I know there have been a few new DK releases but nothing like I would want

Tiptup Jr. wrote:With DK and Diddy's kick-butt role in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I'm sure there will be another classic DK adventure. Whether it'll be released in two years or ten, it's coming. Just watch.
cfh wrote:I don't think that's changed much, I think nostalgia is making you think that. DKC has both amazing graphics and gameplay, as many games do now. It's just sad that DK himself hasn't been a big series for a while.
nickp17 wrote:So I kind of doubt it, I was hoping upon posting this someone would really convince me of a return of an old gamestyle or storyline return.
cfh wrote:I think nostalgia is making you think that. DKC has both amazing graphics and gameplay, as many games do now. It's just sad that DK himself hasn't been a big series for a while.
Simion32 wrote:we haven't (aside from Jungle Climber maybe, which I haven't played, as I don't have a DS...) had a decent *non-portable* DK game in quite a while
Qyzbud wrote:If you were meaning a decent *non-port* DK game, then I get ya.
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