The Banana Bird wrote:Welcome leo core, that boss looks AWESOME!!! Does he happen to be the first boss? Anyways I like the new archytype whats it called?
VideoViking wrote:The second archetype DKC4 featured was taken from Capcom's Super Ghouls N' Ghost.
Ninni973 wrote:I like the new archetype. And the custom boss is... KARNI KONG!!!
Keep up the good work!
The Banana Bird wrote:Karni Kong looks hella freakin awesome! I saw him and I had to keep repeating the clip of him XD
The Banana Bird wrote:Ouch, I took the name Karni Kong to seriously XD It does seem like a fitting name for him though.
kingizor wrote:There is however, a much easier way of doing ripping the maps. If you use the map compression tools for DKC3, and load an archetype in Platinum, there is an option to save the entire map as a bitmap. All you'd have to do is crop the individual levels.
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