Qyzbud wrote:You're just applying different palettes to the same basic graphics data as the extraction occurs, right?
Qyzbud wrote:Another question; how does one view the raw GFX files, if indeed one can?
Cyclone wrote:Got a few curiosities.
Thanks! (I'll edit in a notice saying to be sure that the ROM is a verified clean dump.)nackhe wrote:Anyways, good job simion, looks awesome!
Simion32 wrote:It turns out that the Mine Carts tile set doesn't use its own separate pallet, it uses the same pallet as the Mines do.
It's set up is like this:Qyzbud wrote:Interesting, the mine cart tracks appear in Mine Cart Madness, which uses the Walkways tile set... Do you suppose part of the palette for Walkways is designated for the colouring of the tracks also, or do you think the game calls on a separate palette for colouring Mine Cart Madness' tracks?
I don't necessarily think that's the problem, as these numbers (as in the picture I attached) were extracted correctly from ROM. The main problem is that, after comparing to a savestate, it looks like about %25 of the raw graphics are missing from the Temples.GFX file. When it tries to access an 8x8 tile which doesn't exist, it causes a read error and all following tiles fail to generate.Qyzbud wrote:I don't know if this is relevant to what you are working on here, Simion, but it seems that it could be.
Simion32 wrote:...the cart track graphics are stored twice in the ROM...
Qyzbud wrote:So you don't think that maybe the extractor is having trouble when it encounters the animated graphics?
Simion32 wrote:But, this means that the cart track graphics are stored twice in the ROM, since they use different pallet entries with each level type.
Qyzbud wrote:I can't think of anything remotely similar that could be messing up the snow tile set, though... Perhaps the blizzard effects/snowflakes?
Cody wrote:is it ever going to extract full level maps (down to the enemy locations), like Qyz' Jungle Hijinx map?
I may do just that, although you will be limited to the space that levels take up with a limited amount of objects. I wanted to make a quick "editor" so that I could make my own hacks easily, as well as replicate the "Awesome Hack" of Reptile Rumble. However, I may not be able to have too much of a GUI, as I don't know how/where sprites are stored in DKC - maybe a list of objects to place, but nothing more. You could expect a graphical terrain editor, though. Please note that if I do make it, said tool will not be top priority.Cody wrote:Also, one tiny question...are you ever planning on working on perhaps a tiny ROM editor for Donkey Kong Country, which could maybe let you move/change (but not add) terrain and enemies? That would be great and would probably satisfy the thousands of fans out there eagerly awaiting a DKC level editor
Simion32 wrote:...most of the level-tile-map addresses which giangurgulo documented were incorrect. Although very small inaccuracies, they are inaccurate nevertheless, so I am putting together an Excel file of all the memory addresses I use in this tool. Qyz, wouldn't you need this kind of thing for the ASM Addresses page?
Suggestion: I don't know if everyone would want this, but since this tool is currently an 'all or none' extractor (meaning you can't just pick which map you would like to extract), it may be sensible to give the PNGs a 1-1, 1-2 etc. or a 01, 02 etc prefix, so that they sort in gameplay order once extracted. Just a thought.
I'll add that, it will make it just that little bit easier to work with.Qyzbud wrote:Suggestion: give the PNGs a 1-1, 1-2 etc. or a 01, 02 etc prefix.
Thanks, more is on the way!Cody wrote:Simion, great tool! I really am impressed.
Stone wrote:I've tested ...... tiles generated first are all white, i think that's not normal
Stone wrote:Opcode 0x20 found at $389707 is unemulated. The operation failed!
Qyzbud wrote:Why would ship deck graphics not be compressed, if all other graphics are?
Qyzbud wrote:Wait- so when we're talking about compression... it's lossy compression?? I didn't consider that for a second...
Qyzbud wrote:Maybe they are also uncompressed?
Qyzbud wrote:It sounds like you mean the tiles themselves, but I thought I would just double check.
Stone wrote:...finally found one that works...
Very nice tool
Tompa wrote:Could someone just make a rar file with all the stuff and upload...?
Unfortunately, I have been so busy working on this extractor, that I haven't had time to hack the physics system. Don't get me wrong - this extractor is an integral part of the DKCLB, and I need to complete this tool first because it will deal with converting the game's data into a format readable by DELTA and/or the Level Builder. I will soon be on summer break from school, which will give me tons of time to work on hacking the very intricate parts of DKC. Once I do hack the physics, this tool will be able to extract physics data and stuff like that (and convert it to a much more sensible format, of course).Qyzbud wrote:Do you know, Simion, if the tangible boundary surfaces (not sure of the generally accepted term for this concept) are stored as separate level data? How does the game keep track of what is a floor/wall? This knowledge must be critical for recreating the engine and building levels... what can you tell us?
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