The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

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The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby gamester » March 2nd, 2010, 11:39 am

A fangame project created by me, in Game Maker 7:

A minor update featuring the majority of the land enemies. Tell me what kind of fps you guys are getting

Download the latest version (4/16/10)

R = Restart Room
Enter = Bring up spawn menu, select character
Arrows = move
X = jump
C = run, pick up barrel, attack

What's in the newest engine version:
- Added grip bars: treat them like the hooks in DKC2
- More enemies
- Bouncy tires
- All Kong characters
- All Animal Buddy characters
- Climbable rope
- Barrels
- Cannons, manual and automatic
- Slopes, blocks, jump-through slopes and blocks

To Do List:
- Add more enemies
- Miscellaneous interactive objects
- More backgrounds and tiles


I noticed someone had mentioned this project in another thread so I figured I'd put my stuff up on this site for you guys. Post comments, issues, critiques, and anything helpful.
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby DKCplayer » March 2nd, 2010, 7:54 pm

The one who mentioned it would be me. I found it and decided to share it since it was so good. This project is going well and keep up the good work! :D

Glitch: Pressing X then quickly C as Dixie at the same time makes her do the ponytail-copter as she jumps.
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby Simion32 » March 8th, 2010, 5:49 pm

[This was also posted over at GMC Forum]
I finally dug out Joy2Key and Played the engine using a real game controller (similar enough to an SNES controller that it ' feels' the same). A few things I noticed:

-Characters don't turn around immediately when you are running in one direction and press the other direction. They should turn around immediately instead of decelerating. Also applies to turning around while in mid-air. This issue can be somewhat solved by proper acceleration physics (some details of which you have from my physics PM).

-Barrel cannons are very responsive. Nice job on those (trust me, I overcomplicated my own barrel system back when I was using GM6).

-Rolling at the edge of a cliff should NOT allow you to roll off the side of the cliff.

-Ropes and/or the characters are jittery while touching. Maybe fixable if you put the movement for the character in the end step event, I'm guessing (been a while since I've used GM so I might be a little off here).

-If you respawn a character without restarting the room, and then get in the Auto Cannon there's a chance you'll miss the upcoming manual barrel cannon entirely - because it's still moving up and down. Non-Item objects that are still onscreen should reset themselves when they go offscreen.

-Also, if you're holding the run button when the room starts, DK will walk instead of running. He should just run instead of a roll being required to start running.

-The direction a character is facing should change depending upon what direction the player is pressing, not the X Speed of the character.
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby gamester » April 17th, 2010, 12:34 pm

Alright I put up a new update for you guys to try out, I addressed some of the issues outlined by Simion32 but this update was largely focused on getting some of the other enemies programmed correctly.

and I also put in a bouncy tire and manual 360 cannons that I did not include in the other releases
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby Simion32 » April 17th, 2010, 12:42 pm

I don't have Joy2Key sitting around at the moment to give a proper test (due to my recent computer crash), but at first glance all of the added features are Excellent. This goes especially for the barrel cannons, which you have no doubt mastered. Great job gamester!
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby DKCplayer » April 17th, 2010, 6:02 pm

The barrel cannons are great, and the added enemies work like they should. This is going along well.
Few things to note though:

- When you run off a surface, you can jump in midair.
- Error occurs when you take a barrel into a blast barrel
- Winky is messed up physics-wise.
- When jumping as Dixie holding a barrel, pressing C makes the barrel vanish while Dixie starts her spin.
- When holding a barrel, jumping at an enemy to break it will make the player go to its running animation.
- Rambi, Expresso and Squitter cannot go up as far in the blast barrels
- Stepping on a certain piece of a slope makes DK (to my knowledge it doesn't work with any other Kong or animal buddy) jump, but seems to land on a tiny invisible platform. He still goes up, but is in his idle stance meaning he can do another jump or cartwheel while in the air.
This is the spot where it happens.
Position.png (36.15 KiB) Viewed 29843 times

Aside from those things, it is getting closer to the SNES feel.
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby Qyzbud » April 17th, 2010, 7:18 pm

This is pretty darn impressive... Definitely the best DKC engine replica I've had the pleasure to play with thus far. The physics, animations and sounds are all pretty much spot on, and having all Kongs and animal buddies available to choose from is quite amazing. Although Winky's physics are not quite spot on, I'm very impressed with how well you've replicated Rattly's movement.

There are minor control/physics niggle here and there, but overall this is a brilliantly constructed engine. I'm looking forward to future releases!
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby old_buzzard » April 17th, 2010, 11:54 pm

Wow, I'm amazed at how excellent the controls are. Insignificant nitpicks aside, everything else is coming along very well. I'm really liking it so far. Keep it up.
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby gamester » April 18th, 2010, 5:26 am

Oops, yeah, Winky got messed up while I was reorganizing code, I'll fix that...
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby Markster » August 22nd, 2010, 5:19 am

Awesome, i love it, but there is a few problems...

1. You cant set it to full screen
2. Controls ain't that good, i prefer W, A, S, and D to move and J, K, L, to jump, roll, etc.

I'd say make it where you can customize your controls and make a F4 full-screen switch.
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby Doctor Phileas Fragg » September 2nd, 2010, 7:23 pm

Your thread on the GMC hasn't been updated in months. Do I have to follow your progress over here now?
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Re: The GM Donkey Kong Country Engine

Postby bouke » December 17th, 2010, 8:06 am

its great but you cant die ;)
please make it so you can die from the enemy's

Very good project excellent work!
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