do like videos.
VideoViking, I'm wondering if you are suggesting that we actually host these video files on the Atlas server, or if you are more suggesting that we start a gallery of sorts featuring linked/embedded YouTube-hosted videos...

I originally thought you were suggesting the latter, but when Gaz's comment
it will probably take up a lot of website space
went unaddressed, I figured perhaps I was mistaken.
At any rate, we are currently utilising around 95% of our allocated space on the Atlas server, so hosting any additional large files — or numerous additional mid-sized files — would require some negotiation and/or reorganisation, etc. There was a time when I was planning to host video files on the Atlas, but YouTube has stepped up its quality since then, and we have limited resources here, so I'd prefer to let YouTube do the heavy lifting.
With all of that said, I do like the idea of us incorporating video into this site more.

Did you have any thoughts regarding how such a library might be structured/organised, VV (or others)?