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DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 4:53 pm
by Kowbrainz
Post your best times for each of the DKC games here. If you're unable to check, make a rough estimate (eg ~2hrs 30 minutes).
Also, outline what percentage of the game was completed when you obtained said time. Ie, if you were going for a minimalist run of DKC, then state the percentage along with the time. Game Version (NTSC or PAL) is a good idea, too.
If you make a new run for the game and beat your old best time, post in this format:
Game Version
Old Time: XX:XX
New time: XX:XX
Percentage Improvement: XX%
For the percentage the old time was beaten by, follow this example:
Let's say my old best time was 5 hours (A), and my new best time is 3 hours (B).
1. Multiply each out (5x60 = 300 minutes (A), 3x60 = 180 minutes (B))
2. 1 - (B/A) = Percentage improvement = (in this case) 0.4 = 40%
There. Have fun, hopefully we can get a little competitive here - nothing like running through some great games again just to beat your personal best (and your friends' PB's, too!).
Re: DKC - Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 4:57 pm
by Kowbrainz
Here, I'll start us off. Keep in mind I'm no speedrunner - don't laugh at me.
Percentage: 101%
Old Time: 1.52 (112 minutes)
New Time: 1.22 (82 minutes)
Percentage Improvement: ~ 26.8%
Percentage: 102%
Old Time: 4.50 (290 minutes)
New Time: 3.38 (218 minutes)
Percentage Improvement: ~ 24.8%
Re: DKC - Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 5:33 pm
by Simion32
This is my time (on an emulator), but I'm not sure weather this time is actually legitimate...
I want to do a re-run through to see if I can beat this!
Edit: AHEM! This time isn't legit, I got this by using the snes9x movie of a TAS; I did so in order to get a quick 101% save file.Time: 0 Hours and 38 Minutes
Percentage Complete: 101%
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 6:24 pm
by Kowbrainz
Mm... the best time on SDA (
if I recall correctly) is 47 minutes... so yeah, that's a tad fast.

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 6:45 pm
by Simion32
I think I remember... I needed a quick 100% save game, so I downloaded a TAS'd emulator movie and let it run all the way through, and then that was what I ended up with.
So yeah, I can't beat that, but I can at least complete it in about 45 minutes. I want to do a real 100% speed-run now!
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 6:50 pm
by Kowbrainz
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 6:53 pm
by Simion32
Kowbrainz wrote:My bad... 44 minutes.

Well, who cares, I'll just do a real speed run and see where I end up... besides, i said
about 45 minutes. Last I remember beating it in under 50, so yeah.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 7:15 pm
by Kowbrainz
Mm... good luck then.
From looking through SDA, looks like Tompa's been meaning to do some runs for the game for a while, too. I'll be happy to see some times beaten... as long as they're recorded.

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 7:59 pm
by Tompa
Yeah, I've planned to do a few runs of DKC1. I need to get myself a DVD recorder first. I don't know how much the time differs in the PAL version though. Some things are faster in PAL and some things are faster in NTSC... Need to check using the emulator.
Was a long time I attempted a run, and I have discovered a lot new tricks since then. My last SS 100% run is 00:47 and any% is 36 I think...
But yeah, as soon as I'm able to. I'll beat the runs at SDA. I might as well practice some DKC3 (Have to buy the game first

). But first I'm going to finish my Time Attacks of the serie.
Edit: Also, Simion. 38 minutes on the emulator? That's the time the TAS got (38.56), were you really able to match that time...?
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 8:06 pm
by Kowbrainz
Yeah... as far as I know, PAL is 5/6 the speed of NTSC in terms of frames, however PAL has certain differences like being able to make a bigger curve after being blasted from some barrels, and rolling straight through midair when going cartwheeling through multiple enemies. Not sure though...
I was working on a segmented 103% run of DKC3 back in 2006, but it never got completed... :/
I think it was 1:26 or something (not completely sure) and 71%...
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 2nd, 2008, 8:13 pm
by Simion32
Tompa wrote:Edit: Also, Simion. 38 minutes on the emulator? That's the time the TAS got (38.56), were you really able to match that time...?
No, I had used the snes9x movie of that to get a quick 101% save game.
I mistakenly thought that was my time.

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 3rd, 2008, 2:27 am
by Tompa
The in game timer seems to change in PAL as well, so the timing itself is quite equal, that's what I think at least.
Lol Simion

. That time is improveable with around 3 minutes at least, due to some awesome stuff.
Kow: I'm working on any% and 105% runs on DKC3, TAS wise. If you want you can check the progress in the topic at
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 3rd, 2008, 3:38 pm
by Kowbrainz
Hrmm. Just beat DKC3 again (after using my previous save which I was speed running with in '06) and boy am I rusty.
I did manage to get an 103% finish in 2:27 (PAL version)... so it's a nice start if I want to chase Mr Gibbons' time of 1.51 on the NTSC version.
Unfortunately I haven't written down any of my previous times, so I don't have anything to compare it to...

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 9th, 2008, 1:34 pm
by Kowbrainz
Donkey Kong Country - PAL V:1.00
Percentage: 101%
Old Time: 82 minutes (1.22)
New time: 81 minutes (1.21)
Percentage Improvement: 1.2%
Pretty happy that I managed to improve... as the middle segments of this run were rather poor, and I was a few minutes behind my old run's time. But I managed to catch up in the last segment (Poison Pond onwards) which was great.
I'll be aiming for 75 minutes next time I run through the game... wish me luck.

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 9th, 2008, 9:17 pm
by Stone
DKC2, PAL: Mhh, I'm glad that my very first safe-game is still intact:
102% in 24:56. I often saved even if I haven't made any progress, so I eventually have broken the 1 day mark.
My best time is 2:54 at 100% and ?40 DK-coins? Is this possible to have only 100% with all DK-coins? Strange...
DKC, PAL: I also have my first DKC safe-game, and its 101% in 13:29
My best time is 1:50 at 101%
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 9th, 2008, 9:21 pm
by Kowbrainz
Yeah, it is. I only realised a few days ago that Cranky and Swanky each give you 1% to your gamefile - Hard Mode doesn't give you anything, though.
I'll try beating 2.54 with my next run of DKC2 then - I started playing this morning and I'm something like 58% through with 1-twenty something. I was aiming for under 3 hours, but 2.54 sounds like something nice to aim for, too.

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 9th, 2008, 10:33 pm
by Stone
I wish you good luck! I wish I would have time to improve my times at the moment.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 1:52 am
by Qyzbud
Kowbrainz wrote:...realised a few days ago that Cranky and Swanky each give you 1% to your gamefile...
Wha??? That's something I certainly didn't know. So if you never visit them, you can only get 100%? That doesn't sound right.

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 2:30 am
by Stone
I'm going to test this. I remember being really pissed a few years ago just seeing a 100%-game after beating it. I thought something like "WTF, I played so long just to get a good time, but now I can't complete it?". It's about time to finish this

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 2:33 am
by Qyzbud
That must have been frustrating and confusing... On the bright side- if you just have to visit those guys, it's an easy 2% to earn now.

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 2:37 am
by Stone
Woah, it worked! This is the solution! Yes! And i also managed to get two Krem-Coins to save without changing the time! So it's still 2:54!

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 2:42 am
by Qyzbud
Cool! Well that's awesome to know.
Stone, cheers for suggesting and confirming this interesting tidbit of knowledge.
Oh and Stone, congrats on the 102% completed game!

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 5:09 am
by Stone
hehe, now i have 102% two times on the same cartridge.
And I saw that I have 2-player contest file which is 38% in 38 minutes. (Second player 0% in 0 minutes

By the way, that way you can have up to six save-files instead of 3. It's just a bit more awkward to chance controller every level.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 7:23 pm
by Kowbrainz
Hehe... just beat the game again. 2:28 sounds pretty good to me.
Percentage: 102%
Old Best: 3:38 (218 minutes)
New Best: 2:28 (148 minutes)
Percentage Improvement: 32%
I'm happy.
I think I'll aim for 2:15 next time and see how I go. Dunno when that'll be, though.
Also: Funky and Wrinkly Kong seem to add to your percentage as well; I made sure I went to Swanky and Cranky this time around, but didn't use Funky Flights during the run and I ended up with 101% until I visited him...
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 7:31 pm
by Qyzbud
The Kong Family Helpers adding to your percentage is a real surprise to me. I would think that on an average run-through, the only Kong you'd really visit would be Wrinkly... Do those speed-runner guys visit all the Kongs in order to do 102% runs? I guess they'd have to... That's so odd.

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 8:43 pm
by Tompa
DKCDKC2DKC3If you haven't seen those yet, then do

. You might get some tips and tricks on how to improve your times. The TASes are also neat to check out.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 9:32 pm
by Kowbrainz
I'm pretty certain I could beat Marsh's time for DKC3... I just haven't been using the level warps within the first two stages.
I do know a few ways to pick up some extra speed that he's overlooked, but I'm not sure whether my PAL version would be able to keep up... :/
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 10th, 2008, 10:46 pm
by BlueTronic
I already beat the DKC2 time (My time is 00:54) a while back
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 12:22 am
by Stone
I love those TASers
Nice times, I hope I will have time to improve my time soon, but that 0:54 is too good to beat...
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 1:40 am
by Tompa
Nice Kong! Was it done on hard and on the GBA version as well? I don't know much about the GBA games, DKC to GBA sucks ass compared to the SNES one so I didn't bother to play the other two. I know that there are more level warps in DKC. Is it the same case as DKC2 and 3?
Also, Kong, you should maybe record a run and send it to SDA? =)
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 5:17 am
by nickp17
I cant beat DKC2

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 5:48 am
by Tiptup Jr.
Don't be embarassed, Donkey Kong Country 2 is one tough cookie.

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 5:53 am
by Tiptup Jr.
My best time for beating the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3 with 105% (That's with the no-DK Barrel cheat) is 2:31.
Beat that, bitches!
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 6:57 am
by nickp17
wow, nice time ttj
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 7:22 am
by BlueTronic
Tompa wrote:Nice Kong!
Also, Kong, you should maybe record a run and send it to SDA? =)
I din't have a computer at the time, so I had to do it on a real SNES. I had so many interruptions that I actually had to do it world by world (And maybe even in half or thirds of worlds once I got into the hardest ones.) and record my times and add them together. I'm not used to using a keyboard for a controller, so if I do it on an emulator it'll be harder and will take some practice and getting used to. I also didn't count the map screens (I wasn't trying to boost my time, the game excludes the maps when counting your times so I decided that's how it was meant to be done.) Should I include the maps this time?
Was it done on hard and on the GBA version as well? I don't know much about the GBA games, DKC to GBA sucks ass compared to the SNES one so I didn't bother to play the other two. I know that there are more level warps in DKC. Is it the same case as DKC2 and 3?
No, but I could try doing it on hard mode. Yes all GBA ports suck.

I don't plan on downloading an emulator just to do a speedrun on a crappy port, either.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 7:55 am
by Tompa
The movies at SpeedDemosArchive are only console runs. And when you record that it shall be from power on until the credits stopped and you can show your clear time.
At there's only emulator runs where you play in slow motion using save states and rerecording. So it was a good thing that your DKC2 time was made on console =P.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 10:40 am
by Tiptup Jr.
Kong-Fu wrote:No, but I could try doing it on hard mode. Yes all GBA ports suck.

I don't plan on downloading an emulator just to do a speedrun on a crappy port, either.
The DKC3 port is actually pretty good. Some would go as far to say that it's better than the original, but I don't think so. It's still good.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 5:22 pm
by Kowbrainz
Tiptup Jr. wrote:Kong-Fu wrote:No, but I could try doing it on hard mode. Yes all GBA ports suck.

I don't plan on downloading an emulator just to do a speedrun on a crappy port, either.
The DKC3 port is actually pretty good. Some would go as far to say that it's better than the original, but I don't think so. It's still good.
It was okay... however tampering with the original version has been the cause of a lot of glitches, as well as things that weren't intended to be done (some of the Koin puzzles have easier methods of defeating the guy because of the way the platforms have been changed around etc
Also... the new levels in Pacifica, although unique, were rather bad, and didn't come without their own supply of glitches. Kroctopus was just plain horrible... >.>;
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

March 11th, 2008, 10:18 pm
by Qyzbud
Tompa wrote:...on the GBA version as well? I don't know much about the GBA games, DKC to GBA sucks ass...
Tiptup Jr. wrote:My best time for beating the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3...
Kong-Fu wrote:...all
GBA ports suck.

Tiptup Jr. wrote:The DKC3 port is actually pretty good.
Kowbrainz wrote:...the new levels in Pacifica, although unique, were rather bad...
Okay guys,
take it outside.

Should I split this thread up, or what?
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

June 17th, 2008, 12:15 pm
by BlueTronic
I'm gonna try to record my DKC2 54 minutes time record. Here's
Gangplank Galleon and Crocodile Cauldron in 5:50.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

July 29th, 2008, 7:36 am
by gamer_boy997
My best time on DKC for 101% was 3:50, for DKC2, so far I have 80%, and it's been five hours,

Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

July 29th, 2008, 11:29 am
by DK4Ever
Wow. Abslutely amazing. I actually didn't know those barrels existed, lol.
is there one in EVERY level?
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

July 29th, 2008, 12:22 pm
by Kiddy14
DKC2 and DKC3 had these in the first 2 worlds.
DKC has some of these scrambled through levels (not all of them have), but they appear the most on the 2nd world.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

July 29th, 2008, 12:55 pm
by gamer_boy997
So far I know that there are 0 warps in world 1, 3 warps in world 2, 2 warps in world 3, 1 in world 4, 1 in world 5, and 0 in world 6. There might be 4 warps in world 2, but that depends if there really is a warp in Bouncy Bonanza.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

July 29th, 2008, 1:00 pm
by Simion32
As far as I have observed, there isn't a warp in Bouncy Bonanza. It might be a specific version of DKC, but I don't know. I can't even remember where this rumor originated.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

July 29th, 2008, 1:02 pm
by Kiddy14
It started off because every level in Monkey Mines have a warp except for Bouncy Bonanza; and some people started it by saying there was one.
There's also this guy that started spamming videos in YouTube by saying EVERY level had a warp, but that's way off-topic.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

July 31st, 2008, 1:10 am
by gamer_boy997
There's probably a 0.0001% chance there's a warp there, you do need requirements to get the one in Vulture Culture to appear, you probably need requirements for Bouncy Bonanza's warp to. I'm wondering if we should make a thread to discuss the theories of the warp in BB, and work together to find the warp, but that's probably a dumb idea,

EDIT: I just got 102% on DKC2, and my time was 6:35,
101% DKC: 1:05 (I decided to make it bigger, because I can't remember what the time was)
102% DKC2: 6:35
103% DKC3: Coming soon!
I don't have DKC3 on the VC yet, but I'll probably get it in a month or two.
EDIT 2 BEFORE BUMPING TOPIC: I improved my 101% DKC time to 1:35.
EDIT 3: New best time for DKC 101%, 1:05.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

August 1st, 2008, 12:51 pm
by DK4Ever
Wow I suck, I just beat DKC 1 again today (On the GBA, so I couldn't take the Kongo Jungle to Vine Valley shortcut) and my time was 5:30

(I got stuck on Platform Peril, the LAST real level before the last boss and then K. rool, for about 2 hours...2 hours.. I hate that level...)
Meh, I'm 77% finished, so I've still got work to do, but I beat k. Rool, so that's something I guess, lol.
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

August 2nd, 2008, 2:10 am
by gamer_boy997
Beat my DKC time again! I got a time of 0:59, (I am now doing the exact minute rather then rounding up to the next five minutes, because the times are getting smaller).
Re: DKC Trilogy- Best times

August 2nd, 2008, 4:00 am
by BlueTronic
I never tried to record my best time for DKC, but I'd probably take about 0:45 minutes in a simple speedrun.