I, for one, have fond memories playing Donkey Konga when I was 10 years old and we were poor and living in a trashy hotel in the baaad (tm) part of town. And, while the bongo motions could get exhausting, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was also a fun romp when I got around to getting that one months later. (Better than """""playing""""" with the Gamecube controller.) A shame my kid sister drew on them when she was still a toddler with a ballpoint pen.
Bring back the Bongo Controllers, I say. Just........ all I ask is that, if Donkey Konga is a thing, that they either A) Get the actual versions of the songs this time, or B) Let us have unique arrangements of songs from the games. Please, Nintendo. Please.
BETTER YET. A Rocksmith type game that teaches you how to play the bongos.

Anyway, pardon the rambling, I'm just excited to share, haha.
EDIT: And Barrel friggin' Blast is a possibility, if you look at the diagram. Don't know how I missed that, haha. (Thanks for the banana, SuperLuigi.