Which levels can be completed in reverse?

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Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Qyzbud » March 13th, 2008, 3:55 am

Okay, this is the Diddy's Kong Quest version of the 'Which levels can be completed in reverse?' series.

(Same challenge in other games: DKC, DKC3)

I'll make this first post more useful later...

BASIC GUIDE: (taken from the DKC edition)

Play through the level, stop at the exit point, and then try to make your way back to the beginning.
Some levels will be straight forward. Some levels are impossible.

I'm hoping there are some levels which can be completed in reverse, but which require clever techniques, good timing, quick maneuvers... Or even extreme measures (including losing a Kong, or glitching the game).

Using shortcuts/warp barrels is fine, too.

Good luck!
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Arne_the_great » March 13th, 2008, 7:22 am

Alright, I'm back and I've tested all levels on the two first worlds. Everyone was possible, without glitches (except one here), except two stages because the camera won't go back and I pretty sure it will stay at it's place.
Before I give some notes at some of the more tricky places I want to say that there's a trick that allows jumping in air multiple times. It won't be useful at all levels because it's very slow and clumsy but however.

The first world was easy, nothing special or tricky.
In the seconds world however...

Hot-head hop - not that tricky but worth mentioning. Grab the spider at the bonus.

Lava Lagoon - Possible until you come to one of the bonuses, the camera won't go back. Couldn't find any way to get past. Even if I would in teory go inside the wall it will stay at it's place. It's annoying.

Red-hot Ride - Believe it or not but this one is possible. I tried at first without any glitches. I came a bit but one jump was close but not possible. So how to do it? The multible jump trick? No, it's possible without that one. It's a difficult trick with actually bringing Rambi all the way to the end, past the sign even, and all the way back. It's very close that it's not possible but I made it with enough patience. Doing it on console would be crazy difficult. But how is it even possible? Well, Rambi got some nice tricks like the boosting and if you press left you can actually make him jump again and if you start boosting directly after you land on him while flying with dixie, you can fly with rambi. It's hard but possible.

Sqwuaks Shaft - Several places where the camera won't move back. Too bad :(

So all stages on the two first world is possible, except Sqwuaks Shaft and Lava Lagoon and maybe Red-hot Ride if you don't count glitching.

// Arne
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby BlueTronic » March 13th, 2008, 7:51 am

Barrel Bayou - Most likely, not tested.
Glimmer's Galleon - Impossible, because at the lvl tar. you can't go back down.
Krockhead Klamber - Maybe, not tested
Rattle Battle - Impossible
Slimb Climb - Depends on how you look at it: Probably not, but you can use the fall in water glitch to "outfall" Snapjaw to the bonus barrel (If there's a place you can fall straight to it) and if there's a place where you can fall to the next, and so on.
Bramble Blast - Impossible because where you see the first Zinger, it's impossible to get back up, because the barrels won't shoot that way.
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Arne_the_great » March 13th, 2008, 8:19 am

Kong-Fu wrote:Bramble Blast - Impossible because where you see the first Zinger, it's impossible to get back up, because the barrels won't shoot that way.

Teehee, I'll drop in for a moment before going to bed and claim that it is possible. At least if I remember correctly, I'll check later but it is hard like hell. Using the team-throw glitch where you can jump multiple times in the air it should be possible. I might record a video later.
But, good night. o/¨¨
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby BlueTronic » March 13th, 2008, 8:28 am

Try disabling the BG layer. That'll make it easy, assuming you're using an emulater. Then when you get to the end, enable it and play it backwards.
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Qyzbud » March 13th, 2008, 12:45 pm

Arne, you must love exploring the DKCs as much as I do. :D

Okay, well assuming we use the team-up jump glitch... Many otherwise impossible levels are probably possible. Woah, Parrot Chute Panic even, perhaps... ??? Keep in mind that this glitch doesn't work in all versions of the game, so we'll have to note that, of course.

By the way- for the sake of levels like Rattle Battle (and *maybe* ones like Glimmer's Galleon), we may be able to have a special completion category of 'main area reverse-completable' or something. It's a shame to let a whole level challenge go to waste due to a technicality.

Good stuff guys. Oh, Arne; I'd love to see a video of Red-Hot Ride done backwards!
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Arne_the_great » March 14th, 2008, 1:33 am

I agree with the argument of special completion at stages like rattle battle and Glimmer's galleon, I think they should still kind of count.
And yup, I've been TASing too much DKC/DKC2 and know too much of the physics, bleh.

And I think a list should take note of glitching or not and if it must use team-up glitch. And I think Parrot Chute can be completed in reverse, pretty sure it is. In my DKC2 any% TAS, I complete Castle Crush before it has elevated half the stage :P

http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/483684886/redhotride-craziness.smv - Redhot ride completed in reverse and normal. Use Snes9x v1.43 V9(and up) to play it.

I'm off to check on world 3, see if Bramble blast is reverseable, it will be a b...*bleep*...ch to test. bleh.

// Arne
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Qyzbud » March 22nd, 2008, 12:37 pm

Arne, I finally managed to match your redhotride video to the correct game version, and I've gotta say your technique here is incredible. Craziness doesn't begin to explain it! I knew about a lot of those tricks, but I've never seen them used in such an impressive way. I wouldn't mind using some of that gameplay in a promo video for the DKC2 section of DKC-Atlas when it's unveiled. Really awesome play.

I'm going to create a level checklist for this thread now, so we can keep track of what is and isn't possible, and how to go about it all.

Edit: Er, still haven't gotten to it. :oops:
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Matt534Dog » July 25th, 2009, 3:13 pm

Are you sure you can complete Lockjaw's Locker in reverse, due to the rising and falling of the water?
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Matt534Dog » July 25th, 2009, 3:22 pm

Feel free to edit this post. This is a checklist for everyone until Qyzbud decides to make an official checklist. :D

Gangplank Galleon

Pirate Panic - Yes
Mainbrace Mayhem - Yes
Gangplank Galley - Yes
Lockjaw's Locker - Yes
Topsail Trouble - Yes

Crocodile Cauldron

Hot-Head Bop - Yes
Kannon's Klaim - Yes
Lava Lagoon - No
Red-Hot Ride - Yes
Squawks's Shaft - No

Krem Quay

Barrel Bayou - No
Glimmer's Galleon - No
Krockhead Klamber - No
Rattle Battle - Yes
Slime Climb - No
Bramble Blast - No

Krazy Kremland

Hornet Hole - Untested
Target Terror - No
Bramble Scramble - No
Rickety Race - No
Mudhole Marsh - Untested
Rambi Rumble - Untested

Edit: I'm not playing on an emulator, I'm playing on VC. What I'm typing down is all by normally playable means.
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Sockpuppet » December 6th, 2009, 3:21 pm

You can make it to the exit of the cabin of Rattle Battle as long as you leave some of the Flitters alive. One of the jumps involves jumping on one while carrying the other Kong and throwing them after the boost it gives.

Matt534Dog wrote:Krazy Kremland
Hornet Hole - Untested
Target Terror - No
Bramble Scramble - No
Rickety Race - No
Mudhole Marsh - Untested
Rambi Rumble - Untested

Tested the untested ones. I don't know any glitches so these are all glitch-free:

Hornet Hole - Possible without any difficult tricks. Just be sure to kill as many Spinies as you can on your way to the end. It makes it a lot easier.

Mudhole Marsh - Possible, with a few tricky bits. Dixie is needed for a few jumps. To get past the Kannon section at the end you have to helicopter spin from the hook. A jump + teamthrow is needed to get the first (last doing it the proper way) hook of the hook + Zinger section.

Rambi Rumble - Not possible. Some drops in the Rambi bit are too big for you to jump back up.

Gloomy Gulch

Ghostly Grove - Possible. You might need to do it with Dixie, and it's slightly luck-based 'cos of the ropes.

Haunted Hall - Not possible

Gusty Glade - Not possible because of the damn wind.

Parrot-Chute Panic - Not possible

Web Woods - Not possible because the start is separated from the rest by Squitter's room. I haven't tested whether or not you can make it back to his room because I hate this level. :evil:

K.Rool's Keep

Arctic Abyss - Not possible. Ledge near the end is too high.

Windy Well - Not possible

Castle Crush - Not possible

Clapper's Cavern - Not possible

Chainlink Chamber - Possible and pretty easy.

Toxic Tower - Not Possible

Screech's Sprint - Not possible

I haven't tried the Lost World yet but I can already tell that Animal Antics (level is split up) the lava one who's name escapes me (Very long barrel-over-lava sequences) and Black Ice Battle (can't climb back up) will be impossible. Klobber Karnage will probably be impossible too unless the long barrel section can be done backwards. The tire level may be do-able though.

Another Edit: May as well do the full list. My version of the game can't do the team-jump glitch, so someone else will have to find the overwise impossible levels that can be completed by using it.

Possible with glitches

Impossible normally, might be possible with glitches or depending on what counts as 'completion.'

Gangplank Galleon
Pirate Panic
Mainbrace Mayhem
Gangplank Galley
Lockjaw's Locker
Topsail Trouble

Crocodile Cauldron
Hot-Head Bop
Kannon's Klaim
Lava Lagoon
Red-Hot Ride
Squawks's Shaft

Krem Quay
Barrel Bayou
Glimmer's Galleon
Krockhead Klamber
Rattle Battle
Slime Climb
Bramble Blast

Krazy Kremland
Hornet Hole
Target Terror
Bramble Scramble
Rickety Race
Mudhole Marsh
Rambi Rumble

Gloomy Gulch
Ghostly Grove
Haunted Hall
Gusty Glade
Parrot-Chute Panic
Web Woods

K.Rool's Keep + Krocship
Arctic Abyss
Windy Well
Castle Crush
Clapper's Cavern
Chainlink Chamber
Toxic Tower
Screech's Sprint

Lost World
Jungle Jinx
Black Ice Battle
Klobber Karnage
Fiery Furnace
Animal Antics

I may edit in the reasons later. ;)
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Tompa » December 9th, 2009, 6:19 pm

I'll see if I can go through all levels together with Arne to really see which ones that are possible and not. And obviously: with the use of glitches if needed ;).
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby The Guy » December 10th, 2009, 7:18 am

Sockpuppet wrote:Slime Climb (Could it be possible with insane luck?)

There's a glitch in that level that can get rid of the Snapjaw.
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Tompa » December 10th, 2009, 5:21 pm

Lockjaw: Really simple without any glitches... Just go back, no hard obstacles or anything.
Slime Climb is possible without any glitches and without getting rid of Snapjaw.
Scramble Blast: Possible by teamthrowing the whole way.
Scramble Bramble: Impossible because the camera freezes in position early on.

Will try more later today if Arne's around for it :).
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Sockpuppet » December 10th, 2009, 5:40 pm

Edited my list. ;) So that makes the entire first world possible without glitches.
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Tompa » December 11th, 2009, 3:42 am

Barrel Bayou - Possible.
Glimmer's Galleon - Impossible.
Krockhead Klamber - Possible with glitches.
Rattle Battle - Impossible.
Rambi Rumble - Possible with glitches.
Gusty Glade - Possible with glitches.
Parrot-Chute Panic - Should be possible... But I haven't managed to yet, I'll pass this to Arne.

The teamthrow glitch is the only one I'm using by the way...

*edit* Arne found a way to finish Barrel Bayou without glitches, so I've changed that
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Sockpuppet » December 11th, 2009, 9:18 am

Alright, I'll edit those in too. I'm really curious though: how do you do Barrel Bayou? I've tried everything I can think of to get past the barrel pairs (including taking Rambi past his sign and jumping off mid-flight, which doesn't actually work) and I couldn't find anything.

Also we should wait for Qyz's final decision on Rattle Battle and Glimmer's Galleon. Personally I think they should count because of the lack of obstacles. Even if you could go back through the different sections it wouldn't make the challenge any harder. Web Woods, on the other hand, does have obstacles in the start and main segments.
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Tompa » December 11th, 2009, 11:44 pm

Arctic Abyss - Impossible.
Screech's Sprint - Impossible.
Jungle Jinx - Possible with glitches.
Fiery Furnace - Possible with glitches.
Klobber Karnage - Possible with glitches.
Black Ice Battle - Possible with glitches.
Parrot-Chute Panic - Impossible.

http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php ... 0BAYOU.smv
That's Arne's version of Barrel Bayou.

All levels are covered now at least. And no, neither Glimmer's Galleon or Rattle Battle should count. As you can't go back to the very beginning of the stage.
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Sockpuppet » December 12th, 2009, 10:00 am

Added all of them. ;)

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do I open the smv file?
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Re: Which levels can be completed in reverse?

Postby Tompa » December 12th, 2009, 8:51 pm

Download the SNES9X emulator found here.
Open the Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (U) (V1.0).smc rom.
Go to File -> Movie Play, and open the smv.
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