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Why do you play the DKC series?

November 8th, 2008, 3:13 am
by gamer_boy997
Why do you play the DKC series? I like to speedrun myself, play for entertainment, and play through my favorite levels. You get to pick your top 3 choices.
Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 8th, 2008, 6:58 am
by The Guy
I just play the games since they're classic platformer games.
Plus simply to find everything in the games...
Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 8th, 2008, 9:01 am
by DKCplayer
DKC has the best graphics for the SNES. It has great gameplay, music and a variety of levels!
I like to play them because they're fun.

Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 8th, 2008, 9:09 am
by BlueTronic
-like to go through the games to entertain myself.
-I like to speedrun myself.
I would like to play against my friends, but
my friends don't like to play DKC.

Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 9th, 2008, 9:46 am
by Qyzbud
One of us ought to add 'I like to discover glitches, and work out other unusual ways to play the game'. That would be my #1 by a long shot.

Otherwise, I like to discover things I've never found/noticed before, when I play DKC.
Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 9th, 2008, 9:47 am
by gamer_boy997
Yeah, but if I add that answer, would the poll restart?
Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 9th, 2008, 11:29 am
by PotoGamer
From what I know, you'd have to restart the poll if you'd like to add another answer...
The thing I like to do the most in DKC is discover glitches! (Who DOESN'T like the feeling you get inside when you discover a glitch?) but since that's not in the poll, I play them to entertain myself. In fact, I liked to complete them all a million times so much, that I hadn't bought a videogame (or almost ANY other thing for entertainment) for 6 months!

Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 13th, 2008, 12:23 pm
by Rodent
Every few months, I like to spend a week or two playing through the series just because its fun and it makes me laugh.
Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 14th, 2008, 9:45 pm
by Goe
the first option...but the option "i'd like discover glitches and etc" that qyzbud said, is a good option too
Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 15th, 2008, 9:30 am
by Tiptup Jr.
Um... Because it rules? Asking someone on why they play Donkey Kong Country seems strange to me.
I play the series because it has that emotional, thought-provoking quality that nearly every other game lacks. I like to think of us DKC fans as the romantics of the twenty-first century; That is to say, we believe that truth is found in beauty, emotions, and spiritual enlightenment. Not a fat plumber in overalls.
Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 19th, 2008, 12:09 pm
by DK4Ever
Hmm... best graphics on the Snes. Check.
Characters I love more than any other because they're laid back and awesome, and not humans. Check.
Best.Music.Evar. Check.
For everything else, there's the master check.
That's pretty much why. I just really, really love them.
Re: Why do you play the DKC series?

November 19th, 2008, 12:12 pm
by Raccoon Sam
I play them just for the same reason I play any game: entertainment.