DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Gnawzooka » September 20th, 2008, 5:55 pm

All the other ones work though. :(
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby asmodeus » October 6th, 2008, 12:34 pm

Here are some codes I found myself:

7E1503 01 - only one hit to beat Gnawty bosses
7E1501 01 - only one hit to beat Necky bosses
7E1175 01 - only one hit to beat Zinger boss
7E057A 03 - the lights in "Loopy Lights" are constantly ON

7E08C0 63 - infinite lives
7E08CA 63 - infinite banana coins
7E08A6 01 - start at the checkpoint in any level*
7E08A6 FF - start at the finish point
7E08CE 32 - 50 DK-Coins
7E08CC 4B - 75 Krem-Coins

* in some levels you only get to the checkpoint as an animal, with this code you are starting there as the Kongs!

I also have codes for DKC 2 to let you be any animal, but I must look for them first...
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby asmodeus » October 6th, 2008, 12:40 pm

Codes for DKC 2 to be an animal:

First switch on following code BEFORE using any of the next codes:
7E006F 01

7E006E 9C - play as Rambi
7E006E A0 - play as Enguarde
7E006E 90 - play as Squitter
7E006E 94 - play as Rattly
7E006E 98 - play as Squawks
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Gnawzooka » October 6th, 2008, 6:45 pm

We already had the animal morphing one. ;) The other ones sound cool though. :)
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby DKCplayer » October 25th, 2008, 9:37 am

Here's a few codes I found:

7E052F50: The banana counter stays on screen
7E0B93C0: The life counter stays on screen
7E057900: You die when hit, even with partner. Also, you can't switch.
7E1AD4CA: Bananas are white

7E096B??: Banana amount modifier
7E06B3D7: You move on the map VERY fast!
7E0634DD: Nearly no sound FX. Just music playing.

Enjoy! ;)
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Gnawzooka » October 26th, 2008, 6:41 pm

DKCplayer wrote:7E1AD4CA: Bananas are white

WHITE POWER!!! :lol:
Seriosuly though, I wanna see that. *opens ZSNES*
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby BlueTronic » October 27th, 2008, 1:26 am

DKCPlayer wrote:7E1AD4CA: Bananas are white

Hey, that's almost the same as the code Goe posted in the snapshots thread... only instead of D4 it was D0 (Plus different values, of coarse). I wonder...

7E1AD2?? - Wierd sprite colors (Different values make different colors)... Makes fish blue! :mrgreen:
7E1AD1?? - Same as above, only it glitches some of the terrain, too. The colors aren't as cool, though. :cry:
7E1AD0?? - Glitches everything! This is the one Goe posted in the snapshot thread.

Also, DKCplayer's code makes bananas in underwater levels a rotten black color. And you don't have to use "CA" as a value: You can use anything but 00 and the exact same thing still happens.

asmodeus wrote:7E057A 03 - the lights in "Loopy Lights" are constantly ON

It also does the same for blackout basement.

asmodeus wrote:7E1503 01 - only one hit to beat Gnawty bosses
7E1501 01 - only one hit to beat Necky bosses
7E1175 01 - only one hit to beat Zinger boss

If you change the "01" to a different number, you can choose as many hits as you want! If you put in "FF" they never die!
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Raccoon Sam » October 27th, 2008, 2:59 am

Kong-Fu wrote:If you change the "01" to a different number, you can choose as many hits as you want! If you put in "FF" they never die!

I wouldn't be too sure..! FF means 255 in decimal, so they would, indeed, die after 255 hits.
If you set it to 0 however...
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby BlueTronic » October 27th, 2008, 5:13 am

I just tested it for like 5 minutes to see if it worked. I wasn't sure.

Remember how Very Gnawty gets faster and jumps higher with each hit? Well try using that infinite hits code on Very Gnawty's Lair...

I hit him so many times that he sky-rocketed to the other side of level in one jump! Then he jumped so high he landed on the ceiling and I had to use the super-jump code to knock him back to the ground. After that, he fell below the floor and I had to wait until he jumped back up on screen and hit him before he fell back down. :lol:

It was insane... I need to make a Youtube video of that! :mrgreen:
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Raccoon Sam » October 27th, 2008, 5:32 am

Haha, oh man, I was just about to do that :D
I want him to die eventually, though, so I'm tracing the offset of the value now. A PAR code won't work if it's above 1.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby BlueTronic » October 28th, 2008, 8:56 am

I used Queen B's invincibility code and it took a while, but she went SO FAST!! :mrgreen: I quit the game after she went so fast she dissappeared. :roll:

Can someone find the hit modifier for the other 2 bosses? And possibly the hit modifiers for DKC2?Because I can't.

BUMP: Anyone?... Please? :cry:
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Raccoon Sam » October 28th, 2008, 3:25 pm

Why are you unable? All you need is an emulator and the ROM.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby DKCplayer » October 28th, 2008, 3:38 pm

I've been trying to find codes lately. So I'll try find the other bosses.
Imagine Boss Dumb Drum's modifier. *Boss Dumb Drum puts down 2 K King Rools* AGH! :o
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Gnawzooka » October 28th, 2008, 5:00 pm

Kong-Fu wrote:I just tested it for like 5 minutes to see if it worked. I wasn't sure.

Remember how Very Gnawty gets faster and jumps higher with each hit? Well try using that infinite hits code on Very Gnawty's Lair...

I hit him so many times that he sky-rocketed to the other side of level in one jump! Then he jumped so high he landed on the ceiling and I had to use the super-jump code to knock him back to the ground. After that, he fell below the floor and I had to wait until he jumped back up on screen and hit him before he fell back down. :lol:

It was insane... I need to make a Youtube video of that! :mrgreen:

I simply must do that...
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby The Guy » October 29th, 2008, 6:44 am

LOL, DKC PLayer.

I'm sure the K. Rools will run through the walls of the area, as I once saw this video of King K. Rool in Blackout Basement. Anyway, in that video, he ran through the floor!

My conclusion: It'd be impossible to finish, even if it sent out two gray Krushas among the way... Or simply shoot out three enemies and so on (The number of enemies grows when the Armies are defeated.)
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby BlueTronic » October 29th, 2008, 7:10 am

Raccoon Sam wrote:Why are you unable? All you need is an emulator and the ROM.

I tired. I couldn't find it.

Gnawzooka wrote:I simply must do that...

I bet I can make a better video than you. :P
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Raccoon Sam » October 29th, 2008, 7:13 am

Kong-Fu wrote:I tired. I couldn't find it.

Find what? The ROM? The Emulator?

Kong-Fu wrote:I bet I can make a better video than you. :P

That wasn't too nice.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby BlueTronic » October 29th, 2008, 10:27 am

Raccoon Sam wrote:Find what? The ROM? The Emulator?

The code.

Raccoon Sam wrote:That wasn't too nice.

It wasn't supposed to sound mean. It was more like as if I was calling a bet or a competition. I wasn't trying to call a competition but come to think of it, a glitch video competition does sound fun if Gnawzooka wants to.

The Guy wrote:My conclusion: It'd be impossible to finish, even if it sent out two gray Krushas among the way... Or simply shoot out three enemies and so on (The number of enemies grows when the Armies are defeated.)

I definitely don't think he'll spit out 3 of anything. The game is only programmed to spit out 2 of each. Most likely he will either keep spitting out Armies, or he'll just spit nothing. The only way he would spit out other enemies is if either the game is forced to spit out a random enemy, or if Nintendo had intended for him to spit out other enemies, but afterwards, limited it to the Armies.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby DKCplayer » October 29th, 2008, 3:21 pm

Here are codes I found last night for DKC:

7E103701: Boss Dumb Drum's enemies die when they come out
7E1503??: Boss Dumb Drum's Round modifier. 05 is the last round with the Armys. 00 and numbers above 05 freeze.
7E11AD01: You can always jump on K King Rool's head! (You can get lives if you keep jumping on him)
7E134900: Easier K King Rool
7E057B??: Banana modifier
7E111101: INF fuel in Tanked Up Trouble
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Gnawzooka » October 29th, 2008, 4:45 pm

Kong-Fu wrote:
Raccoon Sam wrote:That wasn't too nice.

It wasn't supposed to sound mean. It was more like as if I was calling a bet or a competition. I wasn't trying to call a competition but come to think of it, a glitch video competition does sound fun if Gnawzooka wants to.

I was actually referring to just playing Very Gnawty with the cheat. :lol: I didn't see the last bit. However...... :twisted:
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Krow111 » October 30th, 2008, 10:54 am

Any of these boss codes for DKC2 and 3?
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby BlueTronic » November 2nd, 2008, 3:17 am

Nope. :(

Video's done. ;)

I just noticed DKCplayer's post now, but
DKCplayer wrote:7E103501
You didn't type what that one does, but apparantly it makes Dumb Drum's Enemies fall through the floor.
7E103701: Boss Dumb Drum's enemies die when they come out
7E1503??: Boss Dumb Drum's Round modifier. 05 is the last round with the Armys. 00 and numbers above 05 freeze.

Well that was pathetic. :x the screen just freezes! I probably found that code when I tried looking for it, but thought it was something else. I like the code that makes the enemies die, though.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby DKCplayer » November 2nd, 2008, 12:51 pm

Because it needs two codes to work properly:
7E103501 Code 1
7E103701: Code 2
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Play as a white Bristles

Postby King K. Rool » January 19th, 2009, 11:29 am

First, turn on the codes 7E007F02 and 7E007E50 on. Press start when you're on a level. Then you will play as a Bristles! And when you turn, it will show Bristles's turning sprites! Do not jump or get hit by an enemy during the code. Here are some pictures:
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00003.png
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00003.png (22.23 KiB) Viewed 190739 times
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00002.png
Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!]_00002.png (22.5 KiB) Viewed 190736 times
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Re: Play as a white Bristles

Postby Raccoon Sam » January 19th, 2009, 10:07 pm

I doubt this discovery is worth a new thread.. Maybe we can discuss this further in this topic?
Nice find, though!
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Gnawzooka » January 20th, 2009, 1:00 pm

Can you do thyat for other enemies?
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby DKCplayer » January 23rd, 2009, 9:04 am

I found a music modifier for DKC3! :)
Sadly it freezes when you die. Must have something to do with the death music.
If you go into a level with different music then the song you chose, the song will be played with the instruments of the original song! :P


List of values:
00 - No music
01 - Before bonus
04 - Brothers Bear
05 - Wrinkly's Cave (Get fit a go-go)
06 - Underwater levels
08 - Factories
09 - Swanky's Sideshow
0A - Waterfall levels
0B - Woodlands
0C - Boss
0D - Jangle Bells (MERRY code)
0E - Wood levels
0F - Docks
10 - Riverside
11 - Normal map
12 - Lost World
13 - Overworld
14 - Game over
15 - Funky's Rentals
16 - Rare and Nintendo logos
17 - Snow levels
18 - Intro
19 - Pipes
1A - K King Rool
1B - Banana Bird Cave
1C - Rocket Run
1D - Wild Jungle
1E - Caverns
1F - ??
20 - Dixie's Photo Album
21 - Cliffs
22 - Select file screen
23 - Mama Bird
2E - Level finish

Repeats/glitched songs
02 - Before bonus (Again)
03 - Before bonus (Again)
07 - Tobbogan/Riverside Race music (Glitched)
24 - Overworld (Again)
25 - Overworld (Again)
26 - Factories (Again)
27 - K King Rool (Glitched)
28 - Boss (Again)
29 - Caverns (Again)
2B - Jangle Bells (Again)
2C - Jangle Bells (Again)
2D - Jangle Bells (Again)
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Simion32 » January 24th, 2009, 3:10 pm

Geographically Organized List of DKC2 Levels:
Gangplank Galleon
03 Pirate Panic
6F Pirate Panic - Bonus #1
70 Pirate Panic - Bonus #2
1D Pirate Panic - Warp
1B K. Rool's Cabin
0C Mainbrace Mayhem
78 Mainbrace Mayhem - Bonus #1
79 Mainbrace Mayhem - Bonus #2
7D Mainbrace Mayhem - Bonus #3
20 Mainbrace Mayhem - Warp
04 Gangplank Galley
A8 Gangplank Galley - Bonus #1
71 Gangplank galley - Bonus #2
1D Gangplank Galley - Warp
15 Lockjaw's Locker
81 Lockjaw's Locker - Bonus
68 Lockjaw's Locker - Warp
0B Topsail Trouble
7B Topsail Trouble - Bonus #1
7C Topsail Trouble - Bonus #2
1A Topsail Trouble - Warp
09 Krow's Nest
Crocodile Cauldron
07 Hot-Head Hop
75 Hot-Head Hop - Bonus #1
1C Hot-Head Hop - Bonus #2
74 Hot-Head Hop - Bonus #3
8E Hot-Head Hop - Warp
25 Kannon's Klaim
AB Kannon's Klaim - Bonus #1
AD Kannon's Klaim - Bonus #2
AA Kannon's Klaim - Bonus #3
27 Kannon's Klaim - Warp
14 Lava Lagoon
83 Lava Lagoon - Bonus
69 Lava Lagoon Warp
08 Red-Hot Ride
76 Red-Hot Ride - Bonus #1
77 Red-Hot Ride - Bonus #2
8E Red Hot Ride - Warp
24 Squawks's Shaft
AC Squawks's Shaft - Bonus #1
BA Squawks's Shaft - Bonus #2
A9 Squawk's Shaft - Bonus #3
6A Squawk's Shaft - Warp
21 Kleever's Kiln
Krem Quay
28 Barrel Bayou
89 Barrel Bayou - Bonus #1
8A Barrel Bayou - Bonus #2
01 Glimmer's Galleon
82 Glimmer's Galleon - Bonus #1
84 Glimmer's Galleon - Bonus #2
06 Glimmer's Galleon - End Section
29 Krockhead Klamber
8B Krockhead Klamber - Bonus
05 Rattle Battle
72 Rattle Battle - Bonus #1
7F Rattle Battle - Bonus #2
73 Rattle Battle - Bonus #3
22 Rattle Battle Cabin
0A Slime Climb
7A Slime Climb - Bonus #1
7E Slime Climb - Bonus #2
2D Bramble Blast
A6 Bramble Blast - Bonus #1
A0 Bramble Blast - Bonus #2
63 Kudgel's Kontest
Krazy Kremland
11 Hornet Hole
AE Hornet Hole - Bonus #1
B3 Hornet Hole - Bonus #2
B0 Hornet Hole - Bonus #3
0E Target Terror
A1 Target Terror - Bonus #1
C1 Target Terror - Bonus #2
1E Target Terror - End Section
2E Bramble Scramble
A2 Bramble Scramble - Bonus #1
0F Rickety Race
C3 Rickety Race - Bonus #1
BE Rickety Race - End Section
2C Mudhole Marsh
8C Mudhole Marsh - Bonus #1
8D Mudhole Marsh - Bonus #2
02 Rambi Rumble
B4 Rambi Rumble - Bonus #1
B2 Rambi Rumble - Bonus #2
12 Rambi Rumble Rambi Room
60 King Zing Sting
Gloomy Gulch
19 Ghostly Grove
85 Ghostly Grove - Bonus #1
88 Ghostly Grove - Bonus #2
10 Haunted Hall
BD Haunted Hall - Bonus #1
C0 Haunted Hall - Bonus #2
C2 Haunted Hall - Bonus #3
BF Haunted Hall - End Section
18 Gusty Glade
86 Gusty Glade - Bonus #1
87 Gusty Glade - Bonus #2
13 Parrot Chute Panic
B1 Parrot Chute Panic - Bonus #1
AF Parrot Chute Panic - Bonus #2
26 Parrot Chute Panic Shortcut Room
17 Web Woods
A4 Web Woods - Bonus #1
BC Web Woods - Bonus #2 ???
2A Web Woods Squitter room
0D Kreepy Krow
K. Rool's Keep
6C Arctic Abyss
93 Arctic Abyss - Bonus #1
95 Arctic Abyss - Bonus #2
23 Windy Well
BB Windy Well - Bonus #1
A3 Windy Well - Bonus #2
62 Castle Crush
B7 Castle Crush - Bonus #1
B8 Castle Crush - Bonus #2
8F Clapper's Cavern
91 Clapper's Cavern - Bonus #1
92 Clapper's Cavern - Bonus #2
6D Chain Link Chamber
B5 Chain Link Chamber - Bonus #1
B6 Chain Link Chamber - Bonus #2
6E Toxic Tower
A5 Toxic Tower - Bonus
B9 Stronghold Showdown
The Flying Krock
2F Screech's Sprint
A7 Screech's Sprint - Bonus
61 K.Rool Duel
Lost World
99 Jungle Jinx
97 Jungle Jinx - DK Coin Bonus
96 Black Ice Battle
94 Black Ice Battle - DK Coin Bonus
80 Klobber Karnage
98 Klobber Karnage - DK Coin Bonus
16 Fiery Furnace
9E Fiery Furnace - DK Coin Bonus
Animal Antics
9A Animal Antics - Rambi Section
90 Animal Antics - Enguarde Section
9B Animal Antics - Squitter Section
9F Animal Antics - Squawks Section
9C Animal Antics - Rattly Section
9D Animal Antics - DK Coin Bonus
6B Krocodile Kore
Beta Stages
00 Web Woods, Test Version
1F Woods Beta Area
2B Swamp Beta Area (Warp?)
Since I needed to reorganize DKC2's level digits before adding them into the DKCRE's new/modified Extraction Options dialog (which is still in progress), I figured this list (modified from Raccoon Sam's post in this thread) might be useful for looking up level digits. Also, I have identified a few of the previously unidentified bonus stages. Be wary that some bonus levels may freeze shortly upon entering if they are not accessed via the level's Bonus Barrel.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby BlueTronic » January 24th, 2009, 4:28 pm

Simion32 wrote:2B Swamp Beta Area (Warp?)

I remember if you shoot upward from one of the barrels in barrel bayou, an off screen barrel shoots you down. That must be where the warp was.

Also, if you go to the end of the Web Woods test version, it will look like this:
Donkey Kong Country 2 (U) (V1.0)_00000.png
Donkey Kong Country 2 (U) (V1.0)_00001.png
Donkey Kong Country 2 (U) (V1.0)_00001.png (23.75 KiB) Viewed 190521 times
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Simion32 » January 24th, 2009, 5:05 pm

Also, if you go to the end of the Web Woods test version, it will look like this
Well, that's probably because the level stack is stored in RAM while being used - what you're seeing is probably leftover junk data from whatever was there before the level stack was decompressed. You can see the effects by using any PAR code for 7F0000 and above; that will affect the level when it is in RAM. Some advice, don't turn any such code on while loading a level, it could result in severe glitches.

As for that barrel in Barrel Bayou, yeah that's really strange. It's likely that they were going to put in a warp, but disabled it at the last moment. Since the warp object (or whatever replaced it) still exists, it should be possible to hack that warp back into the game.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby WolfzGaming » February 16th, 2009, 6:52 pm

7E00D329 - Mudhole Marshtop
7E00D326 - Honey room (Maybe a warp?)
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Simion32 » February 17th, 2009, 11:53 am

WolfzGaming wrote:DKC 2
7E00D329 - Mudhole Marshtop
7E00D326 - Honey room (Maybe a warp?)

7E00D3 29 - Mudhole Marshtop - Krockhead Klamber
7E00D3 26 - Honey room (Maybe a warp?) - Parrot Chute Panic Shortcut Room

I already posted a complete list of level digits a few posts before this one... :roll:
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Krow111 » April 6th, 2009, 11:49 am

Does anyone know some codes to make you look like an enemy, boss, kong, etc? For example, I would be Diddy Kong but look like Kaptain K. Rool.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Sockpuppet » April 6th, 2009, 10:58 pm

I tried using Squitter/Squawks/Enguarde in Haunted Hall. Kackle doesn't know how to react to them so he goes crazy instead. :lol: Once I saw him cut in half, with his bottom half at the top of the screen and his upper half at the bottom. And for some reason Squawks gets hurt by the tracks.
Also if you make Krow appear here he sometimes has different colours.
King K. Rool wrote:First, turn on the codes 7E007F02 and 7E007E50 on. Press start when you're on a level. Then you will play as a Bristles! And when you turn, it will show Bristles's turning sprites! Do not jump or get hit by an enemy during the code. Here are some pictures:

I tried doing that and it didn't work. Instead I turned into nothing. I could still control it though...

EDIT: Tried the Bristles code again and...
I never used the Ellie code though...
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby diddykong » April 18th, 2009, 7:47 pm

Bump! Sorry bit i want more codes... And i'm sure everyone else does to.

Krow111 wrote:Does anyone know some codes to make you look like an enemy, boss, kong, etc? For example, I would be Diddy Kong but look like Kaptain K. Rool.

This would be awesome I would love it. :D It might look weird if the character has no jumping sprites, or rolling ect.

Good work by the way guys. :mrgreen:
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Doctor Phileas Fragg » May 21st, 2009, 12:14 pm

Can anyone tell me the code used in this video between 1:05 and 1:07?
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby BlueTronic » May 22nd, 2009, 7:22 am

Hey, that's my video! :D

I used the code to turn into an animal buddy:
7E007F02 and 7E007E--

But I didn't use any of the values listed. I was experimenting with it by seeing what would happen if I used some of the values in between, and one of them resulted in what was in the video. Unfortunately, I don't remember what value I used. :cry:
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby SpikeEnigmaSlash » February 16th, 2010, 11:15 am

Ah, my favourite section amongst others on this fourm.... I love it all.. its madness :evil cackle:
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby DKCplayer » August 23rd, 2010, 4:29 pm

I've found a barrel-full of codes for the first Donkey Kong Country. The Match-A-Token one may not work properly, but I'm not sure.

7E068307 - Every buried banana bunch is a red balloon instead of every seven.
7E052F2C - Banana counter stays onscreen
7E146B62 - The lives counter stays onscreen
7E1B053E - The KONG tokens stay onscreen until they are all collected.
7E057901 - When one Kong gets hit, the other returns.
7E057903 - Your partner doesn't follow you until you get hit.
7E057900 - Useless partner.
7E1E1707 - Every enemy you kill by jumping or rolling/cartwheeling gives you an extra life.
7E1B0C10 - Earthquake!
7E138100 - Altered cannon ball landings in King K Rool's battle

7E1177?? - Match-A-Token bonus barrel #1 modifier
7E1179?? - Match-A-Token bonus barrel #2 modifier
7E117B?? - Match-A-Token bonus barrel #3 modifier

06 - Expresso
0A - Rambi
0E - Enguarde
02 - Winky

01 - Infinite banana bunch (Never stops giving you bananas)
03 - KONG 'O' token

12 - 1-up balloon
16 - 2-up balloon
1A - 3-up balloon
20 - An empty barrel. You can't win the bonus.

Hope you guys enjoy them. :)
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Simion32 » August 23rd, 2010, 10:24 pm

Hey it's DKCPlayer!

How very odd. I was watching your videos yesterday and I wrote those codes down in preparation to post them, but i never did. :P

Try the earthquake code with a value of 7F, and the Slipslide Ride "groovy color" code at the same time:

7E1B0C 7F — Camera Confusion
7E1AD0 76 — Glitchy, Animated Color Pallete

It's extremely hard to play the game like this! :twisted:
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby DKCplayer » August 24th, 2010, 5:40 pm

Yes, it's me! :D I don't know why I didn't post those codes here when I released the video.
For those who want to see the video, you can find it here.

As for the code combination, you're right about the game being extremely hard to play, especially levels with lots of barrel blast action or mine cart carnage (pun not intended... much). And don't get me started on Platform Perils! :x

I found this code last year for DKC2: 7E000755
This makes the music sound very interesting. It can get annoying at times with the buzzing and all, but still. Changing the value can change what it sounds like.
Similar one for DKC: 7E000778

And finally, a code for DKC3... the Rareware Logo of Doom! *dun dun duuuuuun!* 7E04ED46
It appears to be zooming away from us... but just you wait. :shock:
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby thetoad11 » September 27th, 2010, 2:04 am

Kong-Fu wrote:If you change the "01" to a different number, you can choose as many hits as you want! If you put in "FF" they never die!

I tried that, but any number other then 01 makes him immortal. (Sorry for the bump, but I felt it needed to be said.)
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Scraps69 » September 27th, 2010, 8:57 am

Interesting. Can you input these codes for just one level or will they remain static for the whole game?
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby DKCplayer » September 27th, 2010, 10:28 am

Turning the code off will usually stop the code without having to reset, while others won't. I'm not sure about patching though.

Anyway, I tried to find the code for DKC2 to slow down Diddy and Dixie (like if they were affected by Kaptain K. Rool's red clouds) but either it wouldn't work properly, or I didn't manage to find it. :( But I did find these:

7E091B?? + 7E091C??
01: Ice blue Kongs
02: Red Kongs
03: Purple Kongs

7E0B0210: Inverted directional pad. Change value to 00 to control normally, even when hit by a purple cloud on K. Rool Duel.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Cody » November 1st, 2010, 9:12 am

Would anyone happen to have a level freeze code for DKC3? I'm trying to rip some of the waterfall stages but it's nearly impossible to get the waterfall to flow together naturally :P
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby teh epicnes » November 22nd, 2010, 5:30 am

I found this code for DKC3 today. 00000056 It does 3 things:

1. Bananas don't have animations
2. The running animations for the kongs are replaced with the rolling animations.
3. You can run in midair.

I'm gonna play around with this code. I might have found an animation modifier.
EDIT: Well, it turns out that no matter what values you put at the end of the code, it still does the same thing, but I'm replacing some of the 0's to see what I get.
Double EDIT: I found a palette code for DKC3. BA071345 With this code, objects will sometimes have the palettes of other things around you.
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Vincent » May 25th, 2011, 11:17 pm

Qyzbud wrote:I believe these will work in all regions/revisions (US, EUR, Jap/1.0, 1.1 etc...), but if there are any errors/unworking codes, please let me know.

The Gyrocopter code for DKC3 is different for the PAL version : 7E1C D104
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby Vincent » June 2nd, 2011, 8:08 am


Donkey Kong Country

Cheat Modifier

+01 - BADBUDDY (Inactive player can take control in 2P Team)
+04 - Start with 50 Lives.
+05 - BARRAL (Start with 50 lives AND inactive player can take control in 2P Team)
+08 - DARBYDAY (Music Test : press Select button at Savegame Select Screen)

(Add digits together to combine cheats.)

99 Lives
7E05 7563

99 bananas
7E05 7B63

Select Location you want to warp to when leaving a secret room
7E00 40XX

Select Location you want to warp to when entering a secret room
7E05 65XX

(For the two codes above, use digits from 00 to ED, for a complete list see ... difier.txt)

Invincibility (ghost) for Donkey
7E16 D502

Invincibility (ghost) for Diddy
7E16 D702

Infinite Time in Bonus rooms
7E13 F399 + 7E13 7F99

Donkey Kong Country 2 : Diddy's Kong-Quest

99 Lives
7E08 BE63

Kremcoin immediately appears (in Bonus Rooms or in K. Rool's cabin)

Start a level at a precise location
7E08 A60X

Invincibility (ghost) for Diddy
7E0E 129E

Invincibility (ghost) for Dixie
7E0E 709E

99 Bananas
7E09 6D99

99 banana coins
7E08 CA63

75 Krem coins
7E08 CC4B

40 DK coins
7E08 CE28

Infinite Time in Bonus rooms
7E0F 4263 + 7E0F A063 (side effects : can make timed-propulsion barrels unusable)

Cheat Modifier

BARRALAX (No DK Barrels)
7E06 0B01

YASADLAD (50 lives)
7E06 0B02

7E06 0B03

Donkey Kong Country 3 : Dixie Kong's Double Trouble

7E1C D104 (!!! side effects : other menus will be affected, triggering weird bugs and preventing you from leaving Wrinkly's Save Cave !!!)

99 Lives
7E05 DB63

Invincibility (ghost) for Dixie
7E08 B901

Invincibility (ghost) for Kiddy
7E09 2701

99 Bananas
7E19 5399

99 Bear coins
7E05 CF63

85 Bonus Coins
7E05 D155

15 Banana Birds
7E05 D30F

41 DK coins
7E05 D529

5 Cogs
7E05 D705

Infinite Time in Bonus rooms
7E09 BCXX ("stars" bonus rooms) (!!! side effects : disable it when selecting a save game and when playing a "green bananas" bonus room !!!)
7E09 2AXX ("green bananas" bonus rooms)
7E0B 06XX ("defeat ennemies" bonus rooms)

Bonus Coin appears instantly in Bonus Rooms
7E19 D701

Start a level at a specific location
7E05 BD0X (4 = end of the level)

CHEATS Modifier


=> HARDR cheat enabled => 104 % => Mondo Monkey

a. 7E05 3C00 => some DK barrels are removed
b. 7E06 A800 => when the game loads the hi-score screen, it will "think" the HARDR cheat has been enabled all along (i.e. entered just before creating a new save game) and give you 104 %

(HARDR cheat disabled : 7E05 3C40 + 7E06 A840)

=> TUFST cheat enabled => 105 % => Immortal Monkey

a. 7E05 3C80 => all DK barrels are removed
b. 7E06 A880 => when the game loads the hi-score screen after , it will "think" DK barrels have been removed all along
c. 7E05 3B80 => all halfway barrels are removed
d. 7E06 A780 => when the game loads the hi-score screen, it will "think" halfway barrels have been removed all along

If b. and d. cheats are used together, the game will "think" the TUFST cheat has been enabled all along (i.e. entered just before creating a new save game) and give you 105 %.

(TUFST cheat disabled : 7E05 3C40, 7E05 3B00, 7E06 A840, 7E06 A700)

b) General rules

Make the cheat effective (as if entered for an already-existing save game) : 7E05 3BXX
Make the cheat permanent (as if entered just before creating a new save game) : 7E06 A7XX

MERRY => +01
ASAVE => +02
WATER => +04
LIVES => +10
COLOR => +40
TUFST "No Halfway Barrels" => +80

(Add digits together to combine cheats.)

DK coin availability

Add XX digits together to combine codes when YY is the same for several levels. DK Coin taken : just double XX digits.
Example : to obtain free DK coin in 1-2 and 1-3, enter 9D50 (40+10=50) ; if you want those DK coins to be already taken, then enter 9DA0 (50x2=A0) ; if you want DK coin to be free in 1-2 but already taken in 1-3, then enter 9D60 [40+(2x10)=60]

Lake Orangatanga
1-1 => 9D+01
1-2 => 9D+40
1-3 => 9D+10
1-4 => 9E+10
1-5 => 9E+04

Kremwood Forest
2-1 => 9F+40
2-2 => A0+04
2-3 => 9E+01
2-4 => 9F+10
2-5 => A0+40

Cotton-Top Cove
3-1 => A1+01
3-2 => A1+40
3-3 => 9D+04
3-4 => A2+01
3-5 => A1+04

4-1 => A2+10
4-2 => A3+40
4-3 => 9F+04
4-4 => A2+40
4-5 => A3+04

5-1 => A4+01
5-2 => 9F+01
5-3 => A2+04
5-4 => A3+01
5-5 => 9E+40

Razor Ridge
6-1 => A4+40
6-2 => A4+04
6-3 => A1+10
6-4 => A5+01
6-5 => A4+10

Kaos Kore
7-1 => A5+40
7-2 => A5+04
7-3 => A0+10
7-4 => A5+10
7-5 => A3+10

8-1 => A6+01
8-2 => A6+04
8-3 => A6+10
8-4 => A0+01
8-5 => A6+40
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Re: DKC Trilogy PAR Code Collection

Postby teh epicnes » June 3rd, 2011, 9:36 am



It's pretty useless. It lowers the frame rate to 1fps.
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