Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby Cosmicman » July 24th, 2010, 12:05 am

Your doing a great job, those game play screens just gave me another reason to live. :ugeek:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » July 24th, 2010, 3:12 am

Don't worry Necrotoad, I will be sure to give you credit. Thanks for everything you've helped me with. Cosmicman, thanks for the feedback, its always appreciated and it reminds me why I'm doing this game. As far as the release date goes, I just got a full-time job for the rest of the summer which is going to cut back on the time I have to work on this. I'm still crunching time and I'm going to release it as soon as possible but I do not know if I will have it out by the end of August anymore. Hopefully September/October, and 100% before the end of this year, so just bear with me. You can always check back and see the progress as I will continue to update my first post in this thread to give you an idea of where I am.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » August 15th, 2010, 3:10 pm

A7Penn, Do you have any news about the project?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » August 21st, 2010, 3:21 am

NecroToad wrote:A7Penn, Do you have any news about the project?

It's a little slow right now while I'm working full-time. My rugby season just ended though so I have a little more time to work on it. I finished up some of the bugs as well as added a few more features. I won't have it done by the end of this month for sure though.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » September 17th, 2010, 5:45 pm

Hi A7Penn,

sorry to ask again man, but have you any prediction for the game come out?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » September 18th, 2010, 10:58 am

NecroToad wrote:Hi A7Penn,

sorry to ask again man, but have you any prediction for the game come out?

I know for sure that I will have it out before the end of this year, I can promise that. I would very much like to release it before DKC Returns comes out but that is just a hope because right now I am very busy with university just starting up for the fall. If there is anything you need to know about the game just ask and I will be willing to answer most questions but I cannot release the game until it is complete.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby KEVIN DARK » September 27th, 2010, 3:29 am

Im new here in da forum.
What about the bonus world boss is no more no less than ....

KEROZONE!!!! :shock:

Good idea,eh? ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » October 11th, 2010, 7:42 am

KEVIN DARK wrote:Well,well,well,....Hiya
Im new here in da forum.
What about the bonus world boss is no more no less than ....

KEROZONE!!!! :shock:

Good idea,eh? ;)

The idea is in the right place. I probably would have had him as a boss in one of the worlds had I had good enough sprites. Unfortunately, the brainstorming part of the game making process is over and I'm just putting everything together. Nice idea, but you'll just have to wait and see who the bonus boss is... :ugeek:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » November 4th, 2010, 2:40 pm

Hi A7Penn,

have you any progress?
I was wondering if you could put a demo on the web with the newest changes?

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » November 5th, 2010, 3:11 pm

NecroToad wrote:Hi A7Penn,

have you any progress?
I was wondering if you could put a demo on the web with the newest changes?


Yep. Expect at least a beta of the full game to be released in december. I did post a new demo just now on the website with updates. Its a quick put together but it gets the idea across. I figured I should update the demo considering I didn't get the game out by the time I expected to. But once christmas break comes I know I will be able to finish it quickly.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » November 10th, 2010, 3:24 pm

Sorry, but where did you post the new demo? I played the version of and it ends after the secound world, like the previous demo.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » November 14th, 2010, 5:33 am

NecroToad wrote:Sorry, but where did you post the new demo? I played the version of and it ends after the secound world, like the previous demo.


Well the new demo does end before the previous one actually but it looks and plays a lot different. The levels have also been changed as well. There should be a little icon on the load bar that you have to press to download the new version and overwrite the old version. If it still doesn't work for you then just find the download link on the page and you could just download the .exe to your computer and play it like that.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby Cody » November 15th, 2010, 4:54 pm

Just crashing in to say this thread was one of the best reads ever. Excellent work from all of you and I'm deeply looking forward to the game :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » November 25th, 2010, 7:17 am

Sorry for delay A7Penn. I played the new demov ersion and this looks great!

But, to be honest, I don't like my images (Title, Bonus and Game Over), it looks in a different visual style. If you can give me 1 or 2 weeks, I'll be happy to make something better.
and, by the way, there's any way to use images with a better resolution?

thanks and congratulations for your game!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » November 25th, 2010, 11:53 am

If you want to switch up your images that's fine. The final game isn't to be released until probably late December. As far as the resolution goes, If you mean the resolution on your images, I'd say 640x480 max, but 320x240 is preferred, it's a lot easier to work with. If you mean the resolution of the sprites in the game, there's not really anyway that I can change that without revamping the entire game. Thanks a lot, I can't wait to see what you end up with!

NecroToad wrote:Sorry for delay A7Penn. I played the new demov ersion and this looks great!

But, to be honest, I don't like my images (Title, Bonus and Game Over), it looks in a different visual style. If you can give me 1 or 2 weeks, I'll be happy to make something better.
and, by the way, there's any way to use images with a better resolution?

thanks and congratulations for your game!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » November 25th, 2010, 5:42 pm


I'm talking about the resolution of my images. If you prefer 320x240, it's not a problem for me! The only problem is the quality, but if you prefer this, don't worry, I'll keep the resolution as it is.

There are 2 things that i don't really like in your game:
- The scrooling is very strong when tyou turn to the other side. Basically, when you're going to one side and turn to another, just to slow a bit, the screen moves very fast to the other side and you can't see what's ahead.
- The music. I don't like the quality, it seems like midi. If you want, I can extract the original SPCs from my Donkey Kong Country rom and convert them into MP3. Just to keep the original quality from the other Donkey Kong COuntry games. Other good idea is look for for the remastered version of the music on the Internet. There are several fans that orchestrate the musics or simply make new arrangements.

Sorry for tell you that, but it's all because your game is great.

By the way, that's what I plan to do with the images I sent you


Just redraw in a different style. (it's not finished yet)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » November 26th, 2010, 12:40 pm

NecroToad wrote:A7Penn

I'm talking about the resolution of my images. If you prefer 320x240, it's not a problem for me! The only problem is the quality, but if you prefer this, don't worry, I'll keep the resolution as it is.

There are 2 things that i don't really like in your game:
- The scrooling is very strong when tyou turn to the other side. Basically, when you're going to one side and turn to another, just to slow a bit, the screen moves very fast to the other side and you can't see what's ahead.
- The music. I don't like the quality, it seems like midi. If you want, I can extract the original SPCs from my Donkey Kong Country rom and convert them into MP3. Just to keep the original quality from the other Donkey Kong COuntry games. Other good idea is look for for the remastered version of the music on the Internet. There are several fans that orchestrate the musics or simply make new arrangements.

Sorry for tell you that, but it's all because your game is great.

By the way, that's what I plan to do with the images I sent you


Just redraw in a different style. (it's not finished yet)

It's looking good so far. Thanks for the criticism too, it really does help.

About the MIDIs, I am using the orchestrations done by fans that you mentioned. All the music which I've gotten is from except one song that was actually made by my brother which is the music in the final level. I wish that I could use mp3s but I've found that they are very glitchy when It comes to game maker. Every time game maker loads or loops an mp3, the game will lag / freeze for a few seconds depending on the size of the file. So as far as I know, the MIDIs from seem to be my best option for now.

As far as the screen scrolling when turning around, thank you for letting me know. That's just something that I need feedback on because it usually doesn't bother me when I play, but I need to know if it will bother other people. I'll slow down the scrolling now that I know. Thanks for the input. It's always appreciated.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » December 20th, 2010, 6:26 am

Hey I was just wondering if anyone wanted to try to improve this sprite that I have.


It looks fine right now but if anyone thinks that they can make it look better feel try to try and improve.

This is what it is supposed to look like but be creative. It just has to look good it doesn't have to look exactly the same.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » January 1st, 2011, 9:29 am

Ugh... Sorry about this to anyone who was waiting. I need a couple more days to finish everything. I really have been working hard on this but I can't release it incomplete. I feel if I released it today it wouldn't be done yet. Expect the first final release of the game in the next week. Sorry again...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » January 7th, 2011, 3:14 am

Hey Necrotoad,

I was just wondering around what time do you think you will have your images done? Depending on how long it takes I need to decide when I'm going to release my game.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby NecroToad » January 7th, 2011, 6:49 am


Sorry dude, but i'm note sure if i can complete the images. Maybe my ability with draw isn't good enough.
The results I'm getting aaren't good as I expected. So, you'd batter make your plans without counting on it.

sorry, i'm doing everything that I can...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » January 7th, 2011, 7:47 am

NecroToad wrote:A7Penn,

Sorry dude, but i'm note sure if i can complete the images. Maybe my ability with draw isn't good enough.
The results I'm getting aaren't good as I expected. So, you'd batter make your plans without counting on it.

sorry, i'm doing everything that I can...

Don't worry about it. It's a real shame though because the image that you posted looked so promising. If you ever do finish them just let me know and I can update my game with them. Thanks for all the help you gave though :mrgreen:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 (need some spriting help)

Postby A7Penn » January 9th, 2011, 12:25 pm

The game is up!

Press F1 for instructions. Please leave feedback. Just to put things into perspective, I just did a complete playthrough of this game and my game timer was more then 3 hours. This means it will take longer for everyone else to beat. Have fun and try to beat it all the way through the bonus world!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby A7Penn » January 11th, 2011, 11:35 am

Posted some new screenshots for whoever is interested.

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby Scraps69 » January 11th, 2011, 2:12 pm

The screenshots look very good. Congratulations. I'll give this a play.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby Scraps69 » January 20th, 2011, 10:01 am

Great game so far but...

Kreepy Kong Klamour... wtf? This boss randomly appears anywhere!

Also, the squitter webs are really annoying to use. They are too short and sometimes a web you shot out later will disappear earlier which really sucks. But I got through it with great patience heh.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby QueenAvira » January 20th, 2011, 11:15 am

cool, Donkey kong 3 is good, imagin the 4, we will see this new creation. ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby PipKong » January 24th, 2011, 6:38 am

Very nice job. I Downloaded this the day you released it. I haven't played it very often however and I'm just starting the sixth world. So far this game has been really fun. There are a lot of setups that definitely feel like a DKC game.

I really liked your desert levels. The DKC3 cave music fit in pretty well, although I have to wonder why you didn't use Rockface Rumble for the cliff level.
My favorite level so far is Volatile Villains. It provided a genuine challenge without being cheap, ridiculous or requiring luck.
My least favorite level is Snow Barrel Blast. I just don't like levels that have tons of barrels that need timing.
Also, Tidal Trouble reminded me somewhat of Hydrocity Zone from Sonic 3. :)

I appreciate how you fixed the controls for the bouncing tires, however there is something that still bugged me a bit about the controls; you can't change directions while rolling. It's only a small thing but it causes me to die sometimes in a pinch if I try to run and change directions at the same time. In which case I might hit the run button just before changing direction and DK would just roll in place. It's a habit of mine from the original games to almost always push the run button whenever I do anything. (and for that same reason I always had trouble using Rambi, because I always push run before jumping and Rambi does his attack when you push run which you can't jump during, and then I'd run right off the edge :o )

There is also a few things that don't make sense.
1. If you throw a TNT barrel onto a TNT Klobber he doesn't explode. I know the Klobber would explode in DKC2, but that was just because the TNT explosion hangs around causing more damage.

2. Jumping on a Zinger while in a mine cart causes you to get hurt. I'm not as familiar with DKC1, but I know you can jump on Zingers with the toboggan in DKC3. Plus you would think that a heavy metal mining cart would win in a fight against a bee. :roll:

Overall a great game, especially considering the limitations of GM. Keep up the excellent work!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby Sockpuppet » January 24th, 2011, 11:48 am

Wow, great work here! :D The levels/bonus stages I've played so far were all well designed and fun to play. There's a lot of good ideas in here. Animal buddies are used really well. The MIDI music was a little disappointing, although I'm not sure how Game Maker works and if it allows other formats. I would've preferred to hear the originals or some remixes, but it's not really a big deal.
There's a couple of glitches. For example you can occasionally get stuck in corners, but you can usually just roll repeatedly to get out. And one time when I was playing Ghastly Garden I just kinda disappeared. :lol: Also Rambi can't break walls.

I'm stuck on Kreepy Kong Klamber though. I might be missing something here, but there doesn't seem to be any way to predict his headless slashing attack, and it looks like you'd need insane luck to make it through the fight without dying. Is there a trick to this?

Overall the first 3 worlds at least are seriously impressive, despite those issues, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's in the rest of the game. ;) (If I can get past Kreepy Kong)

Great job! :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby A7Penn » January 25th, 2011, 9:44 am

Scraps69 wrote:Also, the squitter webs are really annoying to use. They are too short and sometimes a web you shot out later will disappear earlier which really sucks. But I got through it with great patience heh.

I know its annoying, but that used to happen to me all the time in DKC2. So I decided to keep it. Nice to hear you got through it though.

PipKong wrote:My least favorite level is Snow Barrel Blast. I just don't like levels that have tons of barrels that need timing.

Nor do I, I just figured that it wouldn't be DKC without :P

PipKong wrote:you can't change directions while rolling. It's only a small thing but it causes me to die sometimes in a pinch if I try to run and change directions at the same time. In which case I might hit the run button just before changing direction and DK would just roll in place.

I see what you mean. Had I caught it earlier I probably would have changed it. Now I guess I'll just keep it since its already out.

PipKong wrote:It's a habit of mine from the original games to almost always push the run button whenever I do anything. (and for that same reason I always had trouble using Rambi, because I always push run before jumping and Rambi does his attack when you push run which you can't jump during, and then I'd run right off the edge :o )

I do the EXACT same thing! I'll killed myself playing my own game all the time because of it too! :?

PipKong wrote:There is also a few things that don't make sense.
1. If you throw a TNT barrel onto a TNT Klobber he doesn't explode. I know the Klobber would explode in DKC2, but that was just because the TNT explosion hangs around causing more damage.

2. Jumping on a Zinger while in a mine cart causes you to get hurt. I'm not as familiar with DKC1, but I know you can jump on Zingers with the toboggan in DKC3. Plus you would think that a heavy metal mining cart would win in a fight against a bee.

1) If I ever release an update, I'll change that. While it's not crucial, you're right and its plenty easy enough for me to fix. Thanks.

2) I don't think you could in the first one. While it is logical that you should be able to...meh. You die once and you learn.

PipKong wrote:I'm stuck on Kreepy Kong Klamber though. I might be missing something here, but there doesn't seem to be any way to predict his headless slashing attack, and it looks like you'd need insane luck to make it through the fight without dying. Is there a trick to this?

Since a couple of you have had problems I will give you a hint. His pattern for appearing is not completely random. Chill on the center platform and wait for him to come to you. Dodge his attack then jump on the head. Anywhere besides the middle platform is potentially not safe.

Thanks for the feedback from everyone. When you beat the game post a reply because I don't know if anyone has yet. :mrgreen:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby Simion32 » January 25th, 2011, 1:11 pm

I had to use JoyToKey to play, because playing with a keyboard is nigh impossible. :roll:

Yeah, I've gotten all the way to Krem Caverns and I'm having a hard time. Man did you kick up the difficulty here.

The only real issues I have (being a Barrel Cannon fanatic)... the Barrel Cannons that rotate back/forth should pause for a slight moment before they start turning the other way. In this game it's almost instantaneous and I lost a few lives just because of this behavior. Should be easy to fix. Also, not really sure about this but the rotation of the cannons seems to be a little "jumpy".

Small technical issue: button presses are still valid if held while going out of any level/shop and it will send you right back into the level/shop.

But all that aside, I really like this game. The level design is excellent, and if this were using a real DKC engine I'd put it above the original. It's just that good. :)

EDIT: Why are all your lives reset to 5 when you save?! I was going to save after collecting lives (not that I expected them to stay after a game over though) and my 25 lives went down to 5... :x

EDIT: Try this. in Jungle Hijinxs, go into bonus 1 and get rambi. Go back to the treehouse and enter. The game sends you to the same bonus, but there is no coin to grab. When the time runs out, it repeatedly plays the "lost bonus" music like it is trying to trigger something that no object responds to. Once this happens, you're effectively stuck and have to Ctrl+Alt+Del to quit.

:arrow: Not that I'm pressuring you to fix these bugs, but I may as well mention them in case you do release a v1.1 or more.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby A7Penn » January 31st, 2011, 4:12 am

Simion32 wrote:I had to use JoyToKey to play, because playing with a keyboard is nigh impossible. :roll:

Yeah, I've gotten all the way to Krem Caverns and I'm having a hard time. Man did you kick up the difficulty here.

The only real issues I have (being a Barrel Cannon fanatic)... the Barrel Cannons that rotate back/forth should pause for a slight moment before they start turning the other way. In this game it's almost instantaneous and I lost a few lives just because of this behavior. Should be easy to fix. Also, not really sure about this but the rotation of the cannons seems to be a little "jumpy".

Small technical issue: button presses are still valid if held while going out of any level/shop and it will send you right back into the level/shop.

But all that aside, I really like this game. The level design is excellent, and if this were using a real DKC engine I'd put it above the original. It's just that good. :)

When I release a new version I'll see if I can make the barrel cannon's more fluid. The thing with the button presses still being valid when you leave a shop should be easy to fix as well.

Simion32 wrote:EDIT: Why are all your lives reset to 5 when you save?! I was going to save after collecting lives (not that I expected them to stay after a game over though) and my 25 lives went down to 5... :x

EDIT: Try this. in Jungle Hijinxs, go into bonus 1 and get rambi. Go back to the treehouse and enter. The game sends you to the same bonus, but there is no coin to grab. When the time runs out, it repeatedly plays the "lost bonus" music like it is trying to trigger something that no object responds to. Once this happens, you're effectively stuck and have to Ctrl+Alt+Del to quit.

:arrow: Not that I'm pressuring you to fix these bugs, but I may as well mention them in case you do release a v1.1 or more.

Ya that's just the way the save system works. I'll see if I can find a different way of doing it. It should be pretty simple. Thank you so much for telling me that error with Rambi in the first level. I never thought about trying that out in the testing phase but if or when I release a V1.1 is will be sure to fix that above all. :D

Thanks for all the feedback. It really does help because trying to test a game of this size with one person is a lot of work.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby Simion32 » January 31st, 2011, 5:19 am

Also, I unfortunately don't have a screen shot of this but somewhere in 6-2 I got stuck in the ceiling after shooting from a barrel and hitting a Zinger, which propelled DK far enough up that no action could exit it, save for quitting the game.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby SimianSegue » May 22nd, 2011, 12:51 pm

Bump, but I want to say that this game is truly phenomenal! I love this game because the music is great, the gameplay is very smooth, and I just can't get enough! I give this game 4.5 Gnawty Guffaws! This is KK Rool, and remember, for your number #1 resource for what games are hot and what are not, always turn to Gnawty Games! I'll be here all night!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

Postby DKBros27568 » November 19th, 2016, 12:53 pm

(Warning: My english is not very good so i hope everything is understandable.)

Hello Guys!

Since the old downloadlink for this underated & fantastic fangame is gone i decided to upload an new downloadlink:

Here is it:!yRUTUIaJ!VfSUPtlFoDL ... g!uRcUgIZY
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