DKC Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

As there will be at least 33 of these created before too long, it's probably a good idea to have a board dedicated to the Level Info pages of DKC Atlas. Post your ideas in here!

DKC Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » August 20th, 2008, 11:13 am

This challenge topic is for the first game of the DKC trilogy - Donkey Kong Country.

At the end of each Level Info page on the Atlas, I'm providing a set of three challenges for gamers who want to test their DKC skills. If you think of any challenges that would be good to add to that section for any level, please share them here.

Challenges must be achievable, and easily 'measureable'. (ie. you must be able judge whether you have completed or not completed the challenge)

It's best to submit challenges for levels that don't already have a full set of challenges listed, but if your challenge is particularly worthy, I may even put it there in place of my own!
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 20th, 2008, 11:28 am

1. Stop & Go Station Challenge #?: Take the warp at the beginning, and complete the rest of the level without losing a Kong, or using the Stop & Go barrels. Hint: Watch the Rockkrocs carefully, use their pattern as an advantage. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

2. Rumble B Bumble Challenge #?: Beat Queen B while only staying inbetween the barrels, and using only one of the barrels. Hint: You will need to move around a lot, so get ready. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

3. Reptile Rumble Challenge #?: Take the barrel that is in the very beginning of the level, then go all the way to the two Zingers with the 'O' letter in between them, WITHOUT putting the barrel down on your way or losing it, then use just the barrel to defeat both Zingers. Hint: It will be MUCH easier, (but still difficult) with Diddy. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

4. Vulture Culture Challenge #?: Have the first mini-necky of the level shoot a nut to the right of the screen, then go as far as you can with the nut still on screen, go all the way to the end of the level for a very difficult challenge. Hint: If you get hit, you will be delayed quite a bit, so avoid getting hit. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

5. Millstone Mayhem Challenge #?: Have the three Krushas at the beginning fall into the beginning "pit", and then destroy them all with only one TNT barrel. Hint: Diddy's jump and cartwheel/Donkey's roll will help you with this one. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997, along with a tip from Kiddy14 that helped gamer_boy997 test this challenge)

6. Temple Tempest Challenge #?: Most enemies in the level appear in groups of 3. In every 'group', only defeat the middle baddie, and no other baddies, (including the ones that aren't in groups), then complete the level. Hint: Jump on top of the middle gnawty in the 'gnawty' groups, and do a cartwheel under the middle blue kremling in the 'kremling' groups. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

7. Torchlight Trouble Challenge #?: Complete the level without Squawks. Hint: If you enter a bonus room, or get the halfway barrel and then die, you will end up with Squawks, so don't do either of those things. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

8. Forest Frenzy Challenge #?: Jump onto the platform with the DK barrel on it, then go through all the level without touching the ground, except for right under the midway barrel, and beyond the arrow sign. Hint: Kremlings aren't part of the ground you know. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

9. Bouncy Bonanza Challenge #?: Without defeating a single baddy, go to the non-bonus room that has Winky in it, mount him, then defeat every zinger in the whole level, but no other baddies. Hint: You will have to backtrack to somewhere near the beginning, so watch out for kremlings, and don't forget the Zinger surrounding the letter 'N'. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

10. Loopy Lights Challenge #?: Complete the level without using the On & Off barrels. Hint: Do a cartwheel on the edge, if you end up on the wooden platform, continue on, if you fall, do a cartwheel jump to get back up, use the lights in the backround to tell where something is, and when you get to Manky Kong, jump at a steady pace, and use the bananas to see where the barrles are. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

11. Tree Top Town Challenge #?: Defeat as many falling enimies as you can before they touch the ground, try a dozen enemies for a really hard challenge. Hint: Ignore the DK barrels and other barrels you can pick up and throw, they make the challenge harder. Also, use Diddy and his cartwheel to reach a place where a falling enemy will land before they DO land there. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

12. Gang-Plank Galleon Challenge #?: Defeat King K. Rool without using the 'y' button. Hint: On the cannonball part of the battle, instead of just walking through, try jumping over the cannonball infront of you, while avoiding the one above you. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

13. Misty Mine Challenge #?: Go through the entire level without touching or blowing up a single mini dumb drum. Hint: There are some parts where you will need to use the enemies that come from the mini dumb drums, (and at one part, you will need Donkey Kong). (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

14. Vulture Culture Challenge #?: Gain 4 lives before midway barrel, prizes from bonus levels or bananas don't count! Hint: Use the glitch where you "land" on the bonus level door and open it up. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

15. Boss Dumb Drum Challenge #?: Defeat as many baddies as you can before they touch the ground, try 8 baddies for a very difficult challenge. Hint: For the Armies, have Donkey Kong jump on them. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

16. Oil Drum Alley Challenge #?: Pick up the TNT barrel from the cache at the beginning of the level, then take it all the way to the "steps" where you go down, and use it to destroy the last oil drum on the "steps". Hint: When you jump on a tyre, make sure you don't hit the oil drum above you. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

17. Rope Bridge Rumble Challenge #?: Complete the entire level with only using Donkey Kong, and without defeating any of the gold kremlings. Hint: Whenever there are kremlings jumping over the pits, do a roll in, and jump out at the right time. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

18. Trick Track Trek Challenge #?: Complete the whole level without losing a kong or defeating a single baddie. Hint: Be patient and clever, there are some parts where you need to wait until the mini-neckies shoot a certain number of nuts, and then jump over them, at another part, you can cartwheel-jump to skip a very hard section. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

19. Clam City Challenge #?: Complete the level without collecting a single banana or DK barrel. Hint: Use Diddy, because he's smaller, and stick to the algea! (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

20. Winky's Walkway Challenge #?: Collect 5 bananas or less through the whole level, and collect the Expresso token without losing a Kong or using Winky. Hint: For the Expresso token, use DK, since he can jump higher, and don't just jump from right under the token. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

21. Orang-utan Gang Challenge #?: Throw the first metal keg into a pit or off-screen, then defeat the Zinger that flew around it without defeating the first Manky Kong of the level or losing a Kong. HINT: This means you will need the second metal keg, to get past the Manky Kong, try to confuse him to "give you some space".(Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

They aren't in any particular order, but I'm sure you can handle it, :lol: . I'll probably think of some more later on.

EDIT: Any challenge that I have tested, can be done completely (ex: In Vulture Culture, get the mini-necky's nut all the way to the end of the level), and can be done without losing a Kong (if the entire challenge doesn't state you need to), is in bold text, any challenge that has not been fully tested is in normal text, and you are welcome to test it for me, and any challenge that is underlined cannot be done.

EDIT 2: I have hit 15 challenges! Yay!

EDIT 3: 20 challenges!

EDIT 4: I decided to do what Kiddy14 did, and hide all the hints with smaller text. I know, this should have been done a while ago. Now I'm finally doing it, because I feel like a "krook" letting the hints be visible.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Gnawzooka » August 20th, 2008, 5:46 pm

gamer_boy997 wrote:Torchlight Trouble Challenge #?: Complete the level without Squawks. Hint: If you enter a bonus room, or get the halfway barrel and then die, you will end up with Squawks, so don't do either of those things.

I did that once. :mrgreen:
How about, Blackout Basement: Only move during the blackouts (when you can't see).
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » August 20th, 2008, 9:08 pm

Heh, something tells me that would get really tedious really quickly... but doing the level without stopping/slowing down would be a good one.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Gnawzooka » August 20th, 2008, 9:13 pm

I was thinking that, but I didn't think it's be THAT hard.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » August 20th, 2008, 9:16 pm

Well I think it's probably harder, as you don't have time for a breather every few seconds... ;)
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Gnawzooka » August 20th, 2008, 9:20 pm

I suppose. Anyway, I might think of some more challenges when I actually get the game again. :lol: Actually, how about:
Croctopus Chase: Try to stay as close to the croctopuses as possible.

Qyz says: That one doesn't really work... it's completely subjective, so there's no way to determine that you have completed it. However, something I usually try for in Croctopus Chase is to race the Squidges, and try to get past them before they cut you off! That's a nice challenge right there.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 21st, 2008, 7:58 am

I edited the post above to say which challenges are possible and what not.

Here's the new challenge for Rumble B Bumble: Beat Queen B while only staying inbetween the barrels, and using only one of the barrels. Hint: You will need to move around a lot, so get ready (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

EDIT: I decided to only use the above challenge.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » August 21st, 2008, 1:32 pm

gamer_boy997 wrote:you can't kill more than one enemy with only one TNT barrel

Uh, of course you can - that's one of the main advantages of TNT barrels. :lol:
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 21st, 2008, 2:26 pm

In that case, I'll try again later, and if I fail, I'll ask for someone else to test, and if it still doesn't work, we might need to take out the challenge completely. I don't mean to rush you, but I have been wondering, when are you going to add the challenges? If you don't have any final answer, no need to give a specific time, you are probably busy with other things.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Kiddy14 » August 21st, 2008, 2:43 pm

You mean the "Have the three Krushas at the beginning fall into the beginning "pit", and then destroy them all with only one TNT barrel." challenge?
If so, then it can be done, but it'd be extremely difficult. You can have them slow down by jumping on them with Diddy and letting them laugh, that'll make the other ones catch them up. The problem is taking the TNT barrel; you can't put it in the beginning platform or it'll explode, but if you have the Krushas in the pit and move to the right to take the barrel, chances are that you'll move too away from them and they'll dissapear :cry:
It's still possible though =)
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » August 21st, 2008, 3:41 pm

gamer_boy997 wrote:when are you going to add the challenges? If you don't have any final answer, no need to give a specific time, you are probably busy with other things.

I am busy with other things, and I've been putting off the Level Info updates because of the strange page-loading errors that I can't seem to replicate/fix. I'll look forward to doing more Level Info updates once I get to the bottom of the error issue. Thanks for your submissions, though; they're nice challenges.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 24th, 2008, 11:27 am

Thanks, and you're welcome Qyzbud! I'll submit some more challenges later...

EDIT: I fully tested Millstone Mayhem thanks to Kiddy14, if you post that challenge, you should give him a little of the credit. Also, the Stop & Go Station hint has changed, since I thought that the new hint is more helpful. I also fully tested Vulture Culture, it was a BIG hassle though. Now I just need to think of some more challenges.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Kiddy14 » August 24th, 2008, 12:26 pm

Platform Perils:
Complete the whole level only using Diddy.
HINT: Rolling and jumping should help; specially when throwing barrels.

Coral Capers:
Defeat 3 enemies without using Enguarde.
HINT: Use the FISH IN A BARREL trick above.

Mine Cart Madness:
Gain 4 lives before the midway barrel.
HINT: Use Diddy; and be sure you jump over the 3 gnawties at the beginning and directly to the cart!
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 25th, 2008, 1:10 pm

Here's another challenge.

Bouncy Bonanza: Without defeating a single baddy, go to the non-bonus room that has Winky in it, mount him, then defeat every zinger in the whole level, but no other baddies. Hint: You will have to backtrack to somewhere near the beginning, so watch out for kremlings, and don't forget the Zinger surrounding the letter 'N'.

I'll add it to my main list at the top.

EDIT: This next challenge probably doesn't have a good chance of making it in but...

Loopy Lights: Complete the level without using the On & Off barrels. Hint: Do a cartwheel on the edge, if you end up on the wooden platform, continue on, if you fall, do a cartwheel jump to get back up, use the lights in the backround to tell where something is, and when you get to Manky Kong, jump at a steady pace, and use the bananas to see where the barrles are. (Not fully tested)
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » August 25th, 2008, 2:00 pm

Great suggestions, Kiddy - and 10/10 for formatting, too. 8-)

Some of those sound very tricky and interesting indeed, I'll have to give them a try... can you really defeat three baddies in Coral Capers without Enguarde? This I've gotta see for myself! That Mine Cart Madness challenge sounds quite intriguing, too. Nice work, mate.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Kiddy14 » August 25th, 2008, 2:19 pm

Thanks! =P And to gamer_boy too, he has been giving really cool challenges =)
It was hard when formatting -_- But I wanted them to look like the site xD Even though the formatting's different =P

I think you can defeat 3 baddies without Enguarde. Now that you say it... no you can't; only two D= Oh well...
Actually, I found the Mine Cart Madness trick last Sunday. For some reason, entering the cart isn't counted as "landing" in sort way. You can jump in the first 3 gnawties with Diddy and directly into the cart; then hit upcoming vultures. By the 5th you jump on, you'll start gaining lives =) Jumping in tires undoes the effect though.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 26th, 2008, 2:25 pm

I was able to do the bouncy bonanza challenge, but the Loopy Lights one won't work, since it's not a challenge, it's a chance.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » August 26th, 2008, 3:22 pm

What do you mean about the Loopy Lights one? I don't understand your comments "the Loopy Lights one won't work" and "it's not a challenge, it's a chance". Getting through without turning the lights on sounds like a good and logical challenge to me. I think I've done it before, but I'll give it another go to see what it's like. I imagine it will be easy to miss platforms, and I'll fall to my doom a few times... ;)
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 27th, 2008, 11:50 am

What I mean by, "the loopy lights won't work", is that the challenge doesn't really belong, why? Because, "it's not a challenge, it's a chance" what I mean by chance is that it is luck, if something requires luck, then it isn't a challenge.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » August 27th, 2008, 1:17 pm

Any of these challenges can be done by someone with excellent skill and understanding of the game... No luck is required. Of course someone could 'get lucky' by achieving something typically beyond their skill level, but that's the same with any challenge, not just video game challenges.

'Complete Loopy Lights in Darkness' is fine as a challenge. It doesn't require any luck - I did it a few minutes ago, and it's not even all that hard, really. You can actually still see everything, if you look carefully. I did find myself going through the level fairly slowly, but there was nothing overly challenging about it when done at low speed. The only part that I think is really difficult is physically avoiding the last On/Off barrel, which is guarded by the Manky; it's almost impossible to jump on/over him without touching the switch barrel, and it's just as difficult to roll attack him, because he's on a raised platform! I've found a few ways to get past him without switching the lights on, but that's definitely the most demanding part of the challenge. It could easily be a challenge in its own right...
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 31st, 2008, 2:18 am

I found a way to do the challenge, it's explained in the hint, I haven't fully tested the challenge, but as far as I know, that's how you need to do the level, I'll try to fully test it later, then think of some more challenges.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 4th, 2008, 1:04 pm

I can't remember exactly, but I think I did test the challenge, but I am not exactly sure if I did or not, I remember getting past Manky Kong...

Sorry about not posting challenges for a while, but I have been doing other things besides play DKC, but I will get back to it soon.

EDIT AFTER BUMPING TOPIC: I died after halfway point, then made it to the end, I consider that testing. I did hit one light on accident though, :cry: .
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 15th, 2008, 11:04 am

Here's a new challenge. I even fully tested it!
Tree Top Town Challenge #?: Defeat as many falling enimies as you can before they touch the ground, try a dozen enemies for a really hard challenge. Hint: Ignore the DK barrels and other barrels you can pick up and throw, they make the challenge harder. Also, use Diddy and his cartwheel to reach a place where a falling enemy will land before they DO land there. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

EDIT AFTER BUMPING: Okay, I have really REALLY tested the loopy lights challenge, and I have a new challenge that I fully tested! (Except, at the very end, I could have done it, but I just didn't want my play time messed up).
Gang-Plank Galleon Challenge #?: Defeat King K. Rool without using the 'y' button. Hint: On the cannonball part of the battle, instead of just walking through, try jumping over the cannonball infront of you, while avoiding the one above you. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 16th, 2008, 9:21 am

New Challenge! (Again)
Misty Mine Challenge #?: Go through the entire level without touching or blowing up a single mini dumb drum. Hint: There are some parts where you will need to use the enemies that come from the mini dumb drums, (and at one part, you will need Donkey Kong). (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997).
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Gnawzooka » October 16th, 2008, 7:56 pm

You can blow them up? :o
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Gnawzooka » October 17th, 2008, 4:47 pm

Wow...I did not know that....
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 19th, 2008, 5:45 am

^ Well, I guess you know how to get that Rambi coin :D .

Anyways, back on topic for a new challenge for Vulture Culture.
Vulture Culture Challenge #?: Gain 4 lives before midway barrel, prizes from bonus levels or bananas don't count! Hint: Use the glitch where you "land" on the bonus level door and open it up.

Yeah, I guess it's a little identical to Kiddy14's challenge, only a different level, also,
In the hint, I think you know what glitch I am talking about, once you think of a better name for the glitch, then just replace what I said in the hint with the name.

Boss Dumb Drum Challenge #?: Defeat as many baddies as you can before they touch the ground. Hint: For the Armies, have Donkey Kong jump on them.

EDIT: Another challenge!
Oil Drum Alley Challenge #?: Pick up the TNT barrel from the cache at the beginning of the level, then take it all the way to the "steps" where you go down, and use it to destroy the last oil drum on the "steps". Hint: When you jump on a tyre, make sure you don't hit the oil drum above you.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » October 20th, 2008, 1:08 am

These are great - plenty of good ideas. I'll make sure to do some serious work on the Level Info pages this week, and get a few of your challenges up there!
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 21st, 2008, 10:54 am

^ Thanks, I can't wait! I have another challenge in mind, but I haven't tested it yet.
Rope Bridge Rumble Challenge #?: Complete the entire level with only using Donkey Kong, and without defeating any of the gold kremlings. Hint: Whenever there are kremlings jumping over the pits, do a roll in, and jump out at the right time. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

EDIT: I have fully tested it!
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 25th, 2008, 1:25 am

New Challenge, but not fully tested: 18. Trick Track Trek Challenge #?: Complete the whole level without losing a kong or defeating a single baddie. Hint: Be patient and clever, there are some parts where you need to wait until the mini-neckies shoot a certain number of nuts, and then jump over them, at another part, you can cartwheel-jump to skip a very hard section.

Well... I haven't been able to play DKC lately, but here is are some levels that has 0 challenges, this includes what Qyzbud has put on the info pages, and what's been submitted:
Ropey Rampage
Clam City
Snow Barrel Blast
Slipslide Ride
Ice Age Alley
Really Gnawty Rampage (We could use the challenges from Very Gnawty's Lair)
Elevator Antics
Poison Pond
Manic Mincers
Necky's Revenge (We could use the challenges from Necky's Nuts)

That makes 10 levels, 8 if you don't count the bosses that are somewhat repeated. You can submit a challenge for any level, but just keep these levels in mind, as they have 0 challenges. (Gorilla Glacier especially, about half of its levels doesn't have challenges.)
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 27th, 2008, 8:52 am

Challenge 18., fully tested!


Kiddy14 wrote:Mine Cart Madness:
Gain 4 lives before the midway barrel.

I was able to get 5 lives, here's how:
You have to use Diddy, as you said, and then jump on ALL three gnawties at the start, then jump on every necky you can get, then there are two neckies close together, at the right time, tap 'b', so that you will jump on the beak of the first necky, and the back of the second necky. It's insanely difficult, I only managed to do it twice, but it's possible.
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Re: Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 31st, 2008, 9:11 am

I'm thinking soon I should think of some challenges for DKC2 and 3, or will we make new threads for that?
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Re: DKC Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 8th, 2008, 9:10 am

After about 3 weeks, I finally have a new challenge:

19. Clam City Challenge #?: Complete the level without collecting a single banana or DK barrel. Hint: Use Diddy, because he's smaller, and stick to the algea! (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

EDIT: Yes, a new challenge already.

20. Winky's Walkway Challenge #?: Collect 5 bananas or less throughout the whole level, and collect the Expresso token without losing a Kong or using Winky. Hint: For the Expresso token use DK, since he can reach higher, and don't just jump from right under the token. (Has been fully tested by gamer_boy997)

EDIT 2: Ugh... nevermind, unless you really like the above challenge, you can just forget about it, since there is already 3 challenges for Winky's Walkway.
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Re: DKC Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby Qyzbud » November 11th, 2008, 3:30 pm

Well I've had time so far to add a set of challenges to the Vulture Culture page... One and a half of them are your contributions, gamer_boy. I came up with an even better extra lives challenge, so give it a go if you're up to the extra challenge!
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Re: DKC Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 16th, 2008, 7:14 am

I realized you added one of my challenges to the millstone mayhem page, but you didn't put that it was suggested by me :cry: .

EDIT AFTER BUMPING: Nevermind, you fixed it. ;)
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Re: DKC Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby DKM » December 1st, 2008, 10:27 am

I have some challenges to suggest, if they're still open for suggestions. They have all been created and tested more than once by myself. I'll add some more later. They're in the order I add them (Total of 16 challenges for 6 different levels in this post).

Elevator Antics
-From the start of the level, with Donkey Kong, get the bunch of bananas by the first drum that shoots out Slippas (I don't know their names) without jumping.
Hint: Rolling is very important.
-From the start of the level, get to the midway point by clinging onto only seven ropes.
Hint:It is better not to jump while rolling/cartwheeling over some gaps.
-From the midway point, with Diddy, get to the end of the level without cartwheeling (This includes roll jumping) or using the steel kegs.
Hint: You can jump and hold Y to be able to run. Pressing Y in air wont let you do a cartwheel.

Manic Mincers
-From the start of the level, don't kill/touch any enemies, and go to Rambi's crate. From there, ride Rambi to the midway point while killing only two (or less) enemies. Also, do not lose Rambi.
Hint: When riding Rambi, there will be two gnawties in the way that you are 99.9% guaranteed to hit.
-After starting from the midway point, go back to the beginning of the level without losing a Kong. You may not use Rambi (You're forced to jump on his crate, but just dismount off of him).
Hint: Be careful of the gnawties.
-Right after the midway point, take the first TNT barrel, and carry it to the end of the level without destroying it or placing it down (When you reach the exit, it "falls" off automatically, but until then don't let go of it). Also, do not carry the TNT after
Hint: Diddy is the preferred choice. Also, avoid bonus rooms.

Slipslide Ride
-Beat the level without touching the Y button at all.
Hint: The more momentum from walking you have, the farther you can jump.
-Collect every banana in the first bonus level after the midway point (including bunches) and exit the bonus stage without falling off of the cliff or touching the Expresso token.
Hint: You need a lot of patience. Be careful not to fall off of the ropes.
-Kill the zinger right next to the first pair of blue ropes. Here is a picture of the Zinger if my description isn't good enough.
Hint: Backtracking is required.

Snow Barrel Blast
-Get to the midway point with jumping only once (Blasting out of barrels does not count as jumping, but jumping in the barrels counts). Also, losing a kong and bouncing as of retaliation counts as a jump, so don't get hit.
Hint: You will need both Kongs.
-Jump on five consecutive Neckies without losing a Kong.
Hint: Try looking after the midway point.
-From the midway point, get to the end of the level by using only six blast barrels (The automatic ones with stars count too).
Hint: You will need to use the shortcut. Remember that there are three automatic barrels in the shortcut.

Ice Age Alley
-Get the O while riding Expresso, and make it out without exiting the level in any way (Losing a life, resetting, start/select, etc).
Hint: You may not come out with what you came in with...
-Beat the entire level by killing only three (Or less) baddies. You may not use Expresso. Also, you are not allowed to get hit and use the invulnerability to pass through an enemy.
Hint: You will be forced to kill some enemies. Don't kill any mini-neckies.
-Get to the first bonus game without killing any Neckies.
Hint: Go back from the origin to find the key to this challenge.

Mine Cart Madness
-Kill all enemies (Zingers, enemies in bonus levels, and other indestructible enemies don't count) in the level, while avoiding the halfway barrel.
Hint: There are 20 enemies.
Posts: 12
Joined: 2008

Re: DKC Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby gamer_boy997 » April 4th, 2009, 11:14 am

This topic deserves a bump :D .

Sorry I haven't posted any new challenges in a while, but summer vacation is coming up, and that should give me lots of time to develop challenges.

EDIT AFTER BUMPING: I just thought of a new challenge! I also tested it! :D
Seeker of Secrets
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Re: DKC Challenges! (for Level Info pages)

Postby diddykong » April 14th, 2009, 8:42 pm

gamer_boy997 wrote:This topic deserves a bump :D .

I agree, even though its a month later. Sorry to bump such and old topic.

Its possible to complete all of "stop and go station" without using any of the stop barrels. Its hard without save states but I've done it. It was truly heart pounding. :D So i think that should be the challenge.

hint: You can cartwheel threw rock crocks like normal enemies except you go through them.

Someone also has a video on youtube of it to prove it can be done. I'll edit my post in a second with the video.

EDIT: this is not the one in particular I was looking for, as it involves the invincible hack at about 1:00 . But it still shows the basic idea. When I get home I will try and upload a video of me doing it without hacks.
Posts: 46
Joined: 2009

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