Switching saves from ZSNESW to Snes9x

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Switching saves from ZSNESW to Snes9x

Postby mitja » February 23rd, 2017, 5:21 am

So I was playing DKC2 on ZSNESW the other day and I came across this level called klobber karnage I was like who put those kaizo levels in there?? Then that day I discovered it was some kind of glitch where on ZSNESW version the barrels keep spinning but on other emulators they're how they're supposed to be and that means static. I have done a few videos about what games you shouldn't run on ZSNESW http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... bn0wQRkdmY I'm planning to add DKC2 there because of the level klobber karnage. I have completed the level in ZSNESW (it looked impossible yesterday) so I recorded how the level looks like in ZSNESW but I want to play it in SNES9x and show the difference and how the level should look like but it doesn't detect my save even though I have saved multiple times it only detects the save that I have made in first world. Any help with this??
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Re: Switching saves from ZSNESW to Snes9x

Postby Kingizor » February 24th, 2017, 10:13 pm

There should be a "save" directory in your ZSNES folder and a "save" directory in your Snes9x folder. You should only have to copy your save file from one to the other. It should have a ".srm" extension, so it would be called "DonkeyKongCountry2.srm" or something like that. As long as it matches your ROM name and it's in the proper place, your emulator of choice should detect it.
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Re: Switching saves from ZSNESW to Snes9x

Postby mitja » February 24th, 2017, 11:43 pm

Kingizor wrote:There should be a "save" directory in your ZSNES folder and a "save" directory in your Snes9x folder. You should only have to copy your save file from one to the other. It should have a ".srm" extension, so it would be called "DonkeyKongCountry2.srm" or something like that. As long as it matches your ROM name and it's in the proper place, your emulator of choice should detect it.

Can you explain it a bit more simple?? I don't have any ZSNESW or SNES9x folders but there are folders called Roms and Saves on my D drive that's where both ZSNESW and SNES9X are located. In the Saves rom there is a DKC2 save and a save from another game nothing else is there. In Roms however there are tons of folders BIOS,Cheats,Roms,Saves,Screenshots. If I got under BIOS it opens up rooms and then I have to open 7 folders called roms (they're the only folders) then I get 3 folder choices Cheats,Roms,Saves. There is nothing in cheats, in saves there is a save for a game which isn't DKC2 , and if I open the folder roms then BIOS and saves open up again there is nothing in BIOS and in Saves there is a file of the same game. Now if I go back to the main folders called Roms I go under Roms and then saves there is a DKC2 srm file and if I go back to main folder roms and then I go to saves then there is a DKC2 srm file but date is today 2Pm so I don't want that one. So help me with this I have no idea what to do.
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Re: Switching saves from ZSNESW to Snes9x

Postby Mattrizzle » February 25th, 2017, 10:26 pm

Did you configure your SRAM directory within Settings... under the Emulation menu? It is important not to confuse this with Saves, which is for savestates, not Save RAM (srm) files.
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Re: Switching saves from ZSNESW to Snes9x

Postby mitja » February 26th, 2017, 2:47 am

Mattrizzle wrote:Did you configure your SRAM directory within Settings... under the Emulation menu? It is important not to confuse this with Saves, which is for savestates, not Save RAM (srm) files.

Yes it is under Roms but what do I do now??
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