Qyzbud wrote:I'd assume this is for quality assurance; if the DKCRE doesn't work properly when used with these hacks, it could give the impression that the hacks, or the DKCRE (or both) are poorly coded, when that is far from true.
Yes, though it's more about Boss Blitz (and my own paranoia) than DKCRE, to be honest. The biggest reason all of these checks are being put into place is to prevent others from hacking it (eventually Brigand Barrage and the hypothetical DKC3 boss rush as well) and releasing their own "custom" versions. If someone were to do a sub-par job, it could reflect badly upon me, and people could blame the wrong person for bugs that are the fault of another. One rule of mine: If I've altered the title screen and "Mattrizzle" or "Mattress87" appears while playing the game, don't modify it. This doesn't apply to the other smaller DKC patches--those were made to be used as base hacks.
@ Simion32: You are right, it is incorrect. The program counter is 0x88 bytes past where the start of the subroutine is. Fixing this still won't fix the bugs that DKCRE causes in the hack, as another custom subroutine is called prior to this one which initializes the RAM addresses needed.
Game AutoLaunch is the equivalent of opening the ROM in ZSNES from a double-click.
...except the temporary copy of the ROM that DKCRE generates and runs has an altered name and different text strings in the unused vector pointers--even if those parts of the header have previously been modified by other means.
Here's the last update you probably see on this for a while, as university has begun for me again. A few sprites and animations have been altered:

1, 2. Diddy's odd stances when jumping and standing while holding an object have been fixed.
3. His turning sprites have been ported from DKC2.
4, 5. Both Kongs' mouths in all of their sprites have been altered to use shades of their fur instead of their clothing colors. With the palettes selected in these images, Diddy originally would have a light blue mouth and D.K. would have a white mouth.
6. Slippa's defeated animation is different; it now uses the unused sprites found by Simion32. The animation used when they are launched by the Mini Drums (or whatever the basic enemy versions of Dumb Drum are called) hasn't changed, but you won't see it in this hack.
In addition to what is seen in these screen captures, missing frames have been added to a few of the animations (e.g. D.K. walking holding an object and DIddy's victory animation).
The sprite and animation changes are already part of a stand-alone hack started years ago, around the time I registered here, if I remember correctly. However, several of the animations aren't finished (Diddy's animation while idling on Rambi and Krusha's laugh are two examples), so it isn't ready to be released yet.