Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion

Talk about Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii, developed by Retro Studios.

Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Soniccuz » November 29th, 2010, 6:39 pm

Pertaining to the third set of spoilers.

I completely agree with the first 3 and noticed that the next two key temple stages were so much easier compared to Platform Panic. Haven't tried the others yet but good to know they don't keep this trend of getting easier with each region.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 30th, 2010, 10:28 am

Yeah, I'm up to the end of World 6 and I refuse to use spoiler tags. But that's okay because there are no spoilers in this post.

For the most part, it's good so far, but it is SO FREAKING HARD. Like, whenever I try to form a critical opinion about this game the only thing that crops in my head is the difficulty, which you can't really say makes the game bad. It does make it frustrating to die twenty or so times on the same level. Also, f--- motion controls in their b...*bleep* ass, ohhhh my goodness. Just screw them forever. I don't see why Retro couldn't have thrown the classic controller in there... but I digress. At least they got Cranky right. :roll:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » November 30th, 2010, 11:42 am

Well, my review is on the main site right now if anyone's interested.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Ribbedebie » December 5th, 2010, 10:32 pm

This is certainly a worthy follow-up to the original trilogy on the SNES - I daresay it's even better at parts. And man, it's one of the hardest games I've ever played. It's never unfairly hard, though.

But really, it's one of the first recent platform games where those extra lives you get thrown at you are actually useful!

The graphics are simply amazing as well and the music is just as atmospheric and divine as it was on the SNES.

Only qualm I have is how you have to shake the remote for basic attacks... but that's not even a big complaint.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby aperson98 » December 11th, 2010, 3:59 am

I just got the game about 2 days ago I have to say wow this game is the best DKC I've played since DKC2. The level design is absolutely fantastic and the boss battles are pretty creative. That being said there are some things that bothered me like the fact that Rambi is the only animal buddy I've seen so far and the fact that the Tikis are such a poor follow up to the Kremlings which is a shame because I felt they could have been interesting, but instead they feel like generic replacements to the Kremling crew.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby teh epicnes » December 11th, 2010, 9:16 am

I just got this game on December 5th. I just beat it today!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 17th, 2010, 6:56 am

Yeah, I can't say I disagree with this guy. DKCR is fun while it lasts, but once you beat the final boss Mirror Mode and Time Trials are repetitive as f---. I don't give a damn if it's "Retro's own take on the series" or whatever, they completely effed us over and I'm now officially jumping the fence and declaring: give me Kremlings and helper Kongs or give me death.

That is all.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » December 17th, 2010, 9:15 am

You are like bipolar when it comes to this game.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Simion32 » December 17th, 2010, 9:58 am

I agree with Jomingo. Seriously.

Yeah the mirror mode is repetitive, but it's supposed to be ---because of the instantaneous deaths.

What, you're mad because you didn't get enough DKC in this game? :roll:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » December 17th, 2010, 11:49 am

The fact that the post game is repetitive shouldn't be a complaint because most platformers don't have any modes like that post game. Without those modes the game still has a ton more levels and content then any of the DKC's (I might be bold enough to say all three put together based on number of levels and each level's lengths, but I'm not sure about that). If you're mad that there isn't enough to do after you've beaten it then you can make the same complaint about every DKC. At least this took a while to beat. If anyone beat it (including secret levels) in under twenty hours, I'd be impressed. None of the DKC's lasted half that long.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 18th, 2010, 9:48 am

I don't give. A f---. It completely assaults the original series in the ass and I know I change my mind a lot, but my official stance right now is that I HATE THIS GAME. At least Jungle Beat never pretended to be a Donkey Kong Country- this game is debatably worse because it bills itself as a DKC sequel/reboot, but has less than a fraction of returning characters and elements that made the series great. I wouldn't mind if they introduced the Tikis in another game, but DKCR was IMPORTANT TO US and would've elevated K. Rool to a whole other level. Plus the motion controls SUCK.

Mario Super Sluggers = 8 Donkey Kong characters, including K. Rool, all playable. Plus various references to the series throughout.
Donkey Kong Country Returns = 5 Donkey Kong characters, two playable (and you can't even be Diddy in one player.) This number should have been at least twenty, including Kong helpers, animal buddies, and drones.

There's also no reason water levels couldn't have made it in. And another thing, Michael Kelbaugh and that other douche bag LAUGHED THEIR ASSES OFF when they revealed K. Rool wouldn't be in the game, acting like he was some kind of joke or something. So yeah, f--- them and f--- this game.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » December 18th, 2010, 9:59 am

Except Super Sluggers was dodgy as all get out and had much worse controls than this. It's easy for a cameo game to just stick in the models that Paon already created, you're giving them way too much credit. Although the game was very low on things that I would've hoped for, it still was ridiculously fun and I'd call it the best platformer of this generation. I love this game and I will replay it for years to come.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 18th, 2010, 12:34 pm

A. Super Sluggers was fun.
B. Okay, Paon made those models- then they're superior to Retro, Donkey Kong-wise. At least their games left a legacy... I can't see Returns, with its woefully unoriginal characters, doing that anytime soon.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Simion32 » December 18th, 2010, 4:52 pm

Regarding those pain-in-the-hide Time Attacks...

I just got a 00:57:00 on 5-5 Longshot Launch... man that was really fun! :mrgreen:
(that time on that level gets you a Super Gold medal if you're wondering)

Has anyone tried these?

The only other ones of significant note that I've been willing to try are the 4-B Mole Train (I have regular Gold, only a few seconds short of the time limit) and 5-8 Muncher Marathon (also regular Gold - man this one was painful).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » December 19th, 2010, 5:37 am

I haven't tried any time trials yet, and I probably won't. As for Retro's "legacy", what exactly is Paon's legacy? They made three games that went completely unnoticed by the rest of the world and had very little impact on the series. None of their characters will ever appear again except for in a game they make, if they even make any more games after this. Retro on the other hand has actually made a game people care about. You can use all the characters you want but if it doesn't sell well it doesn't matter. This game is kicking ass in sales and that means we'll get sequels and people will actually CARE about a Donkey Kong game for once. That's it's legacy. This game has already outperformed any of Retro's Metroid games in opening sales, and is poised to destroy them in the long run. That means that Retro would be stupid not to pursue a sequel. Because this is a spoiler thread, I don't mind saying that the Tikis are dead. Very dead. They were really fun for one game, and I loved their whole back story and everything, but they have VERY little potential to return based on the game's ending. That means that when Retro makes a sequel, they are very likely to return to the Kremlings. I think they didn't want this to feel too much like a rehash of the first game (since it has the same general locations and plot), so they used a new villain. They will likely do something different in the sequel, and therefore won't mind returning to the Kremlings (which will be awesome).

Regardless, I loved this game and I find it really hard to complain about since I found it so much fun. NSMBWii had me really excited for bringing back the Koopalings, but then I played it and I can't stand the game AT ALL. It has the shittiest gameplay of any Mario game and I can't believe it outsold both Galaxies combined. This game has the opposite effect: Not a lot of returning characters, but some of the best game play I've seen out of any platformer in a long time. It's really hard for me to trash talk something that played so well. Also, I prepared myself for the lack of characters months before release. I've been saying for a long time that the only other characters we'd get would be Cranky and Rambi, but everybody insisted on believing that K. Rool would pop up at the last second. I didn't get myself excited, so I wasn't disappointed. I knew what to expect going in, whereas some people didn't. If you were expecting the ridiculous fan games that we've been brainstorming for the past decade of how a new DKC would work, I'm not surprised that you're let down. I at least was able to enjoy it for what it was instead of blinding myself by what it wasn't. Besides, it never claimed to be DKC4. It was DKCR, and from beginning to end felt like DKC to me.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby HavocReaper48 » December 26th, 2010, 4:21 pm

I FINALLY have the game, so here's my two cents:

I'm amazed. They did it. They managed to bring together a GOOD Donkey Kong game, no less a Donkey Kong Country game! Having playing the game since childhood, I can say they did a good job. Nearly everything is perfect. The music from DKC is BACK and remixed, ah, the nostalgia! Newer tunes fit well. The levels are fantastic. In general, levels are overly difficult. The game keeps the old style of giving way too many lives (and now banana coins), the pure system of being overly difficult and slowly figuring things out, easily blowing by them, and commiting suicide to find out certain shortcuts or items. Good times. The environments are incredible, overly detailed and very natural looking.

The enemy choice, eh, little disappointed but nothing major - every classic enemy returns in one shape or another. Remember, this is not the true DKC4. The bosses are a bit.. weird. But the story is unique - tikis brought back from an imprisonment out to take over the island for revenge. Well hey, beats "some crocodiles stole nanners cuz they felt like it"

Retro introduced many, many new concepts while bringing back a few old ones. For example, it's like getting a random item at the end of a DKC2 level in DKCR, but now with a SHOOOORYUKEN ending! (I love that Shoryuken part, especially myself also growing up with Street Fighter II. Excellent, Retro). The puzzle pieces were a good new idea, another thing to collect and unlock stuff with. The ground pound is back and used a lot more. Even Diddy has his own version. You can blow on plants and such to reveal items, which is OK. I mean, uh, didn't imagine Diddy Kong blowing on some flowers for an extra banana. Don't worry, they brought back cartwheels and the Barrel Roll™!

Rambi is just awesome. Squawks is reduced to a puzzle piece finder, but, hey, it's good to see some familiar faces. Cranky Kong also returns to sell stuff. But where's Funky Kong?! Why cares about "convenience of pressing a button on the map"?! You should have to WORK to get to a certain point in the world where you can access the overworld map. And yeah, no other Kongs. There's always the sequel.

Controlling is the MAJOR defect - stupid motion controls mess me up at the thought of needing a single button - NO classic controller support. Bleh. There are two control schemes, one for Wiichuk and the Wiimote alone, but both need motion controls. Meh. Also, in single player you can only play as Donkey Kong. No (full) Diddy Kong control outside of multiplayer, which is pretty disappointing.

In conclusion, this game is definitely what Donkey Kong needed. An stellar game which is what Donkey Kong needed to get back on the map and for Donkey Kong Country to have it's long awaited revival. LONG, awaited. Although, this game is unfortunately NOT the true Donkey Kong Country 4 we've been looking for. This is one of the best games for Wii in my opinion, I consider it a rival to SSBB - A MUST have for Wii owners. Any Donkey Kong, DKC, or general platformer fan needs to get this game. Really. Now.

I can't wait for the sequel. It sold well. Can it top the original DKC's 8 million units?
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Fefe's Review [Spoilers]

Postby FefeRawft » December 28th, 2010, 12:40 pm

No hate mail please? :3

I've been playing this for a while, and so far, I like it. I really like it. There are a few things I want to talk about though....

The things Retro did right:

-A NSMB-like over world. It's a great idea, even though I want to complete the every level anyway, it's still nice to have more than one level I can work on at a time. There have been a couple of levels that I had a lot of trouble on, and I liked that I could attempt a different level.
-Squawks is extremely useful when finding puzzle pieces, I like his new role.
-The environment is very interactive, I like how you can play with the environment and sometimes even alter it.
-The music. I love it, it reminds me of my childhood playing DKC. Sure, I can go back and just play DKC and mapped it out in my head, but I had never played DKCR before, so it reminds me of the first time I played DKC and not knowing whats around the corner.
-I like some of the new enemies. Specifically the birds, crabs, piranha plant things, and the skeletons (sorry, I don't know their proper names yet).
-Minecart levels seem faster and more exciting. They are hard, but for these kind of levels, extreme difficulty makes them so fun.
-Having health makes things a lot easier, especially considering the fact that the levels are a lot longer than they used to be.
-Multiple check-points, for the same reason as the health.
-Cranky's shop was a great idea, I like the items he sells, and they make the game so much easier.
-Not having to save at a certain place.... For obvious reasons, this is basically ragequit prevention.
-I like collecting the puzzle pieces and KONG letters. I know a lot of people don't like DK64 because of all the collecting, but I actually like collecting things (as long as its not ridiculous like 100 Golden Skulltulas in Ocarina of Time), and this is probably why I like DK64 so much.

The things Retro did wrong:

-Animal buddies :( I miss all the old animal buddies, and Rambi is rarely in the game. They really messed this one up.
-I liked some of the new enemies, I hate the rest. I miss the Kremlings. I miss the regular animals too! These creepy little things that they used are just.... messed up.
-No water levels. I liked them, and Retro left them out. They could have at least let the Kongs swim when they hit water instead of dying on impact.
-Sometimes, they environments are a little TOO interactive. Sometimes it seems like there is just too much going on, or things that just didn't need to move, moved (like the ruins world when the big heads would close on you for no reason.)
-The bonus levels are repetitive, and a few of them are horrible. I just don't like them at all.
-The bosses.... If there was one thing in the game I could change, this would be it. They are horrifically hard, and sometimes, there is just too much sh*t going on at once.
-The rocket-barrel level are fun, and a good idea, but the way they are used in this game.... :shock: Especially the bat one, that big bat at the end is just ridiculous.

Edit: I forgot to mention that Diddy is basically useless in single player. I miss Diddy, he was my favorite Kong. The old Diddy still is my favorite Kong, but this new "Diddy" may look the same, but he just doesn't feel the same.

The things I miss:

-Animal buddies.
-Water levels.
-Dixie (not so much Kiddy, he was annoying)
-Simpler bosses
-The other Kongs

Last thoughts:

This game was one of my favorite Christmas presents this year, it is fun, and a really good sequel to the DKC Trilogy. However, if I were going to recommend any of the 4 games to someone who has never played any of them, it wouldn't be this one. I just don't think it has that authentic DKC feel to it. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but I prefer the Trilogy over this.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby gamer_boy997 » December 28th, 2010, 5:53 pm

Got this game for Christmas, and all I can say is... wow.

Here is my mini-review:

I was a little disappointed at how many aspects Retro took out, but I learned that's only because they were trying to make Donkey Kong Country Returns, not Donkey Kong Country 4. This clicked into my mind when I was at level 1-5. The backround looked gorgeous. Do you know Milestone Mayhem and Temple Tempest from Donkey Kong Country? I felt like I was playing a modern version of that, only with the backround and terrain flipped (if that doesn't make since, I mean that the temple was now the backround, which is beyond where your characters are, and the jungle was now the terrain, or area that your characters walk on). It was beautiful, and it got better as the music remixes and more detailed graphics came in on the later levels.

I had a little difficulty in the beginning, but that gradually changed as the difficulty grew. I had a ton of lives, but in the middle of world 4, I finally hit zero lives. That game over screen, although not eerie like Rare's detailed game over screens, was still fatal and kept the creepy music of the original. I slowly progressed through the rest of the world, following the hardest boss yet. After some work, I am currently in world 6. Getting even more difficult, but I can still handle it. I don't know how I'm going to go back and collect all the extras. That will take the time of beating the normal game and multiplying it by about five. I received three other Wii games and a DS game, but this game alone will definitely absorb a lot of time. It is actually one of the few modern games today where I'll have the urge to get the game 100% completely done.

Overall, this game is strong in all aspects: Difficult but hardcore gameplay, nostalgic and specially remix'd music, detailed graphics, and of course long replay value. Just make sure of one thing: When you play this game, don't expect Donkey Kong Country 4, but instead a special game of its own with selected DKC mechanics. You will then be satisfied instead of disappointed.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Master clyde super » December 29th, 2010, 1:41 pm

:shock: Thats what happened to me on my Birthday.
I played it, and... wow.
It was horridly bad.
Who's idea is it to take out the Kremlings? Retro Studios? I'm going to...just...
You know, realy hate that white pallate of super kong...
I had to use him on every non-world 1 level.
Some of the DKC trilogy levels were hard, but these were just hiddius!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby FefeRawft » December 29th, 2010, 1:57 pm

HavocReaper48 wrote:I can't wait for the sequel. It sold well. Can it top the original DKC's 8 million units?

Wait.... WHAT?!?! Did I miss something?!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Supreme Dirt » December 30th, 2010, 5:18 am

I beat it, and I have to say it was freaking amazing.

There are a couple of issues I have though.

First of all, NOT A SINGLE TNT BARREL. ANYWHERE. EVER. Sure there are bombs in one boss fight and level 9-1, but still...

Second, not enough of Rambi. Actually, throw the rest in there too, except maybe Enguarde because there weren't any water levels.

On that topic, I didn't mind the lack of water levels. I always held that they broke the flow of the original DKC at times. DKC3 in my opinion did water levels the best, but they are and always will be my least favourite kind of level, though I still enjoy them.

While we're on things I liked, all the mine cart levels. There was one in almost every world, and world 4 was half mine-cart levels. And the rocket barrel levels were cool. Crowded Cavern in particular. I will never look at bats the same way again.

The difficulty was just right in my opinion. It was actually challenging. Not like NSMB, which was pitiful, everyone knows that NSMBWii was the true reboot of classic Mario, DKCR was the true reboot of DKC.

I have more things to say, but I won't. Let's just say I am avidly awaiting Donkey Kong Country 2 Returns.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby FefeRawft » December 30th, 2010, 5:49 am

Supreme Dirt wrote:1. First of all, NOT A SINGLE TNT BARREL. ANYWHERE. EVER. Sure there are bombs in one boss fight and level 9-1, but still...

2. Second, not enough of Rambi. Actually, throw the rest in there too, except maybe Enguarde because there weren't any water levels.

3. On that topic, I didn't mind the lack of water levels. I always held that they broke the flow of the original DKC at times. DKC3 in my opinion did water levels the best, but they are and always will be my least favourite kind of level, though I still enjoy them.

4. I have more things to say, but I won't. Let's just say I am avidly awaiting Donkey Kong Country 2 Returns.

1. I didn't think of that, barrels are almost everywhere in the trilogy, now that I think of it, there aren't enough barrels. *Complains about lack of barrels and barrel variety :ugeek: *

2. I was excited about Rambi, and then I got kinda upset when I found out he was used like, twice in the game.

3. I don't mind that lack of water levels as much as I thought I would. I wish DK didn't die when he touched water though....

4. WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT?!?! Is there really gonna be a DKCR2?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » December 30th, 2010, 7:41 am

It's hypothetical, but I guarantee there will be a sequel. This game has outperformed all of Retro's Metroid Prime games, and now that they've built the physics and everything it will be really stupid for them not to make a sequel. It's going to happen, the question is just when.

Also, Rambi is in four levels, which I think is the same as the first DKC.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 30th, 2010, 8:26 am

Except the first DKC, y'know, HAD MORE THAN ONE ANIMAL BUDDY. I'm glad people are finally calling Retro out on all this nonsense... At least with Jungle Beat they purposefully tried to distance themselves from Donkey Kong Country. With this game, however, they just slapped the DKC name on Jungle Beat 2, threw Cranky and Rambi in to keep us from bitching, and threw it out there like you'd throw a piece of meat to a pack of rabid dogs.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby FefeRawft » December 30th, 2010, 11:26 am

Jomingo wrote:Also, Rambi is in four levels, which I think is the same as the first DKC.

I guess it's just that they only used Rambi that makes it seem like they hardly used him. I hope they make a sequel, and fix all their mistakes (More animal buddies, more Kong family, REDUCING THE DIFFICULTY, more barrel variety :ugeek: , and if it's DKCR2, it better have Dixie in it!)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » December 30th, 2010, 3:23 pm

Why would you want them to reduce the difficulty? I loved it! If you think it's too hard then you can use the Super Guide, but don't tone down the difficulty for the people who like it.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby PipKong » December 31st, 2010, 3:46 pm

I got DKCR for Christmas, and overall I'm pretty pleased, but there is ALOT of room for improvement.

When I first heard that this game was in development I knew it would be made in 3D. Too many classic games are being remade in 3D, and i personally think that 2D rendered graphics look better and control better.

I also thought it would be pretty cool if they implemented some kind of partner system, like in Sonic Advance 3, where you could choose from a group which two Kongs to use, and would have different partner moves based on your choice of characters.

The game is quite entertaining. The most welcomed feature is definitely DKs ability to cling, but at the same time it just seems like a replacement for ropes.

Some of the downsides:

- no GameCube or retro controller support
- hit points
- Diddy is reduced to power-up status
- generic enemies, look like they came from the Subspace Emissary in SSBB
- Wii-mote shake controls
- there is way too much crumbling architecture
- bosses are very frustrating
- roll attacks no longer accelerate when you roll into an enemy
- no Dixie
- DKs voice acting sometimes sounds like Scooby-Doo (is it just me?)

One thing that also troubles me is how Diddy seems to be forever bound to his jetpack and popguns. It's unlikely we'll see a game where hes without them.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby The Guy » January 2nd, 2011, 9:00 am

Right now, I have only one thing to say:

Tippy Shippy, of world 6... Well, about a few years before playing this level, I came up with a video game level idea with ship masts on a mountainside. Here, there are not only masts but also entire ships on the cliffs. I was surprised when I reached this level.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Mayo » January 4th, 2011, 10:28 am

Got this game for Christmas, really like it. Due to the games drastic changes, I don't think this game is part of the DKC trilogy though, and the fact that the roll is triggered by motion controls rather than a button REALLY annoys me.

Okay, now tell me where's this game's so-called 'difficulty' that everyone's complaining about. The only stages I had any issues with were the temple ones, mainly the Five Monkey Trial. But alas I got through every level (and boss) in three days, collecting the KONG letters were easy, and the Jigsaw pieces were slightly harder. And I'm about half-way done with Mirror mode. It would be nice if they retained the tag team system, it's a shame you can't play as Diddy in single player.
If I had to rate the game's difficulty I'd say an 8/10.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Kiddy14 » January 4th, 2011, 3:08 pm

Has anyone played in 2P mode yet?
Much greater than NSMBW, that's for sure =D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Gnawzooka » January 4th, 2011, 3:29 pm

Master clyde super wrote:super kong...
I had to use him on every non-world 1 level.

I'm sorry but

You really suck.

Yes this game is hard, but it's nowhere near as hard as you're all making it out to be. I've gotten to the Factory in less than two days without using Super Kong once; If I'd never heard of it I wouldn't know he existed.

This game is amazing. From a gameplay point of view it goes very nicely, even if the physics are a little to the originals. The mine cart levels are a blast - especially in co-op, in some levels you can split up and go on different tracks, kinda pointless but extremely cool.
But what I really love is the scenery. The backgrounds are very lively and there's always lots of cool things going on. I'm a big fan of the buildings and other things toppling in the background, especially when caused by or affecting the player in some way. Nearly every level has some unique thing, like barrel shooting vast distances through hollowed out trees, or around tall towers and into the mouth of a giant monkey statue. All very cool. And the octopus. I love that octopus.
The soundtrack is very nice, mostly just remixes of old tracks sure, but they sound great and add to the nostalgia. They even got in a couple that I wasn't expecting like Northern Hemispheres (even though there's no snow levels) and aquatic ambience (even though there's no swimming - although i didt really like that particular track). The Forest Music is one of my favourites.

There are of course some things I dislike about the game. There doesn't seem to be enough barrels, and Rambi doesn't show up enough to compensate for the lack of other animal buddies (but then again the excess of mine cart levels helps to remedy this). Co-op can be really annoying sometimes since its possible to kill the other play accidentally thanks to things like collapsing platforms and just generally getting too far ahead, but at least its a lot better than NSMB Wii...
A lot of the enemies are kinda lame too, and I would have liked to have seen some oldies, kremlings or otherwise. Then there are some really cool ones that they should've done more with. The Octopus from the beach world was extremely badass but I was disappointed that he only appeared in one level. I was really hoping he would reappear as the boss of that world, but instead we get three pirate crabs... (But the one with a fork hand is pretty cool).

But overall I love this game alot. I would even say it surpasses the originals and probably most other games on the Wii.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Piper » January 5th, 2011, 7:01 am

Amazing game, but I don't get the huge difficulty thing. I don't wanna spoil anything so I'll say what I think in spoilers.

Personally, Worlds 1 to 6 weren't that hard for me, and none of the bosses were really hard except the Mole Train and Thugly. Worlds 7 and 8 were hard, but manageable. I got all the KONG letters, and I found that not that bad either.

In my opinion, the Tikis are better than the Kremlings since them stealing bananas had an actual purpose, not to mention their cool hypnotic music. About Animal Buddies, I'm sure the sequel (which will happen, 99.9% sure) will have them.

In all, this game is a wonder and I like it most out of all the DKC games. Still have a long way to go till full completion though.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby HavocReaper48 » January 5th, 2011, 7:54 am

FefeRawft wrote:
HavocReaper48 wrote:I can't wait for the sequel. It sold well. Can it top the original DKC's 8 million units?

Wait.... WHAT?!?! Did I miss something?!

The game sold well according to Wikipedia so a sequel would be likely. Can never have enough DKC!

Regarding the Super Kong:
I absolutely REFUSE to use that thing. Never, ever. Not once. I don't care. This game IS a true Country game - It gives the huge difficultly of the previous games, which was done in an extremely well way (only true DKC know what I'm talking about). Simply, the whole time you know it's not the game being unfair, it's you being unprepared, amazed and (in Super Kong's case) plain lazy. In order to know what's coming, you have to go out there and find out. Super Kong is taboo due to ruining that. A true DKC player will learn from mistakes, and get the timing right ONLY after many sacrifices to the very hungry balloon gods. Super Kong is not supposed to be used.

I don't care if you lost twenty lives on a level. Didn't you also lose that many lives on Animal Antics? But did you have the Super Kong? Sure did not. You tightened your belt, told that wind to go <explicit> itself and you flew Squawks the Parrot through a near impossible group of bees. You learned the timing of the wind, how much strength to use, when to dive in the open spot and spit a coconut. And then you got to the Rattly the Rattlesnake part, and died again. But when you got back to Squawks you managed to die less on the way. Then you got back to the snake and finished the level in a skilled run.

In conclusion, if you're a Donkey Kong Country fan, you will avoid the Super Kong like the plague. For a Country game it is perfectly natural to die >10 times a level just to reach the checkpoint. Honestly, using Super Kong nearly every level is too much. It's not the game being unfair, it's you being lazy. Heck, Cranky Kong practically gives away lives due to the crazy amount of banana coins you get in the game and how cheap lives are. Every time I visit Cranky I (literally) get my life counter up to at least fifty in order to prepare. Learn to play.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Phyreburnz » January 5th, 2011, 1:14 pm

Okay, so I don't own the game (or a wii), but I've watched videos and stuff. My comments aren't about the actual gameplay.

I've noticed that Retro couldn't make up their mind which continent they wanted the game based in. It seems like South America collided with Africa. The game itself seems as if it is placed in South America, but all of the animals are from Africa. Rareware had the original DKC in Africa. The main thing is that the Tikis and the temples are very South American. And yes, I am aware of African temples, but they look like the ones in the original DKC.

Also, the whole music thing kind of bothers me. I never liked the idea of re-using music for games. I get that it's a DKC game, but do they really have to just keep re-making the same music? Yes, I'm aware that there is a lot of new music; however, I just don't like that the map, Cranky, Jungle Hijinks, and a few other were just re-makes of the original music. I kinda think that they should have tried something new, since they did a lot of their own things.... Well maybe it's more of an "if it's not broken, don't fix it" kind of thing... I don't know...

Well, I just wanted to know if anyone else felt that way.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 5th, 2011, 1:36 pm

Gah... I feel so ashamed. I beat every level, but I did use him once- for some reason I thought he picked up puzzle pieces too, so I was just gonna watch that and then get it as regular DK. It was on some world 7 level. But yeah, Super Kong doesn't get puzzle pieces so I exited out of that crap.

And Phyreburnz, you make a good point! It's kinda racist, just meshing all foreign cultures together and assuming they're the same.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Mayo » January 5th, 2011, 2:27 pm

I thought some of the re-done music seemed more polished, and didn't kill the atmosphere they they hold (if not refined it). For some reason I really like the new Life in the Mines and Forest Frenzy remakes, but I guess that's just me.

Now on the topic of 'Super Kong', I never plan to use such an abomination that is a disgrace to hardcore gaming. If we came across a hard level, we'd use trial and error, persevered, and eventually completed the level. It's much more rewarding doing it yourself, rather than the game playing it for you.
Out of curiosity, I did try and see what this 'Super Kong' was (only for a few seconds), and the first thing that came to mind was "OMG IT'S EDDIE THE MEAN OLD YETI!" xP but honestly, I'm wondering why Cranky hasn't ranted about this; "You kids these days are all too soft, we didn't need any fancy schmancy newfangled gaming features that complete the game for you, oh no! We'd use something called 'SKILL'! Something I bet you don't know anything about. Now hurry up and buy these balloons, I doubt you'll last 5 minutes in those levels! You want me to hold your hand too?"

And if I remember reading the manual correctly, if a level is completed with Super Kong, anything he collects isn't counted (that goes for jigsaw pieces and KONG letters). And the level will remain red instead of blue on the map.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Simion32 » January 5th, 2011, 2:37 pm

Yeah, good attempt at getting non-gamers to play DKC, but come on. If you need Super Kong to play for you, you just suck at platformers. I mean come on. The game isn't that doggone difficult.

I opened up a separate game file and PURPOSEFULLY died over and over until the pig decided to flag me down, then accepted just to see what Super Kong would do.

Whomever played as Super Kong sucks something horrible, and goes slow as <expletive>.

I would have liked them to use their fancy replay engine to include a little something the Mario Kart series calls "STAFF GHOSTS"... or even maybe a "replay" of the fastest possible time, only unlockable by getting a super gold medal.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Gnawzooka » January 6th, 2011, 6:04 pm

Phyreburnz wrote:Rareware had the original DKC in Africa.

The Beavers, Armadillos and Orangutans upset this a little though...
And Millstone Mayhem looks fairly South American to me (though this is really a matter of perception in my opinion), plus I haven't exactly researched it but I didn't think Africa had a whole lot of snow either.
So yeah. Retro isn't perfect but neither was Rare. So quit yer whinin', right? :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Phyreburnz » January 7th, 2011, 10:32 am

Tiptup, I don't know if I'd call it "racist," I just found that Retro wasn't sure where this game should take place.

Gnawzooka, Africa has snow in the mountains, and the further south you go, the more snow. I also came across that in 1979 it snowed in the Sahara Desert for half an hour. I didn't say that Rare was perfect. I was just making an observation.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Mayo » January 7th, 2011, 10:01 pm

Hey, it's a new game, so a new setting would be used. DKC2 used Crocodile Island, DKC3 used Northern Kremisphere.

DKC and DK64 setting was similar, but again many changes were in place so it could even be counted as a completely different island.

And I just realised that there's no snow levels in DKCR, the snow soundtrack was redone for one of the Cliff levels if I recall.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby HavocReaper48 » January 8th, 2011, 6:53 am

Speculation claims the volcano melted Gorilla Glacier, thus the snow melted away and giving it a desolate climate. The music didn't melt, happily :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Jomingo » January 8th, 2011, 9:23 am

This is what the DKU is all about: speculation about continuity and geography and all of that stuff. Basically, the newest, and commonly accepted theory over there is that the glacier was melted by the volcano, but it didn't become the cliff region, because the cliff region is on the other side of the island from it. Actually, the cliff area is supposed to be the remains of the Island face that was carved there before. It's located right in the perfect spot, has the resemblance of a brow above it, and also the entire cliff world is collapsing and crashing all the time. It would make sense for that to be where the Island head is. It got damaged by the volcano, and is now collapsing and revealing all of the prehistoric remains around it. The fact that the Gorilla Glacier music plays there implies it to be sort of a "spiritual" successor to it, in the fact that it replaced it in game, but in location and everything the Glacier was actually consumed by the volcano, and the Face became the cliff. If you play around in the map view and look around at different angles it becomes apparent that the face is supposed to be right there.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Simion32 » January 8th, 2011, 10:49 am

Not only that, but in DKC GBA (if that's considered cannon) the map screen shows lava in Chimp Caverns (vs. water in DKC, suggesting a volcano crater).

My theory is that the Volcano became active sometime between SNES and GBA, and by the time DKCR rolled around, it had decimated Chimp Caverns and caused the DK head to collapse. Gorilla Glacier is nowhere to be found, because the volcano blew it to smithereens.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby CaptainEddie » January 8th, 2011, 12:11 pm

Tiptup Jr. wrote:It's kinda racist, just meshing all foreign cultures together and assuming they're the same.

Racist? Really? This game can have living Tikis, reanimated dinosaur remains, floating bananas, barrels that shoot, and what have you, but it's gotta pertain to a certain HUMAN culture? When was it decided that these games even take place on Earth? Just what about ancient African or South American culture includes minecarts? Rockets?

Point is, why can't a studio be CREATIVE and make THEIR OWN WORLD and have what they want in it without somebody calling it racist? That's absolutely ridiculous. As an artist, and from an artistic veiwpoint, that's ridiculous.

Anyway, I got the game for Christmas and really enjoy it. It has its fair share of problems, but the pros far outweigh the cons. They difficulty is spot on; anybody who uses Super Kong is a disgrace.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Mayo » January 9th, 2011, 10:31 pm

I really wish you could play as Diddy in the single player modes, he'd make Time Attack so much easier XD he's so freaking nimble!
Today I decided playing as Diddy solo (through co-op mode and always having DK off screen) and noticed that he's got his own ending when you defeat Tiki Tong, it's quite funny and cute.

I also experimented around with the Banana Juice, it honestly isn't really worth getting. It allows you to take 10 hits before wearing off, but here's the catch: any instant deaths (like lava, water and bottomless pits) will remove the Banana Juice effects. Most levels you'd die anyway of the dreaded bottomless pit, so it's only good if you're having a massive difficulty with the bosses.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Scraps69 » January 11th, 2011, 2:38 pm

I got the game mid way through December. Here are my thoughts.

The good -> Most of the worlds had very good atmosphere. Particularly liked forest. The music was not too shabby. The platforming was difficult. The K levels were awesome. Didn't miss K. Rool. Mine cart and rocket barrel stages off the roof.

The bad → The roll shake. It's not really an issue when you are running around and going forward in a typical level with wide platforms. But for levels with narrow platforms such as 9-1 it helps to be able to confidently press forward and shake without accidentally dropping off the nub of the banana or just pounding the ground - really slowed the pace down because of my fear of accidentally falling off or not knowing what is going to happen.

For an enemy based on African Tribal enemies, there sure was a lack of African themes.

The shake roll during time attack modes. Such a pain in the ass to do it quickly especially when you need precision. Compare this to the time attack in Super Meat Boy.

The functionality of the puzzle pieces and the KONG letters. Puzzle pieces and bonus are rendered literally useless and there's a lack of motivation in collecting them because the art work wasn't all that great anyway.

Food for thought → Although DK and the world was more cartoony, it didn't really enhance or detract from the game which was fine and is a matter of personal taste. Also, seeing how Retro managed to fit atmosphere into these cartoony levels, it'd be interesting to see how a water level would work. And speed can be integrated into those water stages if looking at the screenshot on top of a big fish tell me anything. Or a tidal pool. Or water blast cannons.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Kiddy14 » January 13th, 2011, 4:25 am

I actually don't mind having to shake to roll, then again I'm using the Wii Remote only (I tried Wiimote + Nunchuck, but I kept failing to crouch with the joystick) and keeping 1 pressed kind of helps.
I would like the Kongs to not gain so much momentum, though.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Mayo » January 13th, 2011, 12:31 pm

It takes time to get used to the fact when rolling you get a massive boost of speed, rather than colliding into enemies which increased your speed in the DKC trilogy. Beats me on which one would be more helpful, given the slower pace and (arguably) fewer enemies in DKCR, the change in the roll's physics seems apropriate, but the way it's executed is probably what most people have trouble with.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby Ribbedebie » January 15th, 2011, 1:47 am

One of the most freakin' beautiful things in this game was certainly;
that motherfreaking multicolored tribal background when you're fighting Tiki Tong. It reminds me of... I dunno. If Disney would have made a DK movie. Like, the Lion King meets Tarzan. Or something. I'd like to see that.... But anyway it is FREAKING ACES

It has no Kremlings, sure, but I don't miss them one bit. And the Kremlings were my favorite part of the original trilogy. Consider that. Oh and I really adore Diddy in this game. I mean, did you hear his squeaky voice when he runs into a wall or hits his head? Just plain adorable.

I find it amusing how, despite the redundance of water levels, one of the unlockable arts is depicting a water level. Like Retro said; 'Haha pwnt, you ain't getting this amazing awesomeness!' I don't mind though.

Speaking of which I freaking love those arts and dioramas you can unlock. Especially the latter. I mean, if Nintendo would make actual real-life hand-painted models out of them, I'd buy all of them in a heartbeat. For sure. Even though I'd probably won't have the money. Oh well! yeah, I'm one positive fangirl, that's for sure. I just love everything about this game. I'm so hoping Retro will make a sequel! Which is bound to get there eventually. I mean, this thing is the most successful DK game since DK64!

EDIT: Yeah I tend to confuse abundant and redundant. Sorry about that.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Discussion [SPOILERS]

Postby DKCplayer » January 15th, 2011, 4:19 pm

I got a red Nintendo Wii for Christmas, so I was incredibly excited (although very nervous) to play DKCR. Today, I beat the game (not 100%, which is my next mission). Here is somewhat a review of the game.

This is one of the hardest (if not the hardest) games I have ever played. But it's a fun hard. The only things that bug me is that there is a lack of returning cast. Only DK, Diddy, Cranky, Squawks and Rambi return to the game. Swimming levels would've been nice, but it seems Retro wanted all-action levels. It's also a shame to see Diddy being "demoted" to a power-up, therefore being unable to switch. His use in the game boosts significantly when you have 2 players.

The gameplay acts similar to the original DKC games, along with some changes that I don't mind at all. Rolling is a tad annoying when rolling enemies doesn't extend the roll, ending in losing a heart. Rolling off an edge to reach the other end is more risky as well. Banana coins are being used as a currency again, and I'm thankful that you can buy some much needed lives there. I have never used the Super Guide (Super Kong). Infact, when that pig pops up to lend a hand, it makes me want to do it on my own even more.

The graphics are amazing. Most of the levels still have that feel of the original DKC games, yet are made more 3D, and a bit more realistic. I love the game's soundtrack. The music recreations were awesome, and nice to hear. The original songs in the game I probably won't have in my head, but they're not bad. One of my favourites is the ragtime bonus theme. It's just so catchy. :D I love the voices of DK and Diddy. I'll probably never tire of hearing the duo shout with joy as they find a bonus, or complete a level. Sometimes, I find myself beating my chest along with DK. :lol:

Thank you Retro for bringing DKC back. Although there were a few disappointments, you pretty much made up for it in the end. :)
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