The DK64 Glitch Topic

Talk about Donkey Kong 64 for the Nintendo 64.

The Glitch Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » April 17th, 2008, 11:27 am

Okay, so I was just playing this yesterday, and I found a few glitches that I have to mention here.

1. In Jungle Japes, select Diddy Kong and go up to the area with Funky's Store. To the right of the store, you will see a flower in front of the wall. A well-aimed Chimpy Charge in the direction of the flower will send you through the wall, and free to explore the level at your leisure. Be careful though, because sometimes you fall into caves and have to start all over again.

2. Continuing off the first glitch, try jumping down into one of the caves, but don't land in it- try getting just outside of it. There is an area of water that you can step into, and you will be swimming. You can leave the water and actually still be swimming! Doing this, I swam around the entire level and actually got stuck in the underground cage with one of DK's golden bananas...

3. In the area with the little hive that only Tiny Kong can go into, there is a Hunky Chunky Barrel. If you go into this barrel and try jumping through the hive at the right angle, you can actually control Hunky Chunky throughout the entire level.

4. Using the Hunky Chunky glitch, you can go to the ledge above Funky's store and actually go through it, by doing a mid-air roll right at the edge of the ledge. After doing so, you can use the "swimming around the level" glitch with Hunky Chunky.

5. If you go outside of the level with one of these glitches you are automatically taken back to the start of Jungle Japes. Here, you can find three Squawks flying away. If you shoot them quickly enough, they will freeze and midair and never fly away. They get annoying after awhile though, because no matter where you go in the level you can still hear their wings flapping.

6. In DK Isles, you can use Hunky Chunky to mid-air roll through a ledge on Crocodile Isle, and see what it looks like in the island's interior... This one isn't too special, but I thought I'd mention it.

Pretty crazy, huh? Let me know whatcha guys think, and also discuss some other glitchy experiences you've had with DK64.
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Re: The Glitch Thread

Postby Simion32 » April 22nd, 2008, 1:36 pm

7. In Gloomy Galleon, go to the Troff 'n' Scoff door (or where it was) near Cranky's Lab. You should be playing as Tiny Kong. Do a backflip onto the wall; if you manage to get the right angle, you'll go through the wall. You can then proceed around the level, out of bounds. It's possible to reach the area where K. Rool's ship comes from in the lighthouse area if you keep going (to the right, I think). I wonder if the ship is there before Diddy's guitar is played atop the lighthouse... nah, probably not. Rare wouldn't have wasted memory just to make the game that realistic. It's fun trying to get there, though - you can swim while out of bounds, which leads me to think there may be more glitching to be had.

I'd say that DK64 is one of the best N64 games to do glitches in, since you can do so many weird things... it's even more fun when action replay codes are introduced into the situation.
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Re: The Glitch Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » April 23rd, 2008, 6:42 am

The Gameshark just erased all of my Donkey Kong 64 data. Game Files, Battle Mode, Cheats, High Scores... everything. f---.

I'm pretty pissed right now. I beat that game with 101%. I tracked down every single regular banana, banana coin, all the other items, and now... It's gone. Like so many other things in life, I suppose.
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Re: The Glitch Thread

Postby Simion32 » April 23rd, 2008, 9:29 am

:| I could have mentioned doing it with an emulator *PJ64*, if that helps.

Did my post encourage you to use a real game shark on DK64? If so, then.... sorry. :(
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Re: The Glitch Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » July 1st, 2008, 1:47 am

Okay, it's official: This game is not worth beating twice. I'm still mad.

But don't feel bad Simion. I was curious about the character modifier codes, and I guess I only have myself to blame for my game's erasedness.
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Re: The Glitch Thread

Postby gamer_boy997 » July 2nd, 2008, 4:54 am

8. Not exactly sure how you do it, but I heard there was a glitch with Lanky where you could enter the level without needing the golden bananas.
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Re: The Glitch Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » July 8th, 2008, 10:20 am

Yes, when you're Lanky you can stand in front of B. Locker and use the B-B-Bitchslap to get into the level regardless of how many bananas you have.

..I can't believe I erased my own game... :cry:
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Re: The Glitch Thread

Postby CaptainEddie » July 13th, 2008, 6:47 am

9.(I don't know how I did it) I was playing the game and got in the switch barral on the isle. I became Diddy, and went to the area where you go through the door into Jungle Japes. As soon as I got into that area,two "glitch squares" appeared at the top of the screen and Diddy disappeared. The goolden banana count thing at the bottom stopped spinning, and the music got all glitched up. (It still played, it just had static added. [It only lasted for about a minute, then the music returned to normal.]). I recorded a short video of it, but unfortunately, the music had alredy returned to normal before I started recording. :cry:
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Re: The Glitch Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » July 13th, 2008, 1:41 pm

Dude, that's weird. I think my biggest "wtf moment" in Donkey Kong 64 was when I got trapped in the cage behind Fairy Island whilst trying to swim through with Donkey Kong. This was when I was little, so... You can imagine the type of reaction I had. :lol:
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Re: The Glitch Thread

Postby PotoGamer » June 11th, 2009, 6:09 am

Yeah, when that happened to me, I was very confused, since I thought it was just doing a short dive in to get me, until it stayed for longer. :lol: Even the decorative butterflies that follow you around were in the sand (I never knew sand could be so sticky!)

The "swim under the sand" glitch is probably the best glitch in the game (and it's fun to try it in regular levels, where it gets confusing)
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