Scripts don't work when inserted in DKC1

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Scripts don't work when inserted in DKC1

Postby mitja » March 25th, 2017, 4:33 am

I'm using DKCRE and when I insert Blackout Basement script in Jungle Hijinxs it doesn't work. Can someone explain this and how to make it work?? Does it only work in that one level called Blackout Basement is this why is it called level specific?? I wanted to have a little fun and make all levels in the game Blackout Basement style. Altough I know boss battles wouldn't be possible to do.
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Re: Scripts don't work when inserted in DKC1

Postby Simion32 » March 26th, 2017, 10:56 am

Things like that are level-specific and won't work in other levels. They have some special code running somewhere else that is required.
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