Will There Ever Be Another...

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Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby nickp17 » March 4th, 2008, 4:56 am

Adventurous Donkey Kong Game. Something like DK64?

I know there have been a few new DK releases but nothing like I would want :(
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby cfh » March 4th, 2008, 7:38 am

Jungle Climber is an exellent DK adventure game. Buy it.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Jomingo » March 4th, 2008, 7:50 am

Yeah, Jungle Climber is probably the closest we'll ever get to the good old days.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 5th, 2008, 11:43 am

With DK and Diddy's kick-butt role in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I'm sure there will be another classic DK adventure. Whether it'll be released in two years or ten, it's coming. Just watch.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby cfh » March 5th, 2008, 11:57 am

Somehow I doubt it.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby nickp17 » March 5th, 2008, 2:09 pm

Tiptup Jr. wrote:With DK and Diddy's kick-butt role in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I'm sure there will be another classic DK adventure. Whether it'll be released in two years or ten, it's coming. Just watch.

I really hope so. I think the "new age of gaming" has really put a damper on the gameplay of games. What I mean by that is, awesome graphics may be really good, that don't compensate for poor/under-devolped gameplay. So I kind of doubt it, I was hoping upon posting this someone would really convince me of a return of an old gamestyle or storyline return. :(
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby cfh » March 5th, 2008, 2:13 pm

I don't think that's changed much, I think nostalgia is making you think that. DKC has both amazing graphics and gameplay, as many games do now. It's just sad that DK himself hasn't been a big series for a while.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby nickp17 » March 5th, 2008, 2:17 pm

cfh wrote:I don't think that's changed much, I think nostalgia is making you think that. DKC has both amazing graphics and gameplay, as many games do now. It's just sad that DK himself hasn't been a big series for a while.

Oh, I totally agree with you there. Amazing graphics/gameplay for SNES. You cant really compare SNES graphics to a playstation3 or Xbox360. I might just be an "old timer" :D but I prefer retro. I was stating that with these newer systems out there's a lack of interest. All I hear kids talk about at school is Halo 3 this and Call of Duty that. Don't get me wrong, I like both of those games, but, I think it causes kids to be more close minded about gaming.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Simion32 » March 5th, 2008, 2:18 pm

nickp17 wrote:So I kind of doubt it, I was hoping upon posting this someone would really convince me of a return of an old gamestyle or storyline return. :(
cfh wrote:I think nostalgia is making you think that. DKC has both amazing graphics and gameplay, as many games do now. It's just sad that DK himself hasn't been a big series for a while.

This is partially the reason I'm motivated to work on my part of the DKCLB stuff - we haven't (aside from Jungle Climber maybe, which I haven't played, as I don't have a DS...) had a decent *non-portable* DK game in quite a while, it would seem. The DKCLB will be a 'paradise' of sorts to those who can't get enough of DKC (me included).
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Simion32 » March 5th, 2008, 2:21 pm

nickp17 wrote:DKCLB?

Donkey Kong Country Level Builder
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Qyzbud » March 5th, 2008, 3:42 pm

Simion32 wrote:we haven't (aside from Jungle Climber maybe, which I haven't played, as I don't have a DS...) had a decent *non-portable* DK game in quite a while

Jungle Climber is a portable DK game, so your comments stands even without saying "aside from..."

If you were meaning a decent *non-port* DK game, then I get ya.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Simion32 » March 5th, 2008, 11:52 pm

Qyzbud wrote:If you were meaning a decent *non-port* DK game, then I get ya.

That's exactly what I meant, sometimes I don't use exactly the right wording.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 6th, 2008, 11:36 am

Nickp17, you are just about the coolest person ever. The line of acceptance for a good-quality game has drastically lowered since the '90's. Yes, Galaxy is awesome. Yes, Brawl will be cool. But you just can't deny that video games have lost their charm. I miss being a kid.

And you know what else? I did not think the Wii would be for people who didn't like to play games. There are some sucky titles out there, let me tell you.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby nickp17 » March 6th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I'm glad someone feels my pain lol
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby SummerSky » May 2nd, 2008, 11:32 am

There's nothing more I'd want on the Wii than a Donkey Kong adventure that mixes the 3D gameplay of DK64 and 2D gameplay of DKC, then updates them both with gorgeous graphics, and Wii pointer stuff. Something that has that same wonderful jungle ambience that the original Donkey Kong Country had (the other two, excellent sequels sort of went for a different feel).

I really enjoyed Jungle Climber - I thought it was a fantastic game. The King of Swing games have always felt like nice tributes to DKC.

As for a possible Wii game, I think that given the two taget audiences the game will probably have (gamers and non-gamers), I think they might end up doing something along the lines of a virtual safari type thingo. Or at least do their best to give it that feel. Remember the pop-up books you read as a kid, and there were flaps you lifted up to reveal hidden characters and stuff? They could do something similar with the pointer. Have it so you see a leaf rustling in the jungle background, and you could hover over it with the pointer, and press a button to reveal a hiding monkey or parrot or something. Cool stuff like that for the non-gamer.

And for the platforming fanatics like us, a nice mix of sidescrolling and 3D exploration. You could have whole levels that play out from a side-on perspective, but might also have 1 or 2 little 3D platforming rooms that you can explore and move around freely in spread out in there somewhere. I say 'rooms,' but most of those little 3D rooms would probably be outdoors in the jungle scenery anyway. These rooms might yield an animal buddy after a short puzzle, which you could then take into the rest of the sidescrolling level by taking the path out of the 3D room. Those rooms could even offer up alternate paths that take you along an alternate sidescrolling part of the level.

Whatever comes, I'm sure it'll be great. :D
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Metroixer » May 5th, 2008, 12:25 pm

A new serious DK game for the consoles would be a nice breath of fresh air. I dunno why the last one failed (The one where you control DK with the bongos?) but I'm pretty sure one for the wii will receive great reception.

As a matter of fact, many nintendo fans are saying that nintendo has already milked their character's games out too fast, too early. Which I find strange because we still have possibly two more great nintendo titles on the way in some time (Pikmin 3 and the possible DK platformer). I'm afraid it might be too easy though, to attract the younger gamers :/.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Jomingo » May 6th, 2008, 12:02 pm

Donkey Kong JungleBeat didn't "fail" in the way you seem to be speaking. It sold OK, and got relatively well critical reception. Thing is, it was hardly a DK game, as their were almost no DK features in it. So, everyone liked it except DK fans, which is who they should be paying attention to when making a DK game. Uh.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Rare Lover » May 7th, 2008, 9:00 am

Really? I swear I thought Jungle Beat sold horribly at the very least over in the western hemisphere.
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Jomingo » May 7th, 2008, 11:22 am

No, I'm pretty sure it did alright. I'll wiki it later...
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Re: Will There Ever Be Another...

Postby Qyzbud » May 7th, 2008, 12:01 pm

Well I bought it, so that's saying something... :P

Even if Jungle Beat didn't entirely fail in sales, it certainly failed to deliver the new DKC platforming experience we devoted fans had/have been waiting for. No true fan of the series could enjoy the complete lack of DKC characters (or even DKC-like ones) in Jungle Beat. From my memory, the only links to the SNES trilogy were DK himself, bananas (AKA 'beats' ...wtf?), and the concept of animal buddies. The landscapes were nice enough, but they were nothing of a nod to the games of yore.

Aesthetics and characters aside, Jungle Beat just didn't play like a DKC game. Gimmicks like 'bongo control' may be fun as a bonus feature, but the DKC's have always been about slick and precise control and movement; it's part of what makes them so much fun to play. Bongo drums just aren't meant to be used for character control. If they really wanted to use the bongos somehow, they should have had player 2 enter the action with some sort of cooperative mode.

Jungle Beat just wasn't a DKC game, simply put.
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