Springin' Spiders Japan and PAL Warp Peculiarity

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Springin' Spiders Japan and PAL Warp Peculiarity

Postby Monkeyshrapnel » December 17th, 2019, 8:09 am

Not sure if this has been documented before, but I figured I might as well post this here just in case.

Simply put, on Japanese and PAL versions of DKC 3, taking the warp barrel in Springin' Spiders causes a No Squawks Sign to spawn near the exit.

This sign does NOT appear if you play through the level normally, and it doesn't seem to exist at all on North American carts.

Only found out about this today, so sorry if this has already been noted elsewhere, I couldn't seem to find anything regarding this.

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Re: Springin' Spiders Japan and PAL Warp Peculiarity

Postby Kingizor » December 17th, 2019, 8:51 am

I definitely knew about that one.

I think it came up during the mapping for that level, although I can't think why because the maps all use the US placements anyway.

[...2 minutes thinking...]

I don't remember anything about finding it. I did play one of the Japanese versions quite a lot, so maybe I noticed it just by playing? Or maybe I was skimming over the objects in each level and that stuck out for some reason.

[...5 minutes thinking...]

Ah, I think I made a list of all the placement differences between some of the versions at some point. Although there are a lot of versions and that sounds like a lot of work and I'm lazy so I'm not convinced that's what happened.

Then again, if I had done that I would have written down the results and probably mentioned it at some point..?


Well that explains a lot. :bleak:

Is that your video? How did you come across it? Finding it by actually playing the game is a lot more honourable than the way I did it. :p
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Re: Springin' Spiders Japan and PAL Warp Peculiarity

Postby Monkeyshrapnel » December 17th, 2019, 3:38 pm

I actually noticed it while watching a glitch video, it was on the Japanese version of DKC 3, and they happened to use the warp in this level.

Specifically, this video.

I saw the sign off to the left after the warp and was a bit confused, only to be even more confused when they return later and it wasn't there.

And yeah, that's my video. I quickly grabbed a JP and PAL ROM and played through them to see if they were the same.

There's lot of differences between versions of the trilogy, I just thought this one was pretty abnormal, since it only changes when you take the warp.

Thanks for your info!
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Re: Springin' Spiders Japan and PAL Warp Peculiarity

Postby wuffalo » December 20th, 2019, 8:41 am

I've only ever bet the stage with the Warp Barrel, so I thought nothing of that sign. Intresting find! :thumbs:
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