Scariest Game Over Screen

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What's the scariest GameOver screen in the Donkey Kong Country series?

Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Donkey Kong Country Returns
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Total votes : 21

Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Markster » November 13th, 2010, 2:31 am

Whats the most scary to you, i'm mostly scared of the DKC3 one.
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Rodent » November 15th, 2010, 6:20 pm

DKC2 or 3. Probably moreso 3, but the question remains: What was K Rool gonna do to the Kongs after he kidnapped them?
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Markster » December 15th, 2010, 1:56 am

DKC3 Game Over screen wins!
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 15th, 2010, 2:16 pm

I disagree, the DKC screen is worse. I used to sit there and cry at it when I was a kid. :?
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Simion32 » December 16th, 2010, 6:46 am

There have only been 6 votes, and that's nowhere close to a good estimate. Poll extended indefinitely.
EDIT: Added DKCR to the list. It may as well be in the poll too.
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Phyreburnz » December 16th, 2010, 8:59 am

Well, I guess the poll re-sat, so again I vote for DKC 3. I think that that one was, by far, the creepiest. DKC 1 was the most sad. It breaks my heart when I get a game over.
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby DKCplayer » December 17th, 2010, 10:29 am

I'd think that the first two game have the saddest game over screens, but the scariest goes to DKC3. The "lullaby" that plays could be enough to send shivers up someone's spine. :? The door slowly opening and slamming shut is creepy as well. The mood is slightly lightened if you play with the blocks though.
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Markster » December 22nd, 2010, 4:21 am

From now on, all my polls will never end.
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Gaz » July 16th, 2013, 10:23 am

Almost a three year bump, but I want a say in this, I have to say Donkey Kong Country 3 is the scariest. The music is creepier in the Game Boy Advance version than the Super Nintendo version.

I'll sum it into a story:
"Dixie and Kiddy lose all their lives. The next thing the player sees is a door creaking open slowly and the two monkeys in upset moods. There is then a creepy lullaby that plays for about twelve seconds, the door is then ferociously shut, and Dixie and Kiddy are left in the darkness by the Kremling Krew..."

Donkey Kong Land III, Donkey Kong GB: Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong, and Donkey Kong Country 3 (Game Boy Advance) reprise the game over screen.

Image - The first one, notice the darkness surrounding Dixie and Kiddy.
Image - This only reminds me of the old times... It's not creepy, but it makes me sad looking at this.
Image - More colors for the Game Boy Color re-release of Donkey Kong Land III, the least creepy of the four Game Over screens.
Image - The Game Boy Advance version, a lot lighter and less dark. The music of it is a lullaby remix of the theme for the original Donkey Kong Country.

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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Qyzbud » July 16th, 2013, 12:41 pm

Interesting how some of the block colours are changed in each version of the DKC3 game over screen; the reduced palette of the GBC is likely a factor here, but the changes to the GBA version seem largely arbitrary. :scratch:

As for the topic at hand — none of them seem particularly 'scary' to me, but DKC's image of the Kongs looking beaten and bruised — and of course the dark and eerie flute music — has the most 'sombre' atmosphere, I feel. DKC2's game over music is less impacting, but the way the image fades to red gives the scene an ominous vibe... and DKC3's haunting music box melody, sad baby-ape eyes and slamming door sure make it tug at the heartstrings... very emotive stuff.

:facepalm: :scratch: :dixiecry: :kiddysad:
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby CaptainEddie » July 16th, 2013, 1:51 pm

I agree with Qyzbud that none of them are particularly "scary", but the one that come closest would have to be DKC2. Donkey's facepalm in the first just makes him seem disappointed in the player and I don't even know what to make of Diddy's expression. :scratch:

In DKC3, Kiddy looks sad and Dixie just seems kinda irritated. I never felt any sense of danger for the Kongs for this one, it always just seemed like they had been put in "time out."

DKC2 has he only game over screen where the Kongs are visible worried about their situation.

Both seem frightened of what is going to come next, unlike the other two games where the full extent of the consequences for their failure seem to have already been doled out.
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby nintendobarn » July 22nd, 2013, 7:18 am

DKC is the most scary to me, that black eye just creeps me out.
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Geno » July 23rd, 2013, 7:02 am

Now I just noticed something about the SNES version of the DKC3 Game Over screen.

You know how you can use the buttons to play with the blocks?

Well, all of them except the "G" one and the "ER" one correspond to the colours of those buttons on a JAP/PAL SNES controller.

And "G" is on the far LEFT, and "ER" is on the far RIGHT.

So using this, one can figure out (without actually trying it) that:

G = L Button
AM = Y Button
E = X Button
O = A Button
V = B Button
ER = R Button

Neat, huh?
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Simion32 » July 23rd, 2013, 11:54 am

*does the math*


I wonder if there's any significance to this? I see something that looks like "Game Forever" in there.
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Geno » July 25th, 2013, 11:56 pm

I guess since Gaz posted images of all the DKC3 ones, I think I should post the DKC and DKC2 ones.

DKC. Donkey Kong Land (Super Donkey Kong GB), as well as the GBC and GBA remakes also have this game over screen.
Image-The original

Image-Donkey Kong Land. Diddy looks more ticked off here.

Image-DKC GBC. That eye...

Image-DKC GBA. Wow, way to kill the mood. The addition of the bright jungle background now removes all traces of scariness from this screen. Plus, they somehow messed up DK's foot. Also, they added a bandage on DK's chest.

And now, DKC2. Donkey Kong Land 2 (Donkey Kong Land: Diddy's Kong Quest), and the GBA remake have this screen.
Image-The original

Image-Donkey Kong Land 2

Image-DKC2 GBA. Now it's purple... :scratch:
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Gaz » August 16th, 2013, 1:44 am

I bumped, but I've got some interesting differences between the two DKC3 GBA Game Over screens.

The SNES version -Image
The GBA version - Image

The differences I noticed between the two:
*The GBA's Game Over screen is obviously brighter.
*The AM block is blue in the GBA version, but green in the SNES version.
*The E block is blue in the SNES version, but yellow in the GBA version.
*The V block is yellow in the SNES version, but green in the GBA version.
*The ER block is more sky blue in the GBA version.
*If you see the abacus, look closely; only half of one is at the top-left corner. There are now purple ones in the fourth column :/...
*The crib at the top-right corner is completely gone in the GBA version :scratch: .
*There is no longer a hair covering Kiddy's eye.
*The balls (whatever they are called involving an abacus) are barely visible in the second row.
*The balls are only visible in four rows in the GBA, but in five rows in the SNES version.
*Kiddy's eyelids don't show in the GBA version.
*Dixie's mouth is nearly invisible in the GBA version.
*The shadows are messed up in the GBA version. They are now pitch black...
*Kiddy's thumb is more visible in the GBA version and appears to be more properly positioned.
*Kiddy's lips look more dark in the SNES version.

Overall, the GBA's Game Over screen made some decent changes, but I really wish it had more work. If you convert the SNES image to a GBA graphic (used an official converter and it actually looks like this on GBA Movie Player), you get this:

GameOverCountry3SNES.png (12.13 KiB) Viewed 54111 times

Rare should've not made such lazy work on the port... The ends of the crib on the topmost area of the GBA version is messed up entirely, by the way.

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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby the_kong_br » June 22nd, 2014, 7:31 am

Means that "oft topic ', the error screen the DKC3 scares me.

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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby Markster » June 22nd, 2014, 11:28 am

I agree with you.
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Re: Scariest Game Over Screen

Postby the_kong_br » June 22nd, 2014, 8:54 pm

Markster wrote:I agree with you.

It is a modified version of the Boss Theme
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