Favorite Level In All of DKC

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Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby FunkyKong » July 31st, 2008, 4:56 pm

Out of every game of DKC and every level, which level is your favorite?
My favorites are Temple Tempest, Tree Top Town, and Orangutan-Gang
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Qyzbud » August 1st, 2008, 2:08 am

Hmmm, it's tough to pick a single favourite level from all three games... but I could probably give my favourite level from each game, and perhaps then I could work out which of those three I like most.

I like Orang-utan Gang too! Mainly for its fast-paced play style, challenging timing (jumping over all of those barrels...), and that highly inventive bonus area hiding place beneath the start. Having a steel keg to ride is always neat, and then to get Expresso later on; very cool. The vines are fun to cartwheel along, and they add to the jungly look very nicely. The sunset looks great, too. Overall, it's a great level to explore, lots of fun to play, has a variety of game play styles involved, and some of the most interesting terrain in the game.

Then for DKC2 I'd have a much harder time, as I loved so many of the levels. I think Clapper's Cavern would be my choice for its interesting gameplay concept, the fact that I adore Clapper, and the supreme challenge of completing the level without Clapper's help! I also really like the variety and flow of play in this level.

As for DKC3, still a fairly tough call, but I think I can happily select Demolition Drainpipe as my favourite. It's just plain fast and fun!

It's still really hard to pick an ultimate favourite, but since DKC2 is my first love, I guess Clapper's Cavern takes gold. :D
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby DK4Ever » August 1st, 2008, 12:46 pm

Wow DKC 1 thats a hard decision :(

I'd say Minecart Madness (The one in Kremcroc industries was better than the first one, hehe), Ice Age Alley, and Jungle Hijinx (I ♥ levels where you can metal-barrel-ride)

DKC2 - Rattle Battle was great, and Gangplank Galley was too.

DKC3 - Any of the snow levels, I loved them all.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby FunkyKong » August 1st, 2008, 2:05 pm

I think the music in my 3 favorite levels are great to ;)
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Rodent » August 1st, 2008, 10:31 pm

I like Orangutan Gang as well - returning to the jungle with a higher difficulty was awesome.

In DKC2, I'm not really sure... Slime Climb was extremely satisfying when it was finished, but the roller coaster levels and Kackle were great too.

I'll get back to DKC3 when it arrives from eBay. :D
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Kiddy14 » August 2nd, 2008, 12:51 am

DKC, umm hard choice, I'll pick Temple Tempest.

DKC2 would be Krockhead Klamber.

DKC3... I think Ropey Rumpus. But in the GBA version, it's Sunken Spruce.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby BlueTronic » August 2nd, 2008, 2:00 am

Favorite level in the whole trilogy? I never thought about that. Let's see...

I know Oil Drum Alley would roughly be my favorite (It's fun to just ram right through everything when you get Rambi :D)
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Diddy_Gal » August 2nd, 2008, 4:59 am

Uh, Favorite level??!
For Donkey Kong Country it's Orang-Utan Gang. (The sunset looks so beautiful.) or Coral Capers.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Cody » August 3rd, 2008, 12:34 pm

For DKC, I'd have to choose Orang-Utan Gang as well. My love of steel kegs, bonuses, challenging aspects and unique environments was really shined on by this level.

DKC2...that's a major toughie, but in the end, I'm going to go with Target Terror. I literally enjoy every level in DKC2. If only someone creates a level editor for DKC2....I'd probably spend hours and hours everyday fiddling with it, to the point of me getting only small hours of sleep in attempt to give more time to the editor.

It's hard for me to choose one from DKC3 as well, but Pothole Panic is my favorite. I love how they allowed you to ride every controllable animal buddy; it, to me, felt like a cave version of Animal Antics. It was also immensely cool seeing Ellie desperately try to swim in the water....I just love this level (I can't remember if Parry's in it).

In the end, Target Terror gets my vote. Now to wait a few years for that DKC2 editor....so all my time can go down the drain. :D
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Goe » August 11th, 2008, 12:25 am

i have lots of favourites levels:

Coral Capers
Oil Drum alley
Platform perills
Gank Plank Galley
Rattle Battle
Chain Link Chamber

i remember i liked a DKC3 stage....it was a mountain stage in the world whose boss was barbos....but i don't remember the name of the stage
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby DK4Ever » August 11th, 2008, 12:25 pm

The one with the rope that was on fire, that followed you throughout the whole level?
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Kiddy14 » August 11th, 2008, 1:26 pm

Or the purple coloured one with lots of ropes? Both of them are in Razor Ridge :D
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 11th, 2008, 4:11 pm

I'll pick my favorite for each game.

DKC: The forest and temple levels are pretty good, out of the four, I'm going to have to go with Temple Tempest.
DKC2: Probably Haunted Hall, but Gangplank Galley and Pirate Panic come in a close second.
DKC3: I would have to go with Penguin Lunge.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Gnawzooka » August 11th, 2008, 6:37 pm

Man, let me think...
Some good ones I remember were the Roller Coaster and Mine Cart levels. Oh, Castle Crush was pretty cool too. I'll have to think about it a bit more though...
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby FunkyKong » August 19th, 2008, 7:58 am

I loved the music on Millstone Mayhem

If anyone knows where i can download, please PM me :D
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 19th, 2008, 8:59 am

FunkyKong wrote:I loved the music on Millstone Mayhem

Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I liked the temple levels, I also thought the forest music was good too. Then I like the mixture of the backrounds and the terrain of the forest and temple levels, so those 4 levels are my most favorite.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby FunkyKong » August 24th, 2008, 10:00 am

wow so many people like Orangutan-Gang as well :D
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby DonkeyKong » August 24th, 2008, 11:44 am

I like Orangutang Gang for DKC. Mainbrace Mayhem, Slimb Climb, Haunted Hall, and Bramble levels for DKC2. In DKC3 I liked the Jungle and Waterfall levels.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby NS Guy » October 4th, 2008, 12:20 am

My fave is Bramble Scramble, hands down! I just love the music and playing as Squawks.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 12th, 2008, 12:27 am


I just finished playing through DKC on the Virtual Console, but for some reason I can't really pick any favorites there. The levels were all fantastically designed, but I just liked any level that you could "flow" through. I dunno.

Donkey Kong Country 2 would definitely be the one in Krem Quay with Rattly (Rattle Battle, I think). The music, the background and the gameplay are so gloriously combined that it almost had me in tears for my first play-through of the Virtual Console version.

I often think that Donkey Kong Country 3 is the best game evar, so I have the most favorites here. Gotta go with Cody on Pothole Panic, the dock level in Cotton-Top Cove, and the cliff level in the Lost World... And I think Stormy Waters was the name of that one in Pacifica with the TNT Knockas, if I'm not mistaken.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby The Guy » October 13th, 2008, 10:56 am

My favorite levels include Coral Capers, Orangutang Gang, Manic Mincers, Gangplank Galley, Lockjaw's Locker, Target Terror, Bramble Scramble, Rickety Race, Haunted Hall, Gusty Glade, Castle Crush, Screech's Sprint, Animal Antics, Skidda's Row, Squeels on Wheels, Bobbing Barrel Battle, Kreeping Klasps, Fireball Frenzy, Lemguin Lunge, Dingy Drain-pipe, Stormy Seas, Surf's Up (Mainly on foot...), Ropey Rumpis (Rather easy on how far it is in the game...), Koindozer Klamber, and Criss Cross Cliffs.

Isn't that ALOT?
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Rodent » October 20th, 2008, 6:42 pm

I changed my mind: Rattle Battle is really good.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby Swing King » October 21st, 2008, 7:44 am

DKC=Any jungle/temple level/minecart level.
DKL=Construction Sites
DKL2=see above
DKC3=Krackshot Krock
DK64=Angry Aztec
DKJB=too bland
DK:KoS=desert levels
DK:JC=Glass Mazez

My favorite archtypes in any DK adventure game. ( Minus DKC3 )
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby PotoGamer » October 21st, 2008, 9:45 am

My favorite levels in DKC are:
-Orang-utan Gang (the sunset and the first (?) appearance of Manky Kong, AWESOME)
-Platform Perils (it's hard at first, but once you clear it, it gets really easy!)

My favorite levels in DKC2 are:
-Rickety Race (FAST-PACED ACTION!)
-Black Ice Battle (I like vertical levels!)
-Jungle Jinx

My favorite levels in DKC3 are:
-Riverside Race (I like fast-paced levels)
-Any toboggan level
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby DKCplayer » October 21st, 2008, 3:16 pm

Slipslide Ride. Great music, and it has a terrain that no other level has.
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Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

Postby The Guy » October 23rd, 2008, 4:23 am

I think I know why there was only one level under that type...

Maybe it's just that they wanted to make the easiest "dark level" in Gorrila Glacier.
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