Inverted Controls

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Inverted Controls

Postby pandahut101 » July 14th, 2008, 11:07 am

On the swimming levels, every time I swim left I go right and vice-versa. How can I fix this? I'm playing on the Wii.
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Re: inverted controls

Postby Jomingo » July 14th, 2008, 11:10 am

Pandahut101, please read the rules before posting again.

Particularly the part about spelling and grammer.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Kiddy14 » July 14th, 2008, 11:31 am

Every swimming level?
Poisonous Pipeline has this feature, but not other kind of levels...
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby pandahut101 » July 14th, 2008, 1:24 pm

I think just the poisonous one.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Kiddy14 » July 14th, 2008, 2:04 pm

Oh then you can't do anything.
The level's unique feature is that the controls are reversed while in water because of the poison that is in those pipes, hence its name =P
It's not a VC glitch if that was what you were thinking.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Qyzbud » July 15th, 2008, 11:58 am

Before I got the hang of Poisonous Pipeline, I used to play its underwater sections whilst looking into a mirror... Cheeky, I know. :P

I got the idea from Baffle (the bear of that world), as he required a mirror to decode a secret message. It's almost like that was a clue!
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Re: inverted controls

Postby Raccoon Sam » July 16th, 2008, 6:22 am

Jomingo wrote:Pandahut101, please read the rules before posting again.

Particularly the part about spelling and grammer.

I fail to see any spelling/grammatical errors in his post.. In fact, I understood it completely.

And it's 'grammar', not 'grammer'.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Jomingo » July 16th, 2008, 6:58 am

He edited his post and fixed it, which is another rule broken.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Kiddy14 » July 16th, 2008, 9:11 am

You told him to do so :roll: And he didn't brake anything because nobody had quoted his post, and nobody had answered his question.
Qyzbud wrote:...I used to play its underwater sections whilst looking into a mirror... Cheeky, I know. :P

My god...
Did you complete any level? => I sometimes like playing with the controller upside-down, I got the idea from a challenge taker nicknamed NeoArashi =P Well... when he challenged Dixiegurl56...
All of them are from YT if you wonder...
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Jomingo » July 16th, 2008, 11:26 am

I didn't tell him to edit his post, I told him to stop posting so sloppy. And the rule is not to edit the post once someone has replied to it, not quoted.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Kiddy14 » July 16th, 2008, 12:52 pm

Well, you implied it =P And he didn't edit his post (literally), he just fixed the grammar.

Anyway, returning to the topic.
I've had this "theory" with the reversed controls of this level.
Don't you think this purple water is made from the same substance the clouds from the DKC2 K. Rool Boss Battle are?
They're purple, and reverse the controls =D
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Raccoon Sam » July 16th, 2008, 7:49 pm

Makes surprisingly much sense.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Kowbrainz » August 7th, 2008, 12:39 am

Jomingo wrote:I didn't tell him to edit his post, I told him to stop posting so sloppy. And the rule is not to edit the post once someone has replied to it, not quoted.

Egh... wish we didn't have to take silly rules from the DKU like that. The only case where this applies is if someone makes a trollsome comment then edits it quickly back to something acceptable, in my opinion. I also think it's pretty ironic that you replied to his post telling him to improve his "...spelling and grammer".

@Qyz: Wow, seriously? Lol... I didn't think it was that hard to get used to. The only annoying bits were when you had to jump out of the water onto a platform and had to instantaneously reverse back to normal again. The rest was pretty easy to get the hang of, personally.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Jomingo » August 7th, 2008, 1:09 am

Kowz, it's not a silly rule from the DKU. It's a logical rule that is necessary to keep topics from not making any sense. And in this case he edited his post right after I told him to watch his spelling and grammar, which made it look like I was chastising him for nothing.

We have rules for a reason. You know that saying "rules are meant to be broken"? It's not true. We all have to obey them, whether you think they're silly or not.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Qyzbud » August 7th, 2008, 1:26 am

I agree, entering/leaving the water was by far the trickiest part to get used to; especially after you spent a good 3-4 minutes becoming accustomed to the reversed controls. I think my brain's just slow at dealing with those kinds of things...

That said, I can read a passage of text just as quickly when I'm looking at it upside down, so who knows.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Kiddy14 » August 7th, 2008, 3:13 am

Qyzbud wrote:[...]especially after you spent a good 3-4 minutes becoming accustomed to the reversed controls.[...]That said, I can read a passage of text just as quickly when I'm looking at it upside down, so who knows.

I remember, when I FINALLY finished Poisonous Pipeline. If I ever went to a swimming level I would start to move to the left :D I got soo accustomed I couldn't stop moving reversed =P
I can read text when it is reversed, like putting a newspaper against the sun and reading what's in the other page =)
Jomingo wrote:[...]he edited his post right after[...]which made it look like I was chastising him for nothing.

Dude, I believe somebody who is intelligent would know that he fixed it. Besides you've been off-topic since the thread started, you haven't said anything about "Reversed Controls". But let's stop the argue here.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Katastrophe Kong » May 7th, 2009, 12:51 pm

Whenever I play Posionous Pipelines on an emulator I just go to input and reverse controll settings so its like a regular water level, but it gets annoying when you get to dry land. :)
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby DK4Ever » May 13th, 2009, 8:59 am

Qyzbud wrote:Before I got the hang of Poisonous Pipeline, I used to play its underwater sections whilst looking into a mirror... Cheeky, I know. :P

I got the idea from Baffle (the bear of that world), as he required a mirror to decode a secret message. It's almost like that was a clue!

Brilliant..I think that's where I'm actually stuck on my VC DKC3...I'm gonna go do that!

Thanks for the tip oh great and humble Qyzbud. :D
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Raccoon Sam » May 14th, 2009, 8:53 pm

You can also turn the controller upside down.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby diddykong » May 14th, 2009, 9:04 pm

Raccoon Sam wrote:You can also turn the controller upside down.

On the actual snes you could. But turning your keyboard around is weird if you can just reverse the controls. Also all the cords would get in the way.
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby Gnawzooka » May 15th, 2009, 7:21 pm

My keyboard is wireless. :mrgreen:
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Re: Inverted Controls

Postby cranky_martinez » October 10th, 2009, 3:45 am

pandahut101 wrote:On the swimming levels, every time I swim left I go right and vice-versa. How can I fix this? I'm playing on the Wii.

Not in every swimming levels. Just Poisonous Pipeline.

What about reversing Wii controller? :P
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