Krook spawns and kills you:
Balloon String:
Irregularity Detected:
Game Crashes:
K.rool Duel Spiked Cannonball:
Level inches down one pixel at a time:
Screen turns random colors predominantly yellow:
Death Music Plays:
Crazy Lines on Screen:
Kong Falls Offscreen:
Kong Moves Across Screen Instantaneously:
Game Freezes but Krook’s March Still Plays:
Squitter turns into Kleever:
Tilemap Background changes Themes:
Tilemap Background randomizes Castle Theme:
Game Lags:
Killed Enemy Noise on Loop:
Kleever Swings:
Death Monkey Noises on Loop:
Dead Krow
Krow Egg
Kutlass spawns and wildly runs back and forth:
Completely Normal Rambi:
Blue and Gray Camoflauge Screen:
Spawns Neek:
Spawns Extra Krook Hook:
Spawns Spiny:
Popping Balloon:
Barrel Explode Animation Twice:
Mr. X!
More to come! I don’t have pictures for all of them. This is just off the top of my head! I had all of these soft-locks done a week ago and now I’m posting them while I’ve just started studying. Let me know if you’ve found any I haven’t! Also I have another weird glitch in Castle Crush that I would like to share soon.