Well, I have just one thing to say here.
On Smashboards.com, I'm more or less the reigning advocate for the DK universe.
However, I meet my share of other fans, and K. Rool lovers, (and of course I direct them to this site

) and often, there's one guy on Smashboards who comes along and flames them, whether they've asked a logical question, or made a logical statement or not.
If any of you guys also have a Smashboards account (I got by gannondorf4ever on Smashboards (yeah, I spelled it wrong) you may know the guy, by the name IWontGetOvertheDam.
I remember two occasions, and one other thing, that made made me really dislike this guy:
1. In the "Smash 4 character battles" thread, the first 3 to battle it out (be voted for) were K. Rool, Dixie, and Funky, or rather, the likely DK choices. Of course, K. Rool got 36 votes to Funky and Dixie's respective 6... (which was a big HOLY
crap thing, because in the rest of the character battles, no character got more than 12) but, however, on the third post, IWontGetOvertheDam jumps in, and states "None. DK doesn't deserve another rep." No logical reasoning, especially since he's often weray explanatory of things, I found this strange. (Of course, there wasn't logical reasoning anyway, so...) I naturally jumped on him, asking him why he felt this way, and that's absurd, and of course, (he's a zelda guy) Zelda definitely needs another rep...., and I got no response.
2. Someone posted a thread in the "General Brawl Discussion" asking why K. Rool wasn't put into SSBB, and that he should be put into SSB4. I applauded him, but IWontGetoVertheDam showed up again, with "If K. Rool is ever in a Smash game, I will run Sakurai's balls through a juicer" I just sighed...idiot. (Not because he's expressing his opinion, but because of the way he's doing it, and the fact that he provides no reasoning, and I think I'm the only one on Smashboards who cares when the DK series is stepped on.)
3. Now, this was what really got me. In his signature, for about 5 months (no exaggeration) he had a render of Rare's K. Rool, and a big cancel sign (circle with a diagonal line through it) over K. Rool, and he had asked for "worst character ever" put be placed diagonally over K. Rool... worse yet, it was the best signature artist on the site who made it for him, which shows that she didn't care either..sigh..