Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

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Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby Cyclone » December 23rd, 2008, 1:35 pm

This topic will be for creating custom moves for the DKC Cast using the original sprite frames found in the ROM. Now that Simion's extractor can extract individual sprite frames it should be easier to experiment with this idea.

Basic Guidelines:
- Only use sprites found in the original ROM. No mixing sprites with other DKC games.
- No obviously silly ideas. Try to make them practical/original. Something maybe Rare would have put in the game.
- Since recompressing sprites back into the ROM is difficult, only change the pallets around. Use what you have in the ROM. Basically just mix and match sprite frames and change pallets to create a new move or animation.
- Do not alter the original sprite frames themselves. If we want the sprite animations to look as close to Rare quality as possible we should not mess around with their artwork! It would also make the ROM look obviously hacked. We don’t want that…At least I don’t…

I know the guidelines sound strict but the idea of this is to just use what we have in the original ROM. If one day Simion (or anyone else) can mess around with sprite pointers or whatever we can then put these custom sprite sequences back into the game. Or maybe we can at least use them in the DKC Level Builder once it’s finished.

Unfortunately I don’t have any examples to start off with. But…
‘If’ you want to see what you can come up with, be creative and Have Fun!
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Re: Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby BlueTronic » December 24th, 2008, 4:18 am

How's this?
mine_cart_crash.gif (40.51 KiB) Viewed 20838 times
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Re: Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby gamer_boy997 » December 24th, 2008, 4:46 am

Nice Kong-fu :lol: .

I don't have an animation wizard... so I can't do an animation. :oops:
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Re: Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby gamer_boy997 » December 24th, 2008, 4:56 am

HOW? HOW? TELL ME HOW! (Sorry about caps lock).

EDIT: Wait, GIMP? What's GIMP?

EDIT 2: What good is a game with only being able to jump on, throw barrels, and retrieve bananas from enemies? Why not do other stuff?
Donkey Kong Country additions.PNG
Donkey Kong Country additions.PNG (23.52 KiB) Viewed 20831 times
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Re: Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby BlueTronic » December 24th, 2008, 5:32 am

I can animate that picture if you want.

GIMP is a free image editor. It can do a lot, but it's not as easy to use as Powerpoint. You have to know how to use it to animate GIFs. It's easier to use than Paint, though.
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Re: Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby Cyclone » December 24th, 2008, 11:05 am

Kong-Fu wrote:How's this?

Perfect example! Mind if we merge your post into the first one? Mods want to take care of that? Thanks.

Also its okay if you don't have a way to post the sequences as animated gifs. It's better if they're animated gifs but a sprite sheet showing the sequence is fine to. :)
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Re: Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby Gnawzooka » December 24th, 2008, 11:17 am

Kong-Fu wrote:How's this?

That's awesome. :lol:
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Re: Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby BlueTronic » December 24th, 2008, 11:34 am

Cyclone wrote:
Kong-Fu wrote:How's this?

Perfect example! Mind if we merge your post into the first one? Mods want to take care of that? Thanks.


Thanks for the feedback.
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby diddykong » April 13th, 2009, 7:08 pm

very good mine cart animation, a bit unsmooth but still awesome. :D

When i get home in about 4 days I'll make an attempt to animate that picture made by gamerboy.

Both of those would be very useful and awesome features in the game.

The mine cart could have realistic leaning, for example like in the animation how he dosent pull up enough.

The only enemies that could be picked up could be gnawty, armadillo, slippa and other small objects. At least for diddy anyway, maybe donkey kong could lift bigger enemies.
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Re: Custom DKC Moves Using Original Sprite Graphics

Postby KremKrawl » May 22nd, 2009, 11:06 pm

Yeah, DK could pick up Kritters and Rockrocs. Unlike Diddy.
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