DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Blaziken257 » March 30th, 2013, 2:06 am

A couple of updates:

1. In DKC1 North American v1.1, the Star Barrel in Coral Capers is in the same place as it is in v1.0 (i.e., it's lower than some other versions). It's v1.2 that made the change to raise it by 10 pixels. (I haven't checked any other version here.)
2. In DKC3, this glitch was partly fixed in European and Japanese versions. The variation where the steel keg is on the water still works in the European and Japanese versions (in addition to the North American version), but the variation involving Koin was fixed in these versions (i.e. it only works in the North American version).
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » April 5th, 2013, 5:50 pm

Finally got around to adding this info to the main post — thanks! :D
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Raccoon Sam » September 8th, 2014, 8:45 pm

Do you guys think it would help if we did a binary comparison of all the ROMs, map the differences and reference them to a (well, non-existent at the moment) ROM map?
SMWCentral has a fantastic and comprehensive ROM map of SMW, which helped me find out differences between the US and PAL versions of the game.
I'd guess that the US 1.0 and 1.1 versions of DKC have the least differences, so mapping those out should be easiest. ;)

EDIT: Also, because we can pin-point all the level/sprite data, it would be easier to check those out between revisions too. Didn't Pot Hole Panic have a different sprite and level terrain layout in the Japanese version?
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » September 9th, 2014, 12:13 pm

That's a great idea, Sam. Having such an exhaustive record of changes would be very handy and interesting indeed. I'm not sure if such an undertaking would require multiple people/skill sets, but if so, I'm sure there'd be a few of us willing to chip in to see this get done. :geek:

Edit: I'm not sure about any Japanese terrain differences in DKC3 (I've barely explored the Japanese versions of DKC2 or DKC3 at all), but that would be fascinating!
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Blaziken257 » March 3rd, 2015, 5:47 am

I do like the idea of doing binary comparisons. It will be an ambitious project (mainly due to ROM offset documentation, and the large number of versions that exist), but it's a surefire way to find every difference, including possible differences that we haven't discovered yet. I actually attempted something like this for DKL3, comparing English v1.0 and English v1.1, but despite the large amount of internal differences, the only two actual differences I could find are the title screen and the Tundra Blunda map (and I knew about both of those before doing a binary comparison). Most of the internal differences (at least from what I could find) are due to changes in tiles used in the title screen, which caused a LOT of tiles, including unrelated ones, to be compressed differently. I should probably dig deeper though...

Second, now that the DKC (and DKL) games are FINALLY released on the North American eShop (this took way too long!), I downloaded all six games, and I can tell you which revisions the VC games use... at least in North America anyway.

  • For DKC, the Virtual Console version is based on v1.2, judging from the pausing rope bug and the inability to cut victory animations short.
  • For DKC2, the Virtual Console version is based on v1.1, judging from the tag-team behavior, the Enguarde barrel in Arctic Abyss, and the Fiery Furnace bonus shortcut being fixed.
  • DKC3 only ever had one North American version. I haven't played it much yet, but I'd be surprised if there were any changes.
  • DKL and DKL2 only ever had one North American (and European) version.
  • For DKL3, the Virtual Console version is based on v1.1, judging from the title screen and Tundra Blunda's pit at the very end of the level.

Next, as for Pot Hole Panic, I'm sure that Raccoon Sam was referring to the removed Booty Bird, and the Buzz that replaced the Kuchuka. Unless there's something else that I'm unaware of.

Lastly, I'd like to bring up the delayed sound effects bug. While it occurs in American v1.0, I am certain that it was fixed in American v1.1. I have no idea about European or Japanese versions. I'll just quote my reply in the topic that I linked to:
I realize that this thread is almost seven years old, but I have things to mention that haven't been mentioned yet.
  • First, I've heard this glitch (which I find VERY annoying, by the way) occur on my SNES cartridge, which is American v1.0. I know it's v1.0 based on things listed here (plus the sticker on the back of the cartridge doesn't have an engraved "A" on it, just two digits).
  • In addition, I have played American v1.1 on an emulator, and have not ever heard it across multiple playthroughs. Considering I always hear the bug at least once on my cartridge per playthrough, I am certain that it was fixed here.
  • Also, I recently downloaded DKC2 on the Wii U Virtual Console, and again, I have not heard it once throughout the entire game. I know that this is v1.1, again due to things mentioned in the thread covering version differences.

Due to all of this, I am certain that as far as American revisions are concerned, it only works in v1.0, and was fixed in v1.1. I have no idea what the situation is for European or Japanese versions, however. I faintly don't recall hearing the glitch in Japanese v1.1, but it's been a while since I played that.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby CountryFan » March 3rd, 2015, 1:52 pm

For DKC2, the infamous Castle Crush glitch being fixed? :rambitongue:
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Retro » July 13th, 2016, 7:32 am

I don't see this anywhere else on the forum, and this appears to be the most relevant place to post this, so here goes...

There exist another version of Super Donkey Kong (Japanese Donkey Kong Country) on the Super Famicom Box (

There is no way to tell if it's any different from either of the two revisions of Super Donkey Kong, because of sparse video coverage and MAME not supporting Super Famicom Box as of now, but it is important to consider this as a potentially new / different version than the original. There also may exist 2 new versions to consider if the version packed with Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss is different than the one packed with Super Bomberman 2.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Kingizor » July 13th, 2016, 9:22 am

Even if it's not functional in MAME yet, the known ROMs are still listed in the driver.

pss63 = DKC + Super Tetris + Bombliss
pss64 = DKC + Super Bomberman 2

The hashes for the DKC segments both seem to be the same as the common Japanese v1.1 version (3ADEF543).

I think that SFC-Box thing more or less acts like a loader, so the only unique thing from a software point of view would be the loader menu itself. Fullsnes has all the gory details.

NO$SNS is capable of emulating it providing you have all the necessary files and know what to do with them.

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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Retro » July 13th, 2016, 11:37 am

Unfortunately, my virus protection software will not let me install No$sns, otherwise I would have a look.

I was not aware that the checksums were the same. Thank you, Kingizor.

Well, I guess that settles that.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 9th, 2022, 2:01 am

In our original post Qyzbud, you forgot to mention about DKC2 v1.2. I was trying to speedrun on one of these once (didn’t know it at the time), and I figured out I couldn’t get the wrong warps to work and I wasn’t able to goal swap, also the damage boost in windy well, that in v1.0 the game would softlock, in v1.1 the game would shoot you up, in v1.2 does nothing which that was what alerted after many many failed attempt of this trick. I don’t know all of the implications of having a v1.2 rom but those are the ones that messed me up. :parry:
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Mattrizzle » October 9th, 2022, 4:51 am

Do you mean the German v1.1 of DKC2? DKC2 has no v1.2. The versions released in Germany with English and German language options are 1.0 (CRC32 checksum 4C794A4D) and 1.1 (CRC32: 2EB33785), and the rest of Europe received only v1.1 with English and French language options (CRC32: 2EA6B7E8).
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 9th, 2022, 4:53 am

Yes, I’m probably getting it mixed up, though I was very confident of DKC2 having v1.2. :parry:
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