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MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge)

Ok. So how many of you think that medical care should be open to anybody regardless of income or ability to pay?-Captain YAY-crowd Well your wrong. The rich stay healthy and the poor die weak- Captain ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How ...
by DonkeyKong
August 24th, 2008, 11:53 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge)
Replies: 3
Views: 8248

Re: Favorite Level In All of DKC

I like Orangutang Gang for DKC. Mainbrace Mayhem, Slimb Climb, Haunted Hall, and Bramble levels for DKC2. In DKC3 I liked the Jungle and Waterfall levels.
by DonkeyKong
August 24th, 2008, 11:44 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: Favorite Level In All of DKC
Replies: 26
Views: 58966

Re: Most hated level

I meant Orangutang Gang instead of Vine Valley.
by DonkeyKong
August 23rd, 2008, 7:31 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Most hated level
Replies: 50
Views: 137542

Is FFVII Dirge of Cerberus worth getting?

Im thinking about buying it since its for ps2,cheap priced, good graphics, and FFVI. Tell me what you think?
by DonkeyKong
August 23rd, 2008, 5:09 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Is FFVII Dirge of Cerberus worth getting?
Replies: 0
Views: 5004

Re: What are you Playing Right Now?

LOZ Twilight Princess Rules. I have that game on my Gamecube. But im currently Playing Final Fantasy VI. Its the one where you gotta kill some evil general that looks like a clown on crack. (Kefka)
by DonkeyKong
August 23rd, 2008, 5:05 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: What are you Playing Right Now?
Replies: 162
Views: 416609

Most hated level

This game too has hated levels. I guess ill start here. Tree Top Town-sometimes that first canon doesnt shoot you far enough on the GBA ver Vine Valley- Why do the kremlings jump over you? And theres a bonus stage close to the end, where u gotta ride on espresso to get to the other side. Its Impossi...
by DonkeyKong
August 23rd, 2008, 5:00 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Most hated level
Replies: 50
Views: 137542

Re: Donkey Kong Country: Competition Cartridge

Where do you get level builder?
by DonkeyKong
August 23rd, 2008, 4:53 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Donkey Kong Country: Competition Cartridge
Replies: 10
Views: 19023

Re: SNES, GBC, or GBA?

I started playing it on the GBC, but then I sold it for the GBA version. Now I also got the SNES ver on an emulator. I'd have to go with the snes one for better louder sound, and bigger screen.
by DonkeyKong
August 23rd, 2008, 4:52 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: SNES, GBC, or GBA?
Replies: 54
Views: 173981

Re: The Super Smash Bros. Brawl Topic

I agree. If they got Bowser,Ganondorf, and Wolf. Why not the DonkeyKong villain K.Rool. His color changes could be his different outfits. He would have an interesting moveset. Im guessing a slow/power type since hes pretty big. Kackle in super smash bros? how would you touch him? A zinger? can you k...
by DonkeyKong
August 23rd, 2008, 4:46 am
Forum: Super Smash Bros. Series
Topic: The Super Smash Bros. Brawl Topic
Replies: 201
Views: 641833

Re: Missed Characters- Mario Kart Wii

Who the heck is Rosalina?
by DonkeyKong
August 19th, 2008, 4:18 pm
Forum: Mario Sports
Topic: Missed Characters- Mario Kart Wii
Replies: 14
Views: 39509

Re: Competitivity of DK64?

Ye theres still some people that compete in the multiplayer games. Me and fellow DKC-atlas member FunkyKong play Monkey Smash. I dont likt it though when people go under the water and swim around it for a long time.
by DonkeyKong
August 19th, 2008, 4:17 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong 64
Topic: Competitivity of DK64?
Replies: 11
Views: 30574

Re: What DKC2 level archetype do you prefer the most?

Jungles are my Favorite because DonkeyKong is from a Jungle right?
by DonkeyKong
August 19th, 2008, 4:13 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 2
Topic: What DKC2 level archetype do you prefer the most?
Replies: 25
Views: 43994

Re: Favorite Boss

WOW alot of people like K.rool. Hes my Favorite boss too. Plus he is THE boss
by DonkeyKong
July 29th, 2008, 7:13 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 2
Topic: Favorite Boss
Replies: 57
Views: 131454

Re: What DKC3 level archetype do you prefer the most?

I like Tree and Jungle Levels
by DonkeyKong
July 24th, 2008, 2:21 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: What DKC3 level archetype do you prefer the most?
Replies: 22
Views: 48188

Re: Lowest % game completion

No jomingo I cant be Funky If Im talking to him
by DonkeyKong
July 24th, 2008, 2:07 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Lowest % game completion
Replies: 25
Views: 72850

Most hated level

There are some levels everyone likes, and there are some that people hate.
The level I hate is Floodlight Fish.
Its hard to see when its dark, and those sea urchins are annoying. You dont know when they come at you. And at what Direction?
by DonkeyKong
July 24th, 2008, 2:03 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: Most hated level
Replies: 61
Views: 183534

Re: What Video Game Systems Do You Own?

My Snes is my Zsnes and Snes 9x on my computer.
by DonkeyKong
July 23rd, 2008, 4:42 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: What Video Game Systems Do You Own?
Replies: 106
Views: 340432

Re: The Super Smash Bros. Brawl Topic

Marth and DiddyKong, and Wolf are my best characters. I like Final Destination cause theres no hazards and Luigis mansion because its plays Tetris type A. I didnt like Rumble Falls though because it was too much like Icicle Mountain from Melee.
by DonkeyKong
July 23rd, 2008, 4:40 am
Forum: Super Smash Bros. Series
Topic: The Super Smash Bros. Brawl Topic
Replies: 201
Views: 641833

Re: Mature Cartoon Contest

Family Guy!!! Stewie is kool
by DonkeyKong
July 23rd, 2008, 4:34 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Mature Cartoon Contest
Replies: 17
Views: 29447

Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Discussion

Every Type of Bending or theyr fighting style is based on a style of Kung Fu.
Firebending=Northern Style Shaolin
Water Bending=Tai Chi Chuan
Earth Bending=Hung gar
Toph ( the avatars earth bending teacher ) uses a different style called Southen Shaolin Praying Mantis
by DonkeyKong
July 23rd, 2008, 4:32 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender Discussion
Replies: 14
Views: 22092

Re: Favorite Level

Jungle Japes and Hideout Helm.
by DonkeyKong
July 22nd, 2008, 4:01 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong 64
Topic: Favorite Level
Replies: 10
Views: 29545

Re: What DKC3 level archetype do you prefer the most?

I Prefer the water levels. Exept the water level "FloodLit Fish". The level is hard for me. Especially on my GBA with scratched up screen.
by DonkeyKong
July 22nd, 2008, 3:58 pm
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: What DKC3 level archetype do you prefer the most?
Replies: 22
Views: 48188

Re: what's your favourite playablekong?

Donkey kong and Diddy Kong
by DonkeyKong
July 22nd, 2008, 11:18 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: what's your favourite playablekong?
Replies: 27
Views: 59972

Re: Lowest % game completion

44% is my lowest
by DonkeyKong
July 22nd, 2008, 11:13 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Lowest % game completion
Replies: 25
Views: 72850

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