Project DKC 1 Reloaded

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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » May 8th, 2010, 9:57 am

Sounds good to me. of course, after 0.70 will be any bonus rooms or other hacks, not exactly sure how to go about numbering those versions.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 8th, 2010, 10:09 am

yep. Re 0.70 and after, well... we'll figure it out when we get there. I think we'll have to make detailed statements re each additional 0.01 and clarify which version they were working from.

So supposing 0.72 is already released.

then later...

v 0.73 gets released. "This patch follows from 0.72" (link somewhere in the archives of this thread). The updates to this patch includes:


If someone accidently updates from 0.71 (to '0.73') or there is co-work (two people release updates based on v 0.72) which messes the whole thing up. It's a non-update and and unless it's confirmed that it can be hexed to make them compatible, that unofficial version or update from the wrong originating update (or co-work conflict) will be deleted on my recommendation to you.

The co-work will be allowable before 0.70 because we can specifically work on different worlds without affecting someone elses work and causing conflict and can then automatically merge that data together.

bla bla. it sounds complex in theory but it will be clear in practice as I tend to have my finger on the pulse.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 9th, 2010, 9:55 am

Hey Kong-Fu, we havn't heard from you for a few days :P. How's it rollin?

EDIT: re earlier post. I think we should be able to edit the remaining terrain, bonus stages and other things within 30 released edits I think. Probably by then the dk level creator will be made which should make it easier ;)

EDIT2: Tommorow I might just start fixing some of the post-edited stages (minecart, jungle hijinx, bouncy bonanza, boss #2) if that's cool with simion32. Kong Fu, you havn't edited any of those levels in the current edit have you?
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » May 9th, 2010, 10:49 am

Scraps69 wrote:Hey Kong-Fu, we havn't heard from you for a few days :P. How's it rollin?

Halfway done. I can make a video of what I have so far, unless you don't want me to ruin it for you.

Kong Fu, you havn't edited any of those levels in the current edit have you?

Not that I know of.

Simion32 wrote:Err..... too many sprites onscreen, thus causing some to disappear? I can't think of any other reason.

That sounds about right. Is there any way to fix it?
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » May 9th, 2010, 12:29 pm

Yeah, by removing a few objects... :roll:

On the topic of HighColor to SNES conversion, I have just finished a section of code, and have converted a 16-color PNG image to its SNES GFX counterpart using a small test program. But I didn't copy-and-paste from old routines: This code stores the pixels' color indexes into a "ColorRow" which contains 8 index values, and then uses an optimized way of converting the ColorRow to a planar layout.

This does, of course, mean that DKCRE (and DELTA) will have these optimized conversion routines at their disposal, making the data extraction process just that little bit faster. ;)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 9th, 2010, 7:37 pm

Heh. No need to make a vid Kong-Fu.

And yeah, I think you'll have to reduce the units on-screen. I've noticed that issue as well so I just skip it over generally and add platforming elements or the steel keg thing at the end of bouncy bonanza.

Heh, the better DKCRE and DKCLB are the happier I'll be :D . Hell, this game could be a good springboard for both programs to give awareness to it when we start using it! Especially for the terrain fixing heh. Oooh! oh and maybe you could program an automatic #obj number resorter thing. I'm especially keen about it because of that ice cave level... and how it's a 'vertical' stage (though I havnt looked at it yet).

by the way, the planned theme for world #3 level 1 - I'll give a hint. It'll be focused on a complaint that Qyzbud aimed at DKC1 somewhere in this forum. As well as the hopefully typical fast pacedness of the levels.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 13th, 2010, 12:50 am

I've updated the main post re work done so far for v 0.2. If you've been following this thread - fear not, work is being done and it won't be too long until we release v 0.2.

on other stuff, I've done research for #obj's and have all the codes for all my ideas to begin on vulture culture :).

Also, 18 people have downloaded DKC reloaded v 0.022 which is pretty good :)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » May 13th, 2010, 9:24 am

Good to hear the good news Scraps69 it sounds like the project is going to be a great success.

I have a question though will the hack incorporate enemies from later installments of DKC Like Neek or Klampon? I am guessing no but it never hurts to ask.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Mattrizzle » May 13th, 2010, 12:11 pm

Finally uploaded the credits screen replacement for the ©1994 Nintendo screen. This is almost identical to the mockup I posted earlier, except I changed the version number to 0.2. I also extended the number of frames that the image stays on the screen from 112 (a little less than 2 seconds) to 336 (5.6 seconds).

Of course, this can be altered by changing F315-F316.

The patch also contains the title screen change, because I used the same ROM to make these changes.
(23.14 KiB) Downloaded 2056 times
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 13th, 2010, 3:10 pm

hehe Matrizzle that is excellent ;) you even read my mind re the length of the credits screen. I didn't think it was possible so I just left that unaired ha. But that looks fantastic! Can't wait until we have everything 'combined' and released :)

Re aperson98, that's an interesting question! The answer, I think, goes down to what Simion32's DKCLB can and can't do with this original ROM . If other game's data from DKC2 and DKC3 are compatible with the DKC1 ROM, then I wouldn't argue against using any of the enemy types and I would definitely be throwing dixie kong in there.

But I doubt that's possible unless Simion32 can prove me wrong - which would be fantastic heh.

EDIT: started on vulture culture and done about 10-20% of it. Just a fore-warning from how I'm seeing the level at the moment and in futre. The level may be *very* hard if you can't figure out what to do and which kong to use in which section. There's also one section that uses a special technique that requires alot of skill to do (I find it damn hard to do sometimes!) and it'll be interesting to see if anyone can figure it out and if they can do it to pass the planned obstacles. hehehehe :twisted:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 15th, 2010, 2:15 am

Gah. just realised my 'special' idea for vulture culture was flawed and is technically impossibe to do (and I hadn't thoroughly tested it before trying it now). My idea involved diddy riding the steel keg barrel and then jumping over walls/floors/enemies while the keg would sail underneath the wall/floor/enemies. I had great ideas of how the obstacles would be level with diddy's body but the with the steel keg and this would affect diddy and he would have to jump over each obstacle and back onto the steel kegs again (technique is achieved while on keg is: 'only hold arrow in the direction that the keg is going' + press 'jump' and immediately afterward press and hold 'run/cartwheel' until just before you land back on the keg. In doing this you will have successfully jumped off the steel keg and back onto the steel keg again), . unfortunately, Diddy and Donkey's bodies seem to be invulnerable or 'technically invisible' (i.e. Rareware didn't code it) to everything (even clambo pearls) which means that the 'core playable body' while you are on the keg is actually just 'the keg' and not 'Diddy/donkey and the Keg'. gah. rareware really made an annoying production shortcut!

EDIT1: I checked Qyzbud's thread 'Differences between revisions' (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=151) and it seems like steel keg bug was completely ignored by rare or maybe no one has picked up on it... ah well.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » May 15th, 2010, 8:30 am

I would guess they took that "shortcut" because a steel barrel will run through everything, even zingers.

They didn't need to program getting hit by something else (and they were short on time if I remember right) so they didn't.

And if I remember the technical specifications for objects correctly, the "can be hit by something" option is an object flag. It's either ON or OFF, not on for one thing and off for another. That would have probably required more memory to implement.

EDIT: We could always hack up a modded steel barrel object to cause you to destroy things but not be invulnerable to other objects, but I don't have the technical details on where the object flag data is at. I'd have to look/hack the data address out manually.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 15th, 2010, 10:26 am

Aright, I thought about what you said:

And I'm going to continue making vulture culture without that part. I realise that the diddy steel keg jump may be a bit too hard for people just now and I need them to enjoy/get into the game more before they get hit with seemingly impossible task.


I do want to eventually implement it into the game later (somewhere between ice world to cave mining world). So it will be a while until we can use that idea.

So we have two hacks to implement so far for later on: the enemy HP hack as well as the vulnerable kong steel keg object hack.

EDIT1: by the way, 50% through vulture culture.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » May 16th, 2010, 7:43 am

Well I started messing with the title screen again, not sure what to make of this...

My unfinished attempt at selecting what completely original 16-color pallets each tile would use.
This is somewhat a manual version of what my conversion program will eventually do.
DKCReloaded-BetaNewDraft.png (38.64 KiB) Viewed 133015 times
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » May 17th, 2010, 3:21 am

@ Scraps69 Gee that stinks that the Kongs turn invisible like that is there anyway to correct that with a patch code?
Oh and I took some sprites from DKC 2 and gave them DKC 1 palettes whether or not these could actually be used in DKC 1 is a whole different story I bet.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » May 17th, 2010, 6:06 am

So wait, you can actually put pictures into the ROM? That's opens up a lot of great opportunities. Why would you want to put the DKC2 Zinger into DKC1? They look almost identical. The DKC1 Zinger still looks better.

You know what would be awesome? To change the Mine Cart into a Ferrari. :mrgreen:
That would make up for any disappointment the player might feel from Mine Cart Carnage having no hack, don't you think? :lol:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » May 17th, 2010, 8:46 am

@KongFu, aperson98... Custom sprite insertion would require overwriting some other sprite to make room. Also, You'd have to make sure the replaced pallet works by also hacking an object so that its pallet and animation pointers point to the new data. And lots of other stuff.

So you would need to do:
(1) Insert/overwrite all the new sprites into the sprite table
(2) Make an animation script for the object you're wanting to use, moderately difficult
(3) Replace/create a pallet for the new sprite animation
(4) Create the collision box(es) for the objects
(5) Write up the object code and setup its pointers and other data (I have no clue exactly what all is REQUIRED in this part)
(6) Replace some object in the game with the new object code
(7) Test the object in-game and hope it doesn't blow up

Of course that's only a general list of the things you'd need to accomplish, there's much more detail involved. ;)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 17th, 2010, 11:27 am

Re Simion32 - re title pic - the title page program looks like it's shaping up!! :)

Re aperson98 - yep, we should be able to fix it (steel keg issue) in the future. Simion32 says it has to do with a flagging issue with regard to each steel keg. In a future world/level, we can program a steel keg to turn that flag 'on'.
As for sprites - they look cool :). But I'm not really sure if we need DKC2 or DKC3 sprites in the DKC1. The enemies seem to be quite good as they are. Though moving/stationary invulnerable red zingers brings plenty of ideas to the table and ninetails would be a cool random addition. But, respectfully speaking, I doubt we'll need those.

Re Kong fu - hehehe. a ferrari ;)? Maybe a custom wooden DK ferrari? I think when we reach 0.70 we'll go back and edit the levels we havn't edited. I realise now that the water stages are actually possible with later versions of DKedit (though untranslated but I realise that it doesn't matter so much considering I have that list of DKC obj codes) but I'll be focusing on those water stages at the end. Hmm... though I think changing the mine cart will affect all the other mine carts wouldn't it?

On other things. I saw youtube 'prgmdest' hacks of DKC1 and DKC2 - but more importantly DKC1. and damn, the stuff he does is fantastic! Though it looks like each one is a single level hack and you couldn't be able to download all the levels as one bunch (just a guess). Err, if you are expecting levels like that from me, well, my hacks is more about having fun (mass market accessibility to new people as well as a new challenge for the DKC vets) and enjoying going forward though the levels later on will be more difficult similar to prgmdest's. Heh, just wanted to add that to get rid of my insecurities heh.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » May 19th, 2010, 9:10 am

Simion32 wrote:@KongFu, aperson98... Custom sprite insertion would require overwriting some other sprite to make room. Also, You'd have to make sure the replaced pallet works by also hacking an object so that its pallet and animation pointers point to the new data. And lots of other stuff.

So you would need to do:
(1) Insert/overwrite all the new sprites into the sprite table
(2) Make an animation script for the object you're wanting to use, moderately difficult
(3) Replace/create a pallet for the new sprite animation
(4) Create the collision box(es) for the objects
(5) Write up the object code and setup its pointers and other data (I have no clue exactly what all is REQUIRED in this part)
(6) Replace some object in the game with the new object code
(7) Test the object in-game and hope it doesn't blow up

Of course that's only a general list of the things you'd need to accomplish, there's much more detail involved. ;)


Wow. Even in video games a Ferrari is too expensive. :cry:

BUMP: Sorry S&G is taking so long, but I am paying a severe penalty for making the level so complex. I have to test, then fix each section about 5 times before getting it right. :oops:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 19th, 2010, 9:16 am

hehe, nah it's all good. As nintendo always says, the longer it takes the better it is :)

Don't worry, I have to do the same thing. Do you save state just just before each edited section though? Because you don't have to repeat the playing the level just to see a new edit... Just saying if yer not :)

Edit: Main post updated.

EDIT2: Post-Simion32 post - Main post updated.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » May 22nd, 2010, 4:02 am

Kong-Fu wrote: I have to test, then fix each section about 5 times before getting it right. :oops:
I do believe that when I get DKCRE v0.0.6.0 out, this kind of repetitive testing will become MUCH easier, since there is a "launch level" option which uses a hacked savestate to automatically start ZSNES running your hack at the beginning of whatever level you just launched. This could probably be expanded to modify the entrance co-ordinates temporarily so that DK is placed right where you want him to go as soon as the emulator loads. ;)

Since I didn't PM this to Kong-Fu:
I've made a banana formation hack which overwrites banana formation 0xD8 with a "B+Y" banana symbol, and moves/changes one of the formations in the Vulture Culture hack next to the Rambi section to the new "B+Y" one. This way players can get an idea of this new "Hold both buttons down at the same time" concept.

Donkey Kong Country Reloaded_00001.png
The custom/hacked B+Y banana formation.
Donkey Kong Country Reloaded_00001.png (41.26 KiB) Viewed 132954 times
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 22nd, 2010, 11:54 pm

As some of you may or may not know depending on whether you check the main post or the most recent post by simion32. Vulture culture is indeed finished and I'm moving onto the next level. Heh, when will vulture culture be released? heh ;)

The next thing is level #2 world #3. I checked out 'Tree Top Town' (world #3 level #2) to see how it plays and how I'll make edits to it.

I really enjoyed the level and I'll be retaining many elements from that - though hopefully I'll make it better. So, consider this level to be more 'edit' rather then a completely 'new stage' (though I have many ideas to throw in there as well don't worry).
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » May 23rd, 2010, 8:48 am

Glad to hear that Vulture Culture came along well Scraps69 cannot wait for a release of it by the way have you already made plans for Trick Track Trek because I had a great idea for that level what if Roccroc was on both of the tracks the entire level not only would you have to dodge things coming at you but you would have to make sure Roccroc doesn't wake up from his slumber.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 23rd, 2010, 10:17 am

Heh. That's a blerrie awesome idea aperson98!!!!

The only problem I foresee is that DK can't actually walk on the tracks when you make him try and jump on which might make it difficult for the rockcrocs to actualy stand on (i havnt tested this yet though). But I'm sure there may be tracks available to edit for rocks to actually walk on. DOn't forget we have to prevent DK from being able to walk on those same tracks after he gets hit. But we can easily make it so the rest of the tracks can't be walked on (i.e. the non rock kroc areas).

ANother thing is whether the stop and go barrels actually work outside of 'stop and go' station.

I'll have to make tests on this and I'll get back to you.

EDIT: woops. I'm an idiot -_-. I thought you were referring to minecart madness for some reason. As for trik trak trek. the 'rails' or 'track' which the rockcroc is walking on is actually not a track but background decoration. in other words, rare programmed where the platform goes and it doesn't actually follow the rails automatically. (though I havnt tested this because my save is only up to level #3 in world #3 but it's a 'hunch' theory. anyone want to confirm? (just delete the pipes the platform travels on and see if it actually keeps going or if it stops and drops)

Though of course we can add walkable platforms for the roc's to walk back and forth from.

EDIT 2: Or maybe we can make the roc croc walk and stay on the traveling platform?

As for mine cart madness. Would be a great idea if we had access to a tonne more sprites! Maybe we can implement that idea elsewhere for sure kinda like Winky's Walkway but a bit more extended! But we gotta see what Kong Fu's done with stop and go station to see what's been done and if we can do it again but in a different manner and if there were any ideas that wern't used. As they say, ideas spring from the ideas of others.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Kiddy14 » May 25th, 2010, 3:43 pm

I really like where this is going... but I'm a noob at rom-hacking so I can't help at all :oops:

So I'll wish you good luck =D I'm certain that the posts here are not only helping to the overall project, but also to everything DKC-hacking related!
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » May 27th, 2010, 10:52 am

Heh, practice makes perfect Kiddy14! If you look at my earlier posts, I only knew how to change the sprites initially when I first posted these levels! But yeah, this thread is like a 'faq' but spread through a variety of toics which simion32 and kong-fu answers. Mm, well, give DKEDit a play kiddy14 - I can send you a pm to a translated DKEdit and if you feel like you want to experimenting and learning to use it (it's actually quite easy once you know what different things do). I recommend downloading the latest japanese version of DKEdit as it enables you to move objs with the mouse instead of trial and error X and Y allocating.

If you feel up to making a stage. Just post here and I can allocate a stage for you. Though the levels have to be 'harder' now but not insanely difficult. Compare bouncy bonanza, milstone mayhem versus kong-fu's industrial alley. SOmewhere on the same level as bouncy bonanza/milstone and beyond.

Thanks for the luck :)

Unfortunately lads, there's unexpectedly been quite alot on my 'life plate' in the past week and in the coming weeks so I'm expecting progress for the next level will be much slower. But I'll still be scrolling through here.

And hiya Kong-Fu :) , how is stop and go ?
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » June 13th, 2010, 12:06 pm

cool cool good to hear =D
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2010, 1:52 pm

Woah — Scraps, KongFu... you two have all but disappeared the last few weeks. What the heck happened?

Of course I'm now deep into some coding/development of my own, but.... ;)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » June 13th, 2010, 10:47 pm

Heh, I'm rollin with real life and it's bussssyyy atm - bla bla. I'll be honest... I also have a habit of on and off progress with anything but before you know it I'll be throwing you guys with a new bunch of levels. The 2nd level in world 3 is also a level I've been dreading to make because of the ideas I'm planning on using...

Hope no one's feeling too annoyed about it. But then again, heh, not many people do this type of project.

Hmm, as you long as you've got all those additional files simion, then its all good. Though good to hear about the coding =D

I was also thinking I would have a story competition sometime in the future this this will explain why the graphics/terrain is messed up. Like a huge earthquake hahah. But for later later.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » June 15th, 2010, 10:14 am

Do not worry Scraps69 everybody likes to take a break from projects now and then. Anyway I did some light hacking on Trick Track Trek a few days ago and was shocked to find out that ordinary Baddies cannot walk on the track but rather special ones that have predetermined behavior, for example an ordinary Krusha falls right through the track but the one programmed for this Level walks for a few seconds unaffected by gravity falls, lands on track, and walks off it (I'll post a video if you want proof) what does this have to do with this hack well that means no Roccroc on the tracks like I wanted but I found the special enemies can also walk on the fuel track (The one in Tanked up Trouble) which of course gives me another idea for this level.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » June 17th, 2010, 4:14 pm

yep ;) I knew ;). Actually, the platforms and sprites issue etc is covered in Vulture Culture.

Steel barrels cannot be placed on a moving platform. However the wooden barrels in trik trak trek can.

Also, grey krusha's can walk back and forth quite well. So that's good. I can privately link you to the vulture culture single level hack to demonstrate and give you and myself ideas for future levels? Though of course don't spread the stage because we're still planning to integrate it to DKC Reloaded once Kong Fu's Stop and Go Station is done.

ANd notice to everyone. No, the project is not canned due to DKC Returns. Actually, it's given me some interesting ideas to implement when I start making stages again.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Mattrizzle » June 18th, 2010, 1:45 am

Okay, I have to spill the beans. For the past few weeks, I've been experimenting with the object format, and just yesterday I figured out what controls whether an object can interact with platforms--bit 6(0x40) of $11A1 must be set.

Here is a list of objects, used and unused, which have this bit set:
856D Donkey Kong**
859F Diddy Kong**
914B Pushable Tire
9155 Pushable Tire, Old
915F Pushable Tire, Old
9735 Blue Klap-Trap (wait 104 frames, then walk left)
974B Blue Klap-Trap (wait 272 frames, then walk right)
97F3 Purple Klap-Trap (stationary)
98C1 Klump (wait 178 frames, then walk right)
98D3 Klump (wait 64 frames, then walk left)
B427 Gnawty (wait 120 frames, then walk right)
B439 Gnawty (wait 136 frames, then walk right)
B44B Gnawty (wait 92 frames, then walk left)
B45D Gnawty (identical to B439)
B5E3 Blue Krusha (wait 112 frames, then walk right)
BB65 Gnawty (move b/f, right first, very slow)
BB77 Gnawty (move b/f, right first, slightly faster than above)
BB89 Silver Krusha (move b/f, right first)
BB9F Klump (move b/f, right first)
BBB1 DK Barrel
BBC9 Rimmed Barrel (no palette)
BBD3 Vine Barrel
BBDD Rockkroc (move b/f, very short)

**=Altering this seems to have no effect on the object, possibly due to it being hardcoded elsewhere.

If you want me to make some custom objects, I can. Space won't be an issue, because I even made a new object function which can read definitions from a different bank!
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » June 18th, 2010, 2:31 am

That looks like fantastic stuff Mattrizzle! Hmmmm, though I think there's probably even more code. For example, the grey krusha's in trik trak trek can also walk on the platforms. I think they are BB89 (though I'm referring to my messy notes and havn't checked now). And there's a wooden barrel that can stand on platforms with BBD3. But this will be really useful :) thanks lots :D

By the way, in my notes there are codes which arn't listed in other documents for other miscellanious use.

Platform move up = B9B3
Platform move down (not fall) = B9EB
Platform move left = BA69
Platform move right (short distance) = BAAF
Platform move right (long sitance) = BB57
Platform move right (very short) = BB2D

Wooden Barrel that can automatically stand on a floating platform = BBD3
Grey krusha short distance left and right (and might be able to stand on floating platforms) = BB89

Vulture going around in clockwise circle = (9AE5 or BC63)

Non automatic barrel that shoots a precise North East (or up-right) = D4CF
Non automatic barrel that changes shooting direction from (up left) to (up) to (up right) = D791

I've got other codes written down but with no description. Ah well.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » June 22nd, 2010, 7:15 am

@Mattrizzle- Wow that's pretty neat maybe now Trick Track Trek can be hacked to its fullest potential.

@ Scraps69- Thanks for the patch Scraps this will help me quite a bit once I get my bearings at hacking I'm going to try my luck at Trick Track Trek.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » June 26th, 2010, 10:49 pm

Completed about 5-10% single level hack of tree top town. Production begins again. (oh yeah :mrgreen: )

I'm also releasing:

Pre version 0.2 = 0.18. This includes fixes to Bouncy Bonanza, the title and credit screen by Mattrizzle, and the new level 'Vulture Culture' or as I'd like to call it 'Rambi's Rodeo' with the Simion32 Banana formation included. This level is Donkey Kong friendly.
Stop and Go Station still in production.

Download here: ... _v0.18.ips

Please report here for bits that are impossible to pass (I'll then fix the bug or I'll tell you how it's done). Also, write here if you feel there are bits that can be improved and I'll see what I can do.


PS: I tried playing the vulture culture level and I now realise that the pace isn't exactly explosive. Nonetheless, it's one of those rare levels where you have to time your jumps and there is a puzzle element. Good luck :D. Post here (Simion32 has already finished it so I don't think you need to worry heh) if you've completed the level or need advice to get past a particular section. This level is alot more harder then I thought by the way (compared to when I was making it) so stock up on lots of lives!. Might edit it to make it easier later depending on the feedback.

PPS: Tree Top Town is going to be explosively fast and alot more straight forward ;) (no puzzles).''

EDIT: 20% complete.

EDIT2: Just want to say something about the level. The level Vulture Culture is influenced by this forum's 'Qyzbud' and 'prgmdest' (on youtube). Somewhere in these forums Qyzbud suggested that Trik Trak Trek was a great level as it was the only level that required barrels to go forward. Prgmdest influenced this level by showing me puzzle elements in the gameplay on youtube.
I'd like to point out that the Rambi hopping idea is completely original and I have not seen it used elsewhere -> I found it by accident as I was trying to get a riderless rambi to land on a falling platform... yeah...
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby tatanga » July 8th, 2010, 1:40 am

Hmm, what version of the Donkey Kong Country ROM is required for the patch? I used (E) (V1.1) [!] and it stalled before I could get to the title screen.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby aperson98 » July 8th, 2010, 3:43 am

I am pretty sure you cannot use version 1.1 for this hack. I am not sure if you read the hack description on page one, but I am sure that it states you need version U 1.0 (North American version 1.0 ROM) to use this hack I am pretty sure this applies to other DKC hacks made as well.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby tatanga » July 8th, 2010, 1:19 pm

Thanks. I remember reading the first post awhile back but most have skimmed over that section. I should have paid more attention.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 20th, 2010, 12:14 pm

Tree Top Town = 50%
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 20th, 2010, 2:56 pm

Tree Top Town screenshot:

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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Mattrizzle » July 21st, 2010, 5:59 am

Do the Blast Barrel objects you're using normally have that palette, or is this another case of object overload?

If it's the former, I know how to fix it, but you'll have to tell me what the object number is. :geek:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 21st, 2010, 10:03 am

Deliberate design choice for 'Bad Barrel' or 'Barrel you don't want to touch' heh. It has that palette um I think the codes are AEE1 for buggy, down and dissappear barrels and there's another one which focuses on buggy and fire left barrels - but I don't want it changed.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » July 26th, 2010, 2:04 am

G'day lads,

DKC_Reloaded v 0.19 is now released:

Tree Top Town (or as I'd like to call it "Ghost Barrel Town") edit.
Mid save barrel in jungle hijinx transformed into a butterfly (this has been the biggest demand by many people heh).

DOWNLOAD HERE: ... _v0.19.ips

Please provide feedback and report any bugs in tree top town that you feel allows the player to cheat or prevents a player from getting through.



Yep, it took a while but I always intended to make a barrel-esque level since I started making these levels - and they are damn hard to get and make ideas for (and even then it's not a pure barrel cannon level anyway). I intended to keep many elements from the original Tree Top Town in this level however I've pretty much changed it all. So, it's pretty much a completely new edit however retaining the general theme of 'cannon barrels'. It's alot more fast paced compared to the experimental Vulture Culture (or 'Rambi Rampage' as I'd like to call it).

I found a new way to utilise crates (those things seem to have so much untapped potential :mrgreen: )... and for some reason some Kremlings can now defeat physics temporarily heh. Breaking out of the mid barrel after you break it and then die is a pretty cool effect ... as is dissappearing barrells. ;)

Plans for the next level:
Base level idea: Very laissez faire level in terms of development as well as gameplay - should be easier to make. Going to be based on passing a whole landless level by jumping on enemies and various obstacles. Also, I am returning back to easier and funner gameplay as these last 2/3 levels are difficult and perhaps less fun. Opinions?
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » July 26th, 2010, 5:31 am

Wow Scraps! That level was cool!!

We should definitely have another one of these in the game (but make it flow more - a lot of the first part I had to use slowdowns to get through because of the insane timing).

The ending part flowed so well, and that's what I expect in a good barrel cannon course. :)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby DK4Ever » July 26th, 2010, 6:20 am

Hmm..I might be having a problem, maybe it was the DKC rom I downloaded, but whenever I start Ropey Rampage, I fall to my death and it doesn't seem like I can do anything about it. :(

I'd really like to get further, Jungle Hijinx was awesome (That damn Mankey Kong...)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » July 26th, 2010, 6:37 am

1. You must use DKC US Version 1.0 -- (you can try putting the ROM into DKCRE v0060 v0059a to see if it passes the CRC32 test).

2. I'm not sure if the patch Scraps just released here is a full version of the patch or just Tree Top Town. I just patched over the older, already-patched ROM.

3. When testing hacks, it's recommended that you start the game with a completed game save (copy your SRM save file for a normal DKC game, and rename it so that it becomes the save file for DKC Reloaded).

POST-EDIT: DKCRE v0060 does not exist yet.'DOH!
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Kingizor » July 26th, 2010, 8:06 am

I don't know why, but I seem to get the exact same problem, and I'm sure I haven't done anything wrong.

I don't have DKCRE 0.0.60, but I've verified the rom I'm using with NRST, and it gave me this:

(V1.0)(U)(!) - before

CRC32 - C946DCA0

(Patched) - after

CRC32 - 07A2C9E8
MD5 - 1DCC8884608B5328A595878FCABF7E7F

I get the same Ropey Rampage problem, but also a few other problems:

When entering Reptile Rumble; I just get a black screen.
The title and credits screens seem garbled.

Oh, and I'm using ZSNES.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » July 26th, 2010, 8:21 am

0xC946DCA0 is the correct CRC32 for DKC U v1.0 (come on, we don't really need MD5's here do we? ...:lol:)
0xBDBC3C6E is the CRC32 of the most current version of DKC Reloaded I have. Note that this may or may not contain patches that are still unreleased.

More specifically, what's the exact size in bytes of the ROM file? (this goes for both kingizor and DK4Ever).

It should be exactly 4,194,304 bytes - if not, then you have a ROM with a copier header.

A headered ROM will cause all of the patch data to be off by a full 512 bytes or more. This, in turn, means that the bottomless pit that Scraps applied to Ropey Rampage is pushed back by... [(512 / 2 bytes per tile) = 256; (256 / 16) = 16] ...a full two screens, thus putting you right in the middle of a bottomless pit with nowhere to go.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Kingizor » July 26th, 2010, 8:36 am

Rom size is 4,194,816 bytes.

Is there an easy way to fix this?
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