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The cellphone thread!

Postby Kiddy14 » May 1st, 2008, 2:44 pm

Yay! A cellphone thread!

My cellphones have been:

A really humoungous Alcatel phone (those that only allowed to send and receive calls =P)
A Nokia 3320.
A Nokia 3520.
A Nokia 3220.
A Sony Ericsson W300i.
A Sony Ericsson K790a.

Really, all these were gifts... Birthday gifts... I've spent with all of them like 2 or 3 years, and they're intact. I really take care of phones :D . The only one I stayed with only 1 year was the W300i because by the 4th month of owning it, it suddenly started to turn off. And was rather annoying because I had to keep checking it. Besides the 1-month guaranty was already caducated; something like water or a yellow liquid started to appear near the LCD, between the plastic and the glass; it was a clamshell (correct me if I wrong, but I know that's how they're called in English), I HATE clamshell phones =P; the microphone wasn't working really well; and it was a Walkman, I prefer taking photos than listening to music, that's why I went to the K790a. Altough, I only have like 2 or 3 months with the K790a.

Post your mobile phones here! =D
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Qyzbud » May 1st, 2008, 10:48 pm

Caducated... means something like 'expired', right? I can't find a proper definition for it, but I believe you just taught me a new word!

As for phones; in Australia, we tend to refer to them as 'mobile phones' or just 'mobiles', which does sound a little less hip than 'cellphones', but hey. We keep them with us when riding Kangaroos, by storing them in their pouches. My mobile's waterproof, so it can endure my favourite sport of crocodile wrestling... Handy!

Actually, my phone for the last many years has been the original model of Nokia's N-Gage. It's embarrassingly large to hold to my ear when talking, but other than that, I've been happy with it. Heck, I can even play DKC/DKL on it courtesy of some snazzy SNES/GB emulators. Definitely time to seek out a new phone, though. This one's starting to glitch up in lots of ways. I'll have to retire it someday soon...
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Stone » May 1st, 2008, 11:54 pm

Handy is the word that has been naturalised for mobile phones in germany, maybe back in a time they weren't that handy :)

I got my first one (K750i) in 2005, shortly after I was called up for military service. It was nice to be able to inform your parents when they have to fetch you from the train station.
I've never had a feeling that I needed one in school, instead of those hip teens around me ;)

Now I have a W910i (second phone) that really boosts my little ego. :roll:
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Cody » May 3rd, 2008, 6:13 am

I went through two of these and I'm currently on my third:


I don't the phone, exactly, but it's cool in the long run for these reasons:

1. It can record sound and video for as long as I desire (or until the memo card runs out of room!)...I could literally record and play an eight-hour recording.
2. I can customize my background by the pixel, to make it 'perfect''s a real treat.
3. My favorite part of all - I can use MP3s as quality ringtones. It's a real treat answering my phone to Hot Head Bop (and embarrassingly, half of the DKC3 GBA soundtrack) :D
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby cfh » May 3rd, 2008, 8:23 am

If I had that, my ring tone would be the 300 techno remix.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Stone » May 3rd, 2008, 8:54 am

Cody wrote:It's a real treat answering my phone to Hot Head Bop (and embarrassingly, half of the DKC3 GBA soundtrack)

I don't like the DKC3 Soundtrack that much, so I only have the full DK Jamz and DKC2 OST on my phone and not to forget, the 5 CD Okami OST.
But I haven't used them as a ringtone yet ;)

cfh's video ad is also on my phone, maybe I'll start converting some TAS and Speeddemosarchive Videos into a Sony-friendly format for ultimative DKC fun :mrgreen:
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Cody » May 3rd, 2008, 9:29 am

DKC3 GBA had an entirely new soundtrack composed by David Wise.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Stone » May 3rd, 2008, 9:33 am

I've only heard this DKC waterlevel remix and it was good.
I didn't know that the soundtrack is completely new, thanks for the info Cody, I'll give it a try :)

Edit: SSBB soundtrack was also nice, but it took away too much space. I'll have to make a best-off, but this will be hard because the soundtrack is already a best-off 8-)
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Cody » June 16th, 2008, 2:19 pm

Cody wrote:I went through two of these and I'm currently on my third:

Make that three of them. The one I've had for less than four months just broke today.

What type do you all recommend? Pardon my language, but there's no effing way I'm getting another Chocolate.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Cody » July 8th, 2008, 5:53 pm

Pardon the bump, but I ended up getting the Samsung Alius exactly three weeks ago; a day after I posted that.

It broke (though it was my fault totally). Basically, I went to the restroom at school and had my phone in my sweater's big, horizontal pocket. I used the bathroom perfectly normal without any problems, and before I flushed the toilet, I went to zip my pants. I accidentally pushed my sweater up and my phone fell out and into the urinal, still filled with four inches of urine or so....and not only that, but said urine was literally dark orange and it absolutely destroyed my battery and phone. At first, the phone was still operating but it started vibrating endlessly and the screen started flashing odd colors. And sadly, smoke started coming from the back. That's when I knew the phone was done for.

I told Verizon it started acting funny in my pocket (no way I'd tell them that embarrassing story), and they believed it and had to mail me a new phone, free of charge. Unfortunately, I won't be getting it for a week or so since it actually comes in tomorrow but by law they can't give it to me, but mail it.

And thankfully, my 2GB SD card survived but I (as done in the past) lost all of my contacts, pictures, music, and whatever else I had stored on that phone.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Jomingo » July 9th, 2008, 3:09 am

Tough break. At least they believed you and sent you a new one!
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Parn » July 10th, 2008, 5:11 am

Alright I've had a I think nokia one that my mom took as soon as he old phone got ruiened. Then I had a LG with awsome things in it. I washed that one now I got a junky samsun that does nothing but make really bad phone calls and bad battery life...The bad thing was that I didn't have insurance on my good phone so I had to get another phone and had to get charged for it. Also I lost ALL my numbers in it so I had to ask like everybody at school for their numbers agin x.x. Lemme tell you NEVER wash your phone unless it's like machine washer proof. Thats what I need...and drop proof cause I'm a BIG cluts...surprized I haven't ruiend this phone yet.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Kiddy14 » July 10th, 2008, 6:08 am

You washed your phone? What for? O_o
Oh, and did the phone had a SIM card? You could have used it in your other phone =P
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Cody » July 10th, 2008, 8:24 am

w00t! I just got my phone in the mail! :D
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Parn » July 12th, 2008, 9:23 am

Kiddy14 wrote:You washed your phone? What for? O_o
Oh, and did the phone had a SIM card? You could have used it in your other phone =P

I more then likely didn't have a SIM card...and my phone was in my pocket and I forgot it was in there and went to wash my pants and then once the laundry was done I realized my phone was gone and looked in the washer...and it was there ^^;
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Kiddy14 » July 12th, 2008, 12:54 pm

At first I thought you "washed" it on purpose xD
I see...
Once I "washed" out my wallet. And I lost $500 pesos >=(
500 pesos are like 50 dollars by the way
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Rodent » August 6th, 2008, 5:51 pm

My old Motorola Razr (V3 I think) recently died on me. All the buttons besides the off button stopped working. Switching it on and off got old, so I'm using an old Nokia of mum's till next week when I get my new Razr (V6).
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Kiddy14 » September 2nd, 2008, 3:05 pm

I believe you already got your phone right? =) I stopped using Motorolas since my mom's, my aunt's and my mom's boss's Motorola's battery lasted only for 2 days. Altough it's not comparable to my mom's LG, which battery lasted for... 12 hours, maybe? :roll:
By the way, last week I got my phone a 1GB external memory :D Compared to the default 128MB one and its internal 64 MB, it's cool. Finally I can have the 4 soundtracks of the DKC trilogy in it =D
I listen to GBA's Stilt Village before I go to bed.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Rodent » September 2nd, 2008, 5:08 pm

Yeah, I got my new phone. Forgot to post here. :S

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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby nickp17 » September 8th, 2008, 1:26 am

I have an LG Chocolate, but before I switched to Verizon Wireless I had an Nextel i860
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Qyzbud » October 9th, 2008, 5:31 pm

My current phone (Nokia N-Gage) has been randomly misbehaving lately, so I've finally convinced myself to take the plunge and upgrade. When it comes to technology, I tend to save up until I can get something perfect for my needs... and as you know, internet access can be hard for me to get at times, so I've decided to get a phone that will (hopefully!) let me view and post forum messages, as well as edit and update the DKC Atlas site and forum anywhere, anytime. Should be a big step up from the taco-shaped N-Gage (as seen spoilered below), anyway...

Here's what I'm getting:

The version of the E71 released in Australia (E71-1) is not compatible (!?) with our country's best wireless network, so in an attempt to get a good internet connection - even in my little mountain town - I've ordered an overseas model (the E71-2), which seems to support the correct radio frequency. As a plus, it means that I'll also be able to get wireless internet access in the States.

I just checked the shipping status, and apparently my new E71 has made it to Australia, and just cleared the customs check! Awesome! I'm pretty excited about finally getting a new phone. Waiting on delivery over the weekend is going to kill me... (I dare not hope that it will get to me tomorrow!)
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Kowbrainz » October 9th, 2008, 5:41 pm

None of the phones I've owned have been really flash since I only really use them to call people or text them occasionally.

My first was a Sony Ericcson, can't remember the model. I lost that after several years - it just fell out of my pocket, then when I went back to find it after realising (only a few minutes later, mind you) it was gone.

Then I borrowed my sister's phone for a few days since she was home sick. Took it to rowing one morning and left it in my pocket by mistake... >_<
You don't normally get wet in rowing, but this time when getting back to shore the tide was in quite a bit and I slipped when getting out. Pulled out the phone and had it vibrating non stop until I held the off button in for a few seconds. Haha.

So, the new phone I was going to get eventually went to my sister, and I got a new crappy one since I'd lost two. It has a camera, but it doesnt work too well and I dont use it. Think it's a nokia something or other.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Qyzbud » October 9th, 2008, 6:00 pm

You seem to have bad phone luck, like Cody. I guess it's the kind of thing you have with you all the time, and it's small and relatively easy to damage (especially when water's concerned...). Mine have really only died from old age so far, which is good. Nokias are pretty resilient... in fact the E71 I'm about to get has (apparently) the best build quality yet; stainless steel construction, even! This will be my first camera-equipped phone. It'll be nice to have that convenience/novelty... I just hope I don't drop the damn thing in a pond or something. :roll:

Also, it will have a screen big enough to play SNES games! I had SNES, NES, Sega Megadrive and Game Boy emulators on my N-Gage, so hopefully I can find some even better ones for use on my shiny new phone. I wonder how compatible the old ones will be on new phone technology...
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Stone » October 10th, 2008, 5:13 am

I really enjoy surfing on websites while sitting in a train, and communating with a mobile ICQ version called Jimm. (which is ridiciously cheaper than a single SMS)
My phone (Sony Ericsson W910i) isn't doing as well with emulators. A java Game Boy emulator is the only thing i got running yet and it has no sound...
But that's okay, because the games are awful to play with those buttons. Puzzle mode in Tetris attack and Pokemon are the only games working well for me, because they don't require fast reactions.
Watching videos is quite enjoyable, at the moment I'm trying to convert the most interesting things (like whole Avatar episodes and some Monthy Python sketches) to make them viewable on my phone.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Qyzbud » October 10th, 2008, 9:08 am

I must say the button layout on the E71 I'm getting isn't ideal for gaming, either... but that's okay. I wonder if a phone will eventually be released with a removable control stick, that can be screwed/plugged somewhere convenient for gaming. Seems like a nice idea to me!

Just wondering; who here uses there phone for internet access? I'm considering the possibility of creating a smartphone-optimised style/theme for at least this forum - and maybe the Atlas itself, too. I also look forward to designing some DKC-styled themes to customise my phone with, when it arrives. I think I'll use the sound that plays when you read Kaptain K. Rool's note in Pirate Panic for my message tone. ;)

Edit: Awesome! My phone just arrived, and I have picked it up! :D
Last edited by Qyzbud on October 10th, 2008, 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Phone arrived =-)
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Kiddy14 » October 10th, 2008, 10:41 am

Qyzbud wrote:I wonder if a phone will eventually be released with a removable control stick, that can be screwed/plugged somewhere convenient for gaming. Seems like a nice idea to me!

I think that'd be ok with the Nintendo Cellphone DS =) Or something like that...
Qyzbud wrote:Just wondering; who here uses there phone for internet access?

I do, except I use good old GPRS... WCDMA/3G is just too expensive (and fairly new here in Mexico, just about 6 months with Telcel, which is the leader in telecomunications; but Iusacell has it running about 1 and a half years ago, I believe) and I don't have neither a cellphone supporting it neither a cellphone capable of detecting Wireless Connections.
You should see the site in WAP browsers xD
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Qyzbud » October 20th, 2008, 3:03 am

Well it has been ten days since I got my shiny new E71 delivered, and I must say I am thoroughly impressed. It is such a wonderful device, and is certainly worth all of the trouble I went through to have it imported, and set up for use in Australia.

Today, Leif and I went for a big road trip to see our other brother, who lives in the remote countryside. Just to try out the 'voice guidance' feature the E71 offers, I set up a trip plan and told the phone to provide spoken directions to guide us along the way... It was actually very entertaining, and surprisingly accurate and useful. I've never had a little device tell me what to do before... Having a GPS in my phone is pretty cool I guess. :)

By far my favourite feature of this phone is the excellent internet browser and the speedy, super-convenient mobile broadband... All of the posts I've made here over the past couple of days have been typed out and sent using just my phone - that just seems so incredible to me. Soon I hope to be posting site updates and even developing the site content itself on my phone - wherever I happen to be at the time. ;)

Ah, the wonders of technology never cease to amaze me.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Cody » June 20th, 2009, 8:28 pm

Cody wrote:w00t! I just got my phone in the mail! :D

I felt like quoting this to tell everyone how much of a champion that same phone has been for me - back in the middle of March, it accidentally fell into a SWIMMING POOL - it amazingly survived with no malfunctions or problems. Regardless, for the amount of torture it's been getting (I don't deliberately harm it but it isn't handled with the best of care) it's amazing that it's still in fantastic condition.

Yay, Samsung Alias! :D
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby PotoGamer » June 22nd, 2009, 3:36 am

My first phone was an LG that I don't know the name to, but it was so durable, that to show how great it was I would throw it against the floor and pick it up, open it, and show people it was okay. :D So I only replaced that phone because I wanted something new that could have ringtones I like. That's how I got my current phone, and even though I'm afraid to throw it from a high distance, it's durable enough (one time, it fell from a table, slid across the floor and I thought it was dead, thank god it wasn't). Although I always try to be as careful as I can with my phone.

And I'm probably getting an iPhone soon.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 22nd, 2009, 10:40 am

I've never been big on cell phones because of the outrageous bills they rack up. I also hate it when I'm sitting next to someone and all they're doing is texting instead of actually, you know, interacting with the people around them. Makes meh mad. :evil:

I've been using the DSi Browser to access the Web lately, Qyz. A mobile version of the Atlas would be much appreciated.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Qyzbud » June 24th, 2009, 4:00 pm

Tiptup Jr. wrote:I've been using the DSi Browser to access the Web lately, Qyz. A mobile version of the Atlas would be much appreciated.

I'm on it. Actually I've been working on the forum 'mobile' style a bit lately, and will continue to do so until I'm happy with it. The Atlas site itself will also be given the mobile treatment over the coming weeks/months - so that should be just what your DSi ordered. Hopefully... (I'll be designing for a 320x240 screen size, which my E71 has.)
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Rodent » June 24th, 2009, 8:05 pm

While we're talking about mobile browsing/the internet, I believe that Qyz should make us a DK Atlas Facebook group. ;D
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Jomingo » June 25th, 2009, 5:08 am

Well, if we were keeping up with the "times" than we'd already have a Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and many other things. But we are a fansite for a 15 year old video game, thus we have n o intention of keeping up with the "times". :lol:
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby JadeRoseofChaos » August 16th, 2009, 4:42 pm

I just got a BlackBerry 8700 (I think that's the right model...) practically for free :lol:
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 22nd, 2009, 9:02 am

Received an LG enV3 the other day, and I gotta say it rules. I had no idea phones were capable of all this! Internet, music, pictures, games, videos . . . and I suppose there`s that whole calling and texting people thing. :p

The keyboard is somewhat painful to use, though. I better not carpal tunnel syndrome.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Qwerty 9999 » October 14th, 2009, 5:33 am

Lg u8180. It calls, it sends sms, it has puzzle bobble. Perfect phone!
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Rodent » October 16th, 2009, 10:53 pm

I realised my Motorola Razr V6 has free mobile internet on it every time I recharge my credit, so I use Facebook on the go alot now. I can't believe I've owned this phone for a year now... It only has one major problem, which is that it only works on speaker phone. No more private conversations.
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby jenny » May 10th, 2010, 10:08 pm

I decided on an apple iphone ... Yes I admit that I do not really need it ... I just love to play on it when I am in the bus or when I am bored. But what I really love is to have the possibility of downloading all different ring tones. My old cell phone had some tones saved and I could chose from twenty or thirty tones but know I can download my favorite song every week and thats great fun :mrgreen:
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 10th, 2010, 10:15 pm

Hm... I'd rather wait for that new version of the iPhone they found at that bar to come out, and I hope to everything it eventually has Verizon! It would be like a dream come true! :D
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Rodent » June 19th, 2010, 10:52 am

Bump! I upgraded to an E71, the phone Qyz posted above, a few months ago. It's a joy to use, although my first one died after a month... It was replaced free of charge though, which was awesome. Did you ever figure out emulators on the E71, Qyz?
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Kimi Kong » June 20th, 2010, 2:19 pm

Ive had so many cell phones that i really cant keep track.

But my favorite was my Sprint Samsung Rant. My current is an ugly little flip phone from Straight Talk. :cry:
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby SimianSegue » April 4th, 2011, 7:10 am

My first phone was an LG Neon, then I got some hand me down Kyocera phone, and then I had a Samsung Crush, and right now I am writing this on my new iPhone 3GS. How do you post pics?
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Re: The cellphone thread!

Postby Katzii » April 4th, 2011, 7:14 am

You will need to upload it to an image host online, and then link it using the "Img" button.

As for mobile 'phones? They're not really something I'm into keeping up with, given that mine spends half its time being misplaced! I'm going to possibly look into getting something a bit newer, but unless I'm going to use it, I don't really need to. The first one I did have though had an antenna, was the size of a brick, and could only view one line of text. That's how far back mobile 'phones and I go!
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