DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project PHASE ONE COMPLETE

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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » July 31st, 2013, 8:14 am

Phyreburnz wrote:I would have to look at pictures of the Cranky you're modeling him off of, but it seems like his arms are just a bit too long.

Well I thought his arms might be too long to but I will have to pose him into bent over pose leaning on his walking stick to see if they are too long. Good point. :thumbs: I also have to fix his groin area, hands and do a little touch up with the rest of the model before I rig it.

I know it's not perfect to the original Cranky but I thought it turned out more decent then I thought. Some creative license doesn't hurt. ? Heck it was okay for Retro to do it. :lol:

Now's the time for comments. Once it's rigged its difficult to go back. Any others willing to share their view on this Cranky?
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » July 31st, 2013, 9:47 am

I was going to mention the length of the arms, but I figured it might just be an 'illusion' based on the current pose. We never do see Cranky's arms stretched out like that, do we... :huh:

One of the many challenges of modelling an aging simian, no doubt!

I'll let you know if I think of anything that needs to be tweaked, but currently I think he's looking great.

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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 2nd, 2013, 11:09 am

I managed to to rig him a bit faster... still need to skin the hands though.

Here is his crouch pose. Just imagine a walking stick in his hand. It was a quick rig so let me now if anything seems off. Thanks!

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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » August 2nd, 2013, 11:19 am

Looks good to me!

Did you adjust the arm length? They certainly don't look too long in that pose.

Speaking of that pose; is Cranky performing the ancient art of karate? :)
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 3rd, 2013, 11:56 am

Ha, you're right it does look like that.

Here is Cranky with a more complete pose with his walking stick.
I also Included a test composition with Cranky in DK's house. Lacks shadows and proper lighting. It's just to get the an idea of what the final shot could look like. This scene is where Cranky Gets mad at DK for not watching over his hoard of bananas.



Edit: He might be too short in the pic. Hmm
Edit2: fixed
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » August 3rd, 2013, 2:54 pm

Very nice! It's good to see the treehouse interior again, too. This will look great once you get DK in there and get the lighting set up properly. :D

You never responded about Cranky's arm length, though; did you adjust it, or is it just a matter of looking right now that his pose is (somewhat) more natural?
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 5th, 2013, 1:18 pm

Qyzbud wrote:You never responded about Cranky's arm length, though; did you adjust it, or is it just a matter of looking right now that his pose is (somewhat) more natural?

Sorry. It's his pose and the arms are probably too long.

Here is DK and Cranky completely merged in the scene. I think the scene is a bit messy long. What to do about that. hmm.
I also have to comb Crank's hair/fur to.

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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » August 6th, 2013, 9:45 am

Oh wow... looking awesome... seriously awesome. B/

It's great seeing DK in his treehouse; are there any official renders out there of the big guy in his home? I don't think I've ever seen one. :scratch: Well, thanks to you, Cyclone, we don't need 'official' renders any more! :lol:

I love it as-is, but the Kongs might be slightly bigger than they ought to be in the scene... I actually really like it this way (bigger characters), but I thought I should mention it. That said, maybe I'm just accustomed to the in-game look, which obviously depicts DK as being much smaller in the room, and is probably not the best scale reference... :P
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 6th, 2013, 2:23 pm

No official renders of this one. :D The entire scene including kongs was a lot of work, so I'm glad you like it!

Here is the same scene with a different pose and improved fur and fur lighting. I think DK's head should show more. I think a few different camera angles during the animation would help, so you see his face.

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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 7th, 2013, 8:30 am

Qyzbud wrote:Well, thanks to you, Cyclone, we don't need 'official' renders any more!

My thoughts exactly, O' Mighty Qyzbud. I couldn't have said it any better myself. As for your current screenshot Cyclone, I would say that it's very "official" and looks fantastic. Yes, you might want to create multiple shots so it's easier to see DK's face, but what you have here is perfectly acceptable. You know Cyclone, watching you make such progress and detailed models brings tears of joy to my eyes. :dixiecry: The whole entirety of the Atlas, and especially King Qyzbud, should be proud to know you. I won't go into detail on how you came to be such an excellent citizen, but I will say that the DKC Atlas and I thank you for your service. May you enjoy not just your day, but the rest of your life.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 7th, 2013, 2:31 pm

No problem Super Luigi! glad I can contribute!

Here are two other angles I'm playing with. what do you think of the compositions?
Lighting that fur is tricky. scene lighting also needs work. dk's face is too dark.


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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 7th, 2013, 3:06 pm

If I were making a movie based on these scenes, I'd probably use your second still before the first. That way, the audience has to look up at Cranky, which makes him look imposing and all-powerful, before they see the dark and ashamed face of DK as he is looked down upon. In other words, I really like the dynamics of each camera angle, and I'd say that they belong in a quality project. Seriously, just these two photographs make me think that they're part of an HD adaption of the DKC intro. Besides what you've all ready mentioned about the lighting, I really can't find any faults in these shots. So once again, great job Cyclone!
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » August 7th, 2013, 7:23 pm

Mighty King Qyzbud agrees; beyond the lighting, there's basically nothing I can fault with these renders. :)

That said, the incomplete exterior scenery subtracts a little from the magic (and Cranky's... erm... 'man bulge' difficult to unsee), so I guess there are a few things you could do to improve on the near-perfection you've achieved.

By the way, It is entirely awesome to see DK's room from different angles. :thumbs:
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 8th, 2013, 3:07 pm

Qyzbud wrote:That said, the incomplete exterior scenery subtracts a little from the magic (and Cranky's... erm... 'man bulge' difficult to unsee)

Will fix Cranky's parts :lol:

Here is the sequence in order thus far. Suggestions on which to keep/discard would be great.

Close up of DK sleeping. ← Might omit this cuzz it reals to many modeling and fur flaws. :(
1a.png (500.89 KiB) Viewed 120294 times

The above shot gradually zooms out to reveal DK sleeping in his bed.
1b.png (527.43 KiB) Viewed 120294 times

Cranky pounds on the door and DK awakes ← May remove this too. something about it I don't like...
3.png (554.3 KiB) Viewed 120294 times

DK walks towards Cranky then cowers.
4a.png (1.57 MiB) Viewed 120294 times

4b.png (547.58 KiB) Viewed 120294 times
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 8th, 2013, 3:11 pm

low to the ground view of Cranky whacking DK with the stick. hehe
5.png (544.66 KiB) Viewed 120293 times

DK cowers. shot shows DK's face.
6.png (545.15 KiB) Viewed 120293 times

And that is the sequence so far. Suggestions welcome.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby CaptainEddie » August 10th, 2013, 2:31 am

Are you planning on making this the first scene?

Because I feel it needs a louder start than that- perhaps beginning the way the manual does, with Diddy's capture?

And where does the Squawks/title sequence sit? :scratch:

Anyway, as far as the scene itself goes, I think its pretty good. DK could scramble/fall out of bed when he hears Cranky knocking, or anything to immediately establish his goofy/dumb personality. And Cranky could let himself in, muttering angrily to himself before yelling/attack DK.

Just some ideas! :dixiehappy:

Cranky looks great, by the way!
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 10th, 2013, 11:53 am

Good suggestion CaptainEddie. I think I will do the rolling out of bed idea. Technically it will be hard to animate so I don't know.

hmm about the order of the scenes the intro will be the one with squawks. I will have dynamic lighting to change the dk island scene into a "stormy night" scene. The scene with Cranky happens after the scene with Diddy.

Here are two of the above shots with tweaked lighting. DK's feet are too bright, will fix that.



Any suggestions on how to improve the shots further? The background in the cowering scene looks bare. I think if add more detail to it, it will become too cluttered. So i'm not sure what I can do.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 10th, 2013, 12:32 pm

I'm green with envy. Are you making this into a movie or game?
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 10th, 2013, 1:41 pm

Perhaps a banana clock could be placed on the same wall as the ship painting? I know that's not in the treehouse in-game, but it's an idea. Another idea: a green vase on top of a table with a checkered red and white tablecloth. I do like your improvements to the screenshots, by the way. It's inspiring to see that even seasoned pros have room to improve.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » August 10th, 2013, 4:24 pm

Hey, nice storyboarding! Angles and progression look good.

I agree that opening with the stormy weather would be a nice way to do it.

Super Luigi! wrote:Perhaps a banana clock could be placed on the same wall as the ship painting? I know that's not in the treehouse in-game, but it's an idea. Another idea: a green vase on top of a table with a checkered red and white tablecloth.

I support the idea of including a few extra bits and pieces, so long as they are subtle, logical/believable additions.

Will share more when I get a chance. :)
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 16th, 2013, 2:54 pm

sonosublime wrote:I'm green with envy. Are you making this into a movie or game?

A movie.

Super Luigi! wrote:Perhaps a banana clock could be placed on the same wall as the ship painting? I know that's not in the treehouse in-game, but it's an idea. Another idea: a green vase on top of a table with a checkered red and white tablecloth. I do like your improvements to the screenshots, by the way. It's inspiring to see that even seasoned pros have room to improve.

I'm no pro but thanks! Good idea about the clock. If it's outside the in game frame it's okay that's it's in the animation.

Here is the stormy environment. I made a mistake in the render but didn't feel like re-rendering the comp tonight. One of the shots is too long.

video omitted
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 16th, 2013, 11:05 pm

A movie telling the story of the first game? Looks great so far. Do you plan to make movies out of all 3 DKC games?
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 17th, 2013, 10:32 am

I might do all three games but this one is taking long enough to make.

Here is the fixed animation with a shot of dk sleeping during the storm. Right now it's just a place holder and is not animated.

What do you think of the compositions and scene timing?
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 17th, 2013, 12:29 pm

It looks damn amazing. Although I would have made the thunderstorm appear a little more gradually. It's a bit jarring how quickly the clouds appear.
Good luck, and I can't wait to see the finished product, and I hope to see your take on DKC2 :)

Would you like any help with the movies? I can't do anything technical (ie. 3D modelling, etc), but I like to think I'm a pretty decent writer, and could write you a script.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » August 17th, 2013, 2:49 pm

For the most part the scene compositions, progression and timing look good. I agree with sono though that the storm could appear more gradually; maybe you could use a few different camera angles to show the sun set, the storm clouds roll in/form, the rain begin to pour... and perhaps some close-up shots including droplets striking palm leaves, jungle foliage being buffeted by the wind, etc. That would all look amazing, and really give the feeling of a tropical storm. :)
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 21st, 2013, 3:16 pm

sonosublime wrote:Would you like any help with the movies? I can't do anything technical (ie. 3D modelling, etc), but I like to think I'm a pretty decent writer, and could write you a script.

Sure if you want to pitch some comical ideas I'm all ears...eyes.

Here is the animation so far.
After the last shot there will be Diddy in the Banana Hoard eating some bananas or something. Maybe he does something funny(ideas?) Next scene is aboard K.Rool's Ship where he orders hi kremling buddies to steal the hoard. Cuts back to Diddy which he then hears a noise from outside and goes to check it out. Then he gets thrown in a barrel. How that happens I don't know.

Kinda developing the scenes/shots as I go a long. I know I know I should story board... but....

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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » August 21st, 2013, 4:58 pm

Ok Cyclone. Here goes my 2 cents. I think you are trying to show too much in one shot. When the scene starts it's daytime and you are showing the passage of time and the storm rolling in at the same time. It looks nice but too much on the eyes and Nintendo/Rare would never do the scene in this way. I think it should already be evening or very close to night at the start of the scene. The passage of time is nice to look at but unnecessary in this scene. Or you could just keep it daytime and just focus on the storm rolling in, a storm overhead will naturally make it look dark as night anyway. (well almost) Also I noticed you did shots of the trees swaying to give the feeling of the storm more as Qyzbud suggested, BUT I think you have cut back and forth from that to the island too many times. You should cut down the amount of times you cut back and forth or show other areas and different angles. One good shot would be the window of DKs tree house, you can have leaves and trees rustling all around and have the camera zoom in on that one window as the scene progresses. Another suggestion I might add is have some butterflies and maybe birds take cover/ perch under the floor/footing of the tree house or window seal to again give a more heavy sense that a storm is coming. I may also add that if you chose to zoom in on that window you should also have raindrops ricocheting off of the woodwork outside of the tree house. To add to the idea of local animals taking cover Gnawtys could also either run and jump into bushes or just take shelter inside the cave where DK keeps his banana hoard. These are the type of things I think you should focus on. I don't like to be a critic but you sir are very talented and I have what this scene SHOULD look like being made by you in my mind and I just wanted to share my input. What you have here looks good but please consider my suggestions.
(I would also like to add that a good bird to have take cover in the window seal would be Squawks, If you chose to have him take cover AFTER the rain has already started him shaking off his feathers upon landing would really look nice)

As for your idea about something funny Diddy can do.....
In the original DKC story Diddy looked up to DK and wanted to be a big bad ape just like him, the funny thing you could have him doing is guarding the banana hoard as if his life depended on it, a Gnawty could enter the cave to take shelter and its shadow cascading on the cave wall could appear to diddy as a giant monster is coming scaring the bejeezez out of him and making him nose dive into the bananas as Scrooge Mcduck did in his gold coin hoard. After the Gnawty enters you could have Diddy poking his head out from beneath the bananas to check and see what it is that is coming (He should be trembling with fear by this point) He will see it's just a small Gnawty get mad at himself jump out of the bananas shew the beaver away and then get mad (grrr) and take his hat off and jump up and down on it. The Kremlings will then rush in, taking Diddy by surprise.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 22nd, 2013, 12:54 am

First off Cyclone, your modelling is BRILLIANT. I can't wait to see the next scenes.

I decided to go ahead and make a start on a 'script'.

1. Cranky Kong will break the fourth wall to some extent, but never directly refer to video games.
2. The movie will be written as a ‘kid-friendly epic’, but adults will (hopefully!) be able to enjoy it too.

Here is the first scene:



THUNDER and LIGHTNING flashes, cutting to next scene.


THUNDER, LIGHTNING and RAIN falls as a tropical storm lashes the jungle. Water drips off PALM LEAVES swaying in the wind.


We zoom in toward DK’S TREE-HOUSE.


LIGHTNING flashes outside the window and open doorway, momentarily illuminating the room. A red and white chequered table with a blue vase sits on top of a worn red rug. Discarded banana peels lie all over the floor.

We zoom in toward DK tossing and turning in his bed. He is a large GORILLA with brown shaggy fur, and is not wearing his signature red tie.


The palm trees sway in the wind as the storm increases in ferocity. A GNAWTY – a large blue beaver – runs into a cave opening near the tree-house, SQUEAKING in FEAR.


Another BOOM of THUNDER causes DIDDY KONG to CRY OUT in FEAR. He is a small MONKEY with brown fur, a RED CAP and RED SHIRT with a GOLD STAR emblazoned on the front.

He calms himself down and looks back toward the BANANA HOARD – a huge pile of BANANAS, reaching all the way to the ceiling.

Oh, man! How did I get myself into this? ‘You have to guard the banana hoard tonight’, DK says... ‘It’s an important step in your hero training’, he says...

Diddy begins to pace backwards and forwards.

I mean, sure, if it helps me to become a better person and get more respect, I’m all for it, but surely there has to be a better way than me standing outside in the rain while everyone else is at home and warm and cozy in bed...

Diddy pauses and looks CONTEMPLATIVE.

Aaaaaaand now I’m talking to myself. That’s just great, Diddy. Totally not crazy at all –

LIGHTNING flashes and THUNDER BOOMS, eliciting another CRY OF FEAR from Diddy. He jumps around to face the cave entrance, taking up a comical fighting stance.

The lightning fades, once again leaving the cave in darkness. Diddy slowly begins to relax.

It’s okay. It’s just the storm. Just the –

LIGHTNING flashes again, but this time the menacing SHADOWS of REPTILIAN ASSAILANTS are cast all over the cave wall! Diddy scrambles back in FEAR.

As darkness falls over the cave once again, RED and GREEN PAIRS OF EYES gleam in the shadows. More and more pairs of eyes gradually appear.

We focus in one shadow that moves forward, dagger-like TEETH gleaming. The monster opens its mouth in a ROAR as it ‘swallows the camera’.



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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 22nd, 2013, 3:03 am

Everything looks fantastic so far. I'm really looking forward to this.

Quick question, though. Are they gonna have voices? Cause if so, I wanna voice Diddy. I was actually reading the script part out when i was reading it, as if i was Diddy himself. :diddyrock:

I can already tell this is gonna be a success. :thumbs:
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 22nd, 2013, 2:18 pm

@ Jeffery. I like your ideas. Thanks for taking the time to write the feedback! Some are a little more technical for me such as Squawks shaking water off and landing on the window sill. I would some how have to have his wings fold against his body. A rigging nightmare.

@ sonosublime. Script is great. However I want to keep the opening sequence with the title and squawks and the storm in the animation in some way without redoing it all. It was lots of work making everything as it is. So if you can work around what I have in the revised animation below then I'm all for it.

@ Kimi Kong. Won't have voices. Lip syncing is way beyond my expertise. Text bubbles or facial/body language is as far as i'm probably able to go.

Here is the revised animation.
I will try to animate the curtains in the window shot. There are 3 still shots in the sequence so far. They are just place holders to see how everything works together, timing, etc.

How does it flow now?
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » August 22nd, 2013, 3:28 pm

The flow is much better now, did I see a blue butterfly taking cover outside the window?
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » August 22nd, 2013, 9:13 pm

I think the butterfly is just a static, leftover scene element — but I could be mistaken!

Cyclone, wow; this sequence is really taking shape... it's wonderful to see these scenes all together, beginning to piece together the story. Fantastic work!

This is going to be a stunning experience for DKC fans once the audio side of things comes to life. Do you have any thoughts about music, sounds, etc.? I agree with you that having the Kongs 'speak' isn't the best idea, but monkey sounds are a must! Having them vocalise like they do in the DKC games wouldn't make the animation task too difficult, I hope... :huh:

I wonder about the music/atmospheric audio, too... do you have any thoughts about who could provide these aspects? Plenty of OC ReMixes/ReMixers that might be helpful, and a handful of musical talents here at the Atlas, too. I happen to love creating environmental soundscapes, so I could lend a hand with that...

Just a few things to consider for down the track. :)
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 22nd, 2013, 11:20 pm

Cyclone, thanks, I'm glad you like the script so far. I have a couple of points to make:

1. I do plan to make use of all the scenes you have done so far. For example, I was thinking:

- The title sequence with Squawks will happen, just not right at the beginning. It would be a good lead into the following morning. After the cut to black when the Kremlings appear and the title fades in, then the clouds and Squawks could appear.

- DK and Diddy's epic journey would take place over several days. The first time that night falls, you could show the passage of time from day to night. That way, you would not be showing off the impressive sequence all at once and overwhelming the audience.

So it would be a matter of rearranging certain scenes. What do you think of that?

2. I feel that voice-overs would make the movie much more professional. I agree that lip-syncing would be extremely hard to do, but you don't have to. It would look good enough with the character's mouth opening a little bit and closing repeatedly when they speak. No offence to Qyzbud, but I would just find a movie with only monkey sounds for dialogue kind of boring.


Anyway, I wrote a little more of the script to make use of the opening sequence with Squawks, and Cranky. After doing a little research on screenplays, I found that a page in Courier New font size 12 is roughly a minute of screen time.

Here is the updated script so far:



THUNDER and LIGHTNING flashes, cutting to next scene.


THUNDER, LIGHTNING and RAIN falls as a tropical storm lashes the jungle. Water drips off PALM LEAVES swaying in the wind.


We zoom in toward DK’S TREE-HOUSE.


LIGHTNING flashes outside the window and open doorway, momentarily illuminating the room. A red and white chequered table with a blue vase sits on top of a worn red rug. Discarded banana peels lie all over the floor.

We zoom in toward DK tossing and turning in his bed. He is a large GORILLA with brown shaggy fur, and is not wearing his signature red tie. [1 min]


The palm trees sway in the wind as the storm increases in ferocity. A GNAWTY – a large blue beaver – runs into a cave opening near the tree-house, SQUEAKING in FEAR.


Another BOOM of THUNDER causes DIDDY KONG to CRY OUT in FEAR. He is a small MONKEY with brown fur, a RED CAP and RED SHIRT with a GOLD STAR emblazoned on the front.

He calms himself down and looks back toward the BANANA HOARD – a huge pile of BANANAS, reaching all the way to the ceiling.

Oh, man! How did I get myself into this? ‘You have to guard the banana hoard tonight’, DK says... ‘It’s an important step in your hero training’, he says...

Diddy begins to pace backwards and forwards.

I mean, sure, if it helps me to become a better person and get more respect, I’m all for it, but surely there has to be a better way than me standing outside in the rain while everyone else is at home and warm and cozy in bed...

Diddy pauses and looks CONTEMPLATIVE. [2 mins]

Aaaaaaand now I’m talking to myself. That’s just great, Diddy. Totally not crazy at all –

LIGHTNING flashes and THUNDER BOOMS, eliciting another CRY OF FEAR from Diddy. He jumps around to face the cave entrance, taking up a comical fighting stance.

The lightning fades, once again leaving the cave in darkness. Diddy slowly begins to relax.

It’s okay. It’s just the storm. Just the –

LIGHTNING flashes again, but this time the menacing SHADOWS of REPTILIAN ASSAILANTS are cast all over the cave wall! Diddy scrambles back in FEAR.

As darkness falls over the cave once again, RED,GREEN AND BLUE PAIRS OF EYES gleam in the shadows. More and more eyes gradually appear.

We focus in one shadow that moves forward, dagger-like TEETH gleaming. The monster opens its mouth in a ROAR as it ‘swallows the camera’.




Clouds appear in background and fly toward camera. Squawks appears from left, circles title once and flies out. The title and clouds disappear, showing DK ISLAND the next morning. [3 mins]


The sky is bright and waves lap up against the shore of DK ISLAND – a tropical island with jungles, and wooden huts. A pine forest and factory can be seen on the upper slopes of the mountain, which has snow near the top.


We momentarily SHARE the same POV of DK as he is waking up. His eyes blink open GROGGILY, with him GROANING SLEEPILY. He looks around, from side-to-side around his room, stopping when he sees a pair of feet standing next to his bed.

NEW ANGLE, non-spy, close-up, we see DK roll out of BED, only to be bopped on the head by a CANE!

NEW ANGLE, we see most of the tree-house interior, as CRANKY KONG waves his CANE at DK. He is an ELDERLY APE, with a WISPY WHITE BEARD, a RED/PINK VEST and TINY SPECTACLES perched on the bridge of his nose.

NEW ANGLE, DK cowering.

YEOWCH! What was THAT for Cranky, you flea-bitten old ape?!

NEW ANGLE, low to the ground, we see Cranky raising his CANE again. [4 mins]

About time you got up, Donkey Kong, you lazy bum! Take a look inside your banana cave! I think you’re in for a big surprise!

DK looks worried.


Wasting no time, DK slides down the ladder on the tree and dashes over to the cave entrance at the bottom of his house. His mind is racing, wondering what could have happened to Diddy and his bananas to prompt this visit from Cranky.


A nasty surprise awaits him inside. Every last banana is gone. Only several discarded peels are left, which have been trampled by hundreds of reptilian feet and cart wheels. DK raises his hands to his head in shock as he takes in what has happened.

Diddy... Gone... My little buddy... My best friend...

CRANKY enters the cave, leaning heavily on his CANE. [5 mins]

That’s not all! There are no bananas to be found anywhere. All the stocks were plundered overnight. Everyone’s personal depots. Even the plantations are empty.

DK’s eyes widen at this news.

Oh no, this is a disaster!

That’s what you get for shirking your responsibilities, you good-for-nothing sloth! Why, back in my day, we would have been happy to stand guard in the rain. But then again, we wouldn’t have let our guard down, like that little wannabe Diddy obviously did...

DK’s eyes narrow as a hardened resolve fills him.

I don’t know who did this, but whoever they are, they’re going to pay! I’ll hunt them down through every corner of this island until I’ve found my buddy, and have every last banana back! [6 mins]

I have a couple of scene ideas for the future too:

1. Candy will appear before DK sets out to look for Diddy and his bananas. She will comment on him looking scuffy and put his signature red tie on him ^_^

2. There will be a night-time scene on Gangplank Galleon. One of the Kremlings will be complaining about failing to stop DK, and then there will be the sound of heavy footsteps. We will then be introduced to K. Rool. He will come down the steps from the stern, and the scene will highlight just how ruthless he is. It will also reveal the Kremling's plan to invade DK Island, and force the Kongs out by stealing their food source.

3. Way on at the end, during the celebration party, the movie will end with Diddy catching a glimpse of Dixie across the room. She notices him too, and smiles at him.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » August 23rd, 2013, 12:32 am

Nice input, sono and Jeff — I love these creative, in-character ideas. :)

My main concern about the voices is that it has the power to make or break the credibility/feel of the entire project; the voices would have to be done just right in order to suit the characters, and we'd have to ensure the recordings are of decent sound quality, clear and audible, etc, etc... and that's all before poor Cyclone has to animate the mouths!

Some other concerns I have are:
  • Spoken languages are non-universal; if voices are in English, only English-speakers will understand it.
  • It's out-of-character; the Kongs have never spoken much (outside of the cartoon — which is largely disliked...).
  • It becomes a much more complicated project overall; multiple people would be required to assist/coordinate.
  • Without lip-synching, voices just feel out of place, and the viewer's immersion in the scene is compromised.
  • Lip-synching is hard — very hard — even when done 'well enough', rather than to absolute perfection.

Basically, I worry that it would turn a beautiful, high-quality fan animation into a corny, tacky, badly-dubbed joke. Even if it is done perfectly (which is hard for me to picture), I still think voicing the Kongs with human language is a conceptual mistake.

So, you have my thoughts... hope I'm not too wet a blanket. :P
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » August 23rd, 2013, 5:05 am

I think it should be monkey sounds and word balloons. That's it. Or no talking at all, like Tom & Jerry. Monkey sounds are great though!
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 23rd, 2013, 11:13 am

sonosublime wrote:1. I do plan to make use of all the scenes you have done so far. For example, I was thinking:

- The title sequence with Squawks will happen, just not right at the beginning. It would be a good lead into the following morning. After the cut to black when the Kremlings appear and the title fades in, then the clouds and Squawks could appear.

- DK and Diddy's epic journey would take place over several days. The first time that night falls, you could show the passage of time from day to night. That way, you would not be showing off the impressive sequence all at once and overwhelming the audience.

So it would be a matter of rearranging certain scenes. What do you think of that?

I do know what your getting at. I'm just a little stuck to the scenes how it is so far. I hate going backwards. I know sometimes you have to but I have to think about it. I wanted to start off bright an cheery. However the way your script is more professional.

How long should it be?
I was going to do 3 acts. 1st is banana hoard getting stolen, 2nd Diddy and DK set out on a jouryney through the various DKC archetypes(any favorites?), 3rd DK and Diddy sneak their way aboard K'rool's ship and have a dual with K.Rool which he is then defeated. If the entire animation is longer then 5 minutes it might be too long. It should be short and sweet.

I highlighted some areas of the dialog that I found a little to harsh. I don't remember it being that way in the games. It was more humorous. Also Gwaties should have less fear. Good script so far though. Thanks again. :thumbs:

Can you make one for the other 2 acts. Get that sorted out ahead of time. Gives us lots of time to think and revise ideas. You will be sure to get credits in the animation.

sonosublime wrote:Here is the updated script so far:



THUNDER and LIGHTNING flashes, cutting to next scene.


THUNDER, LIGHTNING and RAIN falls as a tropical storm lashes the jungle. Water drips off PALM LEAVES swaying in the wind.


We zoom in toward DK’S TREE-HOUSE.


LIGHTNING flashes outside the window and open doorway, momentarily illuminating the room. A red and white chequered table with a blue vase sits on top of a worn red rug. Discarded banana peels lie all over the floor.

We zoom in toward DK tossing and turning in his bed. He is a large GORILLA with brown shaggy fur, and is not wearing his signature red tie. [1 min]


The palm trees sway in the wind as the storm increases in ferocity. A GNAWTY – a large blue beaver – runs into a cave opening near the tree-house, SQUEAKING in FEAR.


Another BOOM of THUNDER causes DIDDY KONG to CRY OUT in FEAR. He is a small MONKEY with brown fur, a RED CAP and RED SHIRT with a GOLD STAR emblazoned on the front.

He calms himself down and looks back toward the BANANA HOARD – a huge pile of BANANAS, reaching all the way to the ceiling.

Oh, man! How did I get myself into this? ‘You have to guard the banana hoard tonight’, DK says... ‘It’s an important step in your hero training’, he says...

Diddy begins to pace backwards and forwards.

I mean, sure, if it helps me to become a better person and get more respect, I’m all for it, but surely there has to be a better way than me standing outside in the rain while everyone else is at home and warm and cozy in bed...

Diddy pauses and looks CONTEMPLATIVE. [2 mins]

Aaaaaaand now I’m talking to myself. That’s just great, Diddy. Totally not crazy at all –

LIGHTNING flashes and THUNDER BOOMS, eliciting another CRY OF FEAR from Diddy. He jumps around to face the cave entrance, taking up a comical fighting stance.

The lightning fades, once again leaving the cave in darkness. Diddy slowly begins to relax.

It’s okay. It’s just the storm. Just the –

LIGHTNING flashes again, but this time the menacing SHADOWS of REPTILIAN ASSAILANTS are cast all over the cave wall! Diddy scrambles back in FEAR.

As darkness falls over the cave once again, RED,GREEN AND BLUE PAIRS OF EYES gleam in the shadows. More and more eyes gradually appear.

We focus in one shadow that moves forward, dagger-like TEETH gleaming. The monster opens its mouth in a ROAR as it ‘swallows the camera’.




Clouds appear in background and fly toward camera. Squawks appears from left, circles title once and flies out. The title and clouds disappear, showing DK ISLAND the next morning. [3 mins]


The sky is bright and waves lap up against the shore of DK ISLAND – a tropical island with jungles, and wooden huts. A pine forest and factory can be seen on the upper slopes of the mountain, which has snow near the top.


We momentarily SHARE the same POV of DK as he is waking up. His eyes blink open GROGGILY, with him GROANING SLEEPILY. He looks around, from side-to-side around his room, stopping when he sees a pair of feet standing next to his bed.

NEW ANGLE, non-spy, close-up, we see DK roll out of BED, only to be bopped on the head by a CANE!

NEW ANGLE, we see most of the tree-house interior, as CRANKY KONG waves his CANE at DK. He is an ELDERLY APE, with a WISPY WHITE BEARD, a RED/PINK VEST and TINY SPECTACLES perched on the bridge of his nose.

NEW ANGLE, DK cowering.

YEOWCH! What was THAT for Cranky, you flea-bitten old ape?!

NEW ANGLE, low to the ground, we see Cranky raising his CANE again. [4 mins]

About time you got up, Donkey Kong, you lazy bum! Take a look inside your banana cave! I think you’re in for a big surprise!

DK looks worried.


Wasting no time, DK slides down the ladder on the tree and dashes over to the cave entrance at the bottom of his house. His mind is racing, wondering what could have happened to Diddy and his bananas to prompt this visit from Cranky.


A nasty surprise awaits him inside. Every last banana is gone. Only several discarded peels are left, which have been trampled by hundreds of reptilian feet and cart wheels. DK raises his hands to his head in shock as he takes in what has happened.

Diddy... Gone... My little buddy... My best friend...

CRANKY enters the cave, leaning heavily on his CANE. [5 mins]

That’s not all! There are no bananas to be found anywhere. All the stocks were plundered overnight. Everyone’s personal depots. Even the plantations are empty.

DK’s eyes widen at this news.

Oh no, this is a disaster!

That’s what you get for shirking your responsibilities, you good-for-nothing sloth! Why, back in my day, we would have been happy to stand guard in the rain. But then again, we wouldn’t have let our guard down, like that little wannabe Diddy obviously did...

DK’s eyes narrow as a hardened resolve fills him.

I don’t know who did this, but whoever they are, they’re going to pay! I’ll hunt them down through every corner of this island until I’ve found my buddy, and have every last banana back! [6 mins]

I have a couple of scene ideas for the future too:

1. Candy will appear before DK sets out to look for Diddy and his bananas. She will comment on him looking scuffy and put his signature red tie on him ^_^

2. There will be a night-time scene on Gangplank Galleon. One of the Kremlings will be complaining about failing to stop DK, and then there will be the sound of heavy footsteps. We will then be introduced to K. Rool. He will come down the steps from the stern, and the scene will highlight just how ruthless he is. It will also reveal the Kremling's plan to invade DK Island, and force the Kongs out by stealing their food source.

3. Way on at the end, during the celebration party, the movie will end with Diddy catching a glimpse of Dixie across the room. She notices him too, and smiles at him.

Qyzbud wrote:I think the butterfly is just a static, leftover scene element — but I could be mistaken!

Nope not a butterfly. I was thinking of incorporating it in but I couldn't think of something that would make sense with the scenes I have so far.

Qyzbud wrote:Do you have any thoughts about music, sounds, etc.? I agree with you that having the Kongs 'speak' isn't the best idea, but monkey sounds are a must! Having them vocalise like they do in the DKC games wouldn't make the animation task too difficult, I hope... :huh:

I wonder about the music/atmospheric audio, too... do you have any thoughts about who could provide these aspects? Plenty of OC ReMixes/ReMixers that might be helpful, and a handful of musical talents here at the Atlas, too. I happen to love creating environmental soundscapes, so I could lend a hand with that...

Definitely. I like to think I'm good at adding sounds and atmosphere into animations. It would be great to have some custom music created for this animation though. That is something I cannot do. Know of anyone willing to make music for this animation?
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 23rd, 2013, 11:23 am

Who wants me to do first? Make the K'rools pirate ship or Diddy? hmm leaning towards pirate ship...
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 23rd, 2013, 2:29 pm

I vote for the pirate ship as well. It seems like you need to get it out of the way. By the way Cyclone, in my book, you are a professional. Anybody who can do what you do with such quality all day every day for many, many days is a professional. The mind cannot conceive it, only appreciate it. Lastly, although I will not be able to help you at all, just know that you have my support!
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 23rd, 2013, 11:05 pm


First of all, I stumbled across this 'poster' and thought it was pretty cool, hehehe.

Anyway, thanks for pointing out your problems with the script. To everyone else reading this topic, please tell me how you think it could be improved.

As for your problems with the script:

Also Gwaties should have less fear.

Sure thing. Maybe you could instead show your scene with the army of Gnawties and Slippas marching outside DK's house. I do like that scene.

like that little wannabe Diddy obviously did...

From the manuals, I got the idea that Cranky thinks very little of Diddy (at least until DKC2). Diddy learning to stand on his own outside of DK's shadow could be part of his character development.

Way on at the end, during the celebration party, the movie will end with Diddy catching a glimpse of Dixie across the room. She notices him too, and smiles at him.

Is there a particular reason you highlighted this part? I thought it would be a great way to end the movie, and is a nice lead-on into the canon of DKC2.

I'm just a little stuck to the scenes how it is so far. I hate going backwards.

I know what you're getting at, and don't mean to diminish your work in any way. I just feel that my sequence would create more of a 'hook' to get viewers interested. But I really do like what you have done so far :thumbs:

I would also like to achieve a more 'mature' sense of humour here - not slapstick and stupidity from the characters. Maybe something along the lines of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I personally would find a 'cartoony approach' - where the bumbling villian is thwarted by the heroes over and over again - boring and formulaic. I found K. Rool to be an intimidating villian - at least until DK64 came out - and would like to capture that in his personality. He will have his comedic moments though, of course ^_^

My rough idea for the movie would be something like this:

Cranky, Funky and Candy see DK off. He sets off through the jungle following the trail of dropped bananas, and eventually comes across Klump and a number of Kremlings who are carrying a barrel, from which he can hear Diddy calling out from. DK jumps down and battles the Kremlings, freeing Diddy.

They follow the trail of bananas to a cave, where they are ambushed by the Kremlings. They flee and jump into a minecart, and the Kremlings give chase in another cart. DK will comment that perhaps the trail of bananas was a trap.

With some fancy steering, the Kongs manage to lose their pursuers (there could be a comedic scene where the Kremlings' cart comes flying out of a cave, only to find themselves suspended in midair above a sheer drop into the ocean. Then gravity would take hold :) ). The Kongs leave the mine and find themselves in Vine Valley, where they would have a run-in with the Orangutang Gang, who mention that the Kremlings' base of operations is in a strange factory on top of the mountain.

Night falls, and we are introduced to K. Rool and learn of his plot.

The Kongs make their way up the snowy mountain, avoid some Zingers and arrive at Kremkroc, where they come across Krusha and a large crowd of Kremlings loading bananas into carts to be incinerated in the furnaces. DK and Diddy quickly put a stop to that, and learn of Gangplank Galleon.

They sneak down to the beach and find the pirate galleon moored just offshore. They sneak out to it, confront K. Rool and defeat him in epic fashion. Cut to celebration party, complete with banana milkshakes and all.

I imagine something like this would be ~15-20 mins, give or take.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 23rd, 2013, 11:11 pm

Jeffrey_Bones wrote:I think it should be monkey sounds and word balloons. That's it. Or no talking at all, like Tom & Jerry. Monkey sounds are great though!

That's quite a good idea :)
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 25th, 2013, 1:22 pm

sonosublime wrote:
Way on at the end, during the celebration party, the movie will end with Diddy catching a glimpse of Dixie across the room. She notices him too, and smiles at him.

Is there a particular reason you highlighted this part? I thought it would be a great way to end the movie, and is a nice lead-on into the canon of DKC2.

Ooops I thought you wrote Candy instead of Dixie. In that case not such a bad idea. Where would this party take place? Maybe there is a better way of introducing Dixie?

An animation length of 15-20min would be great to achieve and keep it interesting. But I think it may be too long to keep the viewer interested.

Could you right another detail script like you did before. That help out a lot.

Here is some reference I will be using for gang plank galleon.

Galeon.png (49.34 KiB) Viewed 119887 times

Gangplank_Galleon.png (59.43 KiB) Viewed 119887 times
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 25th, 2013, 8:25 pm

Well, Dixie doesn't really play a role in the first game. This movie would focus on DK and Diddy. As for the party, it would happen in a communal beach hut thing, maybe something like this:


Personally I feel that 15-20 mins would be perfect, and I think I speak for a lot of people on DK Atlas when I say I would watch it all the way through ^_^ We'll see what happens anyway.

I think that the second pic is a bit too small for Gangplank Galleon. I imagine a huge galleon, like this:



Also, regarding K. Rool, how should he be portrayed? I like the idea of just consistently showing the Kremlings as pirates. That way, they would be much more consistent villians and have a set identity. Having them constantly change outfits and themes all the time seems kind of silly, and purely reactive to the Kongs.

Regarding the script, it is probably be better if I started distributing it in its word processor form, as the formatting is quite important.

I've written a bit more of the script. Here is the link: ... B1%5D.docx
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » August 26th, 2013, 4:24 pm

It's funny you are working on the Galleon now....... So am I !!!! Although mine resembles that of DKC2 and yours looks like the end boss scene of DKC1. Still looks nice though the colors are a bit cartoony. Nice work
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 27th, 2013, 9:31 am

That image I found on deviant art and is not mine! Only Using it as reference.

Mine will be accross of the DKC2 Version and the DKC1 version.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 28th, 2013, 12:07 pm

sonosublime for the most part the script is good. Adding some character development with DK/Candy is good. And I like the part where DK wakes up with the first person camera view. Things like that I like in the script.

Would you be able to write the 2nd and 3rd acts? Need to start thinking about what scenes I need to model.

Thanks again!

And to anyone else what do they think of the Script. Qyzbud?
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 29th, 2013, 2:43 pm

Here is Gang_Plank_Galleon so far. Going for a cross between DKC1 and DKC2. Progress has been slow as I am working on another project.

Gang_Plank_Galleon4.png (477.49 KiB) Viewed 119732 times
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 30th, 2013, 2:17 am

Hey Cyclone,

Thanks, I'm glad you're liking the script so far. I haven't written anything lately as I've been busy the last few days, but hooray it's the weekend soon!

Gangplank galleon looks really good so far. Although, with the scale, it looks kind of small. More like a yacht than a ship ^_^
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Crammalamma » August 31st, 2013, 2:31 am

If you're modeling the Gangplank Galleon, you may as well do DKC2 (and maybe 3) as well. :banana:
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » August 31st, 2013, 2:48 pm

Here is the next revision of the script: ... B2%5D.docx

With 1 page = ~1 min, this movie is already 13 mins long. But don't worry, once it is completely written, I will be going through it and trying to cut out parts that aren't really necessary.

I've also included a glossary at the end for screenplay terminology that shows up throughout the script. Keep in mind that the final revision could be different to these early drafts.
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Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » August 31st, 2013, 3:19 pm

^Thanks I will check it out.

In the meantime check out this new render of Gang Plank Galleon. Still Lots of work to do.
The crossbones texture i did not make. I will try to make a kremling style version.

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