Levels of the Lost World

Talk about Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest for SNES and VC.
The GBA port can be discussed in the Port (GBA) subforum.

Which one rocks *your* (lost) world?

Jungle Jinx
Black Ice Battle
Klobber Karnage
Fiery Furnace
Animal Antics
Total votes : 71

Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby KingBrett » October 26th, 2011, 11:05 am

I like Klobber Karnage, it should've been called Zinging Zingers instead as there were more Zingers than there were Klobbers.
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby Mayo » November 8th, 2011, 12:02 pm

Pretty much all of them cheese me off in some way, shape or form.

Klobber Karnage all the way. It's fun and interesting in both SNES and GBA versions.

For the others:

Animal Antics- the challenge is fine with me, but they butchered it in the GBA

Black Ice Battle- Not too bad, plenty of tricky jumps. A close second favourite.

Jungle Jinx- This level loves to screw me over so many times, funny that it's the only level with bouncing tires.

Firey Furnace- This level's not all that bad to be honest, but that freaking DK coin in the GBA version....
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby The Banana Bird » December 22nd, 2011, 9:25 am

Animal Antics was a great challenge to play through. It had a intresting concept.
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby SexyRayman » February 3rd, 2012, 7:48 am

I rather deal with Jungle Jinx than the other ones.. I always liked it better too.
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby The Banana Bird » February 3rd, 2012, 9:44 am

Animal Antics was a great idea, executed perfectly.
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby Super Luigi! » February 3rd, 2012, 2:57 pm

I picked Fiery Furnace, because I always loved the purple tone of the stone in the volcano, and to have those D-Pad Barrels and the return of Cat O' 9 Tails really sealed the deal. Besides, Animal Antics is overrated. (Literally!)
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby The Banana Bird » February 4th, 2012, 9:21 am

Super Luigi! wrote:Animal Antics is overrated. (Literally!)

Overated? On this topic yes it totally is! I liked "Fiery Furnace" but belive it or not, lots of people hated "Animal Antics" thats really why also. Besides, you got to do a bramble level again and hear the song.
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby Super Luigi! » February 4th, 2012, 3:55 pm

Yeah, and the bonus in that level was AMAZING! Just D-Pad Barreling it through the thorns, classic!
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby DKCFan188 » February 5th, 2012, 5:31 am

Fiery Furnace is my favourite one.:P
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby mentholcase » February 9th, 2012, 8:03 am

The Banana Bird wrote:Animal Antics was a great idea, executed perfectly.
I must respectfully disagree on the execution. Every section, except for the Squawks section, is a walk in the park. This is suppose to be the last level that you face before finally facing the rematch with K. Rool. It shouldn't be that easy. Granted, the Squawks section was ridiculously hard, but it came right after the section with the Star Barrel. Maybe if the Squawks section was last.

Though, my opinion on Animal Antics is what compelled me to create my hack for DKC2, so I guess that's one thing that I can appreciate about the poor execution. :lol:
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby The Banana Bird » February 9th, 2012, 10:10 am

mentholcase wrote:
The Banana Bird wrote:Animal Antics was a great idea, executed perfectly.
I must respectfully disagree on the execution. Every section, except for the Squawks section, is a walk in the park. This is suppose to be the last level that you face before finally facing the rematch with K. Rool. It shouldn't be that easy. Granted, the Squawks section was ridiculously hard, but it came right after the section with the Star Barrel. Maybe if the Squawks section was last.

Though, my opinion on Animal Antics is what compelled me to create my hack for DKC2, so I guess that's one thing that I can appreciate about the poor execution. :lol:

I think it had a great concept, not just difficulty. The whole concept was great. It was the first level were you place as all the animals, 2nd being "Pothole Panic".
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 2nd, 2012, 12:01 pm

Animal Antics is probobly my favorite because of the squawks section. I know people hate that part, but I like how chalinging it is. :) I also thought the barrel cannon part of Klobber Karnage was fun. ;) You know whats weird, if you put Klubba's Kloisk in Gangplank Galleon, it will send you ton Animal Antics. ;) I did that with an editor of course! 8-)
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby Axis » August 12th, 2012, 3:23 am

Totally FIery Furnace.

It's my second to favorite level in the game and it's mainly because of difficulty. You can sort of abuse where you land on the steerable barrels if you're in the right position when you launch for a quicker run for you speed runners out there.
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Re: Levels of the Lost World

Postby WebWoods » August 11th, 2013, 3:45 am

I enjoyed Black Ice Battle. It was very easy for me, but I just love how the ice sparkles and how you slide throughout the level.
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