DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

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DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Cyclone » February 15th, 2009, 6:17 pm

Hey DKC fans!


I have had this idea of putting together a DKC gallery for more then a year now and well it’s going very very slow. Mainly do to life, motivation etc ;) However, I still managed to gather an extensive collection of DKC1-3 + Land material, even a couple of scans that I haven't seen anywhere on the net.

Right now I’m calling it "The DKC Gallery" but hopefully I can think of a better title then that lol. If the gallery ever gets completed it will contain promotional artwork from rare, scans, magazines, tv spots, commercials, in-game artwork (sprite sheets, etc) and fan made artwork. DK fans will be allowed to upload artwork, scans, fan art etc to the site.

Here is a very small gallery test. All it is right now is an image on a blank page. You can highlight certain areas of the image by placing your mouse over them or over the links at the bottom of the page. The images will be much smaller in the actually gallery, so the magnifying glass thing will make more sense.

*Warning* This is just a test I know it looks horrible right now and is a bit glitchy but feel free to give input on the highlighting/magnifying idea or any other suggestions you may have for the gallery. Thanks! ... test2.html ... test1.html
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby edevore » February 16th, 2009, 10:32 am

It looks pretty good so far I've seen of it, The layout uses html and javascript which is good for cross platform and does not require any extra ActiveX plugins but is a little rough and zig-zag slow jumpish type of movement.. I have seen in the past where creators of that type of style used Macromedia Flash MX 2004 or Macromedia Flash 8 Professional to do the same effect also the flash effect is smoother and clean moving when the "updateAfterEvent()" action is triggered for the "onMouseMove()" event in the "Loupe" movieclip, plus they also have made an animation sequence to be larger when passed over the object, the bad thing is you need to embed the control into the page using the standard adobe embed or embeded ActiveX control using the javascript swish ActiveX embed plugin to auto enable the flash swish onto the page.

The design is very (very !!, Very !!!) passable for html, I would give this the grade of "B+" at the moment, because I know this is still a work in progress and still needs more bugs and lags to be fixed.. Still Great! and the first I've seen for DHTML.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Cyclone » February 16th, 2009, 12:29 pm

edevore wrote:The design is very (very !!, Very !!!) passable for html, I would give this the grade of "B+" at the moment, because I know this is still a work in progress and still needs more bugs and lags to be fixed.. Still Great! and the first I've seen for DHTML.

Thanks but I should mention that I did not write the scripts myself. I found them here The license agreement says it's free for non-commercial use but unfortunately it doesn't allow for modification of the source code. So there is no way I can improve the script. At this point I’m just showing you guys a few of the ideas I have for the gallery. I do plan on trying to make these scripts myself but that will take some time.

The gallery will use html, css, javascript and php. I don't plan on using Macromedia Flash or anything like that because they require people to install programs, require more memory, longer download times, they can also cause the page to take longer to load etc.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby edevore » February 16th, 2009, 2:10 pm

Macromedia Flash 8 seems to run fine on my other older computer, but Adobe CS3 is really slow and CS4 is awfull to load.

Macromedia Flash 8 works almost on every computer if you export the Swish file as a Flash 7 output.
As for the Flash 8 loupe glass its a breeze for me to do! (With Animations Too!)

Also the Macromedia Flash ActiveX plugin is 100% free to use for website viewing and almost all computers since 2002 comes with version 6.0 or higher of the Adobe Flash plugin.
I may not be 100% correct so if I am wrong, someone please let me know.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby TheMaverickk » January 25th, 2010, 3:33 pm

Do you happen to have a near complete gallery?

I decided to register to this form and see if I can help and gain something in return myself. I also have been collecting DKC art for a long time. Specifically the renders, sadly many of which have gone missing due to the Rareware take over in 2001.

Rareware used to have all the renders on their website back in the day, I used to have saved copies on an old, old computer that has long gone kaput at this point. I've scraggled and struggled to come to a higher resolution collection of these images, yet I know that there must be hundreds of images that may never see the light of day again. I've even gone as far as badgering Rare for answers, if they have copies of the files on their computers or in an archive somewhere.

Never sadly getting an answer. I have quite a bit I could help contribute, but I know there is plenty more. I mean if you look at the instruction manuals for the 3 DKC games, there's a bunch of renders that have been edited into the manual. I've been trying to get all the renders but it's been hard to get copies to share across the net. I'm thinking of contacting Nintendo soon in an attempt to get some answers. I'd love to help with the Gallery project, at least in the searching part, but I'd ask if you can to share what you have for my own personal DKC archive.

DKC Atlas could very well be an amazing project to bring back some appreciation to the original series for it's wonderful charm.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Cyclone » February 14th, 2010, 11:53 pm

Ok I know this probably looks like crap but what do you guys think?


Changed the colour a bit.


yellow menus?


Edit another small update

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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Jomingo » February 15th, 2010, 2:02 pm

For what it's worth I like the brown background rather than the blue, the yellow menus, and the smaller header from the fourth image.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Cyclone » February 16th, 2010, 6:17 am

Thanks for the input Jomingo.

Here are a few more tests\revisions. I'm not sure on them. I added something to the bottom because I think it needed something there for balence. I am concidering adding an option to change website skins and also animate the page slightly.

On a side note... I just want to get something that looks adequate so I can post the content I already have for the gallery. Once it's online and the basic website is done then if I have time\patience I will probably re-do the look.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Jomingo » February 16th, 2010, 12:00 pm

Those look good. I probably like the third one best but they all look really nice.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Cyclone » February 17th, 2010, 11:19 am

Ok heres two more. I'm about done. It's not that great but I think it should do for now.

Added some texture to the image board and changed some of the fonts.

No texture on the image board.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby old_buzzard » February 18th, 2010, 11:05 am

I really like the Jungle Hijinx skin.

As for the page itself, it's looking good. Not amazing, but still pretty good.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby HavocReaper48 » August 22nd, 2010, 3:40 am

I'd recommend the Donkey Kong Wiki for some new DKC artwork we've recently added:
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Phyreburnz » August 22nd, 2010, 4:28 am

I'm not sure for either colour background. Each colour is already used by a character. I think orange would work. Like a 206 red, 125 green, 4 blue. I was using paint to manipulate it, I'll have to double check at home where I can photoshop it.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Cyclone » September 11th, 2010, 6:16 am

I posted a few scans so far. I'm not going to have the energy to finish the
gallery, sorry. I will update this thread if I add anymore art work.

Click the "2" beside the Donkey Kong Country text for DKC2 art work.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Qyzbud » September 11th, 2010, 12:54 pm

I'm sorry to hear that your time/energy/motivation for this project has run out... I'll do my best to keep the DKC gallery dream alive, as I think the fan community deserves a one-stop-spot for all official, and high quality unofficial DKC media resources. You've uncovered a wonderful handful of renders I've never seen before in such clarity - if you give me your okay to include these images, I will be sure to credit your efforts when the DKC Atlas gallery launches.
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Scraps69 » September 12th, 2010, 8:55 am

I noticed that you added scene numbers 'scene #'. Do you have access to the other scenes to post on these forums or give to Qyz to put on gallery of DKC-Atlas?

Also another question, did Rare give a particular number to each pre-rendered scene?

My internet's really slow... Not sure if you already have this: Image
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Re: DKC Gallery (warning work in progress!)

Postby Cyclone » September 13th, 2010, 6:00 am

Thanks. Yea I have that one. As far as I know rare didn't add scene numbers.
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