'beta graphic' find, nice job on the app itself; it's good to have a Windows GUI — although I must say I quite liked the info and status bars that could be seen in the old version, not that it's a big deal of course — and you've made some good progress with what can be extracted (as I proved in this post's spoiler!), and by fixing the Coral Capers, Clam City and Bouncy Bonanza level terrain extraction parameters.

A few issues are still present, though. Importantly, the terrains/tilesets of the so-called 'normal' mines (Stop & Go Station, Loopy Lights) still have distorted graphics around the lights. Check Mine Bonuses.PNG for a side-by-side comparison. Personally, I think these should be considered the 'abnormal' mines, as they both feature unusual lighting conditions, whereas the other two (Mine Cart Carnage and Misty Mine) each have a steady and well-lit environment. Also on the topic of mines, the Mine Cart Carnage terrain is still missing the tiles immediately behind the cart tracks; is this likely to be 'fixed' in future releases, or is the current extraction considered accurate?

Lastly, are there any plans to allow alternate extractions for levels with significant palette changes, such as the jungle and snow archetypes?

Anyhow, truly amazing stuff — I'm very impressed. :thumbs:
Atlas Author
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Kiddy14 » June 18th, 2008, 4:09 am

Qyzbud wrote:

Interesting, this image is actually used in the GBA version of DKC.
See this.
I always thought it was a new graphic, since it looks sooo good in GBA. Seems they used the EXACT SAME GRAPHIC for the conversion.
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby cfh » June 18th, 2008, 4:48 am

Qyzbud wrote:I'm amazed that nobody has made a fuss about this yet.

Heh, yeah we did on AIM, but assumed people already knew what we found out.
simion32 (9:21:17 PM): hey... were gigantic ferns ever used in DKC?
cfhworld (9:21:28 PM): like what
simion32 (9:21:44 PM): want me to send a pic?
cfhworld (9:21:53 PM): try it
simion32 (9:22:41 PM): i don''t know where those came from
cfhworld (9:22:45 PM): that's foreground
cfhworld (9:22:50 PM): i think
simion32 (9:23:51 PM): i just checked, they aren't used in forest levels
simion32 (9:24:07 PM): beta material
cfhworld (9:24:12 PM): really?
cfhworld (9:24:19 PM): i thought i saw it before
simion32 (9:24:33 PM): me too but i can't remember where :/
cfhworld (9:24:57 PM): not foregound?
simion32 (9:25:16 PM): forest levles don't have a foreground
cfhworld (9:25:34 PM): do they in gba?
simion32 (9:25:43 PM): ah-ha!
simion32 (9:25:51 PM): thast's where ive seen that
simion32 (9:25:56 PM): i think
cfhworld (9:25:59 PM): idk
simion32 (9:26:14 PM): title screen of DKC GBA?
cfhworld (9:26:19 PM): oh
simion32 (9:27:13 PM): that picure is at the wroing offset anyway; but i wonder what those ferns are for/from
cfhworld (9:27:15 PM):
cfhworld (9:27:19 PM): ?
cfhworld (9:27:34 PM): close
simion32 (9:28:00 PM): ya
simion32 (9:28:48 PM): but still, idk
cfhworld (9:30:15 PM):
cfhworld (9:30:23 PM): there it is
cfhworld (9:30:31 PM): i was right
cfhworld (9:30:37 PM): so its not there in snes?
simion32 (9:30:57 PM): no
simion32 (9:31:11 PM): that, or i can't see it at all
simion32 (9:31:19 PM): i don't think it's there
simion32 (9:31:34 PM): *checks*
cfhworld (9:31:39 PM): they added a lot of graphical details to dkc gba
simion32 (9:32:04 PM): no, it's not there
cfhworld (9:32:05 PM): to compinsate for the washed out colors and lower resolution
cfhworld (9:32:09 PM): ya
simion32 (9:32:10 PM): ya
cfhworld (9:32:36 PM): strange how it's in the snes rom then
simion32 (9:33:13 PM): i'm doing a debug picture dump of the genaral area. just a sec.
simion32 (9:35:00 PM): no, it should actually look like that
simion32 (9:35:20 PM): the bottom half should have been in the foreground
simion32 (9:35:26 PM): but it's not
simion32 (9:35:56 PM): strange
simion32 (9:39:26 PM): heh, now i know why
simion32 (9:40:31 PM): BG1 = ground, BG2 = background w/trees, BG3 = solid picture of tall trees backrground, BG4 = never used?
cfhworld (9:40:54 PM): i know
cfhworld (9:41:04 PM): is there any game that uses it?
simion32 (9:41:10 PM): idk
simion32 (9:41:59 PM): i don't even get why they couldn't have used BG4 for those ferns
simion32 (9:42:43 PM): afaik BG3 is the only one that can be an overlay

And later...

simion32 (10:50:08 PM): so that's why layer 4 isn't used....
cfhworld (10:50:16 PM): why
simion32 (10:50:17 PM): The SNES can have up to 4 separate low-color backgrounds, 1 high-color scalable, rotatable background, and various combinations in between. How many backgrounds (bgs) and the color depth of each one is determined by the current video mode (0-7). The most common video mode used by the majority of games is mode 1, which has three bgs.
simion32 (10:50:23 PM): that /\

Changed Simion's screen name, so his email doesn't get attacked by spambots :P
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » June 18th, 2008, 6:17 am

Qyzbud wrote:Also on the topic of mines, the Mine Cart Carnage terrain is still missing the tiles immediately behind the cart tracks; is this likely to be 'fixed' in future releases, or is the current extraction considered accurate?
They are accurate, but only to a certain degree. I belive rare programed the game to automatically fill-in those tiles on layer 2 whenever the game is drawing the tiles on-screen. The rest of the terrain and the cart tracks get drawn to layer 1.

Qyzbud wrote:Lastly, are there any plans to allow alternate extractions for levels with significant palette changes, such as the jungle and snow archetypes?
I will add those pallets, but first I have to find the values used for the graphical subtraction effect (that is, the pallet colors are darkened by a certain amount to make it look as if it were night time). It's a dynamic effect, as when I tried to hack the pallet address of Ropey Rampage it gave the exact same address that Jungle Hijinxs does.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Qyzbud » June 18th, 2008, 2:03 pm

Ah, that forest foreground was used in the GBA port, eh? Yeah, I must confess I've never really bought into the portables, so that fact snuck by me. That's interesting though, and it's certainly something I'll document for the Studies & Docs section. The GBA's temple foreground was awesome, I certainly remember that one. I wonder if the temple foreground and/or other unused foregrounds/backgrounds exist in there. Very exciting. :D

In regards to the dynamic palette effects, I can see why that might be a tricky thing to work out. Rather than having palette data for you to just grab, you have to take data and perform mathematical equations to come up with the desired result. Anyhow, no rush of course; as you know, I've gathered all of the terrain graphics I need for what I'm working on, but it's nice to have a precise extraction to compare my efforts with.

Oh, just remembered to ask; will the tool soon be able to pull a single level terrain on request?

I look forward to the next batch of extractable goodies. :)
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » June 18th, 2008, 2:37 pm

Qyzbud wrote:Oh, just remembered to ask; will the tool soon be able to pull a single level terrain on request?
This version was a bit rushed, and I should have added that feature. No matter, I'll try to get that into the next version. How does a dialog box with check-boxes for each extractable item sound? I might need to look up how to do that, but it would simplify getting this sort of feature in. And it would be practical, too.
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Qyzbud » June 18th, 2008, 4:19 pm

That sounds perfect. A checkbox system would be superior to having to click (wait)... click (wait)... for each terrain.
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » August 2nd, 2008, 11:11 am

OK, I've found an easy way to make dialog boxes, and here's what I've got so far:(EDIT: Updated the image to a more recent design)
Currently Non-Functional Dialog for the DKCRE (Beta)
Dialog_Beta_v2.gif (22.43 KiB) Viewed 259021 times
The level checkboxes will be "Tri-state", allowing you to select/unselect a whole level at once. The same goes for the "Create Level Terrains" checkbox, which can be used to check/uncheck everything in its group as well.

The combo box at the bottom will have presets listed, such as "Everything", "DKCLB only", or "Level Maps Only".

One additional function to be added later: DELTA will be able to automatically open DKCRE and have it extract graphics if the user hasn't already done so.

By the way, I plan on adding the equivalent functionality for everything in this dialog box before the next update. Which also means the next update may take a while. It just depends on how easy it is to implement each feature.

Any comments or suggestions? Is there anything you think I missed?
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Qyzbud » August 2nd, 2008, 9:01 pm

I glanced at the image you posted previously, and I must say the recent update is a big improvement to the layout, features and appearance.

I see that you've taken some of my requests into account - thanks! It's looking pretty complete if you ask me. So you're looking to feature object and banana mapping sometime soon? That's incredible. You are fast becoming a master of this craft. ;)

I'm sorry not to have much to suggest/critique, as I like to give useful feedback... all I can see to suggest is the fixing of a few minor spelling errors. Such errors are quite beside the point, but for the sake of accuracy:
Kremcroc Industries, Inc. = Kremkroc Industries Inc. (no comma)
Very Gnawty Rampage = Really Gnawty Rampage
Bumble B. Rumble = Bumble B Rumble (no full stop/period)
Stop and Go Station = Stop & Go Station (ampersand (&) rather than 'and')

...and there's the misspelling of 'Alternate' and 'palette', too.

Otherwise, it's brilliant; The concept and layout are flawless, from my point of view.
Atlas Author
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 3rd, 2008, 10:40 am

I really wish I had a ROM, I'm getting really interested in this. Should I get an emulator?

EDIT: Sorry for the confusion, but this is pretty much the first time I have heard of eumulators/ROMs, I have rarely heard of them.
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Re: DKC Resource Editor

Postby Simion32 » August 3rd, 2008, 10:59 am

I've fixed all the spelling errors. Thanks for the input.

I thought it wasn't possible to use ampersands because they are a special character, but it turns out you can type "&&" to get one to show up. Same with percentage signs.

1. You wouldn't need an emulator to run this tool.
2. I doubt that you actually have a cartridge-dumping tool - that would be necessary if you want to use your own copy of DKC.
3. Pretty much the only way is to find it on the 'net. Google is your friend.
Sage of Discovery
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