Create Your Own Boss!

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Re: Create Your Own Boss!

Postby Markster » September 21st, 2010, 1:58 am

I got an idea for a boss...

Name : The Great Necky
Game : DKC1
Hits To Kill : 3

First shot he shoots 2 nuts, and then a big one you jump on, the big one you jump on drops into the floor when you jump on it, when its in the floor, grab it and throw it at The Great Necky, second shot he shoots 4 nuts, and then a big one, third shot he shoots 6 nuts, and then a big one, after that you beat him.
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Re: Create Your Own Boss!

Postby Chibisai Kong » June 28th, 2011, 8:57 am

I have these two that are in the Make Up Your Own Enemies topic.

In a secret level similar to Jungle Japes...
Boss name: Kerotuff
Game: DK64
World Name: Roaring Forest
Hits to kill: Three (you'd think it'd be more)
Kong used: Tiny (since this is DK64 and only she can manuver the platforms like said)

You walk into the door and wind up in a clearing similar to the one where you fought Army Dillo. A figure suddenly appears in a gust of wind. This figure is Roaring Forest's boss. First he takes you to ground where half of it is water. He sprays ice at you while you swim from water to ground and throw a TNT barrel at him. He recovers and you go to the next ground where it is like the previous one but instead of water it's fire. He sprays fire while you dodge him from platform to platform and hit him with a TNT barrel. You go back to the stadium you showed up in and he tries to get you with wind but you somehow manage to get him with yet another TNT barrel.

You grab the Key and continue on...

And now in a secret level in JB...
Boss name: Tae Kong
Game: Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Kingdom name: Kiwifruit Kingdom
Hits to kill: It's JB, take guess

You leave the other two levels and enter the boss arena, which is similar to the one where you fought Karate Kong. There is a rustle and you win.

Sorry... I'm not real good at describing fights like the others. O.o
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Re: Create Your Own Boss!

Postby Phyreburnz » July 19th, 2011, 7:04 am

I think that a cool boss would be called Klone. It looks just like Donkey Kong but it's either a robot, a kremlind in a costume, or an actual evil clone that Barron K. Roolenstein made. It would be cool, for an extra area, have the Kongs "rescue" Donkey, but it's a fake! He should be like a super-DK that is really strong and if it's a robot, maybe have laser eyes.
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Re: Create Your Own Boss!

Postby Simion32 » July 19th, 2011, 7:25 am

Phyreburnz wrote:if it's a robot, maybe have laser eyes.
*pulls image out of hiding*

This image was supposed to be (DK + HAL2000 + Terminator) all rolled into one.
DonkeyKongTerminator128.png (20 KiB) Viewed 14508 times
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Re: Create Your Own Boss!

Postby Phyreburnz » July 19th, 2011, 7:37 am

Oh... my... God.... That's probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen! Simon! That's awesome!
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Re: Create Your Own Boss!

Postby Simion32 » July 19th, 2011, 2:32 pm

Thanks... :D

Yeah, I think that would make for one heck of a boss fight. Karbon Kong Klash!!

It was actually done with Paint.NET, using a Donkey Kong Jungle Beat art render (one which I painstakingly removed the white edges on, possibly with programming techniques (can't remember)).
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Re: Create Your Own Boss!

Postby Blue Banana » January 19th, 2014, 5:25 pm

I always thought thought a giant Klout would be a good idea for a boss since it constantly tries to bump you, here's my idea.

You start on a floating platform, there are other platforms that float upwards & downwards with some red Buzzes that navigate to each of the platforms you are on, if you jump on the platform that is floating down precisely then the red Buzzes stay stationary, that is until you jump on the platform floating upwards. The giant Klout will follow as well, only to bump into a wall causing the barrel to start breaking, when that happens, Klouts' speed will increase depending on wich floating platform you are on, whether the platform is floating upwards or downwards. The red Buzzes follow you again repetitively until the barrel starts to break open and Klout is defeated, keep jumping on either one of the platforms until at the right moment you throw a barrel that appears on one of the floating platforms, you throw it at the right moment when Klout's almost about to break out of his barrel, throw the barrel, he dies.

That is my idea of a boss. :)
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