Pointless DKC Facts

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Pointless DKC Facts

Postby EvangeliKong » December 17th, 2012, 1:53 am

:!: At the second season of DKC Cartoon, tempo of the intro went faster.
There was a Donkey Kong rip-off for PC called Champ Kong.
Person who voices Diddy on DKC Cartoon also voiced Yoshi in SMW Cartoon.
Rumors tell that Donkey Kong Land was created as a "Take That" move to Shigeru Miyamoto, who bashed DKC in an interview.
There is a cancelled game called "Return of Donkey Kong?" Not much known about it, but it was going to be released on NES. This game could've possibly been a precursor to Donkey Kong Country.
Donkey Kong-like ape appears as a boss in The Simpsons Game?

Come on, come up with some completely useless but also very interesting facts people?
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby Qyzbud » December 17th, 2012, 9:12 am

The crafty Croctopus corners his crock of collectibles in Coral Capers.


Seriously though, there was a Diddy Kong ice cream on the market in Australia around the time of DKC2's release... it had game tips printed on the sticks, and I'm pretty sure Kudgel's name was misspelled 'Kungle'. :P

On the stick, some bozo wrote:"To defeat Kungle, jump when he lands and hit him 6 times with a TNT barrel."
← I think that's how it went

I doubt I have any of those sticks lying around, but I'll post a picture of the wrapper here — it's pretty cool! :)

diddykong_icecream.jpg (88.06 KiB) Viewed 26364 times

And yes — they were delicious! :D
Last edited by Qyzbud on December 17th, 2012, 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added quote from stick and scan of ice cream wrapper
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby Ribbedebie » December 19th, 2012, 5:51 am

Man, I wish I had such awesome icecreams when I was younger ;_;

I know a lot of pointless facts of the cartoon especially oh my gosh there's a reason I gotta fangirl-blog


here's my useless facts I've learned over the years heh

1. Though most people go with saying it's two seasons because of different art styles, the DKC cartoon actually spun three seasons - parts of what is commonly regarded to as the first season make up season 2 while the newer-animated one's season 3. There was also a season 4 being considered, but not much is known about it.

2. Diddy Kong's name early in development was Dinky Kong, but this was changed because of copyrights. Nonetheless, the name Dinky Kong was later used as Kiddy Kong's Japanese name for unknown reasons.

3. Similar copyrights issues arose with the music track Fear Factory, also a band around that time, which was renamed Factory Friction in Donkey Kong Country Returns.

4. Not counting the cartoon-only Kongs, Kiddy Kong, Chunky Kong, Swanky Kong, and the Jungle Beat Kongs, Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast featured all the Kong characters.

5. In the cartoon's original French dub, Diddy Kong was voiced by a kid. In the Japanese one, he was voiced by a girl.

6. The cartoon's credits in French actually show the voice actors listed next to which character they voiced, a feature woefully absent in the other dubs.

7. K. Rool is actually quite adorable. Especially in recent games.

7. Cranky in Donkey Kong Country was meant to offer hints of wherever world you visited him, but due to a bug in the game he only rattles about the first world. It doesn't matter because everyone loves the ol' Crankmeister anyway. :nicework:

8. A rather adorable feature in Donkey Kong Country Returns is that depending on with which character you defeat the final boss (DK, Diddy, or both), the ending cutscene will change, with aww-worthy results on Diddy's part!

9. The Kremlings originally were meant to be part of a different game, but Rare thought they'd fit in quite well with Donkey Kong's new jungle-filled environments... so they did.

10. In Japan, some things are never made clear - such as Tiny being Dixie's younger sister and K. Rool's personas being the same guy.

11. The guy who voiced K. Rool in the Portugese dub of the cartoon also voiced Professor Pester in Viva Piñata in that language. (if Behind the Voice Actors is right, anyhow) Funny because they're both based on games made by Rare! (and that's not even the end of it - I could swear the Dutch K. Rool also voices Dutch Seedos in the game Viva Piñata. Not sure, though!)

12. In the Dutch Donald Duck Weekblad weekly comic magazines, parodies on existing works are often name-dropped. One had a kid going bonkers over a little something named 'Duckey Kong', but the game didn't look like DK at all... oh well. Same magazine had a review of Diddy Kong Racing with a little contest where you could win a VHS tape of the cartoon as well in their now-defunct video game page once.

13. If it wasn't for Donkey Kong, there wouldn't be Mario either. And no Nintendo. Imagine that for a while.

14. Not counting the cartoon, there's two Kremlings who have names that don't start with a K: Skidda and Bazuka. (Might've missed a few...)

15. We've never actually seen DK or the Kongs eat bananas in the games... Diddy, however, is seen eating bananas and tossing away the peels in Mario Tennis on the Gamecube/Wii.

16. I'm obsessed that I know all this!
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby Phyreburnz » December 19th, 2012, 8:06 am

Ribbedebie wrote:Not counting the cartoon, there's two Kremlings who have names that don't start with a K: Skidda and Bazuka. (Might've missed a few..

You forgot Rockkroc!
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby Geno » December 19th, 2012, 12:30 pm

According to Mario Wiki, in DKC3, when you give Barter the mirror, his place will be mirrored the next time you visit him.
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby CountryFan » December 19th, 2012, 1:52 pm

Ribbedebie wrote:15. We've never actually seen DK or the Kongs eat bananas in the games... Diddy, however, is seen eating bananas and tossing away the peels in Mario Tennis on the Gamecube/Wii.

DK ate a bunch of bananas in Punch-Out Wii.
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby Ribbedebie » December 19th, 2012, 5:07 pm

Oh gosh! Alright, now I feel stupid. D'oh!
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby EvangeliKong » December 19th, 2012, 10:34 pm

Ribbedebie wrote:In the Japanese one, he [Diddy] was voiced by a girl

I know. His voice actor also voiced Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion ♥
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby Qyzbud » December 20th, 2012, 6:43 am

Phyreburnz wrote:
Ribbedebie wrote:[...] Kremlings who have names that don't start with a K: Skidda and Bazuka. (Might've missed a few..

You forgot Rockkroc!

...and Re-Koil! (simply spelled Rekoil in DKL3)

Great list though, Ribbe. :)
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby EvangeliKong » December 21st, 2012, 8:16 pm

Once again i did an investigation...

Cranky's Cabin in DKC Cartoon might be based on Treetop Town.

Only time we see Funky's eyes is in DK64, but in DKC Cartoon episode "Buried Treasure", it's possible to see Funky having red eyes beneath his glasses. Might be an error too...

Kiddy, Brothers Bears, Diddy Kong Racing-characters, KAOS, Winky, Snide, Jungle Beat Kongs, Rattly, Glimmer and Ellie are the only one-time characters to not appear as a trophy on SSBB.

On SSB, it's possible to see Necky on the background of "Kongo Jungle" stage.
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby Soniccuz » December 22nd, 2012, 5:53 pm

You can actually see Funky's eyes in the very first Country

His animation includes lifting up his shades, and mugging at the camera.

Ribbedebie wrote:In the Japanese one, he [Diddy] was voiced by a girl

It's actually a common practice in animation for young boys to be voiced by women.

Especially if it's a lengthy series.
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Re: Pointless DKC Facts

Postby EvangeliKong » December 22nd, 2012, 8:12 pm

Soniccuz wrote:You can actually see Funky's eyes in the very first Country

His animation includes lifting up his shades, and mugging at the camera.

Oh yes, I forgot he was doing that!
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