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Donkey kong on Blender Model, have you tried

let's try to make any character of Donkey kong in Blender, let's show the real artist than have in you.
by QueenAvira
February 6th, 2011, 3:44 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Donkey kong on Blender Model, have you tried
Replies: 0
Views: 6485

DKC Coins

you have a trouble to find all of them, well, i have,if anyone know the localization, please tell me :D
by QueenAvira
February 6th, 2011, 3:40 am
Forum: Post Mortuary
Topic: DKC Coins
Replies: 2
Views: 7819

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Ribbedebie wrote:QueenAvira, I like your style of drawing K. Rool, it's like a combination between his game design and the TV show's design. :) Good luck with the 3D modelling
Moderator Says: Only quote the relevant part of the post.

by QueenAvira
February 6th, 2011, 3:32 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

well, i tried to make a dragon in model 3D, but i did make only the head , perhaps this is the only thing than i can make. but i will try to make the head of king k.rool. (smiles), but i know than i can make it or better. i have a big hability to make it, i believe in my self. for it i will find the...
by QueenAvira
February 5th, 2011, 2:20 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Cool. Heh, I have never used Sony Vegas, but I have heard it's really good to make videos with. Hey, I liked your story. ;) -- Also, did I draw something? ... yes I did. And yet, it's still too big.....
by QueenAvira
February 5th, 2011, 2:11 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

My history, anyone was see?, i passed much time to do her :) , give to me a moral my friends :cry: . i can make histories like this becouse i read many, many books. :D
by QueenAvira
January 23rd, 2011, 11:40 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

I know make videos wonderful too. but i use only the windows movie maker but i will stop use this program for babies, i will use the sony vegas. it is the thing than i'm very good
by QueenAvira
January 23rd, 2011, 11:33 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC Fanfiction - tell us a story!

The Hunters The history begin when a strange creatures come to the our island, that creatures is different of all animals than we have seen in our island, creatures than I named: Monkey without hair. the group is in seach for a ounce painted, he spread traps in the around of island, i was exit of my...
by QueenAvira
January 23rd, 2011, 2:23 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Fanfiction - tell us a story!
Replies: 318
Views: 960014

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

hahahaha this imagens are funny
by QueenAvira
January 22nd, 2011, 8:22 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)

cool, Donkey kong 3 is good, imagin the 4, we will see this new creation. ;)
by QueenAvira
January 20th, 2011, 11:15 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: Donkey Kong Country 4 - The DK Bay (COMPLETE)
Replies: 84
Views: 370312

Re: DKC Fanfiction - tell us a story!

i know make good histories but i must have time to think for do her. you seen the history than i made is little but why i don't have time to think more but i will show you more later on a little bit more.
by QueenAvira
January 19th, 2011, 11:20 pm
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Fanfiction - tell us a story!
Replies: 318
Views: 960014

Re: DKC Atlas Forum Rules - read before posting!

i know, than i make wrong things here but i promisse than i dont will do this more :D
by QueenAvira
January 19th, 2011, 11:13 pm
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: DKC Atlas Forum Rules - read before posting!
Replies: 45
Views: 920855

Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

I do not care if you have a few people visiting the site often, what matters is that I can meet people from other parts of the world. and i dont think than this forum are dying of without popularity.
by QueenAvira
January 19th, 2011, 11:08 pm
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: Is DKC Atlas dying? No way José!
Replies: 26
Views: 83864

Meboy Emulator of Game Boy for Phonecell

You have seen or listen talk of this emulator
with this emulator you can play games of Game Boy. i use him for only play pokemon :)
have the game donkey kong for Gameboycolor :?:
if have i will put him on my phone cell ;)
by QueenAvira
January 16th, 2011, 10:37 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Meboy Emulator of Game Boy for Phonecell
Replies: 0
Views: 5644

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

This drawing is based in my favorite movie
by QueenAvira
January 16th, 2011, 9:22 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC Fanfiction - tell us a story!

good history
by QueenAvira
January 16th, 2011, 8:49 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Fanfiction - tell us a story!
Replies: 318
Views: 960014

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, you all draw the characters so good and I'm stuck with my versions of them looking similar to their human selves but with--- Y'know what? I'm just gonna leave it at that. Let's just say the last time I tried to draw how DK really looks it came out like a picture of my class...
by QueenAvira
December 27th, 2010, 12:55 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Tiptup Jr. wrote:It's nice! And yes, everything's spelled correctly- very good drawing.

(And on a side-note, there's a lot of Diddy and Dixie shipping in this thread.)

Thankyou, I have passed for one experience too cool, i are in a radio with my favorite aunt, i help her here
by QueenAvira
December 26th, 2010, 8:02 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Oh, too much DiddyxDixie? Welp, I've got some non-shippy DKC-related pics too. :P How King K. Rool stole Christmas. At least, he attempted to. Happy holidays, folks! hahahaha, so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
by QueenAvira
December 26th, 2010, 7:57 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

DK.jpg (107.01 KiB) Viewed 253878 times

Merry Christmas for all of you, and a happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I don't know if what i write is correct becouse i am brazillian girl, but i have certain, than i was writing correct , but the drawing is beutiful isn't ;)
by QueenAvira
December 25th, 2010, 2:39 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

Avira draw.jpg
I And the monkey
Avira draw.jpg (20.06 KiB) Viewed 253880 times

How to train your Winged Kremling
by QueenAvira
December 25th, 2010, 2:24 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: DKC related artwork - post your masterpieces!

King K.Rool and the cristal Coconut
King.jpg (68.59 KiB) Viewed 253880 times

this is My favorite character :D
by QueenAvira
December 24th, 2010, 5:05 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC related artwork — post your masterpieces!
Replies: 397
Views: 2509953

Re: Your top 10 favorite video games of all time

all games than have sequence buttons, action, fantasy and fights
by QueenAvira
December 5th, 2010, 9:31 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Your top 10 favorite video games of all time
Replies: 45
Views: 153856

Re: Whats your favorite Play Station

the games of playstation 2 is good, you know, the ps2 can emulate the super nintendo. are can't the N64 and Game Boy advanced.
by QueenAvira
November 24th, 2010, 4:39 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Whats your favorite Play Station
Replies: 8
Views: 24805

Snestation on PS2

Is the better thing than anybody have made. is too creative ;)
by QueenAvira
November 14th, 2010, 11:39 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Snestation on PS2
Replies: 0
Views: 5478

Re: Game suggestions for the Playstation 2

Queen Avaria: I actually just looked on amazon at the Spyro games! Although, there were many complaints that they weren't the same as the original Playstation's games. I'll still look for those games, and shall buy them if I get a good price for them. and have too,the movies games for ps2, Eragon a...
by QueenAvira
November 14th, 2010, 11:32 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Game suggestions for the Playstation 2
Replies: 11
Views: 26044

Re: Introduce yourself!

Phyreburnz wrote:Welcome, Kongo! I agree with you about the DKCs! I can't stand 3, either!

And Queen Avira, welcome as well. I know I've talked to you on other parts of the forum, but I forgot to welcome you on this one!

It's okay ;)
by QueenAvira
November 14th, 2010, 11:27 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Introduce yourself!
Replies: 697
Views: 3045891

Re: Game suggestions for the Playstation 2

spyro A new beginning, The eternal night are good, but the game, Spyro dawn of the dragon is better, for the gameplay is better than of others, And the history is good to.
I recommend. ;)
by QueenAvira
November 13th, 2010, 6:46 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Game suggestions for the Playstation 2
Replies: 11
Views: 26044

Re: Favorite Boss? ^Least favorite boss thread, go votin'. Surprised there wasn't one before. Like this one, you can vote on two different things but only one KAOS option. hahaha, guy you speak too strange so formal like me, some times the some folks don't u...
by QueenAvira
November 11th, 2010, 6:39 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: Favorite Boss?
Replies: 52
Views: 137746

Re: DKC Fanfiction - tell us a story!(Flying monkey)

the history start in the forest, I was flying for leave the crystal coconut on the cave, when diddy was waiting for me, for you suprise attack, he jump on my back, so. I was fly faster for diddy get off of my back, but i see than this don't work, what him want is the crystal coconut than is on my mo...
by QueenAvira
November 9th, 2010, 8:55 am
Forum: DKC Projects/Fanworks
Topic: DKC Fanfiction - tell us a story!
Replies: 318
Views: 960014

Re: Favorite Boss?

To be honest, I disliked all of the bosses, I mean, a living, burping barrel does not compare to a laughing, hilarious, hopping beaver. Nor does a giant mutant Squitter compare to a giant bird head that shoots coconuts who has a pretty funny level name. Just sayin'. If I had to choose one, the Baro...
by QueenAvira
November 9th, 2010, 7:45 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: Favorite Boss?
Replies: 52
Views: 137746

Re: Super Nintendo Saved the world

Um, actually, if Super Nintendo did not exist, Sega would have the lead, the other minor consoles would perish, and the PS1-3 would of never existed. It's possible Sega could of continued more consoles if they did not suck as much (when it comes to overall software) when compared to Nintendo. yeah!...
by QueenAvira
November 9th, 2010, 7:08 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Super Nintendo Saved the world
Replies: 4
Views: 10698

Re: The NINTENDO Create,the SONY copy

That's because the playstation was originally a disc based SNES expansion. *shock and awe* Nintendo asked Sony to do it, then after it was almost done gave them the big eff you in the middle of the CES (which was the E3 of the day) and announced that Phillips would instead be filling that role. Tha...
by QueenAvira
November 9th, 2010, 6:45 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: The NINTENDO Create,the SONY copy
Replies: 2
Views: 8354

Re: Super Nintendo Saved the world

if not was the creation of super nintendo, there would be no ps3, xbox and others, right !, i believe than is way ;)
by QueenAvira
November 9th, 2010, 6:41 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Super Nintendo Saved the world
Replies: 4
Views: 10698

The NINTENDO Create,the SONY copy

You have seen the format of the control of ps2, is identic of the super nintendo, the place of the buttons, is like of the super nintendo, without the control analog.
by QueenAvira
November 8th, 2010, 5:38 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: The NINTENDO Create,the SONY copy
Replies: 2
Views: 8354

Super Nintendo Saved the world

If the super nintendo never have existed, how would the day of today?
by QueenAvira
November 8th, 2010, 5:27 am
Forum: Gaming Discussion
Topic: Super Nintendo Saved the world
Replies: 4
Views: 10698

Re: Favorite Boss?

Baron K.roolestein is loco boss!!!,is easy win in the castle, but difficult win in the krematoa.
by QueenAvira
November 8th, 2010, 5:00 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: Favorite Boss?
Replies: 52
Views: 137746

Re: Favorite Boss?

QueenAvira. That's too unreadable. Please refrain from posting your entire post text in colors - only use color when absolutely necessary. Read the rules while you're at it: SOOORRRY!!!!!, we all made mistakes, RIGHT?, I have read th...
by QueenAvira
November 8th, 2010, 4:47 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Favorite Boss?
Replies: 43
Views: 97575

Re: YouTube Thread - for NON DKC videos!

well, my sister made a video od DKC, i hope you enjoy, i help she on his videos, she have 10 years old she is a nerd, she don't made a robot yet, becouse don't have tools Lol
by QueenAvira
November 7th, 2010, 6:22 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: YouTube Topic - for NON DKC videos!
Replies: 258
Views: 977671

Re: Favourite Musics

i like evanescence musics, a like this music : the only one, imaginary, good enough, taking over me and imaginary (original) i'm rocker girl, than no dress up clothes black, and use black eye pencil, be a rocker, is feel the musics and no listen music and stay on wall corner crying. well, I don't do...
by QueenAvira
November 7th, 2010, 5:48 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Favourite Musics
Replies: 23
Views: 44890

Re:Favorite boss

King k.rool is the best of the best. I win easy with diddy
by QueenAvira
November 7th, 2010, 5:11 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country
Topic: Favorite Boss?
Replies: 43
Views: 97575

Re: Least Favorite World.

Krematoa, is the loco world, too cool, the level than we cant be the little elephant ( who i dont remember the name) is difficult, becouse have than run without stop. i lose all time. but this is a loco level, and i like of level difficult. :mrgreen: [ Moderator: removed hard-to-read post text color]
by QueenAvira
November 7th, 2010, 4:47 am
Forum: Donkey Kong Country 3
Topic: Least Favorite World.
Replies: 24
Views: 64164

Re: Introduce yourself!

I have one thing to do, i will start in another way, okay begin in 3, 2, 1 GO My Name is Queen Kuka Avira, More now how Queen Avira,i have a long hair and a temperament more ostil,i like of the fierce animals, and what i hate is: Monkeys. i live in a cave in a distant island with my friend owl named...
by QueenAvira
November 7th, 2010, 4:08 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Introduce yourself!
Replies: 697
Views: 3045891

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