Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 5th, 2012, 6:37 am

Simion32 wrote:Now that's more like it!

EDIT: Sorry to re-ask, seen the text below that image. Sorry, I missed that!

On another note I fully expect the MFA file to be extremely huge. MMF2's worse than Game Maker at project file size... :roll:

I'm doing compression tests here, but I can say that the game will be added approximately 2.6 MB for each additional map's intro's.

This is quite reasonable, is not it?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Simion32 » July 5th, 2012, 8:31 am

Compared to DELTA, your engine *.exe is extremely tiny, but I cannot say the same about the images, sounds, and other actual content (maps and layouts take nothing really, they amount to arrays of structures at most, usually only a few KB each).

For comparison, here's what I've got:

DELTA *.exe (current build): 919KB, Release (Optimized -O3), UPX Compressed

All that said, DELTA houses the entire copy of NitroGUI and has several embedded PNG images, so there's much more than just game code in the program. It also has embedded DLL libraries (which accounts for roughly 300KB).

I'd say that even if you are just under 50MB that would be acceptable given what you are trying to accomplish here, but we also have to think about the users that are not fortunate enough to have a fast internet connection. For some people, they are bandwidth limited. Still others have connections that make 50MB look like you're downloading an entire CD worth of stuff (really slow).

As for the dial-up users with old clunker machines, forget them. They need to get out of the stone age... :lol:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » July 8th, 2012, 2:46 am

Any more updates? I can't wait to see more videos!

I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to make more custom levels, but I'll post them when I get the chance!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » July 8th, 2012, 4:51 am

I made one called Glimmering Galleon (you have to scroll down about half-way... I wasn't sure how to directly take you to the posts). It's a ship trapped in an ice cave. Simion helped me out with some things for it. There's a downloadable version in the dklb sprite/animation submission thread.

I want to make more rigging/ship levels and a few others.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Tonberry2000 » July 8th, 2012, 5:42 am

Awesome! I just posted a couple of my ideas in that topic.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 8th, 2012, 11:01 am

Simion32 wrote:Compared to DELTA, your engine *.exe is extremely tiny, but I cannot say the same about the images, sounds, and other actual content (maps and layouts take nothing really, they amount to arrays of structures at most, usually only a few KB each).

For comparison, here's what I've got:

DELTA *.exe (current build): 919KB, Release (Optimized -O3), UPX Compressed

All that said, DELTA houses the entire copy of NitroGUI and has several embedded PNG images, so there's much more than just game code in the program. It also has embedded DLL libraries (which accounts for roughly 300KB).

I'd say that even if you are just under 50MB that would be acceptable given what you are trying to accomplish here, but we also have to think about the users that are not fortunate enough to have a fast internet connection. For some people, they are bandwidth limited. Still others have connections that make 50MB look like you're downloading an entire CD worth of stuff (really slow).

As for the dial-up users with old clunker machines, forget them. They need to get out of the stone age... :lol:

Really, what will make the executable get big are the graphics, stages maps, custom musics (OGG format, music from the SNES DKC's are using SPC format) and characters sprites (are hundreds of sprites). The "pure" engine is small.

Phyreburnz wrote:Any more updates? I can't wait to see more videos!

I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to make more custom levels, but I'll post them when I get the chance!

I am creating the "bad collision" system for the enemies, this collision system is implicit for all buddies, partners and kongs. There is not complicated, but is very laborious, so it is taking slow. But, to show kremling's in action in next update, I will use your Glimmering Galleon stage ;)
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Postby leo_core » July 12th, 2012, 3:29 pm

I'm finishing the final adjustments to the Kremling's system, so far will these prints, on Friday I'll post the video.



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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » July 12th, 2012, 11:02 pm

Eeek! I'm so excited for your video! :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Cosmicman » July 13th, 2012, 4:35 am

Every screen shot makes me speechless, so awesome.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 14th, 2012, 12:26 pm

Thanks Phyre, Cosmic

I apologize but I will not have the video ready for today.

I'm resolving some personal problems and this will a little delay the progress of engine for krems, I have little time to work on the game until I solve these problems... but will be ready in a few days.

Thanks again!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Tonberry2000 » July 14th, 2012, 12:50 pm

No rush!
Maybe once you get a few more things coded you can make a demo video of the team ups and partner swapping and new stages and animal buddies to show people all the things in the project so far. :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby hiperkalango » July 15th, 2012, 5:23 am

Vc está fazendo a engine de Krem??
Posso ver
Se for problemas de LAg ou lerdeza eu sei como resolver
tenho q te mostra minha engine de Krem tb
desculpa pelo sumisso. Eu to numa faze horrivel da minha vida cara :'(
Perdão mesmo...a todos q estãoa companhando o projeto tambem
valew :(
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 16th, 2012, 1:56 pm

Tonberry2000 wrote:No rush!
Maybe once you get a few more things coded you can make a demo video of the team ups and partner swapping and new stages and animal buddies to show people all the things in the project so far. :)

Yes, that's what I want for the next video. This giving a looot of work, so the delay.

To HiperKalango :
hiperkalango wrote:Leo....
Vc está fazendo a engine de Krem??
Posso ver
Se for problemas de LAg ou lerdeza eu sei como resolver
tenho q te mostra minha engine de Krem tb
desculpa pelo sumisso. Eu to numa faze horrivel da minha vida cara :'(
Perdão mesmo...a todos q estãoa companhando o projeto tambem
valew :(

Cara, to me saindo bem aqui com o sistema de colisão. Eu já tenho a colisão good (qdo vc mata os krems, pulando em cima ou rolando no chão) e o movimento de plataforma deles pronto. Estou trabalhando na colisão bad agora (qdo vc perde o kong).

Eu consegui fazer o movimento de plataforma deles com custom mov, ta perfeito! Andam bem por mais sinuoso que seja o backdrop obstacle e não "afundam no chão" qdo estão fora do frame visivel. Isso está muito melhor do que "path mov" pois os krems andam pela fase inteira com total liberdade.

O problema é que estou com menos tempo disponivel para trabalhar no projeto, não estou tendo dificuldades com a engine. Em breve mostrarei tudo isso. Fica na paz ae irmão, qdo der entra no msn pra gente levar uma letra e vc me mostra seu sistema para os krems.

Guys, Sorry to write in Portuguese here but I can not communicate with the HiperKalango on MSN so I'm taking the opportunity to say a few things to it.

I'm not having problems with the engine of Krems, is doing very well (better than I expected). I'm just with less time available than I wanted to work on the project. But is underway within a few days will show!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 20th, 2012, 10:53 am

I finally got the engine of Krems implemented. It seems little, but this engine will be the basis for all enemies. With a few changes can make them fly, swim, jump, etc..

And a great news, I finally got another notebook!! (much better than the one that broken). I am very happy with it, I can work on the project for much longer now! :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » July 20th, 2012, 11:21 am

:D This is AWESOME!!!!!!! I love the music, too, and your shine effect! It all is so amazing! Where did you get the music, did you make it? :D This makes me ridiculously happy!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 20th, 2012, 12:02 pm

Thanks Phyre, but the stage was you who did ehehe, I just adapted the engine!
The music of intro vídeo is "Let Me Lie" by Hayley Westenra, "Celtic Treasure" album.

The music used in Stage I can not remember where I got... is some old game, I have many like that. I thought it was good for this stage, I can change if you have another suggestion since it was you who did.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Tonberry2000 » July 20th, 2012, 12:59 pm

Wonderful! I love all the new stuff in this one! Great work!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby VideoViking » July 20th, 2012, 3:10 pm

Great job on the Kremling engine. Just a couple of things:

When you do a roll attack on an enemy, you hear both the death sound and a guitar flick (closely sounds like a tire bouncing). This sound does not appear when you jump on a enemy or defeat it with a team attack. You should add the guitar flick effect whenever an enemy is jumped on.

Also, make sure to use the right death sounds when possible. The Kritter has its own death sound, but here, the DKC2 Klomp death sound is used.

I am curious to know when you'll add the other enemies to the game.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 20th, 2012, 3:52 pm

VideoViking wrote:Great job on the Kremling engine.

VideoViking wrote:Just a couple of things:

When you do a roll attack on an enemy, you hear both the death sound and a guitar flick (closely sounds like a tire bouncing). This sound does not appear when you jump on a enemy or defeat it with a team attack. You should add the guitar flick effect whenever an enemy is jumped on.

This sound effect (closely sounds like a tire bouncing) is in game, but is a little too low and synchronized with the cry of Kremling, I will make adjustments in the level of audio and out of sync so it becomes more prominent.

VideoViking wrote:Also, make sure to use the right death sounds when possible. The Kritter has its own death sound, but here, the DKC2 Klomp death sound is used.

ahahaha, you're right!! This sound effect is wrong, I will change! Thanks for the warning!

VideoViking wrote:I am curious to know when you'll add the other enemies to the game.

Soon... I need to do now the collision between Kremling and buddies.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » July 21st, 2012, 2:35 am

The music works perfectly with this level! By the way, I was wondering if the shine effect could possibly be added to DKLB. This is more a question to Simion, of course. I love the effect and I think it works amazingly well!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 22nd, 2012, 6:19 am

I've been reviewing the video I posted and found something strange:
ImageWhere did this Kritter? lol I have not programmed for the dead Kritter is destroyed when he exit out of the visible frame but did not really expect one of them!

I am seriously considering working with a 3D engine for DKC5, now I have a rigged Tiny Kong 3D Model... MMF2 is very limited with graphics effects... =/
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Tonberry2000 » July 22nd, 2012, 7:16 am

I should see if someone can rip Chunky's model from DK64 so maybe you or someone else can do something with it down the road. After all, we've got Tiny and Lanky available.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 24th, 2012, 6:22 am

Really have not found the 3D model of Chunky Kong anywhere, by physical proportions think he could have attributes similar to Donkey Kong.

The greatest difficulty is to make the rig to the model, have a friend who is professional and it made ​​the Tiny Kong rig's for me. I'll see if it will gradually doing the other ...

I would love to eventually make a new fan game using a 3D engine (started studying Unity). But it would be no movement of the Z axis, I keep moving platform by the Cartesian (X and Y axes only) and the camera fixed in orthogonal.

But those are dreams for a future is still somewhat distant... dreaming costs nothing...

For this project I'm working on the collision system for buddies.
In the meantime I want to post on the blog design a little about the people who help us and to assist in disseminating the work of these people. Here's a video of the composer of most of the customized songs we're using, Marvin Portello:
"Malokero Sk8 charlie brown jr solo"
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » July 29th, 2012, 3:26 am

A new stage added to project: Scarlet Crystals Crossing
This is a small preview of this stage created by João Pedro / Pixel Cows and courtesy for our project. I took a "refined" in the collision system, added Sub Pixel Precision engine and started the collision system for buddies.

Youtube "stabilize" video option ruined my video, thanks Youtube for this crap!

Pixel Cows site:

Pixel Cows is developing the game The Journey of Eko ... LaCBgXudC8
Updates are a little more time consuming 'cause I'm studying Unity, DKC4 is definitely my last project using the MMF2 engine.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Cosmicman » August 4th, 2012, 12:00 am

Incredible stuff, I think I'm just going to stop in the middle of the stage and admire the view.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 7th, 2012, 2:14 am

Thanks Cosmic! But Youtube ruined this video... I was experiencing an option called "stabilize" on Youtube and that the audio distorted and destabilized the video FPS. But that's okay, just a small preview.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » August 13th, 2012, 1:16 am

I was wondering if you've had any updates or when there will be more updates. I just can't wait to see what you do next!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 14th, 2012, 2:42 am

Phyre, we are undergoing some changes to the project... news soon.
Thanks =)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » August 14th, 2012, 8:12 am

I can't wait to see more updates! :D I'll be waiting impatiently! :lol:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Gaz » August 14th, 2012, 8:19 am

You already said that, didn't you?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 15th, 2012, 1:37 pm

The truth is that almost stopped the project ... but within a few days will bring good news! :dixiehappy:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Tonberry2000 » August 15th, 2012, 6:12 pm

Yikes, really? Can't wait for the good news.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 16th, 2012, 2:22 am


Not to be left without posting anything until the next update of the engine, here's a preview from the "Scarlet Crystals Crossing" that you guys can see running in real time: ... t.rar.html

To download the file, just click in this button:

I could not post the file as an attachment, the forum only accepts up to 5 MB.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Simion32 » August 16th, 2012, 10:07 am

How in the heck could a fuzzy YouTube video almost stop the project? Are you insane or something? That makes absolutely no sense. :rant:

I'm downloading it right now.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 17th, 2012, 2:21 am

Yes, almost stopped the project ... but it appeared a novelty that, in practice, saved the project!
I'll talk about it within a few days, is good news. =O)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Cosmicman » August 17th, 2012, 1:01 pm

Don't give up man, I'm looking forward to this game more than any official game from any company out there.

Are you going to include 2 bonuses and the Dk coin in every level like the previous games? Or do you have different ideas?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 17th, 2012, 1:22 pm

Thanks Cosmic!
Yes, each level will have bonus (how many is not set yet) and DK coins, sure! :thumbs:

(Whose idea was it to put these custom emoticons? lolz, Very good!)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 21st, 2012, 3:23 pm

As I had mentioned, today will post good news about the project. We have a new programmer on the team, is the João Pedro.

Well, before he came to our team I must say that the project was stopped and I would communicate that I would no longer work on the project over the coming months, my studies are taking all my time.

Lately Hyperkalango did not even have time to breathe, in fact it was he who created the base engine of the game, if this project exists is thanks to his hard work and dedication. I have spoken to him once in a while and he should resume with the project as soon as he has more time and the same goes for me.

So for the next few months who will work the engine is João Pedro. And he is working hard with new updates and doing a re-balancing to improve the overall performance of the engine.

João Pedro is one of the most talented people I know and MMF2 great programmer, and designer (Scarlet Crystals Crossing was he who did). So u can expect good things to come of his work.

I will continue giving an assistance with sprites, making and posting videos and adding terrains for the project, including a new terrain made by ​​Aryel themed desert.

Well, that's it for now folks. Just want to leave a comment for this video, notice that the Rambi not run away when it collides with the Krem, it will still be added.

Engine Update: ...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » August 22nd, 2012, 1:18 am

Awesomeness! :nicework: I'm soooooooooo glad you didn't abandon this project! It's too amazing to abandon!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 22nd, 2012, 1:54 am

Phyre, thanks for the encouragement =O)

But this "pause" that I'm giving to this project will be worth it, I'm working hard on a new project that I submit in a few months.

I KNOW that I am leaving the project in good hands with João Pedro, trust in what I say.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » August 22nd, 2012, 2:06 am

Is João going to be uploading video progress, or are you going to wait until he is done to upload videos? If he is going to show progress, does he have a youtube channel, or will it be uploaded to your youtube channel?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 22nd, 2012, 2:27 am

This will work as follows:
He will send me progress, I will continue making videos and posting on my channel. Also keep posting here in the forum as I have always done ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Tonberry2000 » August 22nd, 2012, 9:41 am

I'm glad your team has grown. Good luck with your studies! as usual, I can't wait for the next update!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 23rd, 2012, 11:30 am

Thanks Ton! Well, João Pedro is working on the engine and I'm creating the lib's the characters of the game, here are some that I've done with the animations to walk, turn, die and attack (some Kremling's has attack animation, mini neck for example).

In addition to characters that are elements of scenarios, such as butterflies and beta fish.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby leo_core » August 25th, 2012, 12:50 pm


Confirmed the release date of the second playable demo for 15th of September.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Phyreburnz » August 27th, 2012, 12:00 am

I have a suggestion for your website, leocore. Since a lot of us here speak English, and you may have other people go that speak different languages, you might want to add google translate to your site.

By the way, I made a new level and it's in the DKLB sprite/animation submission section. The level is a vertical version of Treetop Town. I also made a fake preview screenshot that's in the custom level ideas. I was thinking of Tree Trunk Treachery as the level name, and Simion suggested Treacherous Treadwood, but if you have a better name, feel free to use it!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4!!! begin ;)

Postby Markster » August 27th, 2012, 2:05 am

I can't wait for the September 15 demo! :thumbs:
I've played the old demo hundreds of times.
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