thetoad11 wrote:I'm gonna take the credit for the temple song, because that was 100% me. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
DKC4 Facebook Page wrote:Salve pessoal... Que Saudades do projeto
Queria Dizer que o projeto ficou parado por um tempo devido as nossas rotinas, Em tempos de Crise parece que temos que trabalhar dobrado e isso não faz sentido não é verdade?
Mas isso não vem ao caso
Queria dizer q aos poucos estamos tentando voltar ao Projeto sendo q a Engine principal está totalmente reformulada e pronta
Houve algumas mudanças nos movimentos devido algumas reclamações de jogabilidade. Mas o demais está pronto
Pedimos desculpas pela demora e esperamos ter tempo suficiente pra terminar esse projeto....Grato pela compreensão
Google Translate wrote:Save people ... What are you missing from the project?
I wanted to say that the project was stopped for a while due to our routines, In times of crisis it seems that we have to work doubled and that does not make sense is not it?
But that is beside the point
I wanted to say that we are gradually trying to get back to the Project and that the main Engine is completely redesigned and ready
There were some changes in the moves due to some gameplay complaints. But the rest is ready
We apologize for the delay and hope to have enough time to finish this project .... Thank you for understanding
Ninni973 wrote: Much better than having to use the occasionally confusing keyboard, and feels much more like you're playing an actual DKC game.
Super Luigi! wrote:Thanks for the update, Ed. Alves999. I wish you and the DKC4 team the best. Hopefully, all goes well with the Kong gravity.
PegasusMan wrote:I second that! After all, DKC4 is the closest thing we have to a brand new DKC game. Keep up the amazing work!
Super Luigi! wrote:I shall eagerly await your update, Ed. Alves999. Please continue to work hard and succeed.
Super Luigi! wrote:That sounds quite impressive. You, Hiperkalango, and Leocore will surely create a masterpiece. Good luck!
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