The Random Thoughts Topic

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Mattrizzle » August 30th, 2013, 10:09 pm

Chibisai Kong wrote:I started school on Monday


Me too. It's my last semester of college, and there's only one class left for me. I'll be graduating in December with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Information Systems. I'm not really sure if I'm :dixiehappy: or :kiddysad: about this, though. On one hand, I'll finally get that degree; on the other, there are friends I may never see again.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » August 31st, 2013, 1:15 pm

*sobs and hugs Mattrizzle*

You know, I'm aiming for the same goal, except I'm pitching the first inning and you're already at the bottom of the ninth. As for your friends, yes, it's true you may never see all your friends again, but you can still save some! Just make sure you try to stay in touch with them.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Geno » September 1st, 2013, 11:51 pm

I am rather happy for a reason. (no, it's not that school is starting soon, I hate that!)

I am on the development team for "Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch" which is a game that I like. (Although it is Megaman, AND an FPS, so I don't expect many people here would play it too.)

In fact, at the 4:03 mark in the trailer for v4, is an image I made for it! :dixiehappy:

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby CaptainEddie » September 2nd, 2013, 7:33 am

Hey! I played MM8DM a few years ago! It was a lot of fun. :dixiehappy:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Geno » September 2nd, 2013, 12:11 pm

If it was a few years ago, you must have played v1, or v2.
You missed v3!

v3 came out last December. It had Mega Man 8 stuff in it, as well as the 2 new Robot Masters (skins, bots, and stages) from Mega Man Powered Up.

v4, as the trailer shows, will be Mega Man & Bass.

Currently, I have created a cutscene image (in the trailer), 2 skins, a prop, some Title Screens for MM7 and MM8, and something for the new ending credits scene.

Also, I am (slowly) working on making MM8BDM player skins of several characters from a certain trilogy of SNES games created by a British company that goes by the name of "Rareware". :swanky:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » September 16th, 2013, 2:35 am

Ugh! I can't remember what this one thread is called... I know there is a thread that compares elements from DKC to DKC3... I was just looking for it in light of that new "DKC3 is WEIRD" thread...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » September 17th, 2013, 9:45 am

Thanks Mattrizzle! That was just driving me crazy! :thumbs:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » September 20th, 2013, 2:20 am

I'll be honest; I didn't know who he was at first. However, this is a very tragic and serious moment, so I will now take a moment of silence.

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Blaziken257 » September 25th, 2013, 12:54 pm

Today is September 24, and it's been 11 years since Microsoft bought and ruined Rareware. (Also, Star Fox Adventures was released in the US one day before that.) Time sure flies...

Not to mention, the decline of Rareware was obvious almost immediately, as a little over 10 years ago, Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge was released (September 10, 2013 to be exact), which is nowhere near the quality of Banjo-Kazooie or Banjo-Tooie. Quite sad, really... I've considered venting about it, but I haven't gotten around to doing so.

Also, it is sad that Hiroshi Yamauchi died. Without him, Nintendo may never be as relevant as it is now... he left behind quite a legacy. Where would we all be without Nintendo?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » September 25th, 2013, 2:29 pm

I just had to say this DKC Atlas reference... 99 yellow bananas in my hoard. :kiddycool:

(Because I have 99 bananas... heh heh... heh... lame, I know...)

Also, time does fly... I wish Rareware didn't leave Nintendo... the company makes me want to cry now... it just is crazy how long ago that actually was and how long ago it seems... craziness.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » September 25th, 2013, 7:04 pm

Hiroshi Yamauchi made a lot of good moves for Nintendo — including prompting the creation of a little ol' industry-revolutionising game called Donkey Kong! It's a shame to hear about the death of such an influential figure.

Rest in peace, good sir.

On a completely unrelated note...
Making jokes about having 99 bananas, Phyre? Get a life!

...oh, I guess you just did. :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » September 26th, 2013, 5:29 am

That was terrible. So terrible, that I forgot what I was going to say. Oh, right...

So I think Rareware is purposely creating rubbish games in order to sabotage Microsoft. The Stamper Bros. and David Wise's departures were planned, obviously. As a side note, I'd like to think Hiroshi Yamauchi sat on his front porch during his final days, reminiscing about "when games were games."
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » October 4th, 2013, 2:29 pm

I don't know if any of you know, but I'm aspiring to be an art teacher. Over the past month, I've taught two lessons at a middle school. Next month, I'll be teaching two lessons to an elementary school. I've had so much fun with the middle school kids and I'm going to miss them... I know it may sound cheesy since I've only been with the kids once a week for six weeks... but I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed teaching the kids and helping them out. I really want to do this :D I just finished teaching my second lesson today. I had the kids make political cartoons! It was fun!

Now I have to think of two lessons for 4th graders! I'm nervous for teaching younger kids, but I'm still excited!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » October 4th, 2013, 3:02 pm

That's fantastic, Phyre! I'm very happy to hear you've found a career calling to be excited about. :D

I've always considered being a teacher myself, and keep getting urged to do so by friends and family... but I don't know. I guess I'll see where the future takes me.

I think I'd be most interested in teaching the young'uns — such as the ones you currently have to think up classes for — as I'd worry that kids any older than that would have better book smarts than me already! :lol:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » October 5th, 2013, 4:30 pm

Impossible, Mighty Atlas Author Qyzbud. Quite impossible.

As for you, Phyreburnz, your job/hobby/volunteer work/compulsion/activity sounds like it fits you to a capital P. I just have one question. Are you going to brainwash the Kiddie Kongs into creating your sprite animations for the Atlas, because that idea is terrible. Also, I just thought up another question. Are you going to be like my ex-art teacher and teach art for 20+ years, while you look and sound like Wrinkly Kong? Because that idea would mean you're successful.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » October 7th, 2013, 2:04 am

Well... I don't know about looking and sounding like Wrinkly Kong... Judge for yourself.... I can't really do anything about sounding right now :P but at least looking....



So do I look like Wrinkly Kong?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » October 7th, 2013, 7:03 am

Almost. You've just about got the look down. Make sure to acquire some 1995 reading glasses and an old, experienced face. You look too familiar, by the way. I can't quite place where I've seen you (or at least someone like you) before.

So I went to the local fair yesterday. I saw some exhibits, bought a Luigi hat, and rode some rides. Even in the middle of the day, I could still hear Disco Train. The rides were literally sounding out the music. There was one making the "bum bum, budda bum" noise, while another did the "meoooooooooow" one. Also, I saw a sign that stated, "Take the inland tunnel to Kiddie Land!" Obviously not a coincidence.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Chibisai Kong » October 9th, 2013, 1:22 pm

You've got on a lovely Jareth shirt, Phyre.

I'm glad you're following your dream. :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » October 12th, 2013, 9:58 pm

Phyreburnz wrote:

So do I look like Wrinkly Kong?

Nice photo, Phyre — short hair really suits you. :D

Apart from the kind face (and short hair, I suppose), I must say I don't see a lot of similarity between you and Wrinkly... not necessarily a bad thing, given your age and species. :lol:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » October 14th, 2013, 12:34 am

Yeah, I just look like a grandmother ape... fantastic :P

Oh, Chibisai, I just loooooooooove David Bowie and labyrinth!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » October 14th, 2013, 10:11 am

I thought that shirt person looked familiar. And before you ask, yes, I too
Phyreburnz wrote:just loooooooooove David Bowie and labyrinth!

Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie really played their parts well, might I add. Also, the final "battle" scene is one of my favorites out of all the movies I've ever watched.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » October 16th, 2013, 1:31 am

I think the Escher room and final battle are my favorite parts.

I wish Jim Henson did more movies like that. If you guys like Labyrinth, you'd probably like the Dark Crystal, as well.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » October 16th, 2013, 2:42 am

Well, it certainly does sound interesting. Perhaps I should search for the movie and give it a watch. I might even learn a thing or two.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » October 22nd, 2013, 7:19 pm

I ♥ the dark crystal & labyrinth!
Okay question time; are burritos or tacos better? Opinions please.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » October 23rd, 2013, 2:53 am

Definitely burritos, unless you make or buy one that has a rotten tortilla. Then it just becomes an overarching taco.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 4th, 2013, 1:09 am

Is this the right place to put this?



I took a few pics of myself, I'm trying something new with my hair [half-and-half] and I also have three shades of lipstick on in each; Primrose Allure, Sultry Violet, and Satan's Kiss. And for some reason my eyes look different in the last one, I dunno why.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » November 4th, 2013, 1:27 am

Very cute indeed!

We have a topic just for posting photos of ourselves — perfect for selfies like these: Post a photo of YOU!

I like the half-and-half hair; I've never done anything so creative with mine, but it looks awesome! :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 5th, 2013, 12:09 am

Our (Qyzbud and I) cat, Beau, enjoying a nap between us while we enjoy DKC Atlas :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » November 5th, 2013, 3:50 am

Are you two on a road trip across the treacherous plains of Australia, armed only with your knowledge, DKC Atlas, and Ninja Beau? If so, make sure you look left, right, and then up for falling monkeys. Those darn monkeys, they even fall in sideways!

Speaking of The Land Down Under, how does anyone survive there? K. Rool's Kousins are all over the place, giant mutant Neeks roam the plains, Winky and his humongous family are landing on people, and even the very ground itself is a killer threat! I'm not joking here; I've done the research and have come to the conclusion that, in Australia, EVERYTHING IS TRYING TO KILL YOU!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 5th, 2013, 4:00 am

Nah it's not really.
Most of the people that are killed by things here are usually trying to kill something themselves...

We're in South Australia; which is one of the coolest parts (temperature wise), we do get snakes here but not much, and only really in Hills area (which is where we live! Haha!).

I got bitten by a Brown snake once, but that was only because I wasn't watching and I stepped on it! I was fine though, I didn't even see a doctor :)
Also: I was in an uninhabited remote horses paddock in the middle of summer with no shoes on (so no noise to scare the away), it was really stupid and totally my fault and just not something that would happen to a normal person :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 5th, 2013, 4:06 am

I actually feel like America is way more dangerous!
America= shi**y healthcare+more diseases like rabies and AIDS (we don't have rabies here and we literally have 8 people with Aids in SA)+many more dangerous large animals like cougars and bears, etc.

Pretty much everything here that is dangerous is sh*t scared of you and will avoid at all costs. Most people live here their entire lives andnever see and snake or a Croc.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » November 5th, 2013, 11:43 am

Shhh! Don't ruin our reputation... our heroic struggle to survive each day must continue to be marvelled at by stunned admirers the world over!

Or something. :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 5th, 2013, 6:51 pm


Look what I got today! :funky:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » November 6th, 2013, 12:48 am

America is in quite a load of trouble currently, that's for sure. MrsQyzbud, that 3DS XL bag is very stunning. I'll bet that it can carry quite a load of trouble as well!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 6th, 2013, 1:34 am

Hehe yeah, it fits the DS, like 12 games, extra stylus' and a charger cable!

Poor Obama, he tries so hard!
Qyz and I need to visit America! It's easy for him because he's a citizen, but I'll have to get a visa or something? I dunno, I've never left Aus. From what I can tell; most places that aren't Aus - are big, scary and mean. I am scared of the American Healthcare system too, what if I get sick while I'm there?! I had a friend break his leg while in the US and it cost him over $15,000!! If that had happened here it would've been free!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Chibisai Kong » November 6th, 2013, 12:30 pm

Yeah, America kinda sucks, I'll agree.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 6th, 2013, 4:52 pm

I still wanna go because the land looks beautiful...
I guess I'll have to pay for private healthcare for the first time in my life though -.-
I think travel healthcare exists :]
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » November 7th, 2013, 4:03 am

I can see it now.

On one sunny day, local and faithful Atlasite Super Luigi! was checking all the topics on the DKC Atlas, as was a excellent user's duty. After the task had been completed, the Kruncha-bandana-wearing person dropped by the Chat Room, where all the interesting stuff happens. Upon arriving, SL was greeted by the Almighty Administrative Atlas Author Qyzbud and his soon-to-be-hopefully-but-not-actually-right-now-because-of-Australia's-strange-naming-sytem-of-girlfriends wife MrsQyzbud. After the usual small talk about this thing: :gnawty-lol: , the love banana birds commanded Super Luigi! to look outside for a Gyrocopter. Just then, the door rang, and SL ran to answer it. Seeing an unfamiliar dynamic duo through the peephole, the Atlas user opened the front door :target: of the humble abode. After asking who the couple were, they told the Atlasite. Super Luigi! then realized that, standing before him, were, in fact, Mr. and Mrs. Qyzbud. SL bowed a respectful bow and immediately kneeled before his masters. Qyzbud ordered his scribe to rise, while the Mrs. couldn't control her laughter. Super Luigi! invited the couple inside, introduced them to his family, and everyone then began to have a merry time. Sodas and hot dogs and beef jerky :gift: were plentiful in the festival, but there were no bananas! :banana: SL apologized profusely, and then bought $100 worth of banana bunches. Then at last, once the 6-hour party had come to its conclusion, Mr. and Mrs. Qyzbud bid farewell before they flew off into the sunset towards their next destination. It was then that Super Luigi! returned to his post to cry a scribe's tears. :dixiecry:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 7th, 2013, 8:17 pm

Lovely! However; Mr and Mrs Qyzbud are vegetarian! :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » November 8th, 2013, 2:26 am

As Mr. and Mrs. Qyzbud gasped in horror at the meaty food and soda, Super Luigi! quickly reassured them. "Don't worry," he spoke, "These jerkys aren't from cows; we made them ourself! And the hot dogs, they're not all created from pig-bottoms! Some are, yes, but others are polish and Vegi-Links! The soda is diet too! To top it all off, we even have almond milk, so you don't have to worry about somehow drinking a cow!" Qyzbud let out a bellowing laugh that shook the earth to its core, as he then drank much and ate plenty. MrsQyzbud laughed even more at how silly the contents of SL's refrigerator were, and then joined her not-yet-but-still-quite-possible husband in dining.

That's all completely true, by the way.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 8th, 2013, 12:10 pm

hehe Don't worry, Qyzbud really likes dairy. I eat it too, but I resent that fact :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Phyreburnz » November 10th, 2013, 10:48 am

Hmmm.... I'm thinking about changing my icon... but what can I change it to that is equally as weird/disturbing.... hmmm....

Also, I changed my notification noise for my phone just a few moments ago... I changed it from the star trek communicator noise... to the star trek communicator noise.... :gnawty-lol: I upgraded from the original series to the communicator noise used in next gen and voyager. I am a happy trekkie! Image
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » November 10th, 2013, 6:01 pm

As interesting as that is, I must state my random thought.

I FINALLY FIXED MY COPY OF DKC2! It works like a charm, and I played it for an hour and a half last night! I never realized just how lifelike everything in this game is! I mean, Bayou Boogie is EXACTLY what my hometown looks like (I'm seriously not kidding!). And once I made it to Bramble Blast, I darn near had a heart attack from the beauty that I had beheld! I hope this doesn't offend anybody, but the combination of Stickerbrush Sympthony and Bramble Blast together was almost as magnificent and all-powerful as Jesus Himself. Perhaps I've gone too far, but my 90 minutes with the game were amazing! I CAN"T WAIT TO PLAY THE REST OF THE GAME TOMMORROW! OK, SO NOW I NEED TO HURRY AND GO TO SLEEP SO I CAN DO SO! GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » November 10th, 2013, 7:30 pm

Super Luigi! wrote:[...]Bayou Boogie is EXACTLY what my hometown looks like[...]

Ooh... photos? :dixiehappy:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 10th, 2013, 7:44 pm


I bet you are all jealous of my new 3DS XL cover... and my ridiculously pale skin :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Super Luigi! » November 11th, 2013, 5:11 am

Qyzbud, if I take photos, then people will know where I live! Plus, I don't have a camera that connects to my computer. (Although I could borrow someone else's.) But anyway, perhaps I shouldn't have said exactly. My hometown isn't entirely a swamp; it just contains parts that look like one!

MrsQyzbud, I'm not jealous, as it is wrong to covet, but I must admit, that cover is very refined. Have fun staring at it!

So I just beat DKC2 again, and now I'm a little sad that the adventure is over. *looks at the blank File 2* Then again, :dixiehappy: this may just be the beginning! :diddywink:
:dancingneek: Time to Token Tango once again!
Last edited by Qyzbud on November 11th, 2013, 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed "smiley" in spoiler; there must be a space before a smiley.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gaz » November 13th, 2013, 2:36 pm

A pointless statement, but it's been exactly twenty-one years since The Simpsons episode New Kid on the Block aired. It is an episode of Season 4 that aired first on November 12, 1992. Back when I was interested in The Simpsons, this episode was my favorite one. It's the one with Laura. Laura is probably enjoying being in her late thirties as of today...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby MrsQyzbud » November 13th, 2013, 6:37 pm

Lol, you're a weird kid, Gaz.
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