DKC songs featured in ... other DKC songs?

OK, this is similar to the other topic about real song influences, but aimed solely on songs from DKC1, 2 or 3, that seem (if not, actually ARE) based on other songs.
For example, Primal Rave from DKC2, uses parts of Aquatic Ambience, and Voices of the Temple from DKC, and maybe other songs possible.
Boss Bossanova from DKC2, is clearly a remix of Welcome to Crocodile Isle, and Jib Jig.
It's been mentioned that Rockface Rumble shares a similar tune to Mining Melancholy.
Are there any others you can think of?
For example, Primal Rave from DKC2, uses parts of Aquatic Ambience, and Voices of the Temple from DKC, and maybe other songs possible.
Boss Bossanova from DKC2, is clearly a remix of Welcome to Crocodile Isle, and Jib Jig.
It's been mentioned that Rockface Rumble shares a similar tune to Mining Melancholy.
Are there any others you can think of?