
Talk about any games outside of DKC's scope.


Postby gamer_boy997 » August 23rd, 2008, 12:06 pm

In this topic, we discuss what we liked/disliked in the first 2 pikmin games, what our highscores are, and talk about what we want to see in Pikmin 3, which was announced (during E3/after E3?). In Pikmin 1, the first time I played I turned into a pikmin on day 30 (A.K.A, I got game over). The second time, I got all 30 parts in 25 days. On Pikmin 2, I currently have about 9500-9800/10,000 pokos, (almost there! Then I'll try to collect all the treasures).

EDIT: I am way past 10,000 pokos now, and I even beat the Titan Dweevil! I have about 60-70 treasure left, but I am very low in Pikmin, I think I have under 100 left. I should be able to harvest it all back though.

My Pikmin 3 ideas

The system should obviously be the Wii, the DS just seems a little wierd, since the first 2 were on the gamecube.

The museum and zoo really likes what creatures Olimar, Louie, and *SPOILERS**SPOILERS**SPOILERS* the president *END OF SPOILERS* brought back, and also what Olimar has studied about these creatures, but the one that really caught them was the main study: They breath oxygen and release carbon dioxide, while everyone on Hocotate breathes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. The museum, zoo, and many others want more, and feel that they can help these creatures become a part of Hocotate. They also want people to own pikmin as a pet. Olimar and Louie were just about to leave, until Olimar remembered that his son and daughter have always wanted to go, so he takes them with him to show them what he studied.

Gameplay and how to beat the game
That means you have a total of 4 players to switch around, but if 2 of them lose all of their health, you will be unable to continue the day, HOWEVER, you will keep all pikmin that is currently with the 2 remaining captians, this should lower some frustration. They say you need to bring back creatures, but the system is by how many points you get. Weak creatures give you a little bit of points, while bosses give you a LOT. You will need to get a total of 50,000 points along with the final boss, to beat the game, a normal enemy would be worth 2-5 points, some larger ones can be 10-15 points, while bosses can be worth up to 2,000-2,500, and the final boss can be worth 5,000 points. I forget what the thing that balanced the price of an item was, but it will be able to balance the "rarity" of an enemy/boss, deterinating the amount of points. The captains can also each have a portable device that tells you the rarity of an enemy before even fighting it, (see the controls section for more on this). There will be old enemies, and new. The amount of enemies in each level will be slightly bigger, and enemies reapper daily, but if you leave an enemy with no health left without carrying it back, it will be there the next day while the reappearing enemy of it will not, but the day after it will disappear if not carried to the ship, and will be replaced by a live version of it in it's starting place. Pikmin could be put in a storage box, if they are in there, they are worth 1 point, you can take them out, but that would subtract 1 point from your storage box. Yes, just like Pikmin 2, you have unlimited days to beat the game. Also, when you defeat a boss, (which are at the bottoms of caves), they will NOT appear again UNTIL the game is beaten. Until then, after you beat the boss, a big group of enemies will be in there that make up a fraction of the boss's points.

You will need the Wii Remote and Numchuck
Move Control Stick as far as you can: Move current captian
Move Control Stick a little: Move pikmin throwing target
A button or lightly swing remote: Throw a pikmin
B button: Wistle
+ button: Pause game
Up on control pad: Use a spray
Down on control pad: Use the other spray (I forget their names :lol: )
Control Stick (while holding C): Move pikmin group
Z: Group pikmin by color, and/or leave other 3/2/1 captian(s) behind you.
Left/Right on control pad: Switch Captians (There will be a cycle on the side of the screen that shows which order the captians will switch, you can change the cycle in options)
1: Change distant view from the captain(s)
2: Rotate camera
Pointer with Wii Remote: Point at an enemy to have the amount of points it's worth appear above it

These are default controls. Controls may be customized in options.

Other new stuff in gameplay
I want to see 3 types of new pikmin, I DON'T want them to be shades of the colors of what we already have, I want to see colors like green/orange/black/brown etc. Purple and White pikmin should get their own onions. *SPOILERS**SPOILERS**SPOILERS* But I can't really see bulborg pikmin getting their own onions, they can still be in the game though. *END OF SPOILERS**END OF SPOILERS*. The new pikmin could also get onions, 8 onions might get a little complicated, but I'm sure they could do it somehow, such as by having a 4 by 4 rectangle, or 4 onions in a square center and the other four surronding. The onion site could also be much larger than other games. Purple pikmin could be immune to wind, a new element that can hurt pikmin, but their strength and weight should be 3 instead of 10, or they will be WAY overpowered. Yellow pikmin's bombrocks could return, and they could still be immune to electricity, but the yellow pikmin shouldn't be able to be thrown as high, otherwise they would be overpowered. Unlike previous games, all attacks that the captian ends up suffering will only stun the captain for 1 second (and take health away of course). All things that one kind of pikmin is immune to, fire, water, electricity, poison, wind, spikes, squasing and explosions, will all not kill your pikmin immediately or give you a whole lot of time to be wistled back. Instead, fire, poison, and shot water will cause the pikmin to run around for about 2.5 seconds, and you will need to call them by then. Electricity, squashing, and spikes will keep the pikmin suffering in the same place until either 1.5 seconds have passed, or you call them back. Wind and explosions will plop the pikmin on the ground a little bit away from where they took place. They will lay there for 2 seconds, or until you call them back. If the captain(s) gets damaged as well, you obviously won't have a lot of time to call your pikmin back! All things of these things will cause the pikmin to turn their flower/bud into a leaf whether you rescue them or not, so be careful! Sometimes you might not have enough time to get all of your pikmin back. All pikmin can be eaten, left behind, and fall into pits like the other Pikmin games, and they will still kill your pikmin instantly, so be careful!

These could be the new pikmin:

Orange Pikmin: Immune to spikes, which are common, and sometimes appear on enemies. Everything else, such as speed, throwing height, and attack are average. There appearance is normal, no nose like red pikmin, no gills like blue pikmin, no ears like yellow pikmin. Just a pikmin that looks like red/yellow/blue, except without the extra accessories. Their buds and flowers are just like the red, yellow, and blue pikmin.
Brown Pikmin: Immune to explosions, which are just a little bit more common than Pikmin 2. Speed is average, but throwing height and attack will be a little bit higher than average. There apperance is a nose AND ears! Other then that, they are normal. Their buds and flowers are just like the red, yellow, and blue pikmin.
Green Pikmin: These pikmin can shapeshift to fit through small cracks to get to small "secret" places and, because of their shapeshift abilities of being able to "flatten" themselves, are immune to "squashing", which is common, and is also an attack caused by some enemies. Speed, throwing height, and attack are average. There appearance is slighty longer arms, just long enough to be noticably longer. Their legs and bodies are also just a tad taller to make their height a little bit taller than they other pikmin, but not too taller, we will say, 1.5 times taller, so that it is noticable, but also not too tall. They even have red eyes like white pikmin! Other then that, they are normal. Their buds and flowers are just like the purple and white pikmin.

There can also be 5 or 6 levels, the first 3 would contain the places where you unlock onions. There could also be 2 caves in the first 3 levels, and 3 in the last couple of levels. A new level will appear every 5,000 points (INCLUDING ATLEAST ONE BOSS FROM THE PREVIOUS LEVEL), as Olimar discovers them. These levels will not be a simply changed layout like levels from Pikmin 1 to Pikmin 2. On the last level, Olimar will discover a very rare organism (this is the final boss) and its hiding place (this is the cave of the final boss), you will need this organism to beat this game along with the 50,000 points that the boss CAN be included in.

When you are above ground, and the pikmin are carrying an enemy, you can have them bring it back to the ship for points by simply having one captian grab it with the pikmin. You have 4 captains, so this shouldn't be too difficult. A captain will NOT count towards the strength carrying the enemy, meaning you will need pikmin to carry it with the captain.

Enemies will be slightly more difficult then Pikmin 1 and 2. Captains can only punch about one eighth of an enemies health away, but after that, it won't be able to go down any further. This means pikmin will need to attack the enemies.

Multiplayer and Wi-Fi
I also want to see a 4-player battle and 4-player story mode rather than just 2-player battle. In story mode, you can have someone get a wii remote + Numchuck, and become one of the captians, up to 3 people can do so, to make 4-player story mode. In 2-player battle mode, the goal could be to collect 4 yellow marbles, or your rival's marble. You can choose your character in 2-player mode. In 3-player battle mode, the goal is to collect 3 yellow marbles, or a rival's marble. You can choose your character in 3-player mode. In 4-player mode, the goal is to collect 3 yellow marbles, or a rival's marble + 1 yellow marble. You can also do 2 teams of 2 in 4-player mode, but you can't steal your teamates marble. You can also choose your character in 4-player mode, but first pick, first serve. Even if someone wins, you can still go for second and third. Do you remember how they kept the amount of wins in Pikmin 2? In this one, 1st place = 3 points, 2nd place = 2 points, 3rd place = 1 point, and 4th place = 0 points. You can do battles over Wi-Fi with anyone, but Wi-Fi story mode can only be with people on your friends roster. Challenge mode would be to get as many pikmin as you can, and get as many "points as you can". There could be multiplayer for this to, but first player to grab a pellet or enemy = first serve. There could be a total of 30 challenges, rewards and rankings are like Pikmin 2.

The museum/zoo, and what you do after you beat the game
When you get 50,000 points, you can continue playing and getting points, you can fight bosses again, explore caves again,
and you can get up to 999,999 points, after that, you can do whatever you want, :D . This includes fighting more enemies and bosses, collecting pikmin, filling up the storage box, and explore around doing nothing. Also, at the end of every day after you beat the game, you can choose to take a quick stop at the museum and zoo (they both divide the creatures), which are both simalar to the "pikmipedia" or whatever it's called from Pikmin 2, and see what creatures you have found so far, how many of that speices you have found, and Olimar's notes, so even if you get 999,999 points, you can still increase the amount of creatures there are in the museum and zoo, you can get up to 999 of a normal creature, and 99 of a boss. Highscores like the ones on previous games will also be kept after you beat the game, and everything will be by the top 3 scores. If you make the highscore, you can put your name so everyone knows who got the score.

Post your Pikmin 3 ideas here!
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Re: Pikmin

Postby DK4Ever » August 23rd, 2008, 2:09 pm

Great ideas, gamer_boy.

Loving the 4 player battle idea, the battle mode from Pikmin 2 was addicting!

About the new Pikmin types, as unlikely as it sounds, I'd like to see as many new Pikmin types as possible! I've got it worked out like this.

New Types :

Green : Parasitic. When thrown, they burrow into the target creature, and, depending on size, does the following Small Creature : Takes over the creature, putting it under Olimar's control, this would add lots of depth to the game. Large : Damages it slowly, but costs the pikmin it's life.

Orange : Lets call them stealth Pikmin. They can replant themselves, and jump out at passing enemies and deal alot of damage to them. Also, these Pikmin can carry bomb rocks, and disguise themselves as rocks and such.

Light Blue : Aerial. These Pikmin, when throw, will fly through the air and pursuit flying enemies, and groups of them can carry items in the air, over hazardous material. Their onion also hovers above the rest, it doesn't actually have any "legs" so it just floats.

Brown : Burrowers. These Pikmin have digger type blades for arms, and they use them to chase after enemies that burrow into the ground to escape. The onion for these also thrives underground. They also do moderately high damage when thrown at an enemy, because of their arms, but they cannot carry goods back to the ships.

Black : (I know I saw a black onion or two at the end of the first game...) Anyway, these are Bombers : This is yet another Pikmin species that can carry bomb rocks, but these particular Pikmin are also part bomb rock themselves. When these Pikmin are about to die, or are picked up by a flying enemy (Snitchbug) they detonate, and deal high damage to or destroy the attacker or abductor. These Pikmin are scarce, because they are so powerful. It takes about a total of 20 on pellets to produce 1. They can also be used to blow down walls and such.

Whelp, that's all I've got right now. I'll think of more species later most likely, but lemme know what you think of my current ideas, I really like the Black Pikmin.
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Re: Pikmin

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 25th, 2008, 6:04 am

Nice ideas DK4Ever, however, I don't like how light blue is LIGHT blue, as I said before, I don't like shades of colors. The floating onion and underground onion was also kind of wierd, but I bet it will work. Wouldn't it be cool if the green pikmin worked on bosses?

EDIT: I cleaned my ideas up a little bit and added a few things.
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Re: Pikmin

Postby DK4Ever » August 25th, 2008, 1:05 pm

Well, y'know, Light Blue seemed to be the closest thing to sky I could get. We are running out of pure colors, you know.

I mean - Red, Blue, Yellow
Purple, White
Green, Orange, Brown, Black
Sky Blue (What can you use that aren't shades of something now? Pink, Grey, those are shades, etc. etc.)
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Re: Pikmin

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 25th, 2008, 1:14 pm

I guess your right...
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Re: Pikmin

Postby DK4Ever » August 26th, 2008, 2:20 pm


My personal favorite is Green, how cool would that be? we could take over the flaming spiders, and set that stupid iredescent flint bug on fire! Wahahaha!
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Re: Pikmin

Postby gamer_boy997 » March 30th, 2009, 12:19 pm

I guess not very many people play these games :( , Pikmin has been released for the Wii and Pikmin 2 will soon be released for the Wii.

I also added an extra pikmin to my ideas ;) . I removed the "most points scored ever" high score idea because I thought it was somewhat lame. There are also a few other changes :D .
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Re: Pikmin

Postby DK4Ever » April 1st, 2009, 3:03 pm

Have you had a chance to play the wii version of PIkmin? Is anything different besides the controls? I thought they said they'd be adding a few new features besides controls to these ports.

Or am I just getting my hopes up to be dashed? :(
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Re: Pikmin

Postby gamer_boy997 » April 5th, 2009, 12:57 am

^ I REALLY HATE to say this, but from what I have heard, you have new controls, better graphics, and a savestate that lets you restart a day you have already done, other then that, I don't think there are any differences :cry: .

Don't worry though, people have found clues that there is going to be a Pikmin 3, for example, people have read that Nintendo is working on "two Pikmin games" or something...

EDIT: By the way, I'm wondering if you have a story, gameplay, controls, etc. to your game? Just wondering, :D .
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Re: Pikmin

Postby DK4Ever » April 11th, 2009, 5:00 pm

I haven't given it much thought lately, but I'll get right on it, all I can really focus on is more Pikmin types right now, but off I go to think up some good ideas, or try at least :)
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Re: Pikmin

Postby gamer_boy997 » April 14th, 2009, 6:55 am

Cool, can't wait :D , but don't get too complicated.

I cleaned up my Story a little bit so that it makes sense now :lol: .

EDIT: I even cleaned up more things, and I added a new feature which is explained in the gameplay and controls section.

EDIT 2: I added some more stuff, including the fact that you will need atleast one boss from every level to beat the game. This will keep people from beating the game by picking up the same organisms over and over :lol: .

EDIT AFTER BUMPING: I got bored, so I decided to map out the landing site based on my ideas to see how "crowded" it would be.

Here are some extra notes with it:

1. The circle near the bottom with no lines around it is the rocket.
2. The small black circle in front of the rocket is where the pikmin need to go to insert an enemy into the rocket.
3. Each circle is where each onion is located.
4. Each color is what color the onion is, (you knew that already, right?).
5. The black lines coming from the onions are the onions' legs.
6. The black box at the top is the opening to the rest of the level. There is no other way into the level or back into the onion site like in some levels of the previous games.
7. The gray triangles were ORIGINALLY going to be the territory the same color pikmin of the onion had to be in to return to it at the end of the day, (example: A purple pikmin had to be in the gray triangle surronding the purple onion to return to it at the end of the day), but now, I'm not sure if that's the case in the other games, or if you had to be under any of the onions, or if you had to be in the site at all...
8. No enemies that are alive can enter this site like previous games, consider this your "base".
9. If you have not unlocked one of the onions yet, an empty space will simply be in its place until you DO unlock it.
10. If the entire level has 100 pikmin in it, and there are extra seeds in an onion, it will store them, and when there is less than 100 pikmin in the level it will plant them. These "extra seeds" will also be taken to other levels if they need to be, and will most likely plant them when they get to the level. There will be an extra counter in each onion that will show the number of "extra seeds" in it. These "extra seeds" will also count to your total overall pikmin.
Pikmin 3 landing site map.PNG
Pikmin 3 landing site map.PNG (3.24 KiB) Viewed 20607 times
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Re: Pikmin

Postby gamer_boy997 » May 2nd, 2009, 1:12 pm

Well... E3 2009 is in one month from now, do you think will will get any information on Pikmin 3?
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